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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

Page 9

by Samantha Britt

  Des cleared his throat, and he sounded as calm as ever when he said, “Because both of my brothers have completed bonds. Unlike us.”


  “Completed bonds?” Darcie sounded even more confused than before. “What are you talking about?”

  “You and I have not had a bonding ceremony. Our bond remains incomplete.”

  “But we are together,” Darcie said. “Doesn’t that matter?”

  “Of course, it matters,” Des returned with feeling. “It is all that matters.”

  Thane turned around without thinking. The emotion in his brother’s voice was mirrored in his expression. He stared at Darcie like she was the very air he needed to breath. There was no questioning his devotion to her.

  Darcie shook her head. “This doesn’t make sense. You’ve been around me for nearly a year. Why would your power start to cause trouble now?”

  Des lowered his head. “It’s been causing trouble since the day we met. I was able to restrain it until recently.”

  Darcie blinked, coming to terms with the information. “This is what you’ve been hiding? You are having problems because we haven’t officially bonded?”


  “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  He sighed, sounding tired. “I didn’t want to burden you. You have enough to think about with training and learning to use your own abilities.”

  Darcie’s brow furrowed. “How would it be a burden? It’s just a ceremony.”

  Thane choked on his saliva. He coughed. Both Darcie and Des turned to look at him. He covered his mouth and waved a hand in apology.

  Darcie looked back at Des with a question in her eye.

  “It isn’t just a ceremony,” Des explained. “Think of it like a wedding. We will be joining our souls together for all of eternity. There will be no one else that can fill that role in our lives. A bonding ceremony ties us together… forever.”

  Darcie’s expression shifted. It was hard to read. Thane couldn’t tell if she was uncomfortable due to nervousness or embarrassment. Perhaps it was both.

  She licked her lips and said, “I understand.”

  “So you see why I hid this from you?” Des reached out and pulled a hand from her lap. He cupped it in his own. “I did not want to burden you.”

  Darcie nodded. “I understand why you didn’t tell me, but it’s irrelevant now.”

  Thane’s brow lifted.

  Des tilted his head. “Irrelevant?”

  Darcie’s next words shocked both males in the room. “Yes. Let’s complete the bond.”

  Thane’s jaw fell open. Of all the ways the conversation could have gone, he had not expected Darcie to agree to completing the bond. At least, not so quickly. It wasn’t a decision to be made lightly. Then again, Darcie and Des were soulmates. They were destined to be together. It wasn’t like the decision would feel unnatural.

  On the contrary, Thane could still remember the unrelenting drive he felt in his belly when he married Bella. He’d waited until after their wedding to tell her about his immortality, and he gave her a choice regarding her own. The couple did not complete the bonding ceremony until Bella was sure she wanted to live as an immortal with him for the rest of their days. The wait had been brutal—Thane’s every instinct had shouted at him to claim his One as his own—but it had been worth it.

  But Darcie and Des had a different situation. Darcie was already an immortal. Normally, the change would have waited until the couple decided they would be together forever. Thane felt sure his brother experienced the same burning desire to claim his One, but he had opted for patience. Des did not want to pressure Darcie into anything, even if that meant he was in danger of releasing untold chaos into the world.

  That was why Des’ response to Darcie’s acceptance of their bond caught Thane completely off-guard.


  “No?” Darcie echoed back. She wasn’t sure she heard him right.

  Neither was Thane.

  “No,” Des repeated. “We will not complete the bond.”

  Darcie sucked in a breath. She pulled back her hand and stood. She stared down at Des. He hadn’t moved a muscle. The couple locked eyes, but neither said a word.

  Thane wanted to break the tension, but he couldn’t think of anything to say. His thoughts were muddled. Did his brother really just deny bonding with his One?

  “Thane? Have you seen Eshe—” Lome walked into the study. He froze as the tension hit him. His head swiveled between the three immortals in the room, trying to figure out what caused such strain among them.

