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Hell to Pay (Blood for Soul Book 1)

Page 20

by Alvin Atwater

  “Should’ve known this was about power,” I said, not surprised. “You can have that title, I never wanted it. Never asked for it.”

  “Wha—what?” Tack said, taken aback. I used that opening to sucker punch him. The force of the punch sent him back a dozen yards before he used his wings to recover—yes, I already had moved on him.

  Teemie simply watched, probably preventing interference. She should be rushing me, not gawking at this pointless fight.

  Tack and I exchanged blow after blow, neither of us gaining much of an advantage, but I knew the reality of it. Despite the sucker punch, he was enjoying himself, purposely holding back. Gods, full of themselves, right? After minutes of stalemate combat, I did something he didn’t expect. Shot a fuck ton of force at him. And just like that, surprise shown on his face as he sailed backward, eventually landing on his back. None of my brothers expected me to know how to wield force. Believe it or not, I’m still surprised that I can use it so easily. It normally took years to master. One should not be able to simply create power from nothing. That’s why I categorized misthangers that didn’t immediately force-bash me into pulp as novices.

  Tack stood up, his expression darkening into that of a pissed off douche-nugget. Heavenly-light erupted around him and I mentally prepared for the real fight, because he took off the kiddy gloves. Tack roared, then blurred to me—I felt a series of punches and kicks—faster than the eye could perceive—before the force propelled the hell out of me.

  When I hit the ground back-first, I rolled to the side as Tack’s fist slammed into the concrete, creating a six-foot-wide crater.

  Damn, I hate it when heavenly-beings are pissed off. I recovered but before I could do anything, Tack engaged me. I found myself barely hanging onto my defense, blocking as much of his martial arts as possible. Blood trailed from my nose, some from my mouth as I absorbed godly blows. I couldn’t keep this up any longer. Teemie also wouldn’t be able to hold off the House of Judgment if they decided to come after me. Hell, it was more than likely, Tack was sent to deal with me. Thank the stars, Hialucus kept his word. I’d consider surrendering if he showed up in seriousness. Tack landed a blow in my midsection, sending me to my knees. I felt my own warmth of heavenly-light burst around me as I blocked what was certainly his finishing kick. If I fall, all is lost—I’d be stuck as Ghost or Lucifer’s bitch for an eternity. I couldn’t let Tack’s arrogance put him in the spot of victory. I will not let that bitch of a stepmother feel butterflies.

  “You have the light too, huh,” Tack said as he pulled back his leg. “It seems we all underestimated you, little brother. Stand. Surrender and I’ll let you walk back in there, to your fate without further harm.”

  His words lit rage inside of me. Thoughts of Amelia and the others roared throughout my mind—how’d they feel if I simply gave up. I dug deep inside and took advantage of Tack’s arrogance again, hitting him with a force-bash hard enough to crack a city, maybe a country in half. The ancient juice I absorbed was still at an amazing eighty-percent, fueling the move. Tack grunted as he took a blow that blasted him several yards away. He landed on his back, heavenly-light vanishing, and didn’t get up. I hit him with three more super-strong force-bashes to make sure he stayed down. It worked. I only took a second to congratulate myself internally for besting my brother before turning to Teemie. She smiled, nodding in approval.

  “Let’s go,” she said and off we went. After minutes passed, she grabbed my hand. Her wings glowed with intensity. The familiar feeling of vertigo struck then we ascended. Too bad we didn’t make it to the human world. Teemie and I shared looks of confusion as we stared at a land of infinite purple flowers that was neither Paradise Realm nor the human world. Someone laughed. The scent of honey and roses made me feel a rush of panic. We spun to see Karma standing, her arms folded.

  “Conus thinks he’s clever, letting you go, pretending to be in shock but we all know that man saw worse in his younger days,” she said. “He can’t fool me, though.” She blurred in front of Teemie, backhanding her into unconsciousness. The fairy vanished, her internal failsafe retreating her to the dream world for recovery. I felt the overwhelming rush of fear and defeat hit and sink in. We were so close. So damn close, but this bitch interrupted the ascension. Oh well, fight or die, what do I have to lose? I rushed Karma, only to have her easily dodge my punch, and counter with a backwards elbow that spiraled me into blackness.

