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Page 13

by Shameek Speight

  “Shit that is where I’m heading. Damn.”

  Detective Roy said and stepped his foot hard on the gas pedal. He turned the sirens on.

  He prayed he wasn’t too late to catch Black Ice. He pulled up to the four story apartment building. He hopped out of his car. There were uniformed cops coming in and out of the building. Detective Roy walked up to one that was at the door.

  “What do we have here?” he asked while flashing his badge.

  “Well sir, it looks like someone broke into an apartment and shot a lady twice.

  “What? Were there any men in the apartment?”

  “No sir, but the neighbors said they heard voices of two men screaming before the shots went off, but that’s all we can get out of them. We know that apartment is in the name of Caesar Rosse. There was some crack, some paraphernalia, and a few guns.”

  “Okay. What about the woman?”

  “She was rushed to Brookdale

  Hospital. She was unable to talk. I don’t think she’ll make it. Man, I wonder what kind of a person would shoot a pregnant woman.”

  “What was she pregnant?”

  “Yes about eight months pregnant.”

  “What was her name?” Detective Roy asked while pulling out a pad and a pen from his coat pocket.

  “Roxy Walker.”

  “Thank you officer” Detective Roy said as he walked away.

  He hopped back in his car and pulled out a cigarette. It wasn’t a man that shot a pregnant woman. It was the devil he thought as he pulled off. His stomach tightened up as he remembered what he saw at Ace’s house in the children’s bedroom.

  There was a child of a three year old body that was missing his head and an arm. The voice of the five year old little boy that was left alive in the house saying repeatedly that he saw the man do it rang in Detective Roy’s mind. He knew now what the little boy saw.

  He saw Black Ice chopping his little brother up in pieces.

  Detective Roy headed to Brookdale Hospital in hopes to find another lead to Black Ice. Still the voice of the little boy kept ringing in his ears and made him feel sick to his stomach.

  Chapter 37

  Michael has never been so happy in his life. Everything was going right for once. He got to feel what it felt like to be a normal child. He and his mother Rachel and her cousin Janet with her boyfriend spent the day at the movies in the mall. “Damn it’s been a good day.” Rachel said as she entered the house with Michael on her side followed by Jane and Jay Jay.

  “Come on little man. Let’s go watch some TV while the women cook.” Jay Jay said to Michael.

  “Oh yea, well tomorrow is the day for the men to cook. I just hope you don’t burn the hot dogs.” Janet said. And Rachel and Janet burst out laughing followed by Jay Jay and Michael’s.

  Michael and Jay Jay walked to the living room and plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. They flicked through some channels until they found a movie.

  Rachel was putting the butter on the rice and staring at it and said, “Janet I have to thank you. You saved our lives more than you know.”

  “Rachel, you don’t have to thank me.

  We’re family and you saved yourself.

  Changes come from within and you changed you.” Janet replied.

  “But, still thank you. I needed to get away and you were there for me.” Rachel said while tears rolled down her face. She tried her best to hold them in.

  Janet walked over to her cousin and gave her a big hug. Rachel hugged her back and they just held each other for a while.

  “Rachel I never told you, but I know you and Black Ice had something to do with Brian being killed. I’m glad it happened because I still have nightmares of what he did to me.”

  “Well it’s over now, Janet. He’ll never touch you again. Come on girl. Let’s finish cooking so we can feed these boys.

  Shit we’re in here getting all emotional.”

  Rachel said and the both giggled and started cooking again.

  A half an hour later, dinner was served on the table. They all sat down and prepared to start to eat. “Hold up let say a prayer.” Rachel said. They all folded their hands, closed their eyes, and bowed their heads. Michael squeezed his mother’s hand tight and loving. “God, Thank you for the many blessing you have given us and for keeping us strong when we felt weak. I beg and ask you that you continue to bless us with you grace. Thank you for this wonderful meal. Amen.”

  “Amen.” They all said in unison.

  Michael watched every one for a minute and began to eat. He finally felt as if he was part of a family.

