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Hell to Pay (Blood for Soul Book 1)

Page 21

by Alvin Atwater

  “Have you not realized it yet?” Karma said, as she walked slowly toward me. “You’re no match for me, not even a little. I will give you points for making the hunt last, even anticipating my early arrival. It’s a shame, talk of you in Paradise Realm suggested that you have the power to destroy the human world. I see no such thing.”

  I laughed. “In case you haven’t figured it out, I have a bit of a handicap. Conus’s seal. His parting gift before leaving me to burn in Hell.”

  Karma frowned. “You mean to tell me this whole time, I’ve bullied you? Now I’m intrigued.”

  She quick-ascended in front of me and placed a hand on my chest. “You’re right, it’s there. I think I’ll be removing the pesky thing.”

  A rush of panic filled me as I thought about the consequences of the seal’s removal. As much as I hated the damn thing, I’m no idiot. I realized that the seal helped me to control my powers. There was no telling what would happen if forcefully removed. I wanted to get rid of it eventually, but slowly and carefully.

  Just then, an arrow struck her chest.

  The shock of it made Karma take her attention off me to find the perpetrator.

  I used that opportunity to get some distance between us. She seemed to find her target as her eyes set on the goddess that was on our side. Karma yanked the arrow out and frowned. Yeah, I bet she felt that. The playful vibe she radiated earlier replaced itself with anger. Both goddesses entered their divine states.

  Chapter Forty-six

  Something within me triggered as I watched the sisters achieve a form so powerful, the pressure emitted made it hard to stand. The earth shook, as if crying. The barrier we erected earlier cracked. If this kept up, humanity would be exposed to the nuclear bomb known as the standoff between two pissed-off, powerful goddesses.

  Then the fight began, too fast, too bright, too earth-shattering for me to follow. This couldn’t go on. Amelia either abandoned the plan or waited for me to do something. Like what? What could I possibly do against that kind of power? I felt raw panic flow through me as I dropped to a knee, hands trembling. We were losing and badly.

  Then I heard a voice, a feminine, kind voice that was somehow familiar.

  “Get up. You are better than this. Awake the part of me that slumbers within you.”

  I was about to turn when the realization hit me. I don’t know how I came to this conclusion.

  “Mom?” I looked around, but saw only an empty street. How did I recognize her voice—I had never met her.

  I stood up, confidence somehow returning to me. The voice was right. Now was not the time to bitch out. There was a time when I wouldn’t have given two shits about humanity, but now they needed me. If that barrier broke, this city would be the first to succumb to instant oblivion. Amelia’s reason was gone in that state—she had sacrificed it just to protect me. I couldn’t let that move be in vain.

  “Sin,” I shouted, as a plan formed in my head.

  “Right here,” he said, hurrying to my position.

  “I can feel the barrier cracking,” I told him. His eyes widened, realization quickly sinking in. “Find Amony. Get her to hold it as long as she can.”

  He nodded and took off in a blur.

  “Awaken the part of me that sleeps within you,” the whispers echoed.

  “What’s going on?” I said to nothing, then chuckled. “To think that I’d go insane when the pressure is too great. Amelia could die, I’d be cast into the depths, and Conus would have to plead with the universe to allow him to rewind earth’s time. Mom, even he has limits.”

  “Awaken, for I am always with you.”

  A pillar of light burst from nothing, covering my vision for two seconds before I found myself in a void of white. A purple-robed woman with dark tan skin, electric-blue eyes, and jet-black hair appeared in front of me. She placed a hand on my cheek. Warmth spread from her to me, surrounding me in an embrace.

  “What in the…. Where have you been?” I managed to say, eyes wide.

  “You sure have grown,” she said, seeming to ignore my question. “You changed from the cute baby that I held in my arms to a strong young man. And to think you have a young lady that truly cares for you. Epex, my son, my only son born of a miraculous virgin birth but also of your father, ruler of Paradise Realm. When you let go of the hatred, the part of me that lives inside of you stirred. Live, my son. Open your eyes and your father’s eyes. Look to where he’s looking and help him. Your sentence, you felt how unnatural it is. But to grasp the answers you are looking for, you must overcome the first trial.” She looked down at my chest. “You have to rescue humanity from both an unseen threat, and the punisher’s game. Conus cannot rewind the damage to both earth and the universe.”

