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Raw- Rebirth

Page 23

by Belle Aurora

  “What?” laughed Dave, easily avoiding the projectile. “I’m curious.”

  And Twitch’s cheek ticked. “You are a lot of things, my man, but curious is not one of them.” He pointed at him before taking a long pull of his beer. “I know what you’re doing and I don’t like it.”

  Dave put his hands up in surrender, but he did it smirking.

  “How many?” I spoke low.

  Twitch leaned in. “Do we need to do this now?”

  I pulled away from him, speaking slowly, “How many?”

  His jaw steeled as he looked me in the eye and spoke through gritted teeth. “One.” Then he thought about it. “Half of one.”


  “Come again?” My brows arched. “Half of one? How does that work?”

  Twitch looked pissed. “Look, it was a long time ago, all right?”

  My arms folded across my chest. “Yeah, no. Let’s hear it.”

  Throwing himself back in his chair, he groaned out loud before sitting up, and uttering, “It was A.J.’s second birthday. I went out for a drink. Things were taking way longer than I hoped, and for a fuckin’ second, I gave up and decided I wasn’t coming back, okay?” He peered into me, his eyes dark and stormy. “It was three years in and I had only done about one eighth of what I needed to do. Tracking the things I needed to be tracking was harder than anticipated, and Happy—” He looked over to his friend. “—was about all the help I had. Thank you, my brother.” He pounded at his chest with a closed fist.

  Happy raised his beer to him, inclining his head.

  “So.” Twitch leaned back and lifted his ankle to rest on a prone knee. “I found a woman who—” He made a face. “—I don’t even know what she looked like. She had a pussy and that was enough. And I take her round back of this dank bar, into the alley, and push her to her knees, tellin’ her to get to work.”

  My heart ached at hearing this, but it was good he was being open. I wanted to know.

  What he said next surprised me.

  “But my cock isn’t coming to town.” My head snapped up, eyes wide, and Twitch shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s never happened before, so I tell her to back off so I can jack it.” When Julius sniggered, Twitch’s jaw tightened and he flipped him the bird. “And I’m tryin’—believe me, I’m fuckin’ tryin’. But nothing’s happening. It took me a second to realize it was not happening, so I got out of there, blue balls and all.” He looked over at me and sighed. “And that was the goddamn horrifying moment I realized I was a one-woman man.”


  Throwing a dark look to Dave, he narrowed his eyes on him. “I don’t owe you shit, but I’mma say this once, my man, so listen up.” Those soft brown eyes landed on me, and he uttered, “Fell in love with an angel at eight years old.” My heart stuttered. He went on, “Tiny little thing with big blue eyes, carrying a first aid kit half her size, dragging that shit into her neighbor’s backyard, because she saw a little boy was hurt and hiding.” His brows knitted in feeling. “An angel who tried to fix a gaping wound with a fuckin’ band-aid.”

  I wasn’t sure anyone knew this story. It was probably why I saw confused expressions all along the table, except for Julius. This wasn’t a story I shared.

  It was ours and ours alone. Our beginnings ran deep, like the roots of a hundred-year-old oak. The same oak I had carved his name into.

  The story took a turn, when he added, “Became obsessed at sixteen. By my mid-twenties, I loathed that girl. Spent a lot of time and money looking for her. Planned to do bad things to that woman, and I found her, eventually. In my thirties, did some stupid, fucked up shit trying to find an in with that girl, and when I finally did and I was all in, she smiled at me, and all I could think was ‘oh, shit. I’m in trouble here.’” He glared at Dave. “We got a history you can’t even comprehend with your suburban happiness, you jackoff. So don’t assume you know me. Don’t even assume you know her. We’re riding out the storm I created, and we’re doin’ that privately.” His eyes remained hooded as he let out a cruel smirk. “So go ahead and underestimate me, David Allen. I fuckin’ dare you. I promise you this.” His eyes softened when they landed on me, and he spoke directly to me. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  I wanted to cry then.

  This man. He was the only man who could break me, shatter my heart, and I would pick up every single broken shard and place them back into his hands.