  “Lome.” Thane stepped forward. “You are looking for Eshe? Let’s find her together.” He wanted nothing more than to escape the uncomfortable situation.

  “Don’t bother,” said Darcie.

  Looking over his shoulder, Thane saw Darcie had torn her gaze from Des. She stepped away from the couch. “She’s coming this way.”

  Before any of the males could ask how she knew such a thing, Eshe walked through the door. Her smile fell to a frown as she, too, absorbed the negative energy.

  Lome spun around and grabbed his wife by both arms, scanning her from head to toe. “You are unharmed?”

  Her smile returned. “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Lome breathed a sigh of relief, and his hand dropped to cup Eshe’s stomach. “And the baby?”


  If Thane thought he knew the meaning of stunned silence, he was sorely mistaken. Never before had such quiet descended on a group of people. It was both heavy and light—loaded and empty. No one dared to breath, let alone speak. Each of their minds worked to decipher the meaning behind the words and sight set before them.

  In the end, it was Eshe who broke the silence with an uncharacteristic laugh. She placed a hand over her husband’s hand on her stomach and laughed without abandon. Soon, Lome joined in.

  Perhaps it was the anxiety and stress from the attack coupled with the awkwardness of the situation, but Thane felt himself also joining in the moment of surprise levity. His lips spread wide, and his deep laugh joined those of his brother and sister-in-law. Their joy was contagious.

  “You’re pregnant?” Darcie asked, staring in wonder at the couple across the room.

  Eshe chuckled and shook her head sheepishly. “I promise, we were planning to tell you all soon.”

  “But my mouth ran away from me.” Lome smiled down at Eshe. “Apologies, my love.”

  Thane watched as Eshe returned the happy smile. Again, he marveled at the change in his youngest brother’s relationship. The affection between them was sincere, and it warmed his recently-emptied heart.

  “But… no one’s been pregnant before.” Darcie continued to struggle with her wonder. Despite her doubting words, her expression was light and full of hope. She wanted the news to be true.

  “All of our Original sisters have given the gift of life,” Thane reminded Darcie. Charmian was, after all, her biological grandmother.

  “But never a soulmate,” Lome reminded them. He stared at his wife with adoration. “Until now.”

  Darcie swung her head from side to side. “But I didn’t see it. I’m constantly checking in on each of our futures. You’d think I would’ve had a vision about it.”

  Eshe continued to grin. “Perhaps it is not our futures you needed to be searching.” She looked at her stomach and the unborn baby.

  “I am happy for you, Brother.” Thane stepped forward and slapped Lome’s shoulder. Then, he kissed Eshe’s cheek. “This is wonderful news.”

  “How far along are you?” Darcie moved towards them, pointedly ignoring Des who still sat on the couch.

  “Just over four months.”

  “Wow. You’re not even showing.”

  Eshe laughed, and the joyous sound continued to surprise Thane. “Thanks, but I’ve already had to go up a dress size. My seamstress told me it was time to start looking into maternity wear.”

  Darcie and Lome joined in with her amused chuckles.

  Smiling, Thane looked back at Des.

  Feeling his gaze, Des met it briefly before moving his eyes back to his One. Des was conflicted. He wanted to finish the earlier conversation and smooth things over with his soulmate, but Darcie would not spare him a glance. She kept her attention locked on Eshe and Lome, but Thane saw the tense set of her shoulders and the sad glint flashing in and out of her eye. Darcie was trying to hide her hurt feelings, but the evidence was easy to see.

  Another presence joined them in the study. Thane’s power flared to life when he spotted the cloaked figure out of the corner of his eye, but the fight left him when he identified the Elder. Lome had positioned himself in front of his wife. He, too, abandoned his protective posture when he recognized the newcomer.

  “Darcie?” The Elder’s normally calm voice was filled with concern. “Are you unharmed?”