  “Janet, I’m thinking of taking some of the money I have and put a down payment on a house around here. I like it out here.

  Would you help me?” Rachel asked.

  “Of course girl, you didn’t have to ask and it’s about time. If you’re ready, I’d really like for you and Michael to stay and live with me. It makes the house feel as if it has more love in it. Michael grinned from ear to ear hearing the news.

  “I also want to go back to school. I need you to help me with that too.” Rachel continued.

  “Not a problem Rachel.” Janet replied as she was stuffing her mouth. Just then the doorbell rang several times in a row.

  “Damn, who could that be at the door at this hour? Jay Jay, baby, do you mind answering the door for me?” Janet asked.

  “Not at all, baby.” Jay Jay stood up and left the dining room and headed for the front door. He opened the door. “Yea, can I help you?” Jay Jay said.

  Back at the dining room, Janet

  continued her conversation with Rachel.

  “Yea, Rachel there are some good schools out here for you and Michael.”

  “I can’t wait to get started and get my life back on track.” Rachel said. Michael watched the two women talk while he ate his chicken and swung his feet that couldn’t reach to the floor yet.

  “Damn, I wonder what’s taking that man so long to answer the door.” Janet asked about Jay Jay.

  Just then Jay Jay entered the dining room. “Baby, what took you so long? Your food is getting cold. Who was at the door?”

  Janet asked as Rachel and Michael watched Jay Jay and wanted to know too. Rachel noticed Jay Jay’s jeans were wet right at his crotch area. The stench of urine made its way through the house. “Baby, did you pee on yourself?” Janet asked looking down at his crotch then back up to his face. She noticed his face was covered in sweat. Jay Jay didn’t say a word.

  “Well, well, well...” A voice said coming out of the hall and entering the living room with the barrel of a gun pointed at Jay Jay’s head. Chills ran down Rachel’s spine as she knew that voice all too well.

  She looked up and fear was written all over her face.

  “I see my family is doing well, hey Junior.” Black Ice said looking at his son.

  Michael’s heart jumped out of his chest in fear and knew things would never be the same now. Michael looked at his father’s cold dark eyes and matched his stare. “Go away daddy. Go away please.”

  “Shut the fuck up you little punk.”

  Black Ice yelled.

  “How….how did you…” Rachel was

  unable to get all the words out.

  “How did I find you? Bitch, you left a number in your jean’s pocket at the apartment. It was a 516 number and that didn’t take me long to realize it was a Long Island number. And then this little bitch right here is in the yellow pages.” Black Ice said while pointing to Janet. “You are fucking this fool, Rachel.” Black Ice yelled as he stuck the barrel of the 44 bulldog revolver in the back of Jay Jay’s head. “This fool ain’t even a man. Look he pissed on himself.” Just then Jay Jay felt the cold steal barrel on his head and his bowels emptied making the whole room stink. “No your ass didn’t?” Black Ice yelled as the smell hit his nose. “Now you shit on yourself too?”

  “Please man. Don’t kill me.” Jay Jay begged. He had heard stories from Janet and Rachel how easy Black Ice
would take a life and he wanted no part of it. “Janet’s my girl. I have never touched Rachel. Please let us go. We didn’t do nothing wrong.” He begged.

  “Didn’t I tell you to keep your punk ass mouth shut at the door?” Black Ice bent closer to Jay Jay’s ear. “Guess you won’t be touching Janet no more.”

  “What man, please.” Jay Jay said as just then Black Ice squeezed the trigger and blew a hole in the back of Jay Jay’s neck instantly severing his spinal cord killing him.

  “Nooooo!” Janet yelled as she

  watched Jay Jay’s lifeless body fall to the floor.

  Black Ice quickly turned around and aimed the gun at Janet.

  “Please no, no!” Rachel and Michael yelled while crying. They felt as they were to blame for such pain on the people that helped and loved them. Black Ice fired off another shot. The bullet slammed into Janet’s shoulder. Janet lay on the floor crying.