  There was only one love like this. It was a desperate, overwhelming kind of love that made a person do stupid things and act out in ways they never deemed possible. But it was ours, confusing as it was.

  Not long after Tony’s bold statement, everyone was moving to take their leave, and when I followed the line of people out, a strong arm snaked around my waist, pulling me close. As I looked up into his eyes, he stared down at me with such an intense look of adoration that I almost came right there, in front of our guests.

  How inappropriate.

  “I’ll call you about taking A.J. for another sleepover,” Julius called out as he and Ana walked to their car. That was when a sleek black Mercedes Kompressor crept past at a snail’s pace. And when the window lowered, my gut clenched and my entire body froze over.

  Oh, no.

  She looked over at Julius, licking her cherry-red lips before blowing him a kiss.

  Oh, shit.

  But when her gaze landed on me, she widened her eyes, pulled out her hand, made the motion of a gun, and pointed it at me, calling out, “Boom, bitch!”


  I gasped loudly, stumbling backward, completely terrified and clutching at Twitch. And when her lips formed a wide, punishing smile, I knew she could feel my fear and I hated her for celebrating it.

  It all happened so quickly I wasn’t sure if I had simply imagined it.

  Twitch left my side and as he bolted to the car toward the open window, and as it crawled along slowly, Ling spoke, looking Twitch up and down meaningfully. Her tone was as seductive as the snake she was. “Death looks good on you, baby.”

  I heard Ana begin to hyperventilate, and Julius ushered her into the car while Happy rushed over to stand in front of me, his body shielding me from harm. Nikki and Dave simply looked on in shock.

  Twitch was furious, but he didn’t show it. The thing was, I felt his fury in my heart. I felt his dread. His anger seeped into the air around us. “I knew you were crazy, but you got some balls on you, Ling Ling,” Twitch uttered in false calm. “You made a mistake coming here.” The car picked up speed. “Test me. I dare ya.” He ran after it, and as it sped away, he called out, “Got a fuckin’ target on ya head now, bitch.”

  The second the car was out of sight, he spun, the veins in his neck bulging as he looked to Julius and rested his hands on his head, muttering a quietly panting, “We got us a problem.”


  No, shit, Sherlock.

  Julius nodded, his jaw tight. “Let’s go.”

  Happy stepped forward and shook his head. “No way. Something stinks here.”

  Yes, it did. “No.” I stepped forward, eyes wide, hands shaking. “None of you are going anywhere. Do you hear me?” I twisted to face Twitch. “You’re not going anywhere!”

  Ana shoved open the passenger door and stumbled out, trying to steady her breathing. Julius looked plain worn. “It’s okay. It’s all right, baby. I’ll take care of it.”

  But Ana shook her head and tried to speak. “Do— Do—” When she closed her eyes and let out a pained groan, my heart broke for her. Her trauma had increased tenfold at seeing the woman responsible for her capture and torture. She tried again, “Do you remember—” She took in a deep breath. “—what happened—” She panted noisily. “—when she separated us?” She shook her head, and cried out, “Not again!”

  Julius’s bravado seemed to falter at her words. He pulled his wife close, wrapping his arms around her and rocking her as she wept.

  Twitch also lost some steam. “Okay.” His brows lowered in thought. �
��Everyone go home.” He looked from Ana to my pale face and his lips thinned as he sighed. “Tonight is not the night.”

  But as everyone departed and Twitch walked me inside, holding my hand tightly in his, only one thought circled my mind.

  The crazy bitch knows where I live.

  Well, shit.

  That can’t be good.




  It was late, and I lay beside my angel, wondering how the fuck I’d let this happen.

  My entire time away was about wrapping up loose ends. I was careless in believing the one I left behind would know to stay away.

  I heard about Ling.

  I heard about her betrayal, about what she had done to Julius and Ana. I heard about her forceful takeover of The Dragons, the execution of her father. More recently, of the mockery she was making in the underworld.

