For Lust of Knowing
Page 50
Nazi Party, 170, 234–6
Nazm al-Jawhar, 95
Neoplatonism, 68
Nestorian Christianity, 57, 75
17th century, 84, 101–4
18th century, 126–7
19th century, 174
20th century, 199–200
Netherlands, imperialism, 113
Nevo, Y. D., 271
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 159
New Testament
Arabictranslation, 120
Christian corruption, 40, 326
Persian translation, 181
New York, 9/11 attacks, 308
New York Review of Books, 299, 301
Nicaea, Council (325), 20
Nicholas of Cusa, 57, 58, 66, 72, 73
Nicholson, Reynold, 243
Nicholson, Roderick Alleyne, 83, 151, 207–9, 296
Nicolay, Nicolas de, 63
Niebuhr, Carsten, 132, 133
Nietzsche, F. W., 149
al-Niffari, 244
Nizamiyya madrasa, 39
Nöldeke, Theodor, 185, 197–8, 202, 207, 214, 217, 283, 287
and Arabic literature, 197–8, 212, 246
Prussian nationalism, 197, 198
Qur’an, chronology, 197
Norden, Frederick Ludwig, 131
North Africa
Arab conquest, 19
French colonialist policy, 228
Noth, Albrecht, 187, 270, 274
Nouvelle considerations sur le caractère générale des peuples sémitiques (Renan), 167
Nouvelles asiatiques (Gobineau), 173
Novum Organum (Bacon), 83
Nusayris, 145
Nyang, Suleyman, 325
Oakeshott, Michael, 263
Observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables trouvées en Grece… (Belon), 63
Observer, The, 308
Ockley, Simon, 99, 118–20
Odyssey (Homer), 154, 209, 210
Oedipus Aegyptiacus (Kircher), 107
Old Testament
Hebrew language, 90
stories, evolution, 194
Olearius, Adam, 131
On Airs, Waters and Places (Hippocrates), 17
On Indian Calculation (Al-Khwarizmi), 28
Onomasticon Arabicum (Caetani), 203
‘On the Development of the Hadith’ (Goldziher), 195
‘On the Orientalists Again’ (Tibawi), 319–20
optics, Arabic treatises, 28–9
Opus de emendatione temporum (Scaliger), 77–8
Oration on the Dignity of Man (Pico della Mirandola), 58–9
Oratio pro linguae Arabicae professione (Pasor), 91
Order of Things, The (Foucault), 284
culture, 160–61
objective existence, 288
representation, Western monopoly, 3
schematization of, 285–6
Western hegemony, 293
16th century, 76, 80
17th century, 76, 80, 82–3, 94
Britain, 80, 87–9, 94, 101
Netherlands, 84, 87, 101–4
18th century, 82–3, 101, 118
decline, 128–9
France, 3, 114–17, 128
Germany, 127, 130–31
Netherlands, 126–7
Russia, 113, 129–30
19th century, 146–7, 180
Britain, 159, 176–7, 180
France, 142, 145, 146, 148, 150
Germany, 146–7, 148, 150, 153, 156, 179, 185–7, 188
Netherlands, 174
Russia, 150, 157–8, 158
20th century, 188, 196
Britain, 3, 237–9, 240–41, 253, 258, 265–6
First World War and, 214–15, 217
France, 227, 228
Germany, 198, 201, 234–6
Netherlands, 199–200
Algiers conference (1905), 221
amateur, 275
anti-colonialism and, 228
Arab criticism of, 310–22, 320–1, 325–30
Catholic, 104, 223, 225–6, 228–9
chronology of, 284–5
Cluniac, 282, 284
contemporary prejudices in, 288
discourse of, 3, 253, 290–91
formation of, 253
and imperialism, 3, 147, 204, 229, 309, 324
Islamist criticism of, 310–22
journals, 146–7
Khomeini on, 314
Latin publications, 287–8
learned societies, 146–7
Leiden, 101, 104, 190
Leiden Conference (1883), 169, 257
Marxist Islamist criticism of, 322–5
meaning of term, 5–6
origins, 3, 6–7, 299
Paris Conference (1873), 147, 190
Protestant, 102
as reified ’Other,’ 291
Said on, 3
Wanderjahre and, 205
Western, influences on, 150
