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A Need So Insatiable

Page 7

by Cecilia Robert

  “I met Olivia’s daughter.”

  He purses his lips and nods, but doesn’t say anything.

  Right. “Drive, Ben.”


  THE FOLLOWING day, I stroll into House of Hearts, Hawk’s event planning company, and drop onto the chair opposite him. Leaning my head back, I shut my eyes tightly, hoping the headache chipping at my brain will miraculously disappear.

  This is what happens when you drink like you won a jackpot on alcohol, you idiot.

  “Stop hacking at the damn keyboard, Hawk.”

  “Don’t growl at me,” he says. “I have a day to finish these reports before I fly back to Barcelona.”

  Rubbing my temples, I open my eyes and stare blearily at him. “I’d be in bed right now if you hadn’t called.”

  “Serves you right for drinking your ass off,” he mutters, leaning over to grab some printouts from the printer on his desk. After that, he stands, heading toward a decanter on the glass table placed strategically next to the window. “So, how was dinner last night?” Hawk says, pouring cognac into two glasses.

  Excruciating. My thoughts were on Sophie the whole damn time. “Exceptional.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’ll take that as ‘the usual’. How are you holding up?” He grins, walking toward me, and hands me a glass. I glare at him as he walks back to sit behind his desk.

  I want to rip that grin off his face. I stare at the Cognac instead. Damn, that looks so good right now. “How the fuck do you think I’m doing? You ruined me, Hawk.”

  “How so, pray tell?”

  I glare at him. “Do you have any idea how torturous it is to dine in the presence of lushness, and not able to do anything about it?”

  “You lost the bet. Live with it.”

  “You’re a cruel son of a bitch.” Damn him. He knows the best way to kill me without bleeding me dry.

  Taking careful breaths to prevent my head from splitting into two, I count how many days are left before the stupid bet’s done with.

  Forty-three days filled with looking and not touching. I’m coiled too tight, and I might need a brace for my hand really soon. I shouldn’t have played poker with the asswipe. He always wins. Usually, the stakes are low when I lose, like working at Hearts while he’s out of town. He must be punishing me for something; I just haven’t figured out what it is.

  “I met a woman.”

  He sighs. “I thought Brenda was in town.”

  Of course, he doesn’t ask who the woman is. “I broke things off with Brenda.”

  He blinks at me. “For this new woman. How the fuck do you attract so many women?” He makes an exasperated sound. “Half the time, you look like you want to snap someone’s head off. Would it cost you to smile once in a while? How will you ever meet The One?”

  “Fuck you, Hawk.”

  I drop my gaze to the Cognac. Hawk is one of the few people who can read me well, and right now, I’d rather get my entire chest waxed than have that green-eyed devil interrogate me. I want to savor the thought that Sophie is back in my life before I tell him. I spent most of the night thinking about how and when I’ll see her again. I need to handle things delicately, since she doesn’t seem to remember me.

  I can’t stop thinking about her and her legs, those scruffy boots, and that dress she had on yesterday. How her breasts seemed to call to me when she reached for her phone. Those piercings that take sexiness to a whole new level. Does she have other hidden piercings?

  Christ, I want her more than I did the last time I saw her--eight years ago, before I left for Sydney. I want to kiss her beautiful mouth, brush my tongue on that lip ring. Trace the dusting of freckles and the tattoo on her left shoulder. Nibble her ear and whisper the words I’ve never had a chance to tell her.

  Oy! Celibacy is going to kill me.

  I shift on the seat to readjust my position. If Hawk knows the state I’m in, I’ll never hear the end of it. Jesus, this is torture. Fate must be laughing her ass off.

  “You still hope to find ‘The One’, don’t you?” I ask.

  “And you don’t?” Hawk shakes his head. “You’re full of shit, Rafael. Just because you pretend ‘The One’ doesn’t exist, doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s like a cat thinking no one can see it because it’s drinking its milk with its eyes closed.”

  “I do.” Of course, I do. Now that Sophie is back in my life. I just have to reintroduce myself first.

  I toss back half the contents in the glass. This is the nectar of the gods.

  “I saw Gabriele yesterday.”

