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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

Page 27

by P. G. Allison

  “Congressman, your sarcasm is not appreciated,” said Charles Winword from the CIA. “And, you should be more grateful we actually have witches who are willing to help protect us.”

  “Drew,” asked Hanson, “what’s going on in Afghanistan? Why is your girl headed back there?”

  “Well, that’s General Blake’s idea. He wants her to do some more spying on the WIJO leaders. It’s only a precaution, of course. But, just in case this attack in Boston isn’t the only thing WIJO is planning, the general wants to have our secret, supernatural, invisible, spy try to learn whatever else might be about to happen. Hopefully, we then can stop that before any American citizens get killed.”

  On that note, the meeting was adjourned.


  Missy was enjoying herself. She always enjoyed being with Les and Marsha and she found the pilots for this trip were also fun. Then, of course, there was all the food. Even though she didn’t truly need to eat the way she used to, replacing the huge energy drains which her frequent Changes were causing, thanks to how she now could draw energy in from all around instead, all the meals she was being provided were still very, very enjoyable. Ahh, yes! Missy did indeed love to eat!

  She’d settled into an easy routine for each of the stops. They’d land at the airport and, while the plane was being refueled, she’d teleport back to their previous location, find an appropriate spot to Shift, and then materialize in her cat form. Thus, she could be certain she’d be able to find her way back to each place again later, no problem. She’d prowl around for maybe ten minutes and then she’d teleport back to the plane. She was able to do all this in a lot less time than what was needed for the plane to be ready again for takeoff to their next stop.

  When they landed in Iqaluit, Canada, however, she did take some extra time, since before teleporting back to Kuujjuaq she first explored the area right there, in her cat form, going a few miles east to find a spot she could identify which was closer to Nuuk and within her five hundred mile max range from that stop. Then, it was off to Kuujjuaq, spend some time there, and finally return to the plane. It was actually ready by that time and they flew on to Nuuk. Once there, she had no problem returning back to the spot she’d selected in Iqaluit.

  After taking off from Nuuk, en route to Tasiilaq over on the other side of Greenland, one of the pilots asked her to explain her teleporting. She was enjoying a nice steak but didn’t mind describing what was involved.

  “Teleporting requires an exercise of my will,” she explained. “After I Change into my spirit form, I first must focus on where I want to go, then sense the spot or person at that location and then … presto! … I can go there. Once I choose to go, it only takes me a second. Or, maybe only a nano-second. It seems instant.” She took another bite of her meal.

  Les said, “Once she’s at a location, she can explore while still a spirit but that takes normal amounts of time. She can see, smell and hear while using her enhanced senses. Even so, she says she still needs to have at least some amount of light to see things, just as she would as a cat.”

  Missy finished chewing and said, “Yep! No x-ray vision or anything for me. I can move through objects, no problem, but I still need to see what I’m doing. If there’s no light, I’m blind. And, since I can’t feel or taste anything, I’m not able to feel my way along. I will merely move myself blindly along until eventually emerging back into the light. I will admit … that part is a little weird.”

  “Are you always able to sense your destination before you start?” asked Marsha. “I mean, what happens if you can’t sense the place?”

  Missy said, “That’s exactly why I’m bouncing back and forth on this trip, as we go. I really do need to sense that destination. I can’t just go off into nowhere … it has to be some place definite. From what I learned about myself earlier, right now my reach seems to be limited to about five hundred miles. Of course, who knows whether that might increase as I get older? I’m still a young witch, after all. Millie and all the older witches keep saying I might continue to gain more and more power for at least another five years.”

  The two pilots who were keeping her company along with Les and Marsha simply shook their heads, back and forth, in unison. One of them muttered, “Right! She’s still a young witch!” while the other one said, “She’ll have even more power five years from now”. They laughed, got up and headed over to where they’d be resting until their shift would begin. They were taking turns with the other two pilots, on for four hours at the controls and then off for four hours resting or relaxing.

  She talked on the phone to Mike, of course. She also talked to Drew who filled her in on how his meeting with all the government officials had gone.

  When Missy finally wanted to get some sleep, she told them she could do that better while in her cat form, so when she returned from their stop on the Faroe Islands, she Changed into a mountain lion and then slept all the way to Scotland.


  When Arvind Pancholi booted up his computer and again checked his email, he was unaware there was a program running in the background which began sending copies of his files to a special server on the Internet. He didn’t bother shutting down right away and, thanks to the excellent speed which the hotel’s Wi-Fi network provided, it only took two hours for a complete clone of his hard drive to be saved “up in the cloud”.

  In addition, Marie was able to remotely access his computer and install more of her programs, finishing what her initial programming had started. She now would have a log of every keystroke Arvind would make, which … over time … would enable her to identify all his passwords and access files and accounts which he had “up in the cloud” as well. Yes, she would now “own” everything Arvind had accumulated and, if and when needed, she could steal his identity and just about everything else of his as well.

  She and her partner Lisa would soon find themselves an invaluable resource for this “P” Branch they had agreed to join. They would learn about supernaturals. And, their lives would forever be changed.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Dec 24, 2019

  Mike spent the day at home with his family. He explained Missy was again off doing Army stuff but would be joining him Christmas Day. Michelle and Aaron looked at him knowingly but weren’t about to betray any secrets.

