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Love Bites

Page 3

by Quinn, Cari

  “You can.” Kellan pulled out, leaving her hovering on the edge of his shaft. Then he slowly pushed deep, coaxing another climax from her, one that caused her inner walls to ripple around him.

  She moaned, fusing her mouth to his while she bucked and quaked. Shuddering, she collapsed against his chest, her body limp and beaded with sweat.

  Kellan adjusted his hold and thumbed up her chin. Her breath hissed out as he skimmed the edge of his teeth along her damp jaw. In another second, his fangs would be fully extended. There could be no stopping the reaction any more than he could halt the orgasm bearing down on him.

  An instant would be all it would take. Her blood would flow over his tongue, warming him, filling him, until he tasted her and scented her in every pore. His erection pulsed insistently. Yes, an instant. Then he’d take away the memory and she would never know.

  “Man, don’t do it,” Luke warned from the back seat. He leaned forward to brush his mouth over Syd’s temple, but his gaze was all for Kellan. “Don’t.”

  Kellan surged his cock inside her. Dammit, he needed to come. And he needed her blood just as much as he’d needed to feel her spasm around him.

  “Don’t what?” She lifted her head, making it even easier for Kellan’s teeth to access that alluring throb beneath her skin. “Come inside me? It’s okay.” Her lips lifted slyly. “I’ve been on the Pill forever.”

  Fuck Lucas. He’d do what he needed to, consequences be damned.

  He gripped her ass, lifting her until his swollen tip grazed her clit. He entered her again slowly, inching inward as her body accepted him on a warm, welcoming gush of liquid.

  Her eyes shuttered and she kneaded his stomach, goading him on. “Oh, God. Come inside me. Let me feel it.”

  He needed no further invitation.

  Kellan drove deep, rearing up to slice her skin with his fangs as his cock pumped its release. She twitched in his hold, her moans turning to screams as her sweet, slightly salty blood rained down his throat.

  Never had he sampled someone so delectable. He needed more. No amount could quench his thirst. His balls jerked as they emptied and still he drank, unable to stop, until finally he realized her pleasured moans had ceased.

  Luke grabbed his shoulder. “Goddammit, Kell, you’re killing her!”

  He ripped his mouth away from her throat, staring in horror at the wide gash he’d made. She looked like she’d been attacked by a savage. Blood soaked the T-shirt she’d never managed to get all the way off, and her cheeks had paled to the white of the moon.

  He released her and she slumped against him, boneless. Not moving. Barely breathing.

  Dear God, he had killed her.

  “She’s not dead.” Luke spoke in an even voice. “Yet. But you know what we have to do now. We have no choice. You took too much for her to heal on her own. She needs our blood.”

  Giving a human vampire blood was always dangerous. A lot was required for a change, so that wasn’t an issue. But a blood exchange scent-marked them as vampire bait and gave them some of the same powers as the vampire that fed them. In a few days, the fading vampire essence would become overwhelmed by the composition of the human’s blood, but in the meantime, their minds could not be wiped.

  It was a fine line. A little sip, memory access. A little more, the ability to alter those memories. Still more, saving the human from certain death. And then finally, with a long drink, the choice to offer them eternal life.

  But there were always risks. While the humans were riding the vampire juice, the possibility existed their memories of the bite would slip through, although the mortal would have to be extremely strong-willed. But to be safe, they had to be quarantined from other humans, lest they talked about what had occurred.

  In short, he’d just royally fucked her—and himself.

  The good news was they could fix this. After a few days passed, he would have to bite her again, but just enough for him to taste her, allowing him access to her memories. He could mind-control her marginally without the bite, but to be sure nothing remained, he would have to sample her again. That would grant him the ability to hold her in his thrall while he rifled through—and altered, if need be—her mental files from tonight.

  “Goddammit.” He was furious at himself. What had happened? How could he have lost control? It had never happened like that before.

  He stared at Sydney. Good God, was it possible? Time was of the essence, but he couldn’t move. Her blood coursed through his limbs, but at the same time he felt weightless, as if he hovered just above the earth and the moon itself could shine through him.