Orientalism, Islam and Islamists (Faruqi), 325
‘Orientalism and the Study of IslamicPhilosophy’ (Mahdi), 329
‘Orientalism in Crisis’ (Abdel-Malek), 324, 325
‘Orientalism Reconsidered’ (Said), 283–4, 287
Orientalism (Said), 126, 281–2
criticism of, 254, 256–7, 299–304, 309
Gibb in, 282, 296, 297, 298
Gobineau in, 170
influence, 276
Lane in, 282, 295
on leading centre for Orientalism studies, 286–9
Lewis in, 259, 262–3, 282–3, 290
Lewis’s review, 301–2
obscurity in, 289
problems of, 3–4, 282–6, 293–4
Renan in, 166, 282, 287, 290
Vatikiotis in, 264
Orientalism (Sardar), 326–8
‘Orientalist,’ use in English, 5–6, 159
Orient d’une vie, L’ (Miquel), 258
Orient et Occident (Guénon), 315
Origin of Isma’ilism, The (Lewis), 259
Origins of Muslim Jurisprudence, The (Schacht), 249
Orthodox Church
iconoclast movement, 22, 23
union with Rome, 57, 58, 65
Oslo peace agreement, 305
‘Other,’ concept of, 5, 10–11, 291, 324
Ottoman Empire, 60, 286
16th century travellers in, 110–11
break-up, 215
decline, 110, 112, 133
imperialism, 285
Out of Place (Said), 278, 307, 308
Owen, Roger, 245
Oxford University
decline, 117–18
Oxford university
decline, 177–8
Laudian professorship, 93, 97, 99, 100, 177, 209, 210, 211, 266
Oriental studies, 178–9
teaching of Arabic, 47–8, 90–92, 93, 94, 177–8, 266
Padua University, and Averroism, 57
Paganini, Paginino de, 75
Pahlavi family, 312
Painting in Islam (Arnold), 218
Palestine, Crusader, 37
Palestine Exploration Fund, 180–81
Palestine Liberation Organization, 260, 264
Christian Arabs in, 305
Palestinian National Council, 306
Palmer, Edward, 162, 180–82, 183, 204, 209
death, 182
languages, 180
Palmyra, kingdom of, 18
Arabicprinting, sponsorship, 75
compared to Islam, 49
and Maronite Arabs, 80
reform, medieval campaign, 49
Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society (Barenboim & Said), 308
Orientalist Conference (1873), 147, 190
teaching of Arabic, 47–8
Parzival (Eschenbach), 152
Pasor, Matthias, 91, 93
Passion d’al-Hallaj
martyr mystique de l’Islam (Massignon), 222–4
Pattison, Mark, 178
Paul, St, 55
Péguy, Charles, 225
Pensées morales des Arabes (Galland), 115–16
Pentateuch, 187
Persepolis, 12
Persian Empire, 11, 60, 70, 286
Persian Grammar (Lambton), 207
Persian language, 99, 122, 162, 206
Arabicelement, 160, 207
imperialism and, 113, 125, 160
Persian literature, 113, 151
Persians, Greek attitude to, 10, 11
Persians, The (Aeschylus), 11–12
Pest, University of, 191
Peter I, the Great, Emperor of Russia, 129–30
Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, 18, 24, 26–8, 71, 282
Petra city, 18
Petrarch, Francesco, 55, 56
Petrushevsky, I. P., 229, 230
Philip, emperor of Rome, 18
Philip II, king of Spain, 74, 80
Philip IV, king of France, 151
Philips, Cyril, 218, 219
19th century, 149
First World War and, 215
German, 213, 274
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Newton), 83
Philosophus Autodidactus (Pococke), 97, 119
Picatrix, 30
Pico della Mirandola, 58–60, 66, 69, 80
Picot, Georges, 222
Piers Plowman (Langland), 49
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 83
Pius II, Pope (Aeneas Sylvius), 57, 60
Plague, The (Camus), 313
Plantin, Christophe, 74, 80, 81
Plataea, battle (479 BC), 11
Pococke, Edward, 7, 81, 88, 93–7, 104, 108, 128
coffee-drinking, 97
as Laudian professor, 94
as Levant Company chaplain, 93–4