  His dad said, “That’s good. It’ll be nice having you both around this year. We really missed you last year when you …”

  “Actually, Dad, Missy and I will be going away again this year. We’re leaving the day after Christmas … sorry!”

  “What? Oh, no! Not more Army stuff, is it? Tell me you’re maybe going skiing or something.”

  Mike shrugged. “Sorry, but as a matter of fact, we’ll be helping her government friends for a few days. I’m not exactly sure when we’ll be back.” He’d tried explaining to his parents on more than one occasion how he and Missy felt obligated to provide occasional assistance to an important agency which he wasn’t at liberty to name. His parents had seen some of the special telecommunications equipment which he’d been provided with.

  Michelle recognized he was floundering and, trying to be helpful, she said, “Aaron and I have some news! Missy told Mike we can schedule our wedding for June seventh and she’d be available then.”

  Her dad was not mollified and grumbled, “Sure, unless she drags him off to help that mysterious secret agency at the last minute.” He stared at the two of them and realized his daughter knew more than he did about whatever it was her twin brother was up to with Missy.

  “Dad, it’s not a secret agency,” said Mike. “But, what we do is classified and that’s why I don’t tell you which agency it is.” He had explained this to his parents before as well.

  “Yeah, okay. But how come your sister …?”

  Mike sighed and said, “She doesn’t know which agency it is either. And, she doesn’t know what assistance we’re providing. It’s all classified. But, Missy has many secrets and she has shared some of
those with Michelle. That’s all.”

  Their mother said, “Enough. Let’s enjoy today and tomorrow. And talk about Michelle’s wedding.” She didn’t understand why there had to be all these secrets but she did know her son was totally committed to his girlfriend Missy. She had long ago realized his happiness was with her and accepted the mysterious bond which the two of them seemed to have. But, since that wedding would have to wait until Missy graduated, she’d focus on Michelle and Aaron and all of their plans for now. She knew June would be there before they knew it and there was much to do before Michelle’s wedding day arrived.


  Kahliq Abdul Tabish was again enjoying the special favors of a certain female with whom his sexual fantasies had always been fulfilled and his desires completely gratified. Husnia was expensive but he would gladly pay double what she asked. As usual, he’d waited until Askar-Samar Karimi was out of town, assuring there’d be no surprise demands or interruptions, and then he’d gone over to her place. Karimi was not very tolerant concerning extramarital affairs and would never approve of his assistant engaging in such activities.

  Of course, were Karimi to learn his assistant not only enjoyed such things but that the particular female Tabish had chosen to play the role for his fantasies was also playing a different role, acting as a spy for the CIA, he indeed would not be approving. But, fortunately for Tabish, Karimi had never found that out.

  After two hours of very rigorous activity, Tabish was done, once again feeling that wonderful sense of exhaustion, euphoria and boneless lassitude which she always made him feel. He would prefer staying right there and spending the night but their arrangement did not allow for that. No. As usual, he needed to leave in as discreet a manner as possible and return back home. Although his wife wasn’t really interested in him, she would notice his absence all the same. He didn’t want to risk having her complain and then have Karimi getting suspicious.

  Husnia watched as he slowly began getting dressed and, knowing this was a good time to question him, she asked, “Will you be seeing me again soon or is your boss returning from Kabul right away?”

  He smiled and said, “Yes, I am hoping you are available. He has several more meetings over there during the next few days so I’ll definitely have more opportunities to be with you. You know how much I enjoy our sessions together!”

  She laughed and answered, “But of course! You are my favorite client so I will always make time for you.” She went over and began buttoning up his shirt for him. “Will Askar-Samar be talking to any WIJO leaders about that theory of his? You know … how there are demons helping the U.S. government?” During some of his earlier visits, she had managed getting Tabish to tell her all about what Karimi had presented. She also knew how the leaders in Herat had been unconvinced, rejecting the theory about demons.

  “Yes, it’s the main reason for these meetings. There are several leaders over there in Kabul who have read his reports and want to discuss his theory. They are worried about possible interference with some of their current plans and don’t want to ignore any warnings, no matter how crazy they might sound.”


  Missy emerged from the lavatory after teleporting back from Oman, tugging the belt for her robe a little tighter. She looked at Les and Marsha with a somewhat quizzical expression, raising her eyebrows. Then she asked, “Do I look any different? Have I lost any weight? It’s getting harder for me to know whether the energy I’m pulling in to replace what I’m using is the right amount. After so many Changes, I can’t be sure about that anymore. Maybe I’m losing track or … I don’t know!” She sighed.

  Les looked at her appraisingly and said, “Beautiful and voluptuous as ever. Of course, with that bulky robe you have on, I can’t really say for sure.” He looked over at his wife and grinned. “Maybe Marsha can examine you more closely if you’re really worried.”

