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Love Bites

Page 4

by Quinn, Cari

  “He’s right. It’s my choice.” Sydney arched against her bonds and squeezed her legs together, trapping Kellan’s cock between them. He was so hard and hot her skin actually burned from the contact. He hissed out a breath as she rubbed her abundant wetness against him. While his amber eyes flared gold with arousal, her nipple hardened to a desperate peak under his teeth. He was so beautiful and so sure of himself that she didn’t know if she wanted to screw him until they both passed out or make him watch while she rode his friend. He almost deserved it.

  “Then choose.” His breath rasped like sandpaper against her breast. “Now.”

  “Hmm, maybe it’ll take me a while to decide. Sure you don’t want some more of this?” She leaned up to gyrate her hips against him, ignoring the pull in her wrists. Whatever they’d bound her with held her in place, but the fabric didn’t abrade. With a little finagling, her lips brushed his earlobe. “All my juice gushing over you? Slick and steamy, hugging your dick—”

  “Choose.” He growled the word, his eyes singeing her with their intensity. Searing and dangerous, they threatened her with a sexual torment she’d never known before. And oh, how she craved it. “Before the choice is made for you.”

  Sydney tossed her hair as his mouth tightened. Pissing him off was almost as fun as having sex with him. Almost. “Guess you can have my back door.”

  “Can I now?” He reached down between their bodies and wedged three fingers inside her, grinning as she twisted underneath him. When those coated fingers slipped out to probe between her cheeks, she gasped. Without warning, he inserted one deep into her ass. A second followed before she could acclimate to the first. Damn, everything about him was big. “Sure? Don’t want to scare you.”

  “Scare me?” She blew a sweaty strand of her hair out of her eyes. Though she’d had anal sex before, his exploration hurt a bit. He wasn’t taking time to be careful, but she wasn’t about to let him in on her sensitivity back there. “Dream on, vampire.”

  The change in his expression clued her in to how right she was. Shit. She hadn’t consciously been thinking that they were vampires—how could they be—but now that she’d said the word, she could think of nothing else. Except vampires weren’t real. So she had to be imagining things. Maybe she’d conjured this whole unfathomable night.

  Kellan wasn’t the one who spoke next. It was Lucas.

  “What did you just call him?” The blond man fisted a hand in her hair and turned her face toward his. His bright blue eyes glowed eerily. “What did you just call him?” he repeated when she remained silent. “Goddammit, I asked you a question!”

  “Nothing.” Her fear returned with twice the intensity. God, she must be right, as impossible as it seemed. Her throat clogged with an acrid taste, and her eyes blurred with unshed tears. “I didn’t say anything. Let me go!”

  “See, Kell, she didn’t forget any of it. You thought her memories would be hazy, but no.” Lucas glared at her. “Crystal-clear recollection.”

  “With all your fussing, no wonder.” Kellan stroked his free hand down the curve of her cheek as if she weren’t using all her might to try to buck him off her. Not that it mattered. She didn’t so much as jar his position. “Do you believe in vampires, Sydney?”

  “No.” She wouldn’t cry, not in front of them. At least the crazy desire she’d experienced had dissolved in a flood of adrenaline. She couldn’t think when she was in that insane sex thrall. Nothing had ever gripped her like the passion she’d felt mere moments ago. “They’re a myth. Like werewolves and ghosts and—”

  “And everything else you stupid humans don’t understand.” Lucas swung off the bed and stalked over to the mini-bar she only now noticed in the corner of the room. He popped the cork on a decanter, and then splashed pale brown liquid into a short glass. “Narrow-minded fools, the lot of you. Sheep. Too blind to see what’s right in front of your faces.”

  “Don’t mind him,” Kellan said, rolling his eyes as he pulled his fingers free from her ass and shifted onto the bed beside her. “He’s dealing with a persnickety human female of his own and tends to fall into these brooding moods when reminded of that fact.”

  Sydney didn’t speak. Barely even breathed. But her gaze pingponged between them—between Lucas’s angry, pinched countenance and Kellan’s relaxed, almost sanguine one—as if she were watching a down-to-the-wire match at Wimbledon.