  His mistake had been tapping her vein. The minute her blood pheromones had washed over him, the game had changed.

  Everything had changed.

  “Kell!” Luke slapped him full in the face. “Dammit, we have to move. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Sorry. Sorry.” He shook his head to clear it. He couldn’t lose her now, not when he’d finally found her. And he would lose her if he didn’t break free from his blood-and-sex-drunk stupor.

  Luke pulled the driver’s seat back without benefit of the lever and then vaulted effortlessly into the front. He was already withdrawing the blade he always carried from his trouser pocket. “Then let’s do this.”

  Chapter Two

  Oh, God, I hurt.

  Sydney thrashed against the heavy, immovable objects holding her down. Springs squeaked beneath her as she flailed, trying desperately to make the pain stop.

  “No, no, no!”

  “Sydney!” Her cheek burned as a hand connected. Tears blurred her eyes and she flinched from the contact, but she didn’t stop bucking against the body that held her. Two bodies, she realized dully.

  Two naked male bodies.

  “Get away from me!”

  “Listen to me.” Her movements stilled with just one glance into steely eyes. She remembered his eyes. So beautiful. Tawny, like a cat’s. But even they couldn’t make the agony go away. She curled into herself and whimpered.

  “She’s still in pain. We need to give her more blood.” The voice that reached her ears didn’t belong to the man with cat’s eyes. This voice was cooler, more dispassionate.

  “If we give her more, she won’t be coming back.”

  She trembled, violently afraid. “Please. I won’t tell anyone. Let me go.”

  “We can make it stop.” Soft, raspy words and a gentle mouth brushed her temple. “We can take the pain away, darling. But you need to say yes.”

  Who was he? She remembered him vaguely, as if she’d passed him on a crowded street some months before. Then his cock brushed her stomach and she turned her head as the memories flooded back.

  They’d fucked in her car. Like animals. She’d never come so fast or so hard as she had with him, then everything had disappeared in an erotic wash of black. His mouth had been on her throat—

  She reared up in bed, screaming. “You bit me. You did this. You crazy bastard!”

  The darker one leaped on top of her, pinning her to the mattress. White-blond hair slapped her in the face as his friend gripped her hands. While the blond man fought to restrain her, she glimpsed the heavy, threatening weight of his cock.

  What were they going to do with her? Oh God, where was she? What had happened to her car?

  Terror blinded her as she tried to claw, kick, and scratch her way free. It did no good. Without breaking a sweat, they trussed her limbs to the posts of the bed so she lay exposed like a human sacrifice.

  But they weren’t looking at her nude body. They were too busy arguing with each other.

  “Christ, Kell, is your brain in your balls? I already told you what we had to do. But you wouldn’t.”

  “She has to agree.”

  A low stream of curse words reached her ears. “This isn’t like with Emily. There is no choice here.”

  The darker one’s fingertips tenderly sculpted her jaw. She couldn’t shrink back fast enough. “There is always a choice.”r />
  “Damn you and your gentlemanly ethics, Kell.”

  Ethics? Her mind screamed. Ethics? He’d fucked her and bitten her and then he’d tied her up to a bed. What the hell was wrong with them?

  “I can’t turn her without her permission. I won’t do it.”

  “So instead you leave her writhing in pain! Does that make sense? Goddammit, you got a little pussy. It’s not worth risking our whole existence for. We both know what she is to you now.”

  A long silence. “I’ll wait until our blood’s left her system and wipe her mind.”

  “There are no guarantees. If something slips through—”

  “You’re drugging me, too?” The tears pinpricking her eyes vanished in a wave of indignation. “This is why people won’t pick up hitchhikers!”

  They stopped fighting and stared at her. The darker one, Kellan—the one she dimly remembered screwing brainless—reached out again. She recoiled, sure he intended to cop a feel. Instead, he cupped her cheek.

  “Sydney, you remember?”

