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Page 12

by Shameek Speight

  “Fuck you and him, Caesar!” Lisa said while rubbing her cheek. “If you don’t tell him soon, I’m going to tell him.”

  “Calm the fuck down. I’ll tell him soon as I’m ready. Right now, we’re making too much money to fuck up our business and friendship over your pussy. Lisa, let’s keep it real. You know you’re with him for the money and me too. And if you open up your big mouth before I get everything straight, your ass will be out on the street with no place to live or no money because you want to mess it up. Do you understand?” Caesar asked.

  Caesar saw Lisa’s eyes and knew his words got her to thinking. Lisa didn’t want to go back to the projects and knew Caesar was right. She and Ace would start fighting and she would lose her house and the money. She wanted to run the streets, not live on them. “All right, Caesar. I’ll do it your way for now.” She got up out of the car and slammed the car door. She walked around the corner up to her new house Ace just bought her. Caesar pulled off shaking his head thinking that he had to do something to that bitch, but headed home thinking of the pussy he was going to go home to and that he really wanted.

  Chapter 33

  Ace pulled up to his house as soon as the sun begun to rise. It was a long night watching the block and making sure those young niggas were hustling as he counted the money. He got out of his car and shut and locked the door. A thousand things were running through Ace’s mind as he made his way to the front door of their new house.

  Every time he called Lisa that bitch wouldn’t answer. He even called at ten o’clock p.m. and kept trying for an hour straight still no answer. He even tried to call Caesar at ten o’clock too and he didn’t even answer. But soon as eleven thirty came around Lisa picked up the phone and then Caesar called him back. He never understood why he couldn’t get those two at the same time when he was out working.

  Ace was wondering why his mind

  was tripping by putting thoughts in his head, but something didn’t feel right. Ace entered the house. He made up his mind that he was going to ask Lisa what she was doing last night. She was probably sleeping that’s all.

  He just needed to believe that. She wouldn’t mess with my men. She was a good woman and loved Ace. He was the one out there all day or night long making the money. She probably thinks he’s out there fucking. He just needed to stop thinking because he didn’t want to push Lisa away by being paranoid.

  When he walked in the door, he could hear moans in the bedroom. He ran back to the bedroom and opened the door and yelled, “Lisa, what the fuck are you doing?”

  He jumped back in shock as he

  watched Lisa hanging from the ceiling by a rope on her feet. Her whole body was wrapped with the rope. Ace pulled out his 9mm and looked around and didn’t see any one. “Baby, what happened?” he asked Lisa.

  Just then the door shut behind him and Black Ice stepped from behind it and put the barrel of his 44 revolver to Ace’s head and said, “Hey Ace.”

  Ace’s body went in shock as he felt a chill run down his spine. He knew that voice to well and he knew his life would soon be over. “Ace, drop the fucking gun and go stand next to your bitch” Black Ice said. Ace dropped the gun and walked over next to Lisa who was still hanging in the air.

  He turned around and looked into black Ice’s eyes. “He….he….hurt our babies, I heard them screaming.” Lisa said to Ace crying. “He came in here from their room with blood all over his hands.”

  Ace felt pain in his heart and stomach and wanted to rush Black Ice with everything he had. “You hurt my children?”

  Ace yelled with tears in his eyes.

  “No, Ace I didn’t hurt your boy.

  Now, shut the fuck up. See I know you would have never crossed me without someone putting thoughts in your head. So, I blame your bitch and Caesar.” Black Ice said.

  Ace swallowed. He knew what Black Ice said was true. “But, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill you. I was going to kill Lisa, but she deserves something worse than death. Scandalous bitches like her always do. I made her smoke crack all night and you already know what that means.” Black Ice started getting in to Ace’s head.

  Ace looked at Lisa’s face that was upside down and could see the glassy look in her eyes. “Why did you do that, why?”

  Ace asked.

  “Because that bitch is a slut, tell him how long you have been fucking Caesar.”

  Black Ice said to Lisa.

