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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

Page 28

by P. G. Allison

  Not quite an hour later, after he’d helped her experience several orgasms, she finally collapsed on top of him and fell into her coma like state. He’d seen her do that before as well. She was out cold, her energy finally drained enough so she could sleep. He knew she needed a few hours to revive. Whatever doing all the things she had done had, in turn, done to her? And, he was pretty certain she’d again stretched some boundaries. Well, he knew somehow, she would fully recover and be better than ever. But, he also knew she truly needed him to do that and it made him very happy their mutual love for one another was part of that whole process.

  Yeah, he had accepted the fact his soulmate was not human and their bond was supernatural, as was she. In spite of his being human, she wanted him anyway and no one else. She needed him and had opened herself up to him completely. He slipped out from underneath, leaving her splayed out in the bed between the sheets; he then adjusted the blanket and bedcover so she’d be warm and comfy. Next, he waited patiently for her to finish her recuperation; he wanted to be there for her when she woke up later on.

  After resting for only a couple of hours, Missy’s subconscious forced her back to an awakened state. After all, it was Christmas. She knew they had places to go, people to meet, celebrations to enjoy, family members to participate with.

  Her entity had just manifested itself in human, cat and spirit forms, drawing and using huge amounts of energy each time, over and over and over again. Then, with her body thrumming and craving sensations, she’d bonded with her Mike and her entity had managed to sift and sort through all she had experienced, finally able to settle back into a balanced state, achieving release with him and then getting some needed rest. She stretched slowly and looked around, finding him sitting right there, waiting for her.

  “Morning, Mike! Mmmm, thanks for being here for me, thanks for being you!”

  “I thought you’d be out for a few more hours, Missy. Are you really waking up or will you roll over and go right back to sleep?”

  She sat up and smiled at him. “I’m good. I’m really good, actually. I feel great. Healthy, strong, normal, rested, ready and raring to go!” She climbed out of bed and went to look at herself in the full length mirror he had on the door inside the bathroom. “Looks like I’m still me! Same face, same hair, same ugly scars, same boobies and nipples, same everything!” She giggled and asked, “Do I seem the same to you? How was our mad, passionate lovemaking? Good as ever?” She already knew how he felt since she could always sense his emotions. It was fun teasing him.

  Mike laughed and said, “Stop admiring your bare, naked fanny in there and get dressed. We’re supposed to spend a few hours with my family before we go over and visit with yours.” It was really good having her back.

  Twenty minutes later they were in his car, heading for Salem. She filled him in on all the details of her trip, describing all the stops they’d made on the way over and then how it was for her coming back. “Going over”, she explained, “was actually more difficult for me then coming back.”

  “How so?” he asked.

  “Well, on the way over, it was my first time at each place and I needed to spend enough time getting that location fixed in my mind so I could return back there. I did that while in my spirit form, after Changing from my human form inside the plane and teleporting outside. Then, once I was sure about that spot, I teleported back to the prior location, Changed into my cat form, spent a few minutes being physically there, and finally teleported back to the plane. Inside, I Changed back to my human form and told everyone I was set for taking off and going on to the next place. It was more effort and more Changes then coming back home, when all I had to do was teleport to a location, Change and be a cat for a couple of minutes, focus on my next stop, teleport there in my spirit form, Change to a cat, etc., etc. Much less effort.”

  Mike nodded and then considered some of the things Missy had told him in their various other conversations regarding what it was like for her when Changing. He asked, “What about maintaining your energy balance?” He knew she needed to use her witch powers for harnessing energy from outside herself for all these Changes since she wasn’t able to simply eat lots of food to restore what she was using, the way she had done in her earlier years.

  “Yes, that’s a concern and it’s why I was checking myself out this morning. As you know, I can quickly lose body fat along with some muscle mass and it then is lots more work for me to put it all back on.”

  He knew she considered being at a hundred and fifty pounds with fifteen percent body fat to be her ideal size. He did too since she was incredibly sexy at that weight, with her feminine curves filled out in all the right places to soften the way her rock hard muscles would make her look otherwise; Missy had developed her incredible physique in a truly amazing manner. Yeah, he just loved her body!


  When Missy and Mike finally arrived at her house, it was almost time to sit down for the big Christmas meal which her mom was preparing. They’d enjoyed their time with Mike’s parents, his sister Michelle and her fiancé Aaron but had only eaten a few snacks, saving their appetite until now. On entering, Missy said, “Wow! Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven!” She took several deep breaths, inhaling the aromas and savoring the scents with obvious pleasure.

  Patrick said, “Hey, everyone! Watch out … wild wily werecat here! She will whistle, wail, wheedle or whisk whichever way will win wonderful whatevers!” This was met with groans and laughter.

  Tracy however did glare accusingly at John who immediately said, “Don’t look at me! He came up with that all on his own!” There was more laughter.

  Julia announced, “Places everyone!”

  Soon grace was said and they were all helping themselves to generous portions, complimenting Julia on what a fabulous feast she had once again served up for them.