  Had she somehow wandered into another dimension? One where sexy-as-hell vampires ruled? Vampires who mostly acted normal until they were pushed?

  Well, then there was that biting thing. Which she hadn’t even minded before she passed out, come to think of it. The shock that her hitchhiker lover was sucking her blood aside, of course.

  “Christ, Kell, why don’t you tell her our goddamn life history?”

  “It doesn’t matter. In a few days, our blood will be out of her system, anyway. Then I will ensure her memory bank is empty.”

  “I’ve never trusted that supposed fail-safe method. Besides, we both know you’re going to change her. You have no choice after what happened.” His voice quieted. “We both know what it means.”

  “Don’t tell me what my choices are.”

  Change her? Did that mean what she thought it did? She’d read a couple vamp books in high school, and—

  “Oh, hell no. You’re not making me one of you.” She pressed her butt into the mattress and tried to make herself smaller, as stupid as that was. Kellan looked upon her with a benign expression, as if he’d expected no less. “Not that I believe you’re really anything but men with…” She racked her brain. What was that term from her college psych class? “Oral fixations.”

  Kellan smirked and drew his fingertip down the dripping seam of her cunt. “The only oral I’m fixated on involves your gorgeous pussy.”

  Sydney struggled not to squirm as he leisurely fingered her. She cast a quick look at Lucas, who stood at the mini-bar tossing back his drink. His dick was still hard, but he didn’t appear to have Kellan’s interest in finishing things.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Kellan said, using his free hand to comb through her snarled hair. “He’ll stop sulking eventually.”

  “Sulking?” Lucas snapped his glass onto the bar. “That’s what you call my very valid concern that your pursuit of some ass—literally, in this case—will most likely expose our entire lifestyle to scrutiny? And our people to extinction?”

  “Your people? There’s a whole bunch of you freaks who like to suck neck?” She tried to keep her voice steady, but between her rising terror and the stirring of passion from Kellan’s touch, she couldn’t manage the task. Especially when his lazy strokes turned into another session of oral exploration.

  She braced her heels on the bed and lifted her hips as the first tremor stole through her. God, was he planning on eating her until she fainted again?

  “I see where your priorities lie, Barstow.” Lucas strode toward the bed, his sky blue eyes blazing. She’d glimpsed a similar expression on Kellan’s face, but Lucas had struck her as the more easygoing one. What she’d seen of him before the last few moments hadn’t led her to believe he could look as lethal as he currently appeared.

  Then again, she didn’t know him. Didn’t know either of them. And that included the man who always stuffed her tip jar after their nightly exchange of sexy glances and now stuffed her sex with his tongue.

  Her pussy clenched and she bit her lip to stop the scream. Could she actually come again? She’d never had so many back-to-back orgasms in her life.

  But Lucas apparently wasn’t content to watch any longer. She braced when he strode closer to loom over her, but he only loosened the binds at her wrists and ankles.

  “You’re letting me go?” she whispered, surprised she had enough breath left to form the words. She was panting so hard her ribs threatened to shatter.

  His lips twisted as he cocked a brow at his friend, who’d yet to divert his attention from his feast. “Don’t think he’s willing to let you
go anywhere, my sweet.”

  At Lucas’s comment, Kellan tugged her labia between his teeth. Her head thrashed against the pillow as her clit pounded, warning of her imminent release. She grasped her breasts in her freed hands, squeezing them to quench the need inside her. Her muscles ached from the position she’d held while in her bounds but her arousal overcame everything. Her last trickle of fear—of self-preservation—had evaporated at the first brush of Kellan’s magical mouth on her body.

  She didn’t want to escape him, though she knew her very life might be in jeopardy. But how could she want to leave someone who brought her to the peak so effortlessly? Somehow, even in the midst of this crazy, unreal situation, he offered her more ecstasy than she’d ever experienced.

  Then he drew his head away.

  “No. Dammit, no.” She reared up in bed and seized his hair in her hands, dragging his face to hers with a strength she’d never known she possessed. Their mouths crushed together, tongues thrusting, hands roaming. In the midst of her sex-drenched haze, she felt herself being shifted onto her knees, trapping her between Lucas’s and Kellan’s hard, warm bodies.

