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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

Page 10

by Samantha Britt

  “Are you speaking to animals now?”

  Thane stiffened and turned to see one of his Original siblings, Julisanna, had arrived silently behind him. He eyed her satin blouse and black pants. The clothing fit her perfectly, highlighting her long limbs and feminine curves, but the items seemed too fancy for an early morning walk outdoors. “I know you might be wanting for conversation, but there are plenty of people willing to spend time with you. You don’t need to resort to animals.”

  “Julisanna.” He ignored her comment. “How might I help you?”

  She sashayed closer. “What makes you think I need your help?”

  Thane gestured around them. “Why else would you come out here to find me?”

  Julisanna’s lips lifted into a sly smile. “Who says I came out here to find you?” She brushed a strand of hair off her shoulder, continuing to smile as she met his gaze.

  Thane was in no mood for whatever game she played. “Please excuse me. I have business to attend to.” He moved to step around her and follow Argos’ path back to the mansion.

  “Wait.” Julisanna reached out and held his arm. He looked down at the sapphire and emerald rings shining in the daylight. “I heard about the attack. I came as soon as I could. I wanted to ensure everyone was alright.”

  Thane slowly lifted his gaze and observed Julisanna. Her eyes had lost their mischievous gleam. The words were sincere. “We are well.”

  “And Darcie?” Julisanna inquired after the newest member of their pseudo-family. “I heard she was tortured.”

  “Darcie has recovered,” Thane answered her question before voicing one of his own. “Since when have you showed concern for Darcie?”

  If Thane remembered correctly, Julisanna had been hostile towards Darcie when she came into the picture. It hadn’t been easy for the stunning immortal to have the youthful and innocent beauty to compete with, especially since Julisanna held a flame for Des. Thane knew Julisanna had hoped to one day breach his walls and have the relationship she’d always desired. But Darcie’s arrival had effectively rendered her plans impossible.

  Julisanna lowered her hand. “Of course, I care about Darcie. Her wellbeing impacts Des and our family directly.”

  “Ah.” Thane nodded once. “I see.” Perhaps she still had feelings for his brother.

  “I’m glad to hear she is well,” Julisanna said. “I am glad to see you are well.”

  Thane’s lips turned down. “Why wouldn’t I be?” The question came off as defensive.

  Julisanna chuckled lightly. “I didn’t intend to insult you. I simply meant I am happy you were not harmed during the attack.”

  “Their objective was not to harm me.” Thane didn’t understand her concern. It was unfounded.

  She sighed. “Are you incapable of acknowledging someone cares enough about you to be worried for you?”

  Thane didn’t answer. He simply crossed his arms and raised a brow.

  She noticed and rolled her eyes. “Really, Thane. It is not a bad thing.”

  “I never said it was.” Thane knew his Original sibling well enough to know there was something else at work here. Something else besides concern. He just needed to figure out what it was so he could respond effectively.

  “Thane.” Julisanna’s voice adopted a smooth and persuasive tone. Her eyes shined bright. “Are you lonely?”

  His forehead creased. “What?”

  “Are you lonely?” She inched closer and slowly lifted her fingers. She trailed one down the length of his forearm. “No one could blame you if you were. After all, you lived hundreds of years with a companion. It can’t be easy to suddenly be on your own.”

  The familiar pain of Bella’s death clutched his chest. It was as fresh as the day she’d died, but Thane had managed to overcome the debilitating blow and resume living his life. But that didn’t mean he did not miss Bella with every fiber of his soul.

  “What do you want, Julisanna?” He stared down into her sultry blue eyes. She continued to trail lines up and down his arm.

  “Only to let you know that you have options.”

  “Options?” he parroted back like a fool.

  Rather than explain, Julisanna let her actions do the talking. She closed the distance between them and lifted onto her toes. She clutched his arm and grabbed the back of his neck with her free hand. Her fingers curled in his hair as she pressed her soft lips against his.