  Rachel moved quickly and grabbed a knife that was on the dining room table and ran up to Black Ice driving it hard into Black Ice’s bicep. He screamed and hit Rachel in the face with the gun in his hand. Rachel went flying backwards holding onto her face in pain. She began to rush him again with the knife in her hand.

  “Bitch if you don’t put that knife down, I’m going to blow your cousins fucking brains out.” Black Ice warned.

  Rachel stopped short of stabbing him again and looked at the gun that he had pointed at Janet.

  “Drop it Rachel. I’m not playing with your ass.” He cocked the hammer of the gun back to show her he was serious.

  Rachel knew she couldn’t live with herself if Black Ice killed her cousin. So she dropped the knife and began to cry.

  Black Ice walked up to her and

  punched her in the eye. Rachel fell back by Janet on the floor. “You want to stab me, bitch?” Black Ice yelled as he kicked Rachel in the ribs. “I’ll kill you and your cousin.”

  Rachel looked up between the kick she was receiving and saw a deranged look in Black Ice’s eyes and she knew she wouldn’t live to see another day. Black Ice’s anger rose and he started kicking and stomping both Rachel and Janet viciously.

  The women’s screams could be heard from blocks away, but little by little their voices started to die out and got weaker. They grabbed each other and hugged each other as Black Ice continued to ramp and rage.

  “Bitch, you wanted to disrespect me. I’m the man. I’m the man!” Black Ice yelled.

  Bang! A gun shot fired off hitting Black Ice in the back and knocking him forward. He grabbed a chair to keep him from falling over. He stood up straight and turned around. He was met by a pair of cold dark eyes like his very own, but in the form of a seven year old.

  Michael held the chrome sub nose 3.8

  revolver tightly and kept it pointed at his father. While Black Ice was beating Rachel and Janet, Michael couldn’t cry anymore.

  He had crept down to the basement and went to the hiding place that he followed his mother to one day. He grabbed one of the guns and ran back upstairs in hopes to stop his father from killing the people he loved.

  “Why couldn’t you stay away and leave us alone?” Michael asked. “Go away daddy.

  Go away.” Michael said with tears running down his face blocking his vision.

  “Boy put down that fucking gun or else.”

  Black Ice said. Michael began to shake as he tried to hold the gun steady in his little hands. “Boy did you hear what I told you?”

  Michael held his breath and used all his might and squeezed the trigger repeatedly.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! The first two shots hit Black Ice in the chest and the last one in his neck. Black Ice grabbed his neck to stop the blood from gushing out. Black Ice raised his gun and aimed it at Michael.

  Bang! Bang! Two shots fired

  simultaneously by both the gun Michael held and Black Ice held. The bullet from Michael’s gun went into Black Ice’s head killing him instantly, but not before the bullet coming from Black Ice’s gun hit Michael’s chest sending him flying back.

  “No! Lord No!” Rachel screamed as she watched her son get knocked down by the bullet. She used the last of her strength and lifted herself off the floor and limped over Black Ice’s body and to Michael, who was squirming on the floor. Rachel knelt down and held Michael in her arms. “It’ll be okay baby. Just hold on baby.” Rachel cried as she held him closer to her body and began to rack back and forth.

  “See mommy I told you I’d protect you.” Michael said and took his last breath and died.

  “No! No!” Rachel cried as his body went limp as she continued to hold him and rock back and forth crying.

  Chapter 38

  “Boy, do you hear me talking to you?” Black Ice said.

  Michael snapped back into reality from the vision he was seeing and realized he couldn’t leave his mother alone in the world.

  “Boy I’m not going to tell you again.”

  Black Ice said.

  Michael lowered the gun he was


  “That’s right boy. Now, I’m going to whip your ass and finish beating your stupid ass mother and her bitch ass cousin.” Black Ice walked towards Michael to take the gun out of his hand. All the pain and the hurt he ever felt rushed Michael’s body. He raised the gun and repeatedly pulled the trigger.

  Black Ice had no time to react as each bullet hit him making him fall over.