  Ace felt as his heart was about to be crushed. “Talk bitch or I will put a bullet in your head.” He said to Lisa.

  Lisa sniffed and said, “I have been fucking with Caesar for three years. I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry.”

  “What the fuck you mean you’re

  sorry? Your sorry you been fucking my man for three years?” Ace said and punched Lisa in the ribs. He punched her over and over out of rage. Lisa cried in pain trying to apologize to Ace.

  “Yo, that’s not the best part. I watched this bitch give him head last night in his car and then followed her to the house.

  And then we have been getting to know each other really well. That bitch fucked me and told me where you stashed your money bags. She told me it was you and Caesar’s idea to kill me and then begged me not to kill her. Tell him bitch. Tell him what I want you to tell him.” Black Ice said to Lisa.

  “No. No. He’ll fuck me up.” Lisa said.

  “Bitch, if you don’t tell him. I’ll fuck you up.” He said.

  Ace looked back and forth at Black Ice and Lisa wondering what else they could say to break his heart even more. There wasn’t too much more he could take. He wanted Black Ice to kill him so the pain in his heart would stop.

  “Talk bitch.” Black Ice demanded.

  Lisa cried and said, “Our youngest son, Mark, ain’t your son. He’s Caesar’s son.”

  “What!” Ace yelled not believing what he just had heard. “No.”

  “That not your son. I just lied to you.” Lisa cried.

  Ace now understood when Caesar

  would buy things for Mark and not Ace’s other son. Ace’s mind flashed back to the day his son was born. Caesar was there and was just as happy as Ace was or even more.

  It was all coming clear now. A stream of tears ran down his Ace’s face. ‘No! No!’ he moaned as he buried his face in his hands.

  Black Ice leaned his head back and started to laugh and enjoying Ace’s pain. In a blink of an eye, Ace dove for his 9 mm on the floor. Black Ice stopped laughing as soon as he saw what Ace was doing, but it was too late. The gun was already in Ace’s hand. Black Ice squeezed the trigger of the 44 bulldog revolver. The bullet tore into Ace’s stomach knocking him back, but not off his feet. Black Ice fired two more shots hitting Ace in the chest. Ace gasped for air and dropped down to the floor clenching his chest. Blood was pouring out of his mouth.

  Black Ice watched as Ace choked on his own blood.

  Ace rose his 9mm. Black Ice was about to shoot him again, but was surprised at what he saw. Ace wasn’t pointing the gun at him. Ace was pointing the loaded 9 mm gun towards Lisa’s temple. Lisa tried to wiggle, but was stuck upside down in the air.

  She watched Ace cough up. “No!” Lisa yelled as he pulled the trigger twice. The bullets pierced her skull sending pieces of skull and brain flying all over the room. He made a gasping sound and collapsed dead on the floor.

  Black Ice thought that was some shit like it was a scene from a movie right in front of his eyes. He regretted taking his eyes off Ace. He wanted to make Lisa a crack head as death was too good for her.

  He put his gun back in his waist band and walked out of the bedroom with a bag full of Ace’s money and walked into the children’s room and came out with another bag. Black Ice walked out of the house heading for his next victim.

  Chapter 34

  Detective Roy pulled up to the crime scene. He heard it on the radio and knew it could only be the work of Black Ice. He had an A.P.B. out on Black Ice so every cop in the city was looking for him. And here he was ba
ck in Brooklyn. Detective Roy steeped out of his black Crown Victoria and looked at all the uniform cops surrounding the house. Detective Roy flashed his badge and made his way up to the house. At the door he met a uniform cop name, Bob, who was in charge of the crime scene. “Hi, how are you doing detective?”

  “I’ll be better once I get the bastard that did this.” Detective Roy replied.

  “Do you think it’s the same guy you are looking for?” Bob asked.

  “We’ll see.” Roy replied. They walked in the door. “Shit this is a nice house.” Roy said out loud not meaning too.

  “Yea, it’s nice what you can get with drug money.” Bob replied. Bob walked him through the living room. Roy saw a young black lady officer consoling a young boy, not more than five years old. Roy looked at the boy in the lady’s arms who was crying and kept repeating, “I saw him! I saw him doing it!” The little boy kept repeating those words in between breaths and tears.