  Thane did not move. He could not think. It was as if his brain short-circuited, preventing him from reacting to Julisanna’s advance. Of all the reasons behind her words and actions, he had not anticipated this.

  Her bracelets bangled against one another, clinking in his ear. Julisanna pressed herself against him, undeterred by his lack of involvement. Her mouth moved expertly against his. Without thinking, Thane’s hand traveled to her waist. He’d needed to ground himself, and his limp hands made him feel unbalanced.

  Unfortunately, Julisanna took the movement as encouragement. She moaned happily against him. Thane opened his mouth to protest, and Julisanna’s tongue slipped past without resistance. She brushed against his suggestively, sending all sorts of promising messages with her well-practiced maneuver.

  That was what finally snapped him awake.

  Thane’s throat tightened, and it felt like someone had punched him in the gut. He reared back, breaking the kiss. The hand on his neck slid away.

  “No,” he managed to choke out. He cleared his throat. “Forgive me, Julisanna. But no.”

  Her heavy-lidded eyes watched him. “Why not?” She swayed closer and managed to press another kiss on the corner of his mouth before he leaned away.

  “No.” He dropped his hand from her waist and stepped back to put distance between them.

  Julianna’s breathing was heavy as she said, “You don’t have to be alone, Thane. It is okay to seek comfort in the arms of another.”

  No words had ever sounded so wrong.

  Thane took another step back and shook his head. “You are wrong, Julisanna. I’m not alone. But even if I was, I would not enter someone else’s bed. I will never enter your bed.” He didn’t want to be harsh, but he knew Julisanna would not respond to anything else. He needed her to believe there was no chance of them ever being together. Absolutely never.

  Julisanna listened, and her seductive expression faded away. To her credit, she tried to take the rejection in stride. “No matter. It doesn’t hurt to check.”

  Thane wasn’t sure if he imagined it, but he thought he saw a twinge of hurt cross the immortal’s expression before she pasted on another bright, white smile.

  Julisanna spun around and walked calmly back towards the mansion. Her hips swayed naturally with every step. Thane watched the movement with little feeling.

  It didn’t matter that Julisanna was beautiful and sexy. Thane knew there were many males, both human and immortal, who would kill for the chance to become her lover. All of them would consider him a fool for turning her down, but they did not understand.

  For centuries, Thane had searched for one woman. When he found her, he’d spent the next centuries living in marital bliss. Bella had been his One. There was no one else for him. There never would be. Thane was destined to spend the rest of his days alone. Unless, if by some miracle, she ever came back.

  Thoughts of the warlock and his necromancer skills came to mind. Thane shuddered and tried to dispel the hopeful images filling his head. He would give anything to see Bella again. To hold her and kiss her, but that was impossible.

  Bella was dead.

  The warlock was a liar; he couldn’t bring Bella back.

  Thane repeated the words over and over again, but it was no use. His imagination continued to run away from him, picturing a reunion with his lost love. He clenched his fist and shook his head furiously, but the thoughts and hopes continued to plague him, taunting him with the hope of what could never be.


  “You can’t do this to me again, Des. You said you would never do t
his again.”

  Des’ resigned gaze met his One’s stare. “We don’t have a choice.”

  “Yes,” Darcie countered with emotion. “We do.”

  Not wishing to see his brother’s relationship unravel any further, Thane said, “It is only until we defeat the Negrisi clan.”

  Darcie whirled toward him. She flung out an arm. “That could be weeks or months. I have classes. I am not going to drop out of college.”

  “No one is asking you to drop out,” Jennifer Bane, Darcie’s mother, spoke up. “We can persuade the dean to permit you to complete your classes via long distance learning.”

  The Elder beside the witch said nothing. He stood and observed from deep within the darkness of his hood.

  “No.” Darcie slashed her hand in the air. “You will not use magic on the dean. That’s wrong. Besides, I can’t complete my lab courses from a distance. Those are listed as ‘hands on’ for a reason.”