  She didn’t know much about vampires, but weren’t they supposed to be cold? They sure didn’t feel dead, and they definitely didn’t chill her as their chiseled torsos brushed against her, front and back.

  “Your skin….” She gasped the phrase into Kellan’s mouth. Of the two men, his flesh was hotter by miles. “It’s warm. So warm.”

  “Passion is the only thing that heats us. Otherwise we’re as cold as the blood that runs in our veins. But here, with you, you give us some of our life back.” He thumbed her hair away from her cheek and nuzzled her ear. “Let us have you.”

  His sudden mood shift from ardent and aggressive to sweetly loving jolted her. She shivered as both men rubbed their cocks against her in a slow, persuasive grind.

  “You can have me,” she whispered into those sizzling golden eyes, helpless to answer any other way.

  Her back arched as two more hands joined in the fray, cupping her butt and then her breasts, touching her as brazenly as Kellan did, but with much more finesse.

  She didn’t want finesse. She wanted fucking. Crazed, mindless, feral. And they were going to give her just that.

  Both of them.

  Kellan parted her thighs, already drenched with her moisture, and surged inside her. He captured her nipple as she cried out, biting down so hard that her body jerked.

  “God, fuck me.” Sydney sank her teeth into his corded shoulder while her hands sought to caress every inch of his damp back. Muscles tightened and flexed under her touch, and his cock twitched as he rolled his hips to seat himself deeper. She needed so little, just a few hard strokes, before she started to come. “Yes. Just like that.”

  Her arousal coated him as he lifted her and rolled until he was on his back. She straddled him, grateful he was beneath her to support her as she rocked herself into oblivion. Her inner walls clamped around him as another orgasm ripped through her. She fell forward onto his chest. “Don’t stop.”

  “Never.” He took her face in his hands, searching her eyes as another erection prodded the crease between her ass cheeks. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She fought to swallow. To breathe. Captured in the intensity of his gaze, she felt as if she were breaking apart.

  Kellan slid out and reentered her slowly. Too slowly. Her throat locked, her moans erupting only when Lucas reached around her to tweak her sore nipples. She bit down on a cry. Oh, yes. Finally. She’d been waiting for this. Two men pleasuring her. Loving her.

  Lucas’s hand traveled down her sweat-slicked stomach to her pussy. He dampened his fingers and slid them into her back channel. She panted through the pain, then the pleasure as he smeared her wetness around her narrow passage.

  “Oh, fuck.” Kellan groaned as she clenched even more around his shaft, vising tight. “You feel…exquisite.” Perspiration streaked down Kellan’s temples, pearled on his cheekbones. “It’s never been like….” She gloried in his gasp. “This.”

  Lucas wet his other hand and used her liquid excitement to slicken his shaft before he pushed the swollen head of his cock against her rosette. She cried out, but didn’t stop riding Kellan. Even as the man beneath her tangled his hand in her hair and drew her mouth roughly to his, she thrust back against Lucas, encouraging him to inch farther in.

  More. She needed so much more.

  “Goddamn, you’re tight.” Lucas’s voice broke. “You feel so good.”

  But when she attempted to pull away from Kellan’s lusty kisses, he gripped her shoulders, unmercifully lifting her up and down on his erection. “Look at me. Me.” Again he kissed her, exploring her mouth with the same unchained need she’d felt from him while he ate her pussy. “Only me.”

  She whimpered, but only because the ache from Lucas’s stiff length was already morphing into ecstasy. More moisture bathed her channel, flowing over Kellan’s hard-on. He quickened his pace as Lucas did the same, both men groaning.

  She reached back to grip Lucas’s tight ass to pull him even deeper. The three began to move as one, skin slapping, cocks sliding in and out in unison as her nails scored whatever flesh she could reach, hard enough to draw blood.

  “You can feel him,” she whispered against Kellan’s lips.

  He nodded tersely, his features taut and slick. “I feel him. Feel you more.”

  Her gasps rose in time with their thrusts. “Feels so good. Yes, harder.”