Said and, 282, 287
Poesas Asiaticae Commentarii (Jones), 162
poetry, see also Arabic poetry magical aspects, 194
Politics, The (Aristotle), 16–17
Pollock, Sheldon, 301
Polo, Marco, 62
polyglot Bibles, 73–4, 95–6
Pompey’s Pillar, Alexandria, 163
Pope, see also Papacy as Antichrist, 72
Porta Mosis (Maimonides), 94
Port Royal Abbey, 141, 143–4
Postel, Guillaume, 64, 66–71, 74, 78, 80, 102, 285
cabalism, 66, 68, 71
Eastern travels, 67
as first Orientalist, 6, 53, 66, 284
insanity, 68
Orientalism, 69–71
patriotism, 68–9
on Protestantism, 70
Postmodernism, Reason and Religion (Gellner), 303
Preaching of Islam, The (Arnold), 218
Prester John, 50
Prideaux, Humphrey, 100, 119
Principi di una scienza nuova (Vico), 279–80
printing, Arabictypeface, 75, 76, 84, 93, 137
Prison Notebooks (Gramsci), 290
‘Problems of Orientalists, The’ (Algar), 318
Prodromus ad refutationem Alcorani (Marracci), 105
Prolegomena ad Homerum (Wolf), 154
Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels (Ewald), 185
Prolégomènes d’Ebn Khaldun: texte arabe (ed. Quatremère), 149
and Islam, 86
rise, 70
Proverbia Arabica (Scaliger), 77
Proverbs (‘Ali), 128
Psalter, polyglot, 75
‘pseudo-Waqidi’, 119
Ptolemy, Claudius, 29, 34, 92
Purchas, Samuel, 62
Pyramidagraphia (Greaves), 92
Qadisiyya, Arab conquest, 19
al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (Avicenna), 32, 33, 75, 128
Qarafa cemetery, Cairo, 225
qasidas, 213
al-Qazwini, 40
Quatremère, Etienne-Marc, 148–9, 174, 176
Quatre premiers livres des navigations et peregrinations orientales (Nicolay), 63
Quellenkritische Studien zu Themen, Formen und Tendenzen frühislamischer Geschichtsüberlieferung (Noth), 270
Question of Palestine, The (Said), 300, 305
Questions of Abdallah ibn Salam, 27
19th-century interest in, 180
Arabic learnt from, 78
beauty of, 46
biblical tradition, perceived dependence on, 268
chronology of Suras, 197
on collaboration with Orientalists, 326
critical study, 94
Crusaders and, 36–7
as divine revelation, 26, 310, 316, 318, 321, 327–8
English translation, 120–21, 181
final text, 269
foreign influences on, 194
French translation, 104–5, 121
Jesus in, 22, 38
Jewish influence on, 57, 155, 230, 269
John of Damascus on, 23
al-Kindi on, 24
knowledge of, 113
Latin translation, 26–8, 70, 71, 105–6, 121
medieval commentaries, 153
medieval copies, 48
Nestorian influence, 57
Paradise in, 21
printed, 71–2, 75, 76, 87, 143
Russian translation, 130, 231–2
Sura of Joseph, 225
translation, 26–8, 48, 70, 71, 104–6, 120–21, 327
Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation (Wansbrough), 268–9
Quraysh tribe, Mecca, 202, 208, 267, 326
Qutb, Sayyid, 314, 316–18
Rabat, Nasser, 292
Race and Color in Islam (Lewis), 260–61
Race and Slavery in the Middle East (Lewis), 261
racism, 19th-century Europe, 173–4
Racolta de Navigazioni et viaggi (Ramusio), 62
Rahman, Fazlur, 245, 292, 328–9
Raimondi, Giovan Battista, 75, 81
Raimundo, Archbishop of Toledo, 26
Rameses II, 133
Ramusio, Giambattista, 62
Ranke, Leopold von, 155–6, 188
Raphelengius, Franciscus, 71, 74, 79, 84, 101–2
Raymond, André, 298
Recherches sur l’histoire et littéraire de l’Espagne… (Dozy), 175
Reeland, Adrian, 126
Reig, Daniel, 146
Reiske, Johann Jacob, 116, 127–8, 143, 291
Relation d’un Voyage fait au Levant (Thévenot), 110
in culture, 294
totemisticstage, 184
