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Page 8

by Reese Gabriel

  She flushed red. “Yes, Sir.”

  He watched her walk away, the sauciness of her curves, the unconscious womanliness, just a notch more intense than when they’d arrived.

  Katherine Cartwell was a natural all right and he was about to take the game to a whole new level.

  Reaching for his wallet, he pulled out a hundred dollar bill to cover their barely touched food.

  Mr. Wang would understand. Any man would understand.

  As for Kat, she would be in a whole different zone when she got out of that bathroom.

  Which left it up to him to do the planning.

  And the waiting.

  Five minutes maybe ten, with every second weighing on his imagination. What was she doing? How was she handling it?

  So many questions. And so little time until his flight tonight to California.

  Unless he changed it. Yes, indeed, that was possible. Maybe even probable.

  So long as things stayed on his terms. He was Master not just in their play time but in his own life.

  At least it had felt that way before he saw Kat again.

  The way she gripped his heart, the way he felt when he was with her and then again when he wasn’t. The way he hung on her words and gestures. The way her feelings, her happiness mattered.

  That was new. And disconcerting.

  A part of him wanted to run right now. Which was exactly what she had done. Was she feeling the same things?

  He was afraid to ask. Ignorance was bliss. The status quo. Freedom. Blessed independence and no drama.

  Yes, he ought to leave but he wasn’t going to leave, not even if a fire were lit beneath him. For chains held him fast, invisible, confusing and very different from the kind he was used to as a dominant.

  * * * * *

  Kat was sure everyone could read her mind, what she was contemplating doing, the wicked game she was playing.

  And why was she playing it exactly?

  Had Julian Morrell become that much of a drug so quickly after just two encounters?

  There was no one in the ladies’ room. Thank goodness. Finding the nearest stall, she locked herself in.

  So far so good.

  He wanted her panties off. The reality cut through her mind and left those very panties in a state of wet excitement.

  Bracing herself against the wall she took the pressure off her rubbery legs. She had barely been able to walk here from the table. Why hadn’t she run out of the restaurant instead?

  Because at some level she liked this, that’s why. Thrilled to it even.

  Unbidden, her hand went to her thigh. She lifted the hem of her skirt, slowly sliding it upward until she felt the cool air against her panty-covered crotch.

  He wanted her pussy nude. Dripping down her thighs. So vulnerable.

  Her breasts ached to be touched and squeezed. How she wished he was in here with her pushing her backward and having his way with her.

  Why did he have to leave her a choice? She did not want to be an accomplice.

  Her fingers had started to stray, the pink tips of her nails making their way across to the pink center. Underneath her sex lips thrummed as her female opening longed to be penetrated, stuck and thrust with powerful male energies.

  Julian was waiting. For his little slave girl. To bring him her underwear. Like the slut she was.

  The idea, the words thrilled her. So far from the straight-laced woman she had to be all day.

  He had ordered her not to play with her pussy. And he’d claimed to be able to notice the difference.

  Kat gritted her teeth. She pushed her pelvis outward trying to gain friction from the silk.

  No good. It had to come off anyway.

  Surely he wouldn’t notice if…

  Someone was coming in.

  A pair of girls, younger, maybe in their early twenties from the sound of them. They were talking about their dates.

  “I know he’ll want it before he even drops me off,” the first one said.

  “Mine too,” said the second. “I’m pretty sure they will both try something in the movies.”

  “They are hot though,” the first reasoned.

  “Hell to the yeah,” enthused the second. “Maybe I will just suck mine off.”

  “Do it in the movies,” the first teased.

  They enjoyed a good giggle together.

  “Seriously,” said the first. “I think mine is kinky.”


  “He keeps dropping hints about handcuffs. And that story about finding a girl tied up in his freshman dorm bed. You know he must have been the one who tied her up.”

  “Oh you know he was.”

  “So…tell me would you ever, you know, play kinky games.”

  “I’d let Brian handcuff me, would you let Jared?”

  “If we did it together, sure.”

  Kat looked down and realized what she’d been doing.

  As the young women were talking she had slid her fingers deeper and deeper underneath her panties so that her finger tips now threatened to touch her pussy itself and her clit too.

  “Is that a dare?” challenged the first.

  “Maybe,” said the second. “But this definitely is.”

  Kat heard them kissing. Each other. More giggling followed.

  “Oh god I have to fix my lipstick now.”

  “Me too.”

  A minute later they were gone. They must have come in just to talk.

  Kat heaved a sigh of relief. Just in the nick of time.

  She slid the panties down to her ankles and stepped from them. What was she supposed to do with them now? He hadn’t given instructions.

  Should she leave them in the bathroom? Or try and take them back to the table?

  She scooted the skirt down smoothing it over her backside. She opted to take them with her. Folded very small so no one would see what it was.

  Trembling, trying to keep her face free of any expression, she walked out of the bathroom.

  Her heart did a back flip as she saw the table. He was gone.