  For the first time since their beginnings, The Dragons were now recruiting half-blood Viets. It was unheard of. The Dragons were known for their traditional values, and Ling was fucking that all up.

  Some people even said she was fucking her brother.

  Knowing Ling, I wouldn’t put it past her. She was mental and nothing was off limits.

  I knew eventually curiosity would get the better of her, but I didn’t expect it so soon. Fuck, I didn’t expect her to ever approach. The bitch made a mistake coming here tonight.

  Keeping my anxiousness to myself, I kept quiet as the woman beside me turned, snuggled close, and pressed her face into the side of my neck. Without hesitance, I scooped her up and pulled her to lie on top of me, because she needed comfort and I was working on being everything she needed.

  I’d found my religion. Lexi was my bible. And with her mercy, I would be reborn.

  My voice rough, I whispered, “You need my help sleeping?”

  Her subtle nod was all she gave me.

  And that was okay because tonight was not about me making demands. It was about giving selflessly to my queen.

  So I rolled us and peered into her damp eyes, ran my hands up her thighs, and lifted the hem of her skirt before moving backward off the bed. Gripping her ankles, I dragged her down the bed until that sweet ass rested on the edge of the mattress.

  She elevated herself on her elbows, looking up at me, wide-eyed and curious.

  My baby.

  I would do whatever I needed to keep her safe.

  Right now, though?

  I got down on my knees, spread her legs, lowered my head, and prayed.




  I heard the little monster, but I was too busy being a coward and continued to feign sleep.

  From his position, pasted to my back, the man beside me lifted his head and his voice was sleep-rough. “Hey, bud. What’s up?” He quickly added, “Don’t wake your Mom.”

  A.J. approached, and muttered, “You had a sleepover?”

  I tried hard to quell my smile, but it was difficult. He sounded so left out, our beautiful boy.

  “Ah, yeah,” he grumbled, lowering his head back down to the pillow we shared. “I couldn’t find my keys.”

  At that, I couldn’t suppress my smile. It was a good lie. One he would believe.

  A.J. sounded confused. “They’re right there.”

  Twitch lifted his head again. “Oh, what? No way.” He faked his surprise so well that my entire body shook in silent laughter, then jolted as Twitch pinched my ass, hard.

  Our son giggled. “Silly Daddy.” A moment later, “I’m hungry.”

  Twitch sighed. “Where’s Molly?”

  “In the shower.”

  I whispered, “Go feed our son,” and Twitch ran his hand over my bare hip, under the sheet. A slow, loving caress. A secret caress, just for me.

  God. I was so in love with this man.

  It was perplexing. What a contrast our previous relationship was compared to the one we had now. I was coming to realize Twitch was not as complex as I once thought. I mean, sure, he was a complicated creature, but he wore his heart on his sleeve, and when he decided he loved you, he gave all of himself. And as it were, I needed all of him.

  The night before, I had the strangest dream.

  There he stood holding a dagger in one hand, his heart in the other, and as he fell to his knees, bleeding from the gaping wound in his chest, taking his final breath, he extended his bloody, shaking hand in offering, pleading with me to take the still beating piece of him.

  I did, and when he finally perished, he did it smiling.

  When I woke with a start, hot with worry and panting, I found him in the dark and he opened his arms to me. I rested my head on his chest and listened carefully to the steady rhythm of his heart until I found peace and fell asleep again.

  “Okay, little dude. I’ll be there in a sec. Wanna put some bread into the toaster?”

  A.J. rushed out of my room, and called out, “You want some?”

  “Nah,” he called back loudly, knowing full well I was awake. He pressed his front into my back and kissed my bare shoulder as the hand at my hip trailed over my stomach, lower still until it rested just above my mound. “I already ate,” he muttered huskily into my skin, pressing his smiling lips to my flesh.

  A happy “Mmmm” was all I could respond with.

  He sure had. He ate his fill.

  I grinned into my pillow, and when I felt the mattress lift, the bed felt colder and I had to fight a pout.

  “You hungry, Mommy?” he asked as he pulled on his jeans, moving to leave the room without his tee but pausing at the door for my response.