  Roy knew it was the victim’s son as he walked back to the master bedroom.

  “Shit!” he yelled as he saw the bodies still in the same place while the officers were collecting evidence. He walked in and looked at the woman hanging by her feet from the ceiling with her had blown in half and pieces of brain were scattered all over the floor. He looked down at the dead man.

  “I need to turn him over.” Detective Roy said to the officers.

  “Okay. I think they got most of the evidence.” Bob replied.

  Detective Roy put on some clear gloves and bent down to turn over the body.

  He looked at the hole in the man’s chest then his face. “This is one of Black Ice’s men.

  So this here has to be his work.

  “There is something else I have to show you. Follow me.” Bob said.

  Roy followed Bob into a room that looked like the children’s room. He entered the room and looked in the middle of the floor and began to vomit at the sight of what he saw. Roy ran out of the room, through the house, and out the door. Bob followed him out of the house.

  “Shit that monster.” Roy yelled. His hands shook as he couldn’t believe what he saw. He reached into his pocket to pull out a cigarette and lit it.

  “I know how you feel. I did the same thing when I first saw it too.” Bob put his hand on Roy’s shoulder.

  “That was not human like. He’s a monster.” Roy said.

  Detective Roy began to think of that dead man’s name. He arrested him once. “I got to go back to the precinct and look up some information. Thank you for your help Bob. I think I got a lead that I have to follow.”

  “Alright, I’m glad I could help you in any way. I hope you find this animal. The boys and I are on standby whenever you need us.” Bob said to Roy. Roy jumped back into his black Crown Victoria and pulled off.

  Chapter 35

  Black Ice couldn’t believe how easy it was to pick the lock on the door. He slowly opened it and quietly entered. He gently shut the door. He pulled out his 44 bulldog revolver and held the black bag over his shoulder. He made his way through the apartment. Black Ice could hear the sounds of love making. The moans and groans grew louder and louder as he made his way closer to the bedroom.

  “Yes daddy! Yes! Fuck me.

  I……you.” The voice of a woman moaned.

  Black Ice could hear the woman’s voice. It was a voice that was very familiar to him. He slowly pushed the door open and watched the man’s back that was turned to him pound and hump away at a woman from the back. Black Ice felt a déjà vu moment as he kept watching. His body stood paralyzed at what he saw. His heart began to race and could feel the rage rise from his toes to his head. He walked over to the bed and smacked Caesar with the butt of the revolver sending him flying to the floor. Caesar laid there in pain while holding his head.

  The woman looked back to see what happened and what she saw sent chills down her spine as she broke down in tears.

  “Bitch, why is it every time I find you your ass is up in the air? All this time I have been looking for you and you have been here with this fool? I see you’re not smoking crack as much as you used too.

  You got thicker Roxy.” Black Ice said with his devilish smile.

  Roxy looked in Black Ice’s eyes and all what felt was coming back to normal in her life was just draining out of her body.

  Black Ice faced Caesar and said, “You grim mother fucker. So, you are behind my woman? Is this why I couldn’t find her?

  You did always want Roxy, but she never wanted your ass. So, you took her when she was weak. Its ok my friend. You can never keep your dick in your pants.” Black Ice said.

  Caesar removed his hands from his head and looked at the blood. He knew he needed to reach for his gun up under the bed or he surely was going to be a dead man. “It was Ace’s idea to cross you and that bitch, Roxy, came on to me.” Caesar lied.

  That night that Black Ice killed those two men over at Roxy’s apartment and Caesar and Ace had to clean the mess up and get rid of the bodies in the ocean. Caesar dropped Ace off and went back to Roxy’s apartment and talked to her. He promised her that he would hide her and take care of her. So, he moved her in his apartment and one thing led to another. Then they became lovers. She slowed down on smoking crack, but she still got high just not as much.

  Roxy couldn’t believe what she heard Caesar say. She knew Caesar was afraid of Black Ice like everyone else, but not a punk.