  All at once, it flashed into her mind. Kellan and Lucas in her car. Wanting them both. Aching for them to make her forget everything but them and the pleasure they could bring her. “Of course I remember.” She spat out the words. “You nearly split me in two with that damn tool of yours, then you decided to turn my jugular into a chew toy. What kind of sick games are you two into?”

  He moved closer and peered into her eyes. “Do you hurt? You must hurt,” he said before she could reply. “You couldn’t be free of pain without the change.”

  She started to tell him she did hurt, thank you very much, and then realized the jagged knives that had been shredding her insides had retracted. Now she felt nothing but…sore. Even that sensation was disappearing.

  “You hurt me,” she said in a clipped tone. “I hurt.”

  “No, you don’t. Not anymore. Your eyes are clear. How?” He glanced back at his friend. “How could this be?”

  “Hell if I know. I could ask Emily. She might know. Or she could look it up.”

  “No.” Kellan’s heated response whipped through Sydney as he gathered a fistful of her hair. Before she could wrench her face away, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  Their lips brushed and the strangest emotions surged through her chest. Warmth. Pleasure. Joy. Much to her astonishment, she kissed him back.

  What the hell are you doing? He’s a maniac.

  One who somehow calmed her fears, even as her traitorous system began to clamor for more of his taste. More of him.

  He rubbed his tongue against hers, but somehow she knew the gesture was intended to comfort rather than arouse. His palms cradled her cheeks as he drew back a fraction of an inch. “I was so worried. I cannot lose you.”

  Say what?

  Sydney blinked at him and then shifted to look at his companion, who only shook his head. She wet her cracked lips and swallowed, trying to moisten her throat. “Lucas?”

  He stroked a hand over her forehead. “Are you okay, Syd?”

  Tears leaked from her eyes. He sounded so compassionate, not at all like a monster. Neither of them did. Her mind must be tricking her, just as they’d fooled her long enough for her to invite them into her car. Who were they, really? Who was she? “I…don’t think so.”

  “Don’t be frightened,” Kellan murmured, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his mouth to the valley between her breasts. “We’ll take care of you.”

  “I don’t need care. I don’t need anyone.” She wanted to fight, but she was so tired. So very weak. She felt as if someone had drained her of every drop of blood. “I can take care of myself.”

  “No. Not anymore, you can’t. You won’t.” As he turned his mouth to her breast, she recoiled. But there was nowhere she could go. She was at his mercy—his victim.

  Fuck no. She wasn’t anyone’s victim. Ever.

  She didn’t speak as he closed his lips around her nipple. The first pull of his teeth made her back arch off the bed. But not in pain. Already her terror had receded. She didn’t know how or why, just that his touch had vanquished it. Only pleasure ruled her now.

  “Why?” she asked him, but he only continued to suck. He parted her thighs and slid his fingers inside her, and she only watched. Her mind had disconnected itself from her body, and nothing mattered but the nerves sparking to life under his hands.

  “Why?” she repeated, gazing at his friend now. But he, too, seemed riveted by what was happening between her legs.

  She bit her lip at the wet noises her body made as Kellan pushed his fingers in and out. Shouldn’t she be embarrassed she lubricated so readily for him? This wasn’t a normal situation. How could—

  “Oh, yes.” Her low moan shocked her, but that she thrust her hips off the bed in offering stunned her even more.

  Who was this woman? The one who had abdicated all sense to sex? Even as shock invaded her mind at her actions, she couldn’t seem to stop squirming on the bed like a bitch in heat.

  Kellan met her gaze intently. “Do you want me to lick you, Sydney?”


  “Put my tongue all the way inside you?”

  She trembled. “God, yes.”

  “Drink from your pussy until you scream?”

  Her trembles turned into raging shivers. She fought her restraints as she writhed before him. “Please.”

  His first erotic kiss elicited a swift reaction, one far from fear. She screamed while he sampled her with slow, thorough swipes of his tongue, curling the tip to draw her juice into his mouth. “You’re not sweet.” His breath inflamed her sensitive tissues. “Tangy and hot, but not sweet like your blood.”