  Chapter Forty-three

  I awoke expecting the worse, like Ghost’s personal toilet or a punching bag for billions of hungry demons but found myself in a comfortable chair. Karma was sitting in my lap, evil smile on her face, enjoying her games.

  “You didn’t turn me in?” I said. She shook her head, then stood, turning her back to me, unthreatened in the least. “Can I at least believe that you and Amelia share some kind of—”

  “Yes and no,” Karma interrupted. “Do not put me in the naïve category with my baby sister. I’m only entertaining the amusement value of your situation before you fall to the depths, lost to us forever.” She turned back to me. “Have you ever heard of oracles called the King God’s tears?”

  “No,” I replied, curious about the sudden subject change. There was a look in her eyes but I couldn’t decide if it meant worry or fear. But why?

  “These runes, the oracles, tears, whatever you want to call them, could give even the stupidest demon or human the power of a god.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I said.

  “Because you’re the only one who has no choice but to listen. You don’t fear me—so I’m giving you a history lesson. Take what I give you, or just let it fall out the other ear. I care not. What worries me is that the knight’s previous deployment happened on a suspicion of Ghost sending his most trusted demons to search for all the tears.” She sighed. “Never mind, what’s the point of telling the dead man?”

  “You don’t have to do this,” I said. “But I will not beg for my life.”

  Karma’s amusement seemed to increase because she grinned. I observed the surroundings, taking notice of what appeared to be a gold-covered lobby, a sofa, but no windows. Floating orbs of power provided lighting.

  “You’re in my palace,” Karma said.

  “Show-off,” I said. She laughed.

  “This isn’t even that impressive, compared to the rest of the place. If only we were in different circumstances.” She said. “I’d probably make you a man, right in that chair and brag to Amelia about it.”

  “You do know how much trouble you’d get in,” I said. “Or did you forget that we’re in Paradise Realm.”

  “Are you sure?” She winked.

  “Where are we?”

  “That’s a secret.” Karma walked over and playfully poked my forehead. “You’re not in a position to know anything about my palace or its realm.”

  I sighed. “So, what are you going to do with me? You wouldn’t have brought me into your place of power only to spill my guts all over it.” It was a bluff behind a brave face, a long shot, but I had to try. The perfectly white-teethed poster girl smile emerged again.

  “Ding, ding, ding,” Karma said playfully. “I’ve got a fun proposition for you and believe me, you’d want to use it to buy as much time as possible.”

  “Go on,” I told her.

  “I’m going to hunt you in your city.”

  “That sounds dirty.”

  She laughed. “You will have a one-day head start, maybe. Prepare as much as possible or spend the last moments with your friends. Or both, I don’t care. This is a mercy. Do not try something silly like leaving the city or I’ll spill the beans to Conus and trust me, you don’t want that. Do we have deal?”

  “I don’t think I really have a choice,” I said as I stood.

  “Glad you see it my way. They’re waiting for you and already know of the hunt. You can choose to run like prey or fight. At least you’ll have something to brag about in the depths.”

  “And if I win?” I
said. Karma walked over, pulled me to her, and kissed me. I stepped back both annoyed and surprised by her sudden advances. If Amelia found out about any of this, she’d kill us both before I had the chance to proclaim my innocence.

  “Your position in your family’s hierarchy continues to get more attractive by the second,” she said. “If you somehow pull off the miracle of besting me, the punisher, then I will serve you. Of course, if that happened, the universe will probably move galaxies aside just to let you past—maybe revealing that your fate is ten times greater than what we believe. But do not be foolish enough—”

  “I know I can’t incapacitate you, goddamn unfair divine state, but I will try to best you. Don’t think for a moment that I’m going down without a fight.”

