For Lust of Knowing
Page 51
Arabic, 47–8
Salamis, battle (480 BC), 11
Sale, George, 99, 100, 105, 106, 118, 120–21
Salisbury, Edward Eldbridge, 213–14
Sanskrit culture, 156–7
Sanskrit language, 124, 161, 162
Sanskrit studies, 113, 125
German domination, 113, 148, 156, 287, 293
grammars, 156
Saracens, 20, 213
Sardar, Ziauddin, 52, 300, 326–8
Sarre, Friedrich, 215
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 228
Sasanian Persians, 19, 171, 172
Satires (Juvenal), 18
Sauvaget, Jean, 215, 216
Savile, Sir Henry, 76, 85, 91–2
Scaliger, Joseph Justus, 71, 73, 76–9, 102
and chronology, 77–8
on language, 77
at Leiden, 79, 101
and Postel, 77, 78
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 76
Scarborough Committee (1944), 238, 265
Schacht, Joseph, 245, 249–50, 269, 319, 322
and Encyclopaedia of Islam, 190, 241
Said and, 250
Schaeder, Hans Heinrich, 235–6, 248, 273, 274, 329–30
Schefer, Charles, 217
Schimmel, Annemarie, 235, 236, 273–4
Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 125, 156, 198
Schlegel, Friedrich von, 156, 198, 293
School of Oriental Studies, Jerusalem, 271
School of Oriental Studies (later Oriental and African Studies), London University (SOAS), 240, 258, 268, 319
origins, 217–19
staff, 217, 218–19, 241, 244, 260, 264, 265
student radicalization, 261
Schultens, Albert, 104, 116, 126–7
Schwab, Raymond, 125, 170, 282
science, Islamic, 28–30, 55
Scot, Michael, 35
Scott, Sir Walter, 8, 213
Sea of Virtues, 40
‘Second Critique of English-speaking Orientalists’ (Tibawi), 319–20
Second World War (1939–45), British Orientalism in, 237–9
Secreta Secretorum, 31–2
Sectarian Milieu: Content and Composition of Islamic Salvation History (Wansbrough), 269
Selden, John, 90, 95
Semiticlanguages, 224
Sentences (’Ali), 84
September 11 attacks, 2001, 308
Sergius, 20
Serjeant, R. B., 238, 321–2
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence), 217, 280
Seventh Seal (film), 313
Seven Years’ War (1756–63), 112
Severus, Emperor of Rome, 18
Seymour, M. C., 50–51
Shafi’ite law, 249
Shahnama (Firdawsi), 123
Shalhoub, Michael (Omar Sharif, pseud.), 278
Shariati, ‘Ali, 314
Sharif, Omar (pseud.), 278
Shelley, P. B., 133
Shi’ism, 172, 205, 242
Isma’ili, 227, 256, 259
political importance, 260
prejudice against, 223–4
Shu’ubiyya movement, 194, 311
Siger of Brabant, 35, 42
Silvestre de Sacy, Antoine Isaac, 7, 103, 128, 141–6, 149, 152, 172, 179, 198, 213, 283
on Arabian Nights, 156
and colloquial Arabic, 135–6, 137, 141
conspiracy theories, 145, 151
influence, 148, 150, 153, 157, 159, 192
languages, 135, 142
Renan and, 166
Said on, 282, 295
Sinai Desert, 281
Sinai Peninsula, topographical survey, 180–81
Sivan, Emmanuel, 272
Six Day War (1967), 281
Slane, Baron de, see McGuckin, William, Baron de Slane
Sluglett, Peter, 245
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 318, 323
Smith, William Robertson, 169, 182–5, 186, 193, 198, 218
at Cambridge, 183–4, 209
and Encyclopaedia Biblica, 185, 189–90
and Encyclopaedia Britannica, 183
racism, 173
SOAS, see School of Oriental Studies (later Oriental and African Studies), London University
Société Asiatique, 124, 142, 146
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 164
Socinian sect, 86
Soirées de Saint-Petersbourg (Maistre), 220
Sokal, Alan, 288, 289