  “Elder Niro?” She approached the male. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

  “I felt a great disturbance,” said the Elder. “It originated from your rooms. I arrived to check on you, but you were not there.” His tone revealed his worry.

  “The threat has been taken care of,” Thane informed him. “We were attacked by a rogue clan, but they have been dealt with.”

  The Elder’s hood shifted. “The disturbance I felt did not come from a half-breed. Its signature had immortal abilities written all over it, and it was powerful. I assumed it came from Darcie.”

  Thane stiffened, as did Des and Darcie. Even Lome figured out what power the Elder must have detected. He pressed his lips together and looked to Thane to handle the situation.

  Thane sighed. Sometimes, he hated being the older brother.

  “It was nothing. Just our counter attack against witches threatening Darcie and Eshe.”

  The Elder did not respond immediately. His dark hood turned towards Darcie. It remained there for a time before shifting to Des. “Your reservoirs are at capacity.”

  Des did not react aside from blinking.

  Thane did not understand the odd word choice. “What?”

  The Elder did not look away from Des. “Your ability to absorb any more of your natural powers has reached its limit. You cannot withstand any more.”

  In a quiet voice, Darcie asked, “How do you know that?”

  The Elder waved a hand in the air. “I can see the powers swirling around him. Some tendrils manage to enter his body while others are repelled and forced to remain outside. The extra power is coating him like a second skin.”

  “You can see that?” Darcie sounded intrigued by the ability. Though, there was also a hint of wariness in the words.

  “As could you if you tried.”

  Thane saw Darcie swallow.

  Des finally decided to speak. “The more important issue at hand is the rebel witches and wizards. They desire The Veritas, and they attacked Darcie to try to learn its location.”

  The Elder quickly spun towards Darcie. “Did they succeed?”

  “No,” she answered. “At least, not from me.” Darcie went on to explain how she’d seen into the witch’s mind. They knew about Eirie, but no specifics. Yet.

  “I must return.” The Elder tugged his hood forward. “My brothers and I will fortify The Veritas. I will return when the time is right.” He faded from view without another word.

  “Is someone going to tell me what that was about?”

  Thane looked at Eshe. She frowned as she gazed between each of her family members, abandoning the levity of her pregnancy reveal. When no one spoke, she said, “Well?”

  Lome stepped closer and put a calming hand on her arm. “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t give me that. I know it’s not nothing.”

  Before Lome could continue denying the truth, Des came clean. “My powers are starting to overwhelm my control. When I am agitated, I cannot reign them in.”

  Thane figured there was no better way to put it. At least, not in so few words.

  “How is that possible?” Eshe gaped at Des. “Are you being serious?”

  “Yes.” He only answered her second question.

  Eshe turned to her husband. “How long have you known?”

  Lome pressed his lips together before replying. “A while.”

  Eshe stepped to the side, forcing him to drop his touch. She faced Darcie. “And you?”

  “Today. After the attack.” Darcie looked at the floor.

  Eshe placed her hands on her hips. “How do we fix it?” She looked around. The reaction was so Eshe. She didn’t let things surprise her for long. Thane’s sister-in-law was all action. She wouldn’t be happy to sit around and not try to solve any problem—especially not one which directly affected a member of her family.

  “There is nothing to be done,” Des said.

  Darcie balked. “Are you crazy? Yes, there is.”

  “It is not an option, Darcie. As I’ve already said.”

  Thane cringed. He knew nothing good would come from Des’ dismissive statement.

  Darcie’s lips trembled, but her eyes were hard and unrelenting. Thane cringed away from her pained expression.

  Eshe didn’t miss Thane’s reaction. “What is it?” she asked him. She eyed Des and Darcie in turn. “What aren’t you saying?”

  Thane sighed. “Darcie is unable to share in the burden of the power created from hers and Des’ connection. They are not officially mated.”

  Eshe understood immediately. “That’s an easy fix.”

  “I agree.” Darcie lifted her chin.

  “But it is not an option,” said Des at the same time.