  “What should I do?” I asked, determination complementing the newly-found confidence within. Something about what she said worried me. Unseen threat? Did she expect me to wipe the floor with Karma, who she implied isn’t it, then take out the real deal?

  “The ancient goddess is a distraction, but she is playing a dangerous game of politics. Her lonely life has clouded the memory of a vow to serve as the punisher, but in defense of humanity. Remind her. Become the Karma that she needs to balance out her deeds. Let her know that she is not untouchable.”

  Mom placed a hand on my forehead. “The keys of your seal belong to me, not your father. There are seven locks. I’m going to remove the first lock. Awaken that power, that terrible power, my son, and put a stop to her political games.”

  I snapped back into reality, dropping to one knee as I felt it—the barrage of power circulating in my veins. I watched the thick heavenly-light that outlined my body shift from gold to a silver. The world around me felt different. The emotions, the sounds, the hopes, and dreams of humanity and even my friends pulsed through me. I could now see the showdown between the goddesses. While Karma was better, Amelia held her own with skill that showed her former elite six status. I stood up, ready to end this. My way.

  Chapter Forty-seven

  I placed my hand on the ground, sending a wave of power to begin the activation of the deity-trapper.

  And, holy shit, to my surprise, the light-blue glow appeared instantly. I wouldn’t have been able to do this a moment ago.

  The power that coursed through me felt like a torrent of violent water. I felt the crack reinforce, confirming that Amony was well and doing her best to keep it from shattering. I could only imagine that my newfound power boost added to her strain.

  Just then, I felt the shockwave of a devastating blow, before Amelia spiraled toward the ground like an asteroid. Panic set in—then went away just as quickly as I quick-ascended and caught her. She gave me a weak smile and whispered, “I’m sorry”, before falling into unconsciousness, reverting to her normal state. Amelia’s a badass, but one could not expect to beat Karma with brute force.

  Karma descended to the ground, eyes locked on me, surprise, and curiosity in them. I sat Amelia down gently, out of harm’s way, then retrieved Ruin. The deity-trapper’s glow slowly brightened, fixated on Karma’s power. It would have no effect on Amelia and me.

  “Glowing blue eyes like your father. I like it,” Karma said. “You feel like an entirely different person.”

  “Let’s end this, Karma,” I said, my voice calm. “I need a beer or twelve.”

  Her divine state seemed to flare up its intensity before she rushed me, confidence in her eyes, the belief that she won.

  I focused.

  Karma seemed to move in slow motion. I easily sidestepped her sword swing, grabbed her arm, and threw her forward onto the ground—courtesy the judo training Amelia had included. I waited for her to stand, giving her the old Bruce Lee hand gesture to come forward. When she recovered, rage replaced her earlier assumed expression. Karma, did not enjoy getting hurt. She didn’t bother picking up her sword, charging me instead, unable to accept that she was no longer a match for me. She funneled lightning from her finger tips. I caught the slow bolts with Ruin
, then redirected the power back at her by thrusting the sword forward. The lightning smashed into Karma hard enough to rocket the goddess at least twenty yards away. She landed back-first, exactly where I wanted her.

  The deity-trapper’s intensity hit maximum brightness, shining like the sun. Karma’s divine state withered away as she lay there.

  I walked over and knelt beside her, not to gloat but to confirm my suspicion and her motives.

  “No need to worry about me killing you. You’ve shown me mercy, so instead I’m going to banish your ass from this realm and you won’t be able to come back unless I allow it.” I caressed her cheek. “You’re going to be my goddamn sister-in-law one day, so no more of these schemes. As the son of Conus, heir to the universal throne, I say you are hereby relieved of your duties as punisher. Paradise Realm can figure out how to replace you, but your powers will no longer work in the human world, except to ascend, or if I allow them. I will also permit you to visit your sister. Your powerlessness should encourage you to drop the sisterly rivalry shit.”