Sourdel, Dominique, 215
Sourdel-Thoumine, Janine, 215
Southern, Richard, 20, 47, 48, 327–8
Southey, Robert, 124
Soviet Union, see also Russia
Muslim territories, 324
American colonies, 62
Arab conquest, 19
Islam, Christians and, 24–6
Sparrow, John, 118
Specimen historiae Arabum (Pococke), 95
Speculum Historicum (Vincent of Beauvais), 52
Spivak, Gayatri, 300
Sprenger, Aloys, 150, 187
Standard, 182
Stark, Freya, 218
Stern, Samuel, 253, 273
Stoker, Bram, 192
Storrs, Sir Ronald, 209
Strabo, 18
Strauss, David Friedrich, 154
Study of History, A (Toynbee), 149–50
Suez Canal, 182, 281
Sufism, 45–6, 171, 200, 205, 224, 235, 242, 274, 291
Suleiman, Yasser, 292
Suleiman the Magnificent, 60
Summa contra gentiles (Aquinas), 35–6, 327
Summa Theologica (Aquinas), 327
Sunni Islam, 145
evolution, 242
Shafi’ite law in, 249
superiority, 40
Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes, 175–6
Sykes, Mark, 222
Arab conquest, 19
Crusader, 36, 37
Hamdanid era, 37
Mamluk empire, 60
post-First World War, 222
Umayyad, 25, 216
Syrie du Nord à lépoque des Croisades, La (Cahen), 254
System or Condition of the Muhamedan Religion (Kantemir), 130
al-Tabari, 155, 186, 191
Tabriz, Russian atrocities, 206
Tacitus, 209
Taj al-‘Arus, 165
Talisman, The (Scott), 8, 241, 286
al-Tantawi, Muhammad’Ayyad, Shaykh, 158, 164, 165
al-Tanukhi, 211
Tarikh al-Hind al-Garbi, 62
tarjumans, 110–11
Tartary, vegetable lamb, 50
taxonomy, Said on, 293–4
Tel el-Kebir, battle (1882), 182
Theatrum orbis terrarum (Orteliius), 74
Thenaud, Jean, 63
theology, Arabic studies and, 85–6, 94, 109
Thermopylae, battle (480 BC), 11
Thesaurus linguae arabicae (Raphelengius), 79, 89
Thévenot, Jean de, 110, 133
Thomas Aquinas, St, 35–6, 327
Thousand and One Nights, The, 43, 45, 105, 114, 116, 143, 164–5, 214, 244, 245, 258, 324, 329
Calcutta I, 160
Three Orations Against the Calumniators of the Holy Icons (John of Damascus), 23
Thucydides, 209
Tibawi, A. L., 267–8, 292, 319–22, 323, 325
Tibi, Bassam, 245
Times Literary Supplement, 303, 304, 306
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 170
To Jerusalem and Back (Bellow), 264
Toledo, as centre for Islamic study, 26, 27–9, 32, 101
Tolkien, J. R. R., 215
Tornberg, Johann, 159
Torrey, Charles Cutler, 214
To the Finland Station (Wilson), 252
Tott, François, Baron de, 133, 134, 138
Toynbee, Arnold, 149–50
Tractatus de Statu Saracenorum (William of Tripoli), 38, 52
travel literature, rise, 50–53, 62–4
Travels (Ibn Jubayr), 179
Trinity College Dublin, 179, 213
Trojan War, 13
True Nature of Imposture fully display’d in the Life of Mahomet (Hyde), 100
Tübingen university, 154
al-Tughrai, 128
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 133
Turkish language, 78, 102, 113, 122, 192
Turkish scholars, access to Western publications, 240
Turkish studies, lack of, 110
Turks, fear of, 109–10
Turner, Ralph, 218–19, 240
Turris Babel (Kircher), 107
typeface, Arabic, 75, 76, 84, 93, 137
Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indien (Schlegel), 156
Ullmann, Manfred, 33, 274
Ulugh Beg, 92, 99, 128
Um Kulthum, 308
Umayyad caliphs, 22, 23, 25, 186, 187, 202, 208, 286
Unitarianism, 86, 291
United States
Middle East policy, 307
Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 247, 275, 302
National Defense Act (1958), 245