  Now she knew he was.

  “Fool shut the fuck up. Roxy only did it because she was scared of me and thought like a fool that you would protect her.”

  Black Ice laughed.

  Caesar tried to ease his hand under the bed to reach for his gun. Black Ice jumped on him and began pounding him with blow after blow to the head. “You think I’m stupid?” Black Ice hollered.

  Those words were the last words Caesar heard before he lost consciousness from Black Ice’s beating to his head. Black Ice looked at Caesar. He put his hand under the bed and pulled out the 45 handgun Caesar was trying to reach. He got up and turned towards Roxy.

  Roxy was crying and lying on the bed covered with a sheet. She was still there to Black Ice’s surprise. “Why didn’t you try to run?” Black Ice asked in a confused tone.

  “What’s the point? You’ll just find me again.” Roxy said in between tears.

  “Well your right about one thing.

  There is no point of running because I will get you. But, you don’t have to worry about me trying to find you again.” Black Ice raised the 45 handgun he found under the bed and pointed it at Roxy.

  “Wait, wait…..I’m carrying your baby.” Roxy yelled.

  “No one is carrying my baby.” Black Ice said and pulled the trigger twice. The first bullet entered Roxy’s chest knocking her back in to the head board of the bed.

  The second bullet entered her head and she slumped over dead. Without any hesitation, Black Ice tied up Caesar’s body and hauled him to his car and took off.

  A half an hour later, Caesar woke up and couldn’t move. He looked around and his hands were tied and his knees were tied up to his chest. His body was stuck in a small spot. He saw Black Ice looking down on him. “I see you are up. You cross the wrong mother fucker and now you’re going to pay. Oh yea. I stopped and paid a visit at Ace’s house.” Black Ice snickered.

  All Caesar could do was think of his son and hoped that he was all right. “I’m going to throw you in the ocean Caesar. You will die slowly like a rat that you are. It will give you plenty of time to think. Oh yea.

  There’s a knife, flash light and a few other things in this bag for you to buy your time.”

  Black Ice said as he thru the bag in the barrel with Caesar. Black Ice lifted the barrel lid and put it on top of the barrel.

  Everything went dark for Caesar. He tried to move, but couldn’t there was no room. He squirmed around since he was tied up. He felt the barrel fall over and roll, bumping him over and over until he heard a splash.

  Black Ice watched the b
arrel sink deep into the Coney Island Ocean and smiled. He got in the car and pulled off.

  Caesar began to panic not knowing what to do it was pitch black. He couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. He felt for the bag that Black Ice threw in there with him. He found the opening of the bag and felt around inside of it. He felt something like rubber and wet. He felt the knife and the flash light.

  He felt the barrel hit the bottom of the ocean. He turned on the flashlight. His hands and arms were covered in blood. He calmed down and realized it wasn’t his blood. He looked around and knew he was fucked. His legs hurt from being stuck so close to his body. He looked to see where the blood was coming from. It wasn’t coming from him. He also wanted to see if there was something in the bag to help him break out of the barrel. Then he thought if there was something he’d probably die trying to swim to the top. But, he had to try to do something. He reached in the bag and again felt wetness. He pulled out something that felt like rubber. His eyes grew wider as he held what looked like a child’s arm with his hand still attached to it. “What the fuck?” He dropped the arm and it fell on him with no other place to go. He again reached in the bag and felt something that felt like a rock. He put the flash light down and put his other hand in the bag. He pulled out the hard object. “AHHHHHHHH!!”

  Caesar screamed and screamed as tears streamed down his face. He screamed for 15 minutes straight until the batteries in the flash light died. He continued to scream in the dark with the object on his knees with no other place to go. The last thing he would see was his son’s head with his eyes opened looking at him.

  Chapter 36

  Detective Roy was on his way to Caesar’s apartment on Pennsylvania Avenue in Brooklyn until he heard a call on the police radio, “Shot’s fired. Shots fired at 1324 Pennsylvania Avenue.”


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