  My blood? The question roared through her mind. So she’d been right. He had drunk from her, and somehow she was still alive. But she was a slave to pleasure, helpless to form any sounds but mewling cries for release. He pumped a finger inside her, then two, then three, his thumb circling her pounding clit while he tugged and licked her swollen labia.

  “God, don’t stop. I’m almost there. Almost—”

  “Stop?” His laughter fluttered through her neat landing strip of curls. “Not in this lifetime or any other.”

  Her hips rose off the bed. How could she come so fast? She’d awakened afraid and in pain, and now her limbs were weighed down with the liquid heat Kellan had created within her.

  She ground against his mouth and squeezed her muscles against the primal onslaught of his thick, talented fingers. “Oh, yes….”

  Soon, another mouth joined the fun. Lucas’s teeth clamped over her nipple, and she arched to offer him more. A growl erupted from the man between her legs as she panted out her gratitude. Lucas’s kisses weren’t feral like Kellan’s, but what they lacked in passion they made up with sheer thoroughness. He explored every inch of her breasts. And when the climax hit her, blazing through her core and exploding out to every cell, Lucas claimed her mouth, thrusting his tongue deep in time with Kellan’s persuasive strokes into her quivering channel.

  “Goddamn, that’s so good. Give me that tart juice.” The dark head between her thighs lapped at her as if he couldn’t get enough, and her body seemed all too willing to accommodate his request. “Coat my lips with your cream.”

  Sydney flailed against the bedsheets, moaning mindlessly. She knew she was slamming her pussy against Kellan’s face, but she couldn’t stop herself. She craved more. Had to have it. Her body already ached with the need to come again.

  Kellan continued to tongue-fuck her while Lucas kissed her and plucked at her breasts, playing with them as if they were fascinating toys. Their sensual assault went on and on until she didn’t know how many times she climaxed.

  Shudders wracked her frame and perspiration slicked her skin. Her sex tingled as if she’d been singed by a blowtorch.

  What had happened to her? She felt as if she’d left her body and floated somewhere above, looking down at where she was spread so brazenly over rumpled sheets while two men—two strangers—touche
d and licked and possessed her most intimate places.

  And she liked it. She exulted every time their hands molded her breasts or caressed her trembling thighs, and especially when Kellan sucked on her pulsing clit. Never had she felt so alive. So free. Their ministrations made the pain recede until her mind drifted into that oddly arousing black space she’d woken up from. A place where she existed without boundaries or rules.

  Where she could finally seize her pleasure in the dark.

  “More,” she gasped. She broke her kiss with Lucas, unsurprised to see that his mouth was plump and red. They’d gone at each other like wild things. She’d bitten him who knew how many times, and he’d returned the favor until her lips had gone numb. His kisses were amazing, but there was something else she needed more than even Lucas or Kellan’s enthusiastic tongues. She needed those two powerful erections that were waiting for her to reciprocate her lovers’ ardent attention.

  “I want a cock in me.” She swung her gaze to Kellan where he crouched between her thighs, and took in the rapturous sight of his damp mouth.

  “Two cocks,” she added, defiance clear in her tone. She knew he’d argue with her, even though this had been their idea in the first place. But his mine, mine, mine! attitude emanated from his pores as much as the sensual leather-and-spice scent she knew she’d forever associate with him. “Can you handle that?”

  “Better question.” Kellan crawled up the bed, hand by hand, as slowly as a big jungle cat. His erection brushed the triangle of pure sensation between her legs and she cried out, but he didn’t move to rectify the situation. He just smiled that sexy, confident smile that had wrecked her world the first time she’d laid eyes upon him at Pastry ’n’ Joe. “Can you handle it? Two cocks ripping you apart, stroke by stroke?”

  He scissored the sharp edge of his teeth over one nipple, then the other as his fingers tangled and pulled on the curls guarding her mound. Tingles erupted deep in her breasts, sizzled like sparks in her sex.

  “Lucas in your pussy and me in your ass? Is that what you want, Sydney?”

  “Why do you get to pick?” Lucas muttered. “Shouldn’t she get to say whom she wants where?”


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