  Marsha smiled at him and said, “No, Les, she’s not taking off her robe.” Looking at Missy she asked, “Did you have to travel very far this time before you could sense where you needed to go?” They had arrived in Pakistan and the airport was several miles beyond the five hundred mile limitation so she knew Missy had first needed to prowl around outside as a cat until she was within five hundred miles and could sense the previous airport.

  After that, Missy had teleported back to Oman, Changed there, waited a few minutes, and then finally had teleported back to their plane. So, she’d made three Changes in a very short time period. And, that was after Changing more than forty times since they’d started out, less than forty hours earlier.

  “Actually,” said Missy, “I think my awareness radius is increasing. I can’t sense places a thousand miles away yet but I think my limit is now a lot more than only five hundred. Maybe it’s because I’m drawing in and consuming so much energy. You know how when you exercise lots, your muscles grow, right? I think I’m doing something similar, only with how I use energy. I know I can feel lots more energy is now available for me.” Her eyes began blazing with golden specks, the color blinking from green to yellow to green in rapid succession.

  “Whoa, girl! Careful! Don’t self-destruct on us!” Les glanced over at Marsha and it was obvious how anxious he suddenly was. “If all this is too much, too fast, we can stop. Give you more time.” He was concerned since he knew for her return to the U.S., she’d be stopping only a few minutes between Changes at each of her spots. Maybe all these rapid Changes were more than what she could manage.

  Missy said, “Hey, we only have one more flight and then we’ll be in Afghanistan. All our lily pads will be in place and I can hop on home for Christmas!” She moved over to take her usual seat. “Let the pilots know we can take off now. And, let me see what you’ve prepared for my last meal before I start that long journey back.”


  Sandy arrived back home after getting to spend all of the previous day with Alice. They’d talked about so many things! Her week long ordeal after being kidnapped, her almost being raped with certain death to follow, and all the terrifying feelings which she’d experienced back then? Those were all ancient history now, thanks to her earlier talks with Alice.

  No, this time their conversation had been all about her life at boarding school and the necessary restrictions because of who her father was. They’d reviewed her role as daughter in a major crime family. And then they’d talked all about victims and abuse. About all the ways Alice was helping the Roseanne Fund girls. About why those girls needed help.

  Sandy realized there were those who had power and privilege and that one day she would be one of those people. She understood what a tremendous responsibility that would be. She was resolved to step up and to help. She now had a real purpose, some lofty goals and a determination to make a difference.

  But, when her dad’s security guards Santos and Remy safely delivered her back inside her father’s compound and she saw him standing outside with Ben, waiting to greet her? She knew she couldn’t really share very much of that with him. So, when he asked how her visit went, she simply answered, “It went great, Dad! I had such a wonderful time. And, wait until you see all the pictures I took at the wedding. Missy’s sister Heather looked so beautiful. Missy, too. Everyone did. And, everyone was really nice to me.”

  She then decided to tease him, just a little, so she continued in a rush of words, practically babbling, “I got to sit with Missy and her parents at the reception. And, her brother Patrick was also there at our table. He’s my age but he’s a year ahead of me in school. I got to dance with him. I think I’m in love!” She giggled. She figured making that last statement would get a rise out of her father. And, of course, it did.

  Sal said, “Whoa! Slow down. I’m glad you had a nice time. But, let’s not have any talk about you being in love. I haven’t even approved of you dating yet.”

  “Oh, Da-a-a-a-dy!” exclaimed Sandy in exasperation. She looked at Ben and said, “Please tell him! This isn’t like when I went sneaking out to that party
. Alice was there the whole time as my chaperone. You can get a full report from her.”

  Ben smiled, glanced quickly at Sal and then looked back at Sandy. “Your father doesn’t mind you dancing with boys. And, I’m sure Missy’s brother is a very nice young man. Once you finish high school, get your college degree, maybe work a few years after that …” He chuckled as he watched the expression of mock horror on her face and realized she knew he was joking with her. Of course, Sal probably would prefer she postpone dating the way Ben was suggesting but, the reality was, his little girl was growing up.

  Sandy then said, “One thing that happened was strange. Missy wants me to mention this.” She pulled out her phone and went through her messages until she found the one from Tracy with pics attached. She held her phone so they could both see the photos which she pulled up. “Paul Morelli showed up at the wedding. We talked about why he might have been there but we couldn’t really decide.”

  “Are you saying he approached you? What the hell!” exclaimed Sal.

  “No, he never got anywhere near us. Missy’s friend Tracy stopped him and took these photos. He was standing over on the other side of the room and told her he was only looking and taking notes about the wedding. He made up some excuse about doing that for his girlfriend. Missy thinks he was either stalking me or stalking Alice and that you’d want to know about it.”

  Chapter Forty

  Dec 25, 2019

  Mike was awakened very early when Missy teleported back, crawled into his bed, pressed her body up against his and said, “Merry Christmas! I’m back!” She was definitely amped up with energy and very aroused. He’d seen her like this before, after she’d been in her spirit form for prolonged periods, deprived of any sense of touch. Her body was now demanding some major physical attention and her mind was filling his head with her lusty cravings and desires, begging him to get busy and work hard at satisfying her. He was more than happy to give her all and everything he possibly could.


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