  Hawk’s body turns to stone. He closes his eyes, as if he needs all his energy to overcome that name. “Keep that maniac off my hands.”

  I chuckle. After we broke up, Gabriele cornered Hawk one cold, alcohol-induced night. Hawk woke, the next morning, to find himself naked and under Gabriele’s wily ministrations. She was like fucking glue after that. Even followed him to Barcelona.

  “You realize you owe me after this, right?”

  “I will add you to my will. Just keep that crazy woman away from me.”

  I’ve never seen anyone--man or woman--ruffle Hawk Sinclair as much as Gabriele does. But then, two words sum her up: clingy and tenacious.

  “Consider her kept away.”

  He leans back in his seat, rubbing a hand down his face. His eyes are bloodshot and tired lines frame his mouth.

  “When did you last sleep, Hawk?”

  “You mean closing my eyes and dreaming of rainbows and unicorns? Don’t remember.” He rubs a hand over his jaw. “Have you thought about joining Hearts? I’m running out of incentives to convince you.” He shifts on his seat, loosening his tie. “Alejandro was supposed to take care of things, here in Vienna, until his bullfighting season starts in March, but he has some stuff going on in Barcelona and won’t be able to make it. And I’m midseason in soccer right now.”

  I place the empty glass on the table, then lean back and cock an eyebrow. “Lure me.”

  Hawk sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Don’t force me to do this again. It’s exhausting. Look at it this way: I benefit from having you, here, running the company while Alex and I are gone. And you get to maintain your style by having a different woman clinging to your arm at every event, which maintains your position as the Stud of the Century.”

  “I knew there was a reason we’ve been friends all these years. You really do know how to look after my welfare, Hawk.” He grins, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Traveling back and forth from Barcelona must be wreaking havoc on him. “How is Alejandro?”

  He scratches his chin. “The ex dragged his ass back to court. She wants more money for their kid.”

  “Jesus, talk about being yanked by the balls.” For the past year, Alejandro has been a regular in the Spanish courtroom. The higher his bullfighting reputation went, the more money he earned, and the more fiercely his ex-wife fought to get her share. “I'll think about your offer. When does your flight leave tomorrow?”

  “6:45 a.m.”

  “Want to join me at the gym?”

  He lifts his hands, palms facing me. “I’m not stupid enough to look death in the eye. You tend to forget I’m your best friend and let your demons come out to play.”

  I bite back a grin. “Coward. So, what’s making you shifty, other than Gabriele and the need for a business partner?”

  “I’m thinking of quitting the Madrid Quakers.”

  Quit? “Soccer is your life.”

  “I need to settle down. Stay in one place. Find the perfect one, you know. This is exhausting.”

  “Stop being a whiny, weepy idiot.”

  He glares at me and grabs an envelope from the pile of mess on his desk.

  “How do you ever find anything in there?” I jab my finger toward the papers littered across the surface, frowning.

  “Neat freak,” he mutters under his breath before pulling out two cards and handing them to me. “I’m organizing the annual ‘Adopt Me, I’m A Pet’ dinner g
ala. It’s November twenty-fourth. Get a date. I want you as entertainment.”

  The intercom buzzes, freezing a retort on my lips. Maria’s voice fills the room. “Your 11:30 appointment is here, Hawk.”

  “Thank you, Maria. Please send her in.” He stands, straightens his shirt and his dark green tie. “This shouldn’t take long. You don’t mind, do you? I wanted to do this before I flew back to Barcelona.”

  I lift a brow at him. “Does this meeting involve stripping and strutting around in lace underthings?”

  Hawk shakes his head. “You’re impossible.”

  “I’ll take that as a ‘no’, and head out to keep your saucy receptionist company. Maybe I can borrow her for the gala night?”

  “Utterly shameless.” Hawk glares at me as I straighten from the chair. “She’s pregnant, you idiot, and her husband hates your guts. Want to give him a reason to finally smash your face in?”

  “I’m appalled, really. Women need to be lavished upon now more than ever, not tucked away and hidden from sight. I just want to show her a good time before she’s too large to see her feet. It’s not like I’m going to do her or anything, as appealing as that thought is. The girl is a fox.”