  “Over here,” he whispered.

  He came up from behind, pulling her back into the darkened corner of the restaurant, right behind the huge saltwater aquarium.

  “Is this it?”

  Julian took her hand in his.

  She released her grip allowing him to take the panties.

  “Good girl.” He kissed her forehead.

  She glanced downward a second too long. She realized her mistake. Nothing she could do now though.

  “You disobeyed me,” he said evenly.

  “Yes, Master.” What was the point in denying?

  “You’ll be punished.”

  “I know, Sir.” She was scared. Then again she couldn’t wait.

  “I have a car out front,” he said. “Let’s go for a little ride.”

  Her stomach knotted.


  Chapter Seven

  Julian held the door for her, allowing her ample time to settle into the roomy interior of the sleek, black limousine.

  It came equipped with everything: bar, television, stereo…and an array of paddles and riding crops.

  Taking the seat across from her, Julian pushed the intercom signaling for the chauffer to take them out into traffic.

  He had no destination. He just wanted time. Time with Kat.

  “You may spread your legs,” he told her. “And lift your skirt to your waist.”

  The lack of preamble and the bluntness of the request seemed to catch her off guard but she offered no argument as she lifted her bottom and pulled the garment high on her thighs.

  “Tell me about it,” he said.


  “What it was like when you touched yourself, what made you do it?”

  She swallowed hard. “There were these two girls. They came in talking about their boyfriends.”

  “They were talking about sex?”



nbsp; “I-I was aroused. The one girl wanted to give her date fellatio in a movie theater.”

  He smiled. “That appeals to you I gather.”

  “It’s…submissive,” she confessed. “Pleasuring a man like that in public.”

  “Done right it would be quite submissive, yes,” he agreed. “But there is more. It wasn’t just talk was it?”

  “I heard them,” she muttered. “They…they kissed each other.”

  “The two girls kissed?”

  She nodded.

  “And that appeals to you also.”

  She shrugged. “I am not into girls but if a man made me do it, you know making me like it? I think I would be into it.”

  “Put your hand on yourself,” he said now quite casually.

  She opened her mouth to object but a stern look was all it took. Kat found her pussy.

  “Masturbate for me.”

  She was groaning in seconds flat.

  “You’re a hot little thing, aren’t you? I suppose you’ll even like when I put you over my lap.”

  “Must you?” she groaned.

  “We both know the answer to that. There will never be peace between us until we find our proper places.”

  “But this is…a game,” she reminded.

  He watched her thrash her head, in the throes of near orgasm.

  “It doesn’t look like a game from where I sit.”

  “Sir, Master,” she whined. “I need to come.”

  “No. You need to come over here and sit next to me.” He snapped his fingers deliberately signaling his power and her lack of it. “Now.”

  Kat obeyed with obvious reluctance.

  “Take this off first,” he said, commanding her to remove the skirt and blouse and bra.

  She shed her clothes in record time, no doubt hoping for some relief as a reward.

  Better not hold your breath, he thought.

  Julian reached over and toyed with her body. As she tried to shy away he took hold of her nipple. A single punishing twist made her docile.

  “Thighs open,” he said.

  Forlorn, wary, she opened her legs. It was one thing to do out of range, but here he could reach her and do anything he liked.

  His finger found her clitoris straightaway.

  “This is going to feel like torture,” he warned. “Even the pleasure—especially the pleasure.”

  She shuddered as he worked her, massaging the swollen nub.

  “You will try to come while I’m spanking you but I won’t let you,” he predicted. “That is what will make this especially interesting.”

  Interesting was hardly the word Kat had in mind. Naked in the back of a near stranger’s limo, worked up and way past horny, prepared to subject herself to corporal punishment and god knows what else.

  Should she beg for mercy now or let the game play itself out? Maybe asking for mercy was the game.

  “Yes, Master,” she said rather disappointed at her own lack of articulation.

  It was at this point he ordered her to crawl up on the seat. The moment she’d been waiting for, dreading all these hours. Before that she’d only imagined it, in her secret night fantasies. Julian the sexual dominant punishing her the way a submissive needed.

  But I’m not submissive.

  All evidence to the contrary. Wasn’t that a joke?

  She tried to move gingerly but there was no graceful way. The first thing she felt was the leather seat on her bare knees. Then her shins and the palms of her hands until finally she was on all fours next to him.

  Her hair hung down, her breasts burned, her pussy, as always clamored for attention.

  He stroked her hair, sending her into orbit. She breathed his scent, pine and musk, so strong and masculine.

  “You must crawl across my lap,” he said. “You must assume the position by yourself.”

  Was there some significance, a kind of self-offering? Kat wondered.

  His crotch was tented. So she was not the only one aroused.


  Bridging his lap, she placed her palms on the outside of his opposite thigh. She planned on avoiding the contact as long as possible. Slowly she lowered herself down onto her elbows.

  Her nipples were the first part of her to graze the material of his pants. They were so damn swollen and needy. Kat tried to control her breathing. Her ass needed to go down, all the way down.