  Michael walked over to his father and watched the blood pour out of him. Rachel watched in shock as her son stood over Black Ice and fired a shot in point blank range into Black Ice’s chest killing him.

  Michael dropped the gun and ran over to his mother.

  “I’m coming mommy. I have to get you and Janet some help.” Michael said.

  Rachel was barely able to move as her ribs were broken and so was her arm. Janet wasn’t in much better shape with one leg broken, a few broken ribs, and blood was still pouring out of her gunshot wound to her shoulder. Rachel knew if she didn’t get Janet to the hospital soon she would die from the loss of blood. Rachel used what strength she had to pull Janet up and let her lean on her as they made their way to the front door. Michael held the front door open. He watched as his mother and Janet collapsed at the glass front door.

  Police sirens could be heard as the police, ambulance and fire trucks were flying down the street. Michael yelled,

  “Help! Help! My mommy and Janet need help!”

  “Help her first.” Rachel said to the rescue squad as she was pointing at Janet who was unconscious.

  “What happened here, Miss?” There was a call that shots were fired.” The police officer asked.

  “He’s inside. He tried to hill us, but my son shot him. He’s dead.” Rachel said.

  The officer looked as Michael and wondered how he was able to shoot a grown man. He told the officers what Rachel told him and they rushed into the house while Rachel watched Janet being taken away in the ambulance. Then another ambulance pulled up and the rescue squad came and took Rachel. Michael stay by his mother’s side and held his hand.

  Before the ambulance pulled off, an officer ran up to the ambulance and asked Rachel, “Miss, what was the man’s name that did this?”

  “Michael Ice Sr.” Rachel replied.

  “We found a wallet on a body. It was the only one in there and the ID in the billfold read Jay Jay Conwest. We also found what appeared to be a bulletproof vest with the name Officer Reed stitched in the back of it.

  “No! No!” Rachel cried and knew Black Ice got away. “We’re never going to be free.”

  “Don’t cry mommy. Don’t cry.” He said while hugging her and feeling her pain.

  “We’ll be ready for him mommy. We’ll be ready.” Michael said.

  Chapter 39

  “We have to control the bleeding. She has lost too much blood.” One of the doctors ordered. “We need to do a STAT cesarean section. This lady is pregnant.”

  When the emergency staff got the woman prepped the doctor g
ently cut her belly and pulled out the baby. The baby cried as it took its first breath of air. Roxy looked at her baby and whispered the name Michael.

  Beep! Beep! Beep! The lifeline monitors on Roxy went flat alarming the emergency crew.

  “We’re losing her!” The nurse in charge cried out.

  “There’s nothing we can do for her.

  She had lost too much blood.” The doctor cried as Roxy fell into darkness and death.

  Detective Roy watched the whole thing and met the doctor as he walked out of the emergency room.

  “You won’t be getting any answers from her Detective Roy.” The doctor said to him. “She lost too much blood and it’s a shame to see a young life lost.”

  “What about the baby?” Detective Roy inquired.

  “The baby is in withdrawal. The poor thing had crack in his system, but in time he will be okay.

  “Does she have any family?”

  Detective Roy asked.

  “Not that we know of. I think she named the baby, Michael, before she died.

  The poor baby will end up in foster care just like any other child of a crack head.”

  Child of a Crack Head

  Part Two

  Ten years later, the hustlers on the corner watched her voluptuous body walk down the sidewalk with another man.

  “Damn shorty, your fine as hell.” One of the hustlers yelled out not caring who she was with. The man wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. And they continued to walk down the sidewalk and around the block. As soon as they turned the corner and they were out of sight. He let go of her waist and said, “Bitch didn’t I tell you to walk beside me, not in front of me or behind me?” He said as he slapped her so hard in the face that she went flying to the ground.

  “But baby, I was walking beside you.

  I can’t help that I have a nice body. The guys are going to look.” She said while crying and rubbing her face.

  “What? Bitch, you want to talk bad.”

  He bent down and began to punch her furiously in the face and busting her lip and her eye swell shut.


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