  Karma chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe if you surprise me, I’ll break the ancient rules for the first time and turn a blind eye. Now get going. You have maybe one day, possibly twenty-four earth hours, starting the second you arrive in that city.”

  She clapped her hands once, releasing power, forcing me to ascend. A second later, I stood in a park of Middleburg, surrounded by Amelia, her friends, Sin, Devante, Elly, and even Amony. Amelia nodded, confirming that she really did receive the heads-up from her sister. Well, this was going to suck but it was either do or die. Literally.

  Chapter Forty-four

  After going over the plan, everyone received mandatory orders to get eight hours of sleep. Amelia mostly eyed me as she gave them. We couldn’t afford to let lack of rest be the cause of a pathetic failure.

  Amelia tried to apologize at least five times on the way home but I interrupted each one, following up with a grim shake of my head. She knew that I would never point a finger of blame toward her or anyone—I’m the fugitive. not them. Tssh—since when did I get this soft? I’m not cut out of this Die-Hard shit.

  Amelia was furious with her sister, but also agreed with the obvious conclusion that we couldn’t beat her alone. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me enough to not even consider barking up that tree. There was only one way we could slightly better the odds—that, of course, being my old friend, the deity-trapper.

  That night, Amelia slept in my arms. It took some time to ignore the awkward boner before I, too, dozed off. Of course, she did tease, sly smile on her face, before drifting off to sleep. Damn goddess, finding amusement in my struggle to hold off child-bearing as long as I could. I’d have to convince her the human way—though, it’s dangerous. There are MANY rumors of condoms not working on heavenly-beings. Shit, Amelia could simply trick me, and that would be the end of that. Despite the good intentions, she still had the self-centered grace of a goddess. It only peeked out a little—the rest simply being that she’s the naïve Amelia that I always knew.

  I pulled her closer. She woke, kissed me with an intense passion, which I returned. After like five minutes, I pulled back before I decided to just throw aside the thought of consequences and trim off our sleep time.

  “Go to sleep, already,” Amelia said, beating me to the words.

  Everyone met up, bright and early, at seven. I nodded. Combat clothing and boots, with weapons tucked in coat pockets. Devante had to be the odd man out, sporting an expensive black suit, looking as if he belonged in a business meeting. Well, if he fought his best this way, so be it.

  Amony decided to show off just how powerful a witch she was by erecting a dimensional barrier over the entire city. No human would be able to see, hear, or interact with us, nor heavenly-beings. A spell like that would be a convenient thing to place over the entire earth, if it was indestructible.

  “I appreciate the loyalty of every one of you,” I said, uncharacteristically pouring out my heart. “But…this suicide game is my problem. I’ll have no ill will toward anyone who backs out for their own safety, your life.” Nobody moved.

  “You know we can’t allow them to throw you back in Hell,” Devante said. “It’s bullshit.”

  I sighed. “But you haven’t known me long enough to merit risking your lives.”

  “You’re not going to Hell,” Elly said, voice stern.

  “Besides, you saved our asses during that cluster fuck demon throw down at the graveyard,” Devante said. “I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to repay that debt.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Sin said, playfully, “but the first real friend I’ve had. So, as you would say, let’s dust this bitch.”

  Everyone stared at the normally well-mannered demi-devil for a second before laughing. He blushed.

  “I’m not going to tell you not to worry,” Amony said, “but follow the plan. You’re the best damn employee I’ve got and I’ll be damned if we let them snuff you.”

  I nodded, touched. I honestly didn’t expect to have much of an impact on anyone’s life, seeing how fucked I was after escaping Hell. Still am, but someone helped me stand. I turned to her, graced by the smile on her lit-up face. She gave the nod of approval.

  “You’re mine,” Amelia said, loud and clear, putting blushes on the faces of the other women. “I won’t lose you again. Now let’s show that hag that we ‘youngsters’ aren’t easy prey for her games or politics.”