  “Christ, Raf. That black heart of yours is your ticket to Hell.”

  “And what a ride it’ll be.”

  He scoops up the papers on the desk and turns around. “I keep asking myself how we’ve been friends this long,” he mutters under his breath. “Anyway, you should stick around for the meeting. This might prove useful when you decide to join Hearts.”

  “Still keeping that hope alive, eh? Well, I’ll just sit in the corner and watch, then. Being friends and all.”

  I head for the alcove--fitted with a black, leather couch, a fancy, dark wood table and a shelf filled with books--in the far end of the room. The lights haven’t been turned on, since Hawk mainly uses this area to entertain guests.

  Seconds later, there’s a knock on the door. The scent of apples seeps into the room. A pair of combat boots peek in, followed by legs clad in ripped jeans. Every drop of blood in my body rushes south and my heart is racing so damn bad, I’m sure it’ll rip my chest apart.

  The boots. I straighten, and lean forward.

  “Sophie,” Hawk says, pushing off the desk, his arms open for an embrace. “Looking lovely as always. How are you doing?”

  She hugs him back, smiling, her cheeks turning a sweet shade of pink. Heat scorches through my veins.

  “Such a flatterer. But, thank you. And thanks for seeing me on such short notice.” She shrugs out of her red coat. I grip the leather on my seat as the butterfly and freckles come into view.

  “It’s been a while since we saw each other, so yes. I’m glad you called.” Why does he have that ridiculous grin on his face? If I didn’t know better, I’d say he seems . . . in love with her? Do they have a thing going on?

  I shift on the seat, flexing my hands.

  Hawk motions for her to sit. He lowers himself onto the seat opposite her and leans forward, their knees are almost touching.

  “How are you holding up?” He looks like a damn puppy. If he had a tail, it’d be all over the place right now.

  Sophie wrinkles her nose, and I scoot to the edge of my seat, almost tumbling out. Who’s the puppy now?

  “I’m hanging in there.”

  Hawk squeezes her forearm, his hand lingering a second too long.

  “Jace told me you’re looking for a job?”

  She nods, and clasps her hands together. She seems to shrink into the chair right before my eyes. “I’ll take whatever you have for me.”

  “You’re lucky.” Hawk smiles. “Maria, the lady you met outside, is having some health issues with her pregnancy. I’m reducing her work hours, so the afternoon shift is open. Hearts is an event management company catering to high profile clients. Your responsibilities would include organizing events, calling clients to coordinate, and making sure everything is up to par. Job hours are twelve to four for now, starting tomorrow. Does that work for you?”

  She smiles, and I let out a long breath. The girl is stunning.

  She hops off her seat and grabs Hawk into another hug. “Thank you so much.” For the first time since I’d seen her, she laughs. Really laughs. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

  She pulls back. “I really appreciate it.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Soph.”

  Hawk grins wide like an idiot. The thought of Sophie being “The One” for him adds to the chaos in my head.

  “I’m leaving for Barcelona tomorrow. I’d introduce you to my other business partner, but Alejandro won’t be back until next week. In the meantime, Maria will help you with anything you need.”

  Sophie tucks her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, which emphasize her ass quite nicely. Hell if I’ll let her leave without talking to her.

  I clear my throat. Two sets of eyes zoom in on me, and I pretend I’m calm, when all I want to do is shake her until she remembers me.

  Hawk narrows his eyes. Sophie sucks in a breath, her eyes wide.

  Got you, Butterfly.

  Rising to my feet, I stroll forward and stop in front of her. I can’t keep my fucking eyes off her.

  “Soph, meet Rafael Van Rees,” Hawk says, giving me a warning look.

  I stick my hand out, eager to feel her skin on mine again. Man, I need to control myself around this girl.

  “We’ve met.”

  Hawk looks at me, then Sophie, frowning. Sophie’s mouth curls upward as she places her small hand in mine. My mind tosses all kind of images at me about what her lovely hands can do, but I give myself a quick shake.

  “Wait,” Hawk says, but my eyes are on Sophie. “Is she . . . ?” He cuts himself off, and I know he’s remembering the woman I mentioned earlier.