Orientalism, 213–14, 244, 245–6, 292
Arabic studies, 47–8, 85
reform (1870s), 178
retrenchment (1970s), 265–6
Scottish, 178
and teaching of Arabic, 90–92, 97, 266
Untergang des Abendlandes, Der (Spengler), 235
Ussher, James, 73, 77
Uyun al-Akhbar (al-Qutayba), 235
Valla, Lorenzo, 55
Valley of Diamonds, 50
Vámbéry, Arminius, 191–2, 291
Vathek (Beckford), 8
Vatican II (1962–5), 226
Vatican Library, Arabic manuscript collection, 65, 74, 80
Vatikiotis, Panayiotis J. (Taki), 258, 264–6
Veda, 234
Vedanta, primordial nature, 315, 316
Venice, centre of Islamic study, 74
Venture de Paradis, Jean-Michel, 138
Venture of Islam, The (Hodgson), 250, 251
Verdi, Giuseppe, 8
Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend Griechischen, Lateinischen… (Bopp), 156–7, 167
Verinnerlichung, 221
Vichy Regime, 228
Vico, Giambattista, 279–80, 282
Victoria College, Cairo, 278
Vie de Jésus (Renan), 168
Vie de Mahomet (Boulainvilliers), 116–17, 118
Vie de Mahomet (Gagnier), 118
Vienna, Turks besiege, 60, 109
Vienne, Council (1311–12), 6–7, 9, 47–8, 284, 324, 328
Vincent of Beauvais, 52
Virgil, 42
Volney, Constantin-François de
Chasseboeuf, comte de, 134–5, 136
Voltaire, Jean-Marie-Arouet, 12, 117, 121
Vorlesungen über den Islam (Goldziher), 195
Vossius, 93
Voyage en Egypte et en Syria (Volney), 134, 136
Waardenburg, Jacques, 196
Wade, Thomas, 157
Waley, Arthur, 157
Wallis, John, 101
Walpole, Horace, 117
Walzer, Richard, 250, 253
Wansbrough, John, 250, 268–70, 329
al-Waqidi, 119
Warburg, Aby, 15
Warton, Thomas, 5
Watson, Major C. M., 177
Watt, William Montgomery, 197, 202, 267–8, 283
Weber, Max, 199
Wehr, Hans, 239, 265
Weijers, Hendrik, 174
Weil, Gustav, 153, 155, 163
Weiner, Justus Reid, 307
Weiss, Leopold (Muhammad Asad, pseud.), 314–15
Wellhausen, Julius, 185–7, 194, 195, 202, 218, 270, 283, 287
and Gobineau, 172
historical method, 187
Wensink, Arent Jan, 190
West Bank, Israeli occupation (1967), 281
Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages (Southern), 47, 48, 327–8
West–östlicher Divan (Goethe), 235, 295
Wheelocke, Abraham, 96, 98, 99
White Mughals (Dalrymple), 159
Wickens, G. M., 244
Wiet, Gaston, 215
Wild, Stefan, 274
Wilhem von Bodensele, 52
Wilkinson, John Gardner, 163–4
William, Archbishop of Tyre, 36
William, Canon of Utrecht, 52
William of Newburgh, 50
William of Tripoli, 38, 52
Wilson, Horace Hayman, 161, 162
Wittek, Paul, 268
Wolf, Friedrich August, 154
Words and Things (Gellner), 303
world, chronology of, 77–8
World of Islam, The (Bartold), 230, 321
Wright, William, 103, 179–80, 181, 182, 183, 204
at Cambridge, 166, 178, 179, 204
Wüst, Walther, 234
Wyclif, John, 49
Xanadu, 62
Xenophon, 16
Xerxes I, king of Persia, 11, 12
Yale University, Arabicand Sanskrit Chair, 214
Yapp, Malcolm, 252, 258, 306
al-Yaqut, 211
Yazid II, Umayyad Caliph, 23
Year Amongst the Persians, A (Browne), 204, 205, 296
Young, Brigham, 211
Young, G. M., 176–7
Yuhanna ibn Mansur, see John of
Damascus, St Yusuf ibn Abu Dhaqan, see Abudacnus
al-Zahiri, Khalil, see Khalil al-Zahiri
za’irja, 64
al-Zamakhshari, 115, 153
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 148
Zend-Avesta, 125
Zij (astronomical tables), 28, 92, 99
Zimmerman, Fritz, 31
Gibb denounces, 297
Said and, 306
Zohar, translated, 66
Zubda Kashf al-Asrar (Khalil al-Zahiri), 138