  He could make her do it with one swat delivered to her butt cheeks but he was waiting for her. He wanted her to submit to this fully of her own will.

  Catching her breath and holding it, she gave it her best shot. Down she went until she felt her belly against his hard thigh and then her crotch.

  She shut her eyes, feeling the flash of shame mingled with an intimate heat. This was something so private between them.

  Despite the chauffer up front, they were the only two people in the world. Like Gina and Giorgio. Lust’s Castaways.

  “Much better,” he said, resting his splayed hand in the middle of her cheeks. “Now I know what I’m working with.”

  But what was she working with? When would he let her in on his little program, whatever it was.?

  Soon enough.

  Abruptly she felt his hand lift and she braced herself. This was it. Sure enough the spanking was set to begin.

  With a whoosh the fire descended, a hot, bittersweet burn across her naked bottom.

  She cried out.

  “You must keep your voice down,” he warned. “Or I will be forced to gag you.”

  Kat dared not ask him what he intended to use, her own panties most likely.

  Julian took a moment to rub the heat in, making her groan. Then the hand was gone again. And then it was back with a second smack harder than the first.

  She knew she should have been prepared but she yelled out anyway, this time burying her face in the leather seat.

  Julian paused from his spanking now to attend to her sex.

  She clenched her fists as he found her dripping pussy, lightly stroking. So this was the torture he had spoken about. She squirmed. She tried to get up. A swift blow to her bottom kept her down.

  Helpless to the sensations he was delivering. Always at the edge of her pleasure zone, never quite enough to allow ultimate satisfaction.

  Julian pinched her ass.

  “Will you disobey me again?”

  “No, never!”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I do hope you will, darling.”

  She was in no mood to appreciate the joke.

  “That’s easy for you to say, Master.”

  Julian lifted her now, showing his massive strength as he set her temporarily on her knees beside him.

  What was he up to?

  She watched as he unzipped his trousers.

  Oh, yes.

  His cock. She had been waiting to see that, dreaming, silently suffering for so long. It was as big as she remembered, just as thick and long and beautiful.

  Julian seemed as anxious as she was or more so.

  “Let’s dispense with the formalities shall we?”

  His hands at her waist, he lifted her again, this time pivoting her in a sitting position onto his lap.

  Oh god, he was impaling her. Placing her directly over the point of his hot shaft and letting her wet and ready pussy receive it.

  She gripped him with her vaginal muscles and she descended, taking in every inch of him to the hilt.

  He reached out for her, taking hold of her breasts, and for a moment she thought he might come on the spot.

  But he was a man of discipline. He would take his time. Take care of her first.

  “I want you to climax,” he said. “Go wild.”

  She needed no further permission. Lifting herself, she found the angle and the satisfaction she needed.

  Her eyes slid shut as he began to massage her twin globes, paying special attention to the nipples.

  She fell forward, grinding her body lewdly.

  “Almost,” she cried out. “It’s almost�
��” And then she lost the power of speech.

  The combined heat of her freshly punished buttocks and what his cock was doing to the insides of her pussy was too much. She cried out silently mindful of his warning.

  His parameters, his world.

  Her orgasm.

  The waves overcame her and they kept coming, washing over some alien shore far away like the characters in the movie that meant so much to them.

  One climax pouring into a second and then a third, all that pent-up energy she had been much too terrified to release alone.

  She had needed him. And she had needed this.

  Julian did not climax. He wanted something else.

  Kat on her back on the limo seat, the smell of leather, the smooth feel of the car moving, knowing all those people were outside on the road, on the other side of the metal doors, unable to hear or see, but very much there.

  The pressure of the material made her moan as he pushed down on her buttocks but soon enough he was inside her again, his still fully clothed body claiming more, always more. When he reared up she wanted to cry, seeing how beautiful he was, like a lion claiming its prey, like a sovereign beast marking its territory.

  She could feel the hot jets of semen fill her as he came and she treasured every drop. She did not want this to end. She did not want him to end. She needed, wanted more.

  But the reality of Julian Morrell was quite a different thing than fantasy brokered by occasional steamy encounters.

  For a long time neither dared to speak as he lay upon her breast, her turn to stroke his hair and whisper words in his ear.

  Private things no one else should hear.

  Julian heard Kat’s confession. How she had enjoyed what they’d done. All the little details so perfectly delivered with her soft voice, her lush body underneath his, the car’s expensive engine purring.

  Yes, everything was perfect as far as Julian was concerned. He was back with Kat, he had enjoyed sex with her again, he had enjoyed her squirming buttocks cheeks under his hand and he had a million more ideas of what to do with her and to her.

  Right now he could order the driver to take him to his hotel and he could begin a fresh game with Kat. He certainly had all the toys and he was more than willing to do so.

  She would come happily. She clearly was into the games like he was and they had the chemistry. Nothing held them back. Nothing held them apart.


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