  Her inner tissues burned with friction and her heavy breasts bounced against her chest. Each time they entered her, her body made the most deliciously erotic sounds she’d ever heard. And their raw groans, Lucas’s against her ear and Kellan’s into her mouth, fueled her arousal.

  Nothing had ever felt this amazing. Nothing.

  Sandwiched between them with Lucas’s lips grazing her neck and Kellan suckling her breasts, she bucked, her mind awash with flashing pinpricks of light and her body caught in a never ending shudder. She raised herself up, slicing each man’s skin with her nails while she struggled to hold on, to keep from simply disintegrating in a puddle of senseless desire.

  On and on, they pounded into her. Front, back, expanding, thickening. Filling her. Making her whole.

  “Oh, baby.” Kellan rubbed her clit in frantic circles. “I’m gonna blow.” He flexed his torso, rippling his stomach muscles as he pumped into her. His cum jetted deep, scalding her agonizingly sensitive tissues.

  Her body blazed with life, with the thrill of this moment, a moment that should have felt dirty and wrong, but felt so very right. And then she was climbing again, her arousal lubricating Kellan’s short, insistent strokes.

  Lucas gasped, his erection jerking with each of his thrusts. His breath blew hot over her neck. “So close, sweetheart. Squeeze me just a little more—”

  Then he grabbed her hips, heaving so far into her that her whole body shook as he shouted out his release.

  Groans erupted in the air, rising into a chant in her mind. “More! Take more.”

  Kellan banded his arms around her as the man behind her slid out of her body. She closed her eyes at the sudden emptiness, but then Lucas was holding her hair, lifting it off her shoulders and neck. Somehow she understood what he was doing, and she wanted what would happen next.

  She wanted all of it.

  Sydney flung her head back and fought not to shake with need as lips circled her throat. Teeth—fangs—landed, piercing her flesh. She moaned as Kellan started to suck, drawing deep. Taking more, just as she’d begged them to do.

  Nerves danced under her skin, and her nipples beaded. Every sense heightened. The noises their bodies made as she and Kellan moved together seemed to get louder and the colors of the room stood out in sharp relief. Greens, browns, golds. She smelled sweat and the musk of their joint releases, a shockingly arousing fragrance, and tasted the bitter tang of blood as she bit down on her own tongue. Oh God, she was coming again, just f
rom the pull of his teeth.

  Her head lolled against her shoulder. The light show behind her eyelids faded along with the wet sounds of Kellan drinking her dry. But she wasn’t scared. She wanted to be this weightless and dizzy. Free. Finally, she was free.

  “Sydney. Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes one more time. Kellan lifted his head and she saw his bloody lips peel back, revealing gleaming white fangs streaked red.

  Then he lowered his mouth to her neck….

  Chapter Three

  Sydney turned her head against the pillow. Scents pelted her. Sweat, sex, Kellan’s delectable cologne. Leather. Musk.

  “Mmm.” She sighed in pure female satisfaction.

  She extended her arms above her head. Her skin was so warm and loose, her body limp. Sunlight heated the backs of her eyelids, but she didn’t want to wake yet. First, she intended to enjoy just being.

  Everything seemed so loud. She could hear birds chirping in the trees and her own heartbeat, along with that of another, but the sounds soothed rather than annoyed.

  She rubbed her cheek against the silky pillowcase and smiled. Maybe she’d died, and this was her heaven.

  If so, no one would ever make her leave. She was home.

  “You’re so lovely, Syd.”

  Her smile deepened. Kellan. The heartbeat she’d heard, thrumming so close to her own. He was beside her in the bed, his arm draped over her waist and his feet tangled with hers. Comfort in the form of a six-foot, hungry animal of a man who fucked like a stallion.

  Her pussy dampened. Maybe even heaven could get a little better.

  She opened her eyes to see him stretched out at her side, his head on his arm.

  “How long have you been watching me?” she asked.

  His mouth curved. “Not nearly long enough.”

  Her fingers crept over the tendrils of dark hair on his pecs, scraped lower to trace that meandering trail to where he was already hard. She closed her hand around his cock, noting the purple vein that snaked along his shaft. He was thicker than Lucas. Paler, too. His skin had a sheen like fine marble, save the darker head of his erection.


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