  She kissed me, then walked off with her friends, ready to be the power source to the biggest fucking deity-trapper I’d ever fashioned. That’s right, we set a trap for Karma. Everyone would fight—they’re here because of the inevitable small army she’d bring with her to be fodder. Arrogance would be her downfall or my ticket to infinite torture in the depths. I couldn’t help but think how strange it was for Conus to simply give up his spot as a judge. Shit, something like that could never be allowed—he’s the head of the House for a reason. His punishments were harsh as the bastard threw me in Hell. So what take him out the position? My statement was truthful statement. There was no way I should’ve been eligible for the depths. And what’s this about politics? Was Karma doing all of this for political power? I pushed aside those thoughts for now. Corruption in Paradise Realm was the least of my concerns.

  Just then, the sky grew dark. The scent of honey and roses smothered the area. Karma had appeared early, just as I predicted. Not that the obvious hints she threw at me could be missed. The hunt had begun.

  A dozen armed misthangers and angels descended from the skies, some hollering war cries like idiots. Under different circumstances, I’d probably laugh. Fucking angels, always dramatic. The sound of gunshots—the planned pre-emptive strike—set me in motion. I’d keep on the move, avoiding Karma as long as I could—if possible—until it was time. Sin was assigned to stick with me and so we jogged around the perimeter we’d set, taking out misthangers along the way. Karma’s voice playfully boomed from the sky.

  “Oh, handsome, come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  Sin and I made eye contact, nodded, then continued the jog. It felt good to have Ruin in my grasp, courtesy of the others recovering it after my capture. This ordeal would suck so bad without it. “Come to me, Epex. You know you want it.” Karma laughed.

  I continued to ignore the annoying voice in the sky. Amelia probably seethed in anger. Twenty minutes passed with no enemies, so Sin and I stopped to analyze the situation.

  Before we were even five minutes into the discussion, two angels wielding gold-hilted swords stepped from around the corner, sneering. Fuck. Now wasn’t the time for shit—if they gave up our location, we’d have to take on the goddess earlier than anticipated. Not that I hadn’t predicted the possibility.

  My five C’s led me to coming up with the plan to beat Karma. Amony and Amanda had found some flaws, so we’d all adjusted it until agreeing upon the best winning scenario.

  Sin beat me to the punch, rushing into the fray and engaging an angel.

  His partner bolted for me. I parried his sword then swung for the midsection. Ruin grazed the angel as he back-stepped. I knew from that instant that Karma once again brought novices. Fodder or distractions—all the fucking same. Amelia’s family tree…is probably fucked u
p a little. Just maybe. At least the highest members of the Venus clan.

  Sin and I took no time killing the angels and then moving on.

  We rounded a corner to see Elly, Amony, and Devante holding their own against some misthangers and angels. We joined the fray, eliminated them, and separated from the group again, sticking to the plan.

  The darkened sky shifted into a lightning storm. I started to have hope that maybe we’d pull this impossible victory off, though Amelia took her sweet ass time, not that I could give her shit. The activation of such a massive trapper needed perfect timing.

  And, our time ran out: when Sin and I hit another block, we saw her, standing with a glistening silver sword in hand, smug expression on her face. At least she wasn’t dressed in ball gown—just jeans and a stylish pink shirt with floral printing all over it.

  “Took you long enough,” Karma said. “And it looks like you’ve brought a friend. Sorry, but I don’t do threesomes. I’ll be sending him back to your friends.”

  Before I could protest, Sin was gone. My heart raced—this prediction—the one I hated the most came true. The hard scenario. Karma laughed. “Come, Epex Helios. I’m going to rock your world.”

  Chapter Forty-five

  I dug deep inside myself, allowing the warmth of the heavenly-light to surround me. Karma rushed me, big ass smile on her face. I parried six of her quick strikes, pivoted until I was on her left, then swung as swiftly as I could. Yeah…a good effort on my part, sadly missing its mark. Karma chuckled as her strikes came as blurs to me. I felt at least twelve purposeful grazes to my arms, midsection, and chest before I managed to leap backward, out of her sword’s reach. The warm sensation of flowing blood told me that I wasn’t imagining the grazes.


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