  I nod once.

  “Oh, fuck me stupid!” he says, and I turn to glare at him. “Sorry, Soph. I was just caught off-guard.”

  Sophie looks at me, then Hawk, her eyebrows puckered in a cute little frown.

  Hawk clears his throat. “You two met on Monday.” He narrows his eyes at me before turning to face my old-new obsession.

  “Yes, we did.” She pulls her hand away from mine, curling it into a fist. But not before I saw the slight tremble.

  She shifts to face Hawk. The view, Christ, the view from this angle is fucking amazing. My gaze devours her, from her glossy, dark, reddish-brown hair brushing just below her shoulders, down to the gentle dip of her waist, giving way to full hips framed in jeans.

  I finally focus and find Sophie staring at me, her cheeks flushed. She holds my gaze, frowns as if she’s waiting for something from me, and then drops her gaze. “Goodbye, Rafael.”

  “It’s a pleasure to see you. Again.”

  Hawk rolls his eyes.

  “If you’ll excuse me, Rafael, Hawk . . .” She turns and leaves. I’ve been plotting how I’ll see her again after last night. Looks like I won’t need to do much. When I turn around, Hawk is glaring at me.

  “Don’t, Rafael.”

  “It’s Sophie.”

  “All the more reason you should stay away,” he says. Or snarls.

  He’s right, I should. “Not going to happen.”

  He rubs his neck, studying me, then shakes his head. “So, this is your butterfly. Your obsession.”

  I nod, swallowing what feels like a damn large apple in my throat.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” he mutters under his breath. “I get now why the girls at St. Xavier’s came in last.” He frowns. “But there’s something wrong with this picture. Why does it seem like she doesn’t remember you?”

  I grimace. “I still can’t figure that part out.”

  “Just . . . try not to complicate her life,” he says, in warning. “She has a lot going on right now.”

  Damn it. That’s the second time this has happened. Jace seemed quite agitated as well. Whatever is going on with Sophie must be pretty deep to have Hawk act
ing like the knight in her story.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I plant my feet firmly, and look Hawk straight in the eye. “What is going on?”

  He eyes my stance, and rolls his eyes. “Lose the intimidation shit, Raf. Five months ago, her father died, leaving her and her sister broke. She’s chin high in debt.” He pulls his lips back in a grimace. “I know you, Raf. When you get it into your head to go for something, you don’t let go,” he says, leaning forward. “Promise me you won’t mess with her.”

  “Are you in love with her?”

  He rubs his jaw with one hand. “There was a time I thought I was,” he says. “She’s a good girl.”

  I exhale, feeling the tense muscles in my arms relax. Hawk pushes off the desk, and strides toward the door. He unhooks his black jacket, and turns to face me.

  “I need you to promise me now, Raf. If you want her that bad, you’ll wait until she’s ready.”

  “I’ll join House of Hearts.” The words slip from my lips before I can to stop them. “I will partner with you and Alejandro.”

  Hawk stills, one arm halfway inside his jacket sleeve. “No.”

  “You said you needed me. Besides, Hearts needs funding and manpower. I have connections, and I’m here. It’s a win-win.”

  “No.” He jerks the other arm through its sleeve.

  “Hawken.” I’ve found my lure, and I’m not walking away. Mistake or not, I want to see her every damn day.

  Hawk stalks back and glares up at me. He’s about four inches shorter, so there’s no way he can stare me down. He tries anyway, making me feel like I’m five.

  “I invented staring down, Hawk.”

  “Do not mess with her. Just let her be until you’re ready to let her in. For both your sakes. Promise me, now.”

  Let her in. I drag a hand through my hair, then squeeze my neck.

  “Don’t make me regret our friendship, Rafael.”

  And there it is. The reason I would do anything for this idiot who’s trying to yank Sophie away from me. “I won’t. But that doesn’t mean I’ll stay away from her.”

  He strides out the door, then halts and jabs a finger in my direction. “And, just so you know, she’s my date for the Adopt A Pet dinner gala. Get your own.” He holds my gaze, challenging me.


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