  As Philip poured some red wine for everyone but Patrick, he announced, “Heather called this morning. It was actually late at night for her in Hawaii, of course, but she wanted to wish us all a Merry Christmas and say thanks once again for everything we did making her wedding such a wonderful event. She and Donald are really enjoying their honeymoon and, even though they miss us, they are already wishing they could stay over there even longer.”

  The conversation continued about the wedding and how family events like that really enriched all their lives. By the time dessert was served, they were definitely enjoying that special joy which could only be experienced when surrounded by family and loved ones. Naturally, that soon led to some bantering and Missy couldn’t help but ask about Patrick’s two new girlfriends.

  “Yes!” said Tracy. “Lila confided to me she’s actually had her eye on Patrick for a while now. Since he’s a year ahead of her at school, she hasn’t really had much of an opportunity to get to know him. Until now, of course. Now she’s very interested.”

  John loved being able to contribute to Patrick’s discomfort and said, “From what Mark told me, Sandy spent most of the day after the wedding telling Alice how very interested she is in Patrick. She’s already wondering when Alice can manage arranging another opportunity …”

  Patrick wanted to say something in his own defense. His problem, however, was he had very mixed feelings and liked both Lila and Sandy a great deal. They were very different and yet he had found each girl to be more exciting than anyone else he’d ever met before. He glanced woefully over at Missy, who had started this.

  She recognized he was conflicted and came to his rescue. Sort of. “Clearly, my little brother will need to spend lots and lots of quality time with both of these new girlfriends. Of course, you all know how much I love a competition. This is gonna be great!” With that, everyone broke out laughing and soon afterwards the conversation moved on to new subjects.

  Inevitably, of course, the question came up as to where Missy would be going. Yes, she admitted it was back to Afghanistan. No, she would not be doing this officially; once again, she’d be helping General
Blake as a “supernatural soldier”, in secret.

  Missy explained, “Mike will be there and, this time, I will actually get to be with him. Some of the time. So, it’s really still a vacation for me, from West Point. And, I shouldn’t be in any danger. I’ll just be an invisible spy, checking to be certain there aren’t any threats we don’t know about.” She knew John and Tracy knew about the WIJO threat to disperse toxins using drones at the Patriot’s game on Sunday but Patrick and her parents didn’t need to know those details. Besides, the FBI and Homeland Security were completely on top of that. Nothing would happen. No toxins would get out.

  The time passed quickly and, before they knew it, it was time to say their goodbyes. Tracy and John were leaving in three days for Texas to be with Tracy’s family for a few days but Missy and Mike were, of course, leaving for Afghanistan the next morning. As Philip and Julia watched first John driving off with Tracy and then Mike with Missy, they realized their children were really grown up now. Heather had moved out and was now actually married. John and Missy had likewise “moved on” and were living their lives as adults. Even Patrick was growing up, having girlfriends and in less than two years? He also would be going away at college.

  But, not to fear. The empty nest syndrome was not likely to be that bad for them since there were twin grandbabies already on the way! Life was good!


  Paul Morelli had followed the Mathews couple that day, first from their place to a house in Salem, which he guessed belonged to a family member. They’d spent several hours there until finally returning back home in Boston. The D’Amato protection detail had trailed along, which wasn’t any surprise. He knew avoiding them and grabbing the girl would be difficult. But, where there was a will, there was a way. And, he sure wanted to do this! Badly!

  He’d called home that morning and, as expected, his father had been extremely pissed, demanding to know why he’d been seen up there, etc., etc. His uncle had heard from Sal D’Amato and was not happy, which he’d immediately communicated to his father. It took Paul quite a bit of explaining about his “new girlfriend” in Salem. Of course, he’d invented her so he could claim it was all just a coincidence. He hoped his story about shacking up with this new girlfriend, which was also his excuse for not being home for Christmas, would satisfy everyone.

  Of course, it meant he absolutely could not get caught but since that was his intent anyway, nothing had changed. He simply needed to grab that fucking Mathews girl and make her disappear forever! Somehow. Soon. Then he’d find some girl he could pay enough to be his alibi and all would be fine. One step at a time.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Dec 26, 2019

  Missy waited until Mike fell asleep before leaving. They’d made love and afterwards they’d talked about her teleporting, his catching a morning flight to join her and a few other things. Then they’d made love yet again and, finally, with both of them fully sated and very happy, he’d drifted off to dreamland and she’d started her journey.

  She didn’t need sleep since she’d be pulling energy all along the way and would arrive in Kabul alert and ready to go, if not exactly fresh and rested. Like all the other abilities she had mastered with effort and experience, maintaining her energy balance while teleporting was now one more she figured she’d managed to perfect.

  When she arrived in Torshavn on the Faroe Islands and Changed into her cat form, she actually took a few extra minutes to stay right there and reflect on just how amazing all this teleporting really was. She was almost one third of the way to her destination. And yet, she also knew she was in the North Atlantic, halfway between Iceland and Norway, and couldn’t think of being anywhere else more remote than this. Less than an hour earlier, she’d been in bed with Mike. And, In another hour or so? She’d be in Afghanistan. Yep. Amazing!