Rémusat, Jean Pierre Abel, 125, 150
Renaissance, European, 54
Renaissance orientale, La (Schwab), 125, 282
Renan, Ernest, 166–70, 172, 224, 255, 294, 311
at Collège de France, 168
on German Orientalism, 287
de Goeje on, 191, 269
Goldziger on, 167, 169, 194, 291
languages, 166, 167, 169, 175
personal appearance, 167–8
on race, 174
racism, 166, 168, 170, 173, 193–4, 295–6
Said on, 166, 282, 287, 290, 295
Republic of Fear, The (al-Khalil), 293
République marchande de la Mecque vers l’an 600 de notre ère, La (Lammens), 202
Res Ipsa Loquitur: History and Mimesis (Wansbrough), 269
Revue des Deux Mondes, 169
Rhinoceros (Ionesco), 313
Rhodes, Turks invade (1522), 60
Richard, Francis, 105
Ricoldo da Monte Croce, 18, 52
knowledge of Islam, 38–9, 45–6, 328
Ring of the Dove (Ibn Hazm), 40
Risala (al-Kindi), 24, 26–7
Road to Mecca (Asad), 314
Robert of Ketton, 26–8, 71, 121
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 97, 119
Rodinson, Maxime, 137, 197, 202, 255, 267, 283, 298
anti-colonialism, 228, 255
and Massignon, 225, 291
Roemer, Hans Robert, 274
Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law (Crone), 249–50
Roman Empire, Arabs in, 17–18
Romania, Turks invade, 60
Romanticmovement, 159
Rome, as centre of Islamic study, 74
Römische Päpste im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, Die (Ranke), 155
Romulus, calendar, 78
‘Roots of the Muslim Rage, The’ (Lewis), 262
Rosen, Baron Viktor Romanovich, 153, 158, 217, 229, 230
Rosenberg, Alfred, 170, 234
Rosenthal, Franz, 149, 236, 245, 248–9
Rosicrucians, Oriental origins, 151
Ross, Sir Edward Denison, 206, 212, 217–18, 296
Royal AsiaticSociety, 124, 146, 147, 212, 275
Journal, 146, 147, 211
Royal Court of Moneys, Paris, 142, 145
Royalism, and interest in Arabic, 92, 94
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (FitzGerald), 162
Rückert, Friedrich, 125, 152, 198, 213
Ruines, Les, ou meditations sur les revolutions des empires (Volney), 135
Russell, Alexander, 121–2, 164
Russell, Bertrand, 29
Russell, Patrick, 121–2
Asian empire, 130, 192, 229
expansion, 158
imperialism, 113
Orientalism, 129–30, 287
18th century, 113
19th century, 150, 157–8, 158
Soviet, 229–33, 324
Tabriz, atrocities, 206
universities, German dominance, 157, 158
Ryan, Sir Andrew, 206
Ryle, Gilbert, 303
Sacy, see Silvestre de Sacy, Antoine Isaac
al-Safadi, 312
Safavid empire, 60, 70
Said, Edward, 3–4, 5, 277–9, 324, see also Orientalism (Said)
on Bonaparte’s interpreters, 137
and canonical tradition, 289
at Columbia, 250, 279
on Council of Vienne, 48
debate with Lewis, 302–3
and discourse, 3, 289
education, 278–9
on European frontier, 10
Hourani on, 254
and Indo-Aryan languages, 124
influences on, 279–80, 282, 289, 325
and Massignon, 256
and music, 277, 308
and Orientalism, 3, 281
on Oxbridge, 178
rejects terrorism, 306
Rodinson on, 256–7
Sardar on, 328
secular humanism, 294, 300
youth, 278–9, 307
Said ib Bitriq Eutychius, Patriarch of Alexandria, 95
Sailibi, Kamal, 292
St Andrews university, 178, 179
St Joseph university, Beirut, 201
St Petersburg
AsiaticMuseum, 157–8
Oriental Institute, 157
Oriental manuscripts, 130
St Sabas, Monastery, 23
Saint-Sulpice, Seminary, 166
Saladin, Ayyubid Sultan, 42, 43, 213, 241, 242
Saladin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Lane-Poole), 213
Salamanca university, teaching of