  Karma laughed, tears flowing from her eyes. “Why show me mercy? I was hellbent on getting you sent to the depths.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit,” I said. “Swallow your pride. The Venus Clan are a bunch of softies. Even you aren’t exempt from that. I must thank you, though, for putting on this whole show, drawing me into an impossible situation in attempt to make me look like some kind of hero. But it won’t work. Those charges aren’t going anywhere.”

  Karma’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “There is corruption in the House of Judgment, maybe scattered in the Paradise Realm leadership. Conus knows it, but the perp is doing a damned good job at hiding from him. So here’s a message to the hunters who will eventually come for me. I will not back down nor surrender. Suck it.”

  “My lord,” Karma whispered. “Please take me as your mate. Surely I—”

  “You know I can’t do that,” I interjected. She sighed.

  “You are the heir. You can have more than one,” she said.

  “I don’t think so,” I laughed, then placed my hand on the ground. “Goodbye, Karma. And take your politics with you.”

  Just like that, she was gone. Any angels or misthangers that lingered would go back with her, dead or alive. I let out a calm breath. I could feel the seal within lock, which reverted me back to normal.

  “So glad that shit’s over.” I dropped to a knee as the wave of exhaustion hit. It’s not surprising that the locks would have limitations until all of them were removed. If Karma had been serious about killing me, I’d be dead. Fortunately, whatever appeal the universal throne gleamed to her saved our asses. I hurried to assist everyone.

  Chapter Forty-eight

  No matter how hard I tried, sleep wouldn’t come to me.

  After a few hours, I gave up on it entirely. So much for thanking the fairy-angel for risking her life to assist in my escape. Her willingness to help made me wonder what kind of friendship she and Amelia had. I caressed the sleeping goddess’s cheek before getting dressed. It was clear night, the full moon brighter than the streetlights.

  I need answers. So many questions but the most immediate one was the mystery of my mom. Seriously, who the hell is she?

  Ascending to Paradise Realm to confront Conus was out of the question. I’d be a goddamn idiot to jeopardize all the effort I’d put in to escaping. I set aside those thoughts and took a walk. There were things I still wanted to know about the human world. Before I knew it, I found myself standing in front of the witch bar.

  Oh well, beers. I needed several after yesterday’s clusterfuck. Most of the group had suffered minor injuries. We were lucky. Had Karma been serious about the attack, she could’ve brought an army of hunters and wiped us out. I shivered at the thought. It was only a matter of time before someone did propose such an idea. Maybe Yulese? Hell, one guy from the elite six above Amelia could function as a one-man army.

  I looked at the witch bar again, then walked past it, charging power into my back. With the streets empty like this, ascending was cakewalk. I landed in front of the bar at a familiar town. I had learned that the name was Arlington. I flashed my fake ID at the fat fuck then strolled past him. The old bartender smiled, recognizing me.

  “I knew we’d cross paths again,” he said. “Got a feel of things here, eh?” He sat seven beers in front of me and winked.

  I quickly down the first one. “Let’s just say things are a lot better than ever, old man.”

  He chuckled. “Where’s that gorgeous fiancée of yours? Or did you two wed yet?”

  “No, we didn’t,” I said. “She doesn’t know I’m here.”

  “Good, you’re not denying her,” he said. “She seems like a keeper.”

  I downed two more beers. “I’m not good with the sappy talk.”

  “Ah, the pre-determined love,” he said softly. “It saves you the internal embarrassment, the prequal of attraction but son, it’s simple. And you must do this for me. Tell her in the morning the first three ‘sappy’ words that come to mind when you look at her.” He smiled. “You know the words.”

  I blushed and looked down at my beer.

  “Three words, who needs ‘em,” someone two stools from me, said. I turned to see a raven-haired college girl, angrily gulping down an entire bottle of hard liquor. It hit me—I realized that she wasn’t an ordinary girl and not because of the red eye color. Her presence was neither demonic nor heavenly, but I couldn’t figure it out. “Oh, you like what you see, perv? Fucking men.”