  For millions of years, these islands had stood alone and uninhabited, a group of eighteen major islands with an area of five-hundred-forty square miles. Now, they had a population of maybe fifty thousand. They did not, however, have any mountain lions so she was careful to stay out of sight. There were some mountains, which she liked; she felt especially alive drawing some energy from them to maintain that balance she needed. Since she could, she pulled a little extra. Then, in a shimmer of light, she Shifted to her spirit form. It was time to continue onward.

  Scotland, Norway, Germany … Saudi Arabia … Oman. So many stops, each so unique. Perhaps someday she’d be able to really visit some of them. She arrived in Kabul a little before noon which, considering the eight hour, thirty minute time difference and her not departing until after midnight, was doing pretty good. And, she was ready to go, as she’d anticipated. Again, doing pretty good!

  Les and Marsha had once again arranged to use the special office and living quarters at Camp Eggars. That’s where they’d been set up during Missy’s first visit to Afghanistan, when she’d done all that recon the year before. Ever since Missy’s return that summer, when she’d been assigned to Team Twenty-Two and Les and Marsha had again needed a place to stay and work, the Army had set aside these facilities just for them. Major Flament was still there and was very happy to again be acting as liaison.

  Missy Changed back to her human form inside the bathroom and found her clothing was there (fatigues, boots and … yes … that fancy underwear Marsha insisted on providing), as promised. After getting dressed, she went out and found not only Les, Marsha and Major Flament waiting in the office but Colonel Chory, Sami Massallah, Major Grimes and several members from Team Twenty-Two as well. They were all thrilled to see her and, for several minutes, she was very busy just greeting each one of them. Then Major Flament, Major Grimes and the Team Twenty-Two men said their goodbyes and left so Colonel Chory and Sami could start briefing her.

  Sami began by saying, “My informant tells me Askar-Samar Karimi has made a special trip here to Kabul, just so he can talk about demons. Or, to be more specific, to talk about his theories based on all the reports Arvind Pancholi has given him. As you know, those include a great deal about you, Missy. He arrived here three days ago from Herat and has been meeting with some very high level WIJO leaders ever since.”

  “So,” she asked, “will everyone Arvind is accusing of being a demon become a target? Will these WIJO leaders maybe send anyone to harm us or our families?”

  The colonel said, “We’ve had security teams watching Robert and everyone in his Psychic Division for a while now. And, Millie told Robert how you and Tracy have placed wards around your families and friends.”

  Sami said, “General Blake thinks having you listen in on whatever Karimi and these leaders are discussing might be more proactive. Not only can you learn if they are taking any actions against you and yours but maybe you’ll find out whatever attacks they might be planning. Like the attack that’s planned for Boston. We think these leaders are the ones responsible for that as well as for those Thanksgiving Day Parade attacks. And, my informant hears they are worried about possible interference with some of their current plans and thus don’t want to ignore any warnings. That’s why they’re interested in whatever theories Karimi might have about demons.”

  Missy nodded as she listened to all this. “I guess I’m curious why the general didn’t ask me to come spy on these leaders before now.”

  Colonel Chory laughed and said, “Oh, he’s thought about it, Missy. Ever since he learned you have this ability to be invisible and teleport. But, our Intel on these WIJO leaders has been evolving. Until now, we never were certain who or where the top leaders were. We know they don’t often visit their headquarters here in Kabul and we don’t have any confirmed locations for where they hide out.”

  Sami said, “We think we have a couple of names but we aren’t all that sure about them. Mullah Kahtar and Shahid Aziz. Unfortunately, we don’t have good photos. They’ve been very careful since the assassinations we managed on their earlier leaders.”

  Colonel Chory said, “But, once we’d learned about Karimi comin
g here, we’ve been keeping close tabs on him. And, we figure by having you spy on him, we’ll finally be able to identify all those top leaders.”

  Sami added, “And, find out whatever they’re planning. Hence, Operation Lily Pad!” They all laughed.


  Drew Martinson and several “P” Branch members were gathered in a conference room at their Washington D.C. headquarters while Robert Ulrey and his team were gathered at Hanscom AFB. Marie’s presentation was visible at both places on large screen video monitors and, thanks to the government’s secure net, it was not visible anywhere else. She and Lisa were showing them several files and emails which they’d obtained from Pancholi’s computer.

  “Getting all this information is really great work,” said Drew. “We’ve been trying to locate Philip Arnold for three months now and haven’t had any good leads. According to this, he’s staying at the Le Meurice Hotel in Paris using the name Felipe Benedict. Pancholi was actually meeting with him when Candace and Oliver were at the Embassy in Turkey.”

  Major Schermerhorn said, “That must have been when Pancholi learned about Manuel Rodriguez; Carlos told Missy about him visiting down there in Bogota not long after that.”

  Lisa said, “Marie and I don’t know all those names but we could see where this Philip Arnold was the source for lots of stuff about Missy, so we figured you’d want that.” She was still a little bit nervous, in spite of repeated assurances by Robert that the illegal invasion she and Marie had made into Pancholi’s computer and personal data would be okay, covered under National Security provisions, since the people Pancholi was selling information to were terrorists making attacks against the U.S.


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