  Jennifer’s eyes hardened. “Be reasonable, Darcie. These people want The Veritas, and you are their best shot at getting it. Not to mention, they mean to harm you, personally.”

  The interrogation of the witch who tortured Darcie had revealed important information regarding the Negrisi clan. Their secretive group was dedicated to avenging Adir’s death. The captured woman did not hesitate to spew hateful words and curses at the person they blamed for their beloved master’s death—Darcie.

  Hence, they discussed keeping Darcie safely protected in the mansion until the rest of the Negrisi clan was found and defeated. Guilt pressed on Thane at the situation Darcie found herself in. If only the enemy clan knew the truth of Adir’s death—that Thane had been the one to deliver the killing blow—perhaps they would abandon their desire to harm Darcie and she would be allowed to return to her studies.

  Darcie did not respond to her mother. Instead, she turned her pleading back towards Des. “You promised,” she breathed. “You promised we’d be a team. You said we are equal. Please don’t force me to hide away here.” She’d hardly spoken to her One since he’d rejected her offer to bond with him, but she would not let her hurt keep her from pleading with him to have her back.

  “No one will force you to do anything,” said Des. “But you must understand that what we are saying is true. Until the clan is stopped, you will not be safe.”

  “I’m immortal,” she pointed out. Her head swung between the individuals in the room. “Doesn’t that count for anything?”

  “That does not make you immune to torture,” Jennifer replied. “Again, they want The Veritas. Then, they will use a spell to kill you. You need to be protected.”

  Thane observed Des from the corner of his eye. His brother stared at Darcie with a hopeless look. He wanted nothing more than to sweep her away and put her on top of the highest mountain where no one could reach her. It ate at him that the witches had managed to harm his One, and his every instinct screamed at him to not let it happen again. Jennifer Bane might have been the one to suggest Darcie remain in Greece for her protection, but Des agreed with the plan wholeheartedly.

  Darcie shook her head, denying her mother’s words. “I will not have my life dictated by fear. Classes start in a week, and I am going to be there.”

  Des physically deflated. His head fell forward, and he stared at his feet. Darcie noticed. She moved until she stood right in front of him.

  Darcie lowered her head until he was forced to look at her. Once she had his attention, she said, “We can ward the apartment, and you can come to every class with me. I’m sure I can master the invisibility spell, so you won’t have college-aged girls fawning all over you the entire time.” Her joke fell flat. Des’ lips didn’t give a hint of a smile.

  She reached out and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers. “Trust me, Des. It will be fine.”

  He closed his eyes, deeply affected by her touch. “Was everything fine when Adir managed to get ahold of you?” he questioned.

  Darcie blinked. “That was different.”

  He opened his eyes. “How?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “I hadn’t mastered my powers. And I wasn’t immortal.”

  “You’re right.” The words landed hard, primed to be misunderstood. “You were not an immortal. It was your abduction which resulted in that undesired result.”

  All of the air rushed out of Darcie’s lungs; she exhaled painfully. She gaped at him before finally managing to say, “You didn’t want me to be an immortal?”

  “It’s not a secret I tried to deny our connection to give you a chance at a normal life, Darcie. You became an immortal against my wishes, and now you seem eager to put yourself in dangerous situations every chance you get.”

  Darcie blinked. Thane noticed the moisture gathering in her eyes. “I can’t help what happened to me, Des. But I can make sure I’m not a victim ever again.”

  “By risking your safety? Take care to not confuse bravery with stupidity.”

  A lone tear escaped. Darcie’s lips wobbled, but she pressed them together and closed her eyes.

  Thane stared at his brother with wide eyes. What was he doing?

  Des watched the tear roll down her cheek. His throat bobbed. “Darcie… I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head and pulled her hand away, taking a step back.

  Des looked broken. “I don’t want to argue. I just want you to stay–”

  Before Des had a chance to finish, Darcie waved a hand in the air. Her form shimmered for a moment before she disappeared.

  A beat of silence passed before Des shouted, “Where did she go?” Thane felt déjà vu, remembering Darcie asking the same thing a few days ago.