  I shook my head, then turned to the old man. “I never got your name.”

  “Just call me, Zota.”

  I froze, recognizing the name but he couldn’t be. “That...”

  “Sounds like the great rumored archangel Zota,” he finished. “Can you feel a heavenly-presence from me?”

  “I wouldn’t haven’t ever….why are you here?” I said. He’s known for cloaking his heavenly-presence.

  The old man winked. “I’m just a bartender. Nothing more, nothing less. At least as far as you know.”

  “Archangel Michael’s top-secret missions, I presume,” I said. Zota simply shrugged.

  “Whatever could you be talking about? Too many beers?”

  I sighed. Why did I even bother with trying to get answers from him? For some reason, an idea of the answer came to me. Lucifer was in this town, too… That could only mean that this could be a spawning point for the Fallen angel, maybe others. Zota’s one of the most powerful archangels in Paradise Realm. It’d make sense for him to keep watch of this place. Maybe some of this explained why I crash-ascended here of all places.

  I felt cold, alcoholic breath beat my neck and turned to see the raven-haired girl right there.

  “And I’m the perv?” I said sarcastically, turning. She sat beside me.

  “You have poor taste in beverages.”

  “Be nice, Selina,” Zota said. She snorted.

  “You obviously know nothing about the art of cold beer,” I said, then gulped down my last.

  “The line of every lightweight out there. Zota, fetch us about six or so shots of the Hangman.”

  I assumed that was the bar’s special. I turned to the girl. “Didn’t you just down—” She finished the contents of a flask and slammed it onto the table. “And I thought I hated my liver.” I shook my head.

  Zota smacked a dozen shot-glasses of death liquid in front of us. “I’m surprised you’re allowing this.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not babysitting a bunch of adults. Besides, she could use these drinks with the job she’s carrying.”


  “None of your fucking business, lightweight,” she barked then grabbed a glass.

  “I sense a different presence from here,” I whispered to the Zota. “What is she?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Now, I’m really curious.” I snatched a glass.

  “She is of the Shini
gami Clan,” Zota said. My eyes widened.

  “Zota…what’s a death god doing here?”

  “What the fuck do you think?” Selina said, in between mouthfuls of the Hangman.

  I sighed then gulped the blueish liquid down, regretting it immediately. The moment was intense, the burn roasting me from the inside out. I wheezed, ignoring the hint of blueberry flavor.

  “Ninety-five percent alcohol,” Zota said. “I reserve it for my reaper guests only.”

  “Keep it that way,” I said seconds later, recovering.

  “What a pussy,” Selina said. I noticed she finished…all of the shots.

  “Twelve beers plea—” The words didn’t get out. The girl fell on me, unconscious.

  “She always drinks until she passes out,” Zota said.

  “Well, it’s a good thing you’re here,” I said. “Can I assume some dude tried to screw with her in her sleep and met an unfortunate end?”

  The old man smiled. “I did find it cringingly amusing as he ran away, holding his groin, screaming.”

  “Served him right,” I said. “Can you get her off me? I don’t want her going nutcracker—”

  “Are you still a virgin?”

  I glared at Selina, who looked up smiling. “It’d take one move and you’ll be falling face-first.” The reaperess laughed. “Nutcracker doesn’t even begin to explain how hard I hit. Anyone that fucks with me while I sleep will never have kids. Piñata-bashing is a more accurate description.”

  Ther was an awkward silence before I snickered, which spiraled us both into laughter. Selina sat up.

  “What’s your name? Or should I continue to call you lightweight?”

  I glanced at Zota. He shrugged.

  “It’s Epex,” I said, deciding to not care.

  Selina’s eyes widened. “No fucking way, you’re THAT Epex? I’m a big fan.” I almost spat beer out as I burst into laughter. She continued. “No seriously, you have no idea how much I hate the strict rules. When I heard you came back with a no fucks given attitude, I was ecstatic. Ecstatic about your escape too.”


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