  Eshe exchanged a confused look with Lome. Neither of them had heard Des state his aversion to fulfilling the bond, but Thane was sure they were about to hear all about it.


  “This is a private matter between Darcie and I,” Des told Eshe. “And I would prefer if we focused on the more pressing matter of a powerful clan set out to steal The Veritas.”

  Darcie shut her eyes tight, hiding herself from his cold and dismissive words. When she opened them, she left the room, brushing past Des and avoiding his hand when he reached out to touch her.

  Des’ expression fell, revealing the sadness behind his stoic exterior. But before Thane could comment, he carefully concealed his emotions. Instead of cherishing the love of his life, Thane couldn’t help but wonder if Des was determined to lose Darcie forever.


  The bright yellow tennis ball brushed against the tree’s leaves before it began its descent. Thane caught it effortlessly. He eyed the black company logo and traced his fingers over the white seams. He’d gone outside to escape the thoughts troubling him since the day of the attack. But he couldn’t escape them. If anything, the solitude made them worse.

  Argos whined, forcing his eyes from the tennis ball.

  Thane pulled his arm back and threw the ball to the field off in the distance. Argos bounded off after the prize, undeterred by the tall grass and brambles in his path.

  Thane’s arm fell to his side as he stared blankly at Argos’ running form.

  In the twenty-four hours since the attack, the mansion had been restored to its former state. There was no evidence of the surprise attack—except for the additional prisoners now contained on their property.

  The Nightsbane clan had arrived and reinforced the protective barriers around the mansion’s borders and holding cells. They also readjusted its settings to account for the new clan and their formidable portal-conjuring abilities. Jennifer Bane, herself, had come to oversee the work. But Thane knew that had more to do with checking on her daughter than anything else. Darcie appeared recovered from the witch’s torture, but her relationship with Des was far from unscathed.

  Thane still struggled to understand why his brother had acted the way he did. Darcie voluntarily offered to complete their bond in order to help Des manage his powers which boiled over because of their relationship. Yet, he had refused.

  Des’ natural desire to fulfill t
he bond had the chance to be realized. It was what each of the brothers spent their immortal life striving to achieve. Happiness had stared Des in the face, but he willingly let it pass him by. And he damaged his One’s feelings in the process.

  Thane felt sorry for Darcie. No doubt, the rejection hurt. Des should have explained his decision. He should have known how his words would harm Darcie.

  Thane frowned. Des didn’t know how fortunate he was. He had Darcie. They were a couple, and it was clear to anyone who observed them that they loved each other deeply. Des should be rejoicing at his situation, not taking it for granted. There were others who would sacrifice anything to be in Des’ shoes.

  “Don’t you want to see Bella again?”

  The warlock’s baiting words played in Thane’s head. They’d been haunting him since he heard them. Thane knew about necromancers, but like the ability to conjure portals, the unnatural creatures were supposed to be extinct. If the warlock wasn’t lying—if there were people who could resurrect the dead—that would change everything.

  Not only could loved ones be reunited, but who was to say necromancers would not use their skill to resurrect individuals the world would be better off without? Namely, Adir.

  If the clan truly followed Adir, Thane did not doubt that was exactly what they would do.

  That is, if they were really necromancers…

  Argos bounded out of the tall grass and ran back to Thane. His large paws barely had enough time to stop from running full speed. Thane chuckled and patted the creature’s head. “That’s all the play for me today. Perhaps you should go find Darcie? I’m sure she could use your company.”

  Argos’ intelligent eyes watched Thane as he spoke. Then, he lowered his snout and trotted off with the ball in his mouth.

  Thane pulled the bottom of his shirt, straightening the fabric. Rather than continue to dwell on the many questions and thoughts plaguing him, he decided he would go speak to the warlock again. Maybe he would finally get some answers. After all, the warlock had to know about his colleagues failed mission. They had neither freed him nor gained access to the location of The Veritas.


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