  The Elder cleared his throat. “Eirie.”

  Des whirled on the cloaked being. “What?”

  The Elder was unaffected by the violence in the single word. “Darcie has gone to Eirie.”

  Des’ eyes grew wild. “Take me to her.”

  The hood shifted slightly. “I cannot.”

  Jennifer intercepted Des when he tried to step in front of the Elder. She put a staying hand on his chest. “You know the city is guarded against unapproved visitors.”

  “Then approve me as a visitor,” Des commanded. The air began to thicken with his power. “Something doesn’t feel right about this. Darcie needs to be back here. NOW!” Thane and Jennifer flinched, but the Elder’s cloak barely moved.

  “What do you mean?” Thane asked his brother. “Can you sense Darcie is in danger?”

  Des’ nostrils flared. “All I know is that my soul is screaming for Darcie to be by my side.”

  “I am sure she is safe in Eirie–”

  “No.” Des cut Jennifer off. “I don’t care what you say. I know what I am feeling. She needs to return. We must get her.” He ran a shaky hand through his hair, making it stand on end. Des’ eyes were wide and red capillaries bulged against the white surface. He was genuinely concerned for his One’s wellbeing.

  “I can go to Eirie.” Thane met his brother’s gaze before looking into the Elder’s deep hood. “I have been granted access before.”

  The Elder crossed his long sleeves, tucking his arms underneath one another. A moment passed before he confirmed, “Yes. I am permitted to escort Thane inside Eirie.”

  The power circulating in the air wavered, mirroring Des’ relief. “When?”

  “As soon as Lord Thane would like.”

  “Now,” Des answered for him. “My brother would like to go now.”

  The hood dipped forward. “As you wish.” He held out a bony hand.

  Before Thane could reach out, Des appeared in front of him. “Something is not right,” he said again. Only, with their closeness, Thane could see the lucidity in Des’ wild stare. He was not being led by uncontrolled power.

  The realization forced Thane to take his concerns more seriously. “What are you sensing? What threatens Darcie?”

  Des swallowed and looked away. “I-I don’t know.” He cringed at his own admission. He was fully aware he sounded
overprotective and crazy. He’d promised Darcie he would not behave in such a way, but his instincts were making that next to impossible.

  “It’s fine.” Thane pulled his brother in for a rough hug. “I’ll go to Eirie and bring her back. Nothing will happen.”

  Des’ stiff shoulders released some of their tension. He returned the embrace, slapping Thane on the back two times. “Thank you, Brother.”

  There was no need to thank him. Thane knew Des would have done the same for him. Now, he just needed to make sure he kept his vow. Thane needed to find Darcie and bring her back to Greece before any of Des’ worries were realized.


  Eirie’s streets were strangely empty when Thane and the Elder appeared in the pristine city. Looking in the sky, he saw the bright sun shining overhead, making the marble-like buildings gleam and shine. It was mid-afternoon, yet no one ventured into the stores or marketplaces they passed. The emptiness put him on edge.

  “Where is everyone?” Thane asked, eyeing the dark windows of a café.

  “Celebrating the Winter Solstice.”


  “A delayed Winter Solstice celebration. Winter Court is hosting the event and all Fae are invited.”

  Humans had once worshiped pagan gods on the longest night of the year, but Thane hadn’t known the beings from the other realm also celebrated the occasion. He continued to observe the vacant city with a growing sense of discomfort. It was unnatural for such a large city to be empty.

  “All Fae attend the party?”

  “No one wants to miss it. It is quite the celebration. They were worried it wouldn’t happen this year given King Kheelen’s illness, but it was only delayed.”

  Thane didn’t know half of what the male said, but he didn’t bother asking about it. “So Darcie is alone?”

  “No. The Wise Ones never leave The Citadel,” the Elder reassured him. “She is with them.” Thane didn’t waste his breath to ask how he knew where Darcie was. No doubt, it was one of the Elder’s mysterious and mystical abilities.


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