  I lifted my head and squinted through one eye, and my heart thumped at the sight of him. God, he was gorgeous. “Yeah.”

  He watched me through lowered lids, his eyes roaming my sheet-covered body. It left little to the imagination. Then Twitch shook his head and sighed loudly. “Get up, baby, or I’m comin’ in after you.”

  A few minutes passed, and I found my underwear, pulling them back on before slipping into a bra and wrapping my silken kimono around me. I opened the curtains, letting in the morning breeze, and sat at the dresser, where I brushed my hair and pulled it into a topknot at the very top of my head. But when I saw something at my collarbone, I leaned in. When I focused on it, I brushed my hand over the purple, then rolled my eyes.

  Another hickey.

  Nice, Twitch.

  When I walked into the kitchen, to the man spreading Vegemite on toast for his son, I watched his face screw up, and when he noticed me, he grimaced. “How can you feed him this stuff? It tastes like ass.”

  “He’s been brought up on it.” I shrugged. “He likes it.”

  “It’s thick, and brown, and....” I swear, Twitch paled a little, closing the bright yellow lid and pushing the jar as far away as he could, muttering, “No, thank you.”

  “So,” I started. “You need to stop leaving marks on me.”

  But Twitch just ignored me, taking the plate of toast to the little boy in his underwear watching cartoons on the family room floor. When he returned, however, he stalked over to me with meaning. With every step he took, I was forced back one until I felt my bountiful derriere hit the kitchen cabinets, and when he had me where he wanted me, he looked down at the newest hickey. His eyes flashed a moment before he lifted his hand, resting it lightly at my neck, running his thumb over the purple redness at my collarbone.

  “Can’t you read?” he uttered, the whiskey-smooth lilt of his voice causing my body to react. “Every one of these marks is a love letter.” He peered down at me, those soft brown eyes seeing deep inside me. “You look hard enough and you’ll figure out what they say.”

  Jesus Christ. I’d never been more turned on by mere words in my entire life.

  I wanted to grip the back of his head, pull him down to my neck, and beg him for more scripture to read in my spare time.

  Instead, I ruined the moment. “What are we going to do about Ling?”

/>   His eyes darkened at hearing her name. “We’re not doing anything.” His jaw steeled, and he quietly said, “Leave her to me, angel.” At my look of uncertainty, he went on. “I’m not sure she’ll come back, but after the message I sent, she’s sure to back off.”

  “What message?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  And surprisingly, he answered me, his thumb gently running over my skin in a consoling manner. “Comply or die.”

  I think he was a little shocked when I peered around him to look at A.J. When I was sure he wasn’t listening, I kept my voice low and avoided his gaze. “I don’t want her to be given a choice.” When I met his narrowed eyes, I told him candidly, “I want her gone.”

  He blinked at me a long moment before his lips thinned. “It’s not gonna be easy. She a queen and her Dragons keep her protected. We gotta be smart. Discreet.” At A.J.’s shuffling around the family room, Twitch twisted back to look at him before turning back to me, and explaining, “A problem of her proportion might take some time to—” He thought of the word. “—disappear.”

  “I don’t care.” I put my hands to the waistband of his jeans before hooking my fingers into his pockets and gently pulling him closer. He came when called. I looked up at him, looked him right in the eye, and whispered, “I want her dead.”

  The way he looked at me then, with an admiration and respect I rarely saw him wear, made my insides quiver. He reached up to cup my cheek, and I leaned into his touch as he rumbled out, “Solid.”

  It was a compliment but completely unfounded, since I felt I was falling apart.

  And when he put his hands to my shoulders and peered down at my lips, he asked, “When are you gonna give me that mouth, baby?” The need in his voice was palpable. “I’m tryin’ to be patient, but I told you before, I’m not a saint.”

  “Soon,” I promised breathily.

  I wasn’t ready just yet, but nearly there. When I gave him my mouth, there was no going back. It was the last piece of myself I had to give, the most intimate part of me I had to give, and I wasn’t giving it up without certainty.


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