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by Reese Gabriel

But Julian had put a binding on her that didn’t belong. A tie and a parameter that was not a part of BDSM.

  No point looking back on it. He’d done what he had to do. It had been the only way to see her again.

  If you loved something you had to find it first, right? You had to stake a claim. But after that you had to follow the old adage and let it go to see if it wanted you too.

  “Kat, I shouldn’t have tricked you like I did. I am sorry I showed up this way today. It put you in a very unfair position.”

  She put her fingers over his lips, her eyes moist and filled with such emotion he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell.

  “It’s all right,” she whispered. “I have an idea.”

  Chapter Eight

  Kat had had all afternoon to prepare herself as well as a few hours into the evening.

  She had worn all black, her own idea, from the spindly heels with the thick black strap around her ankle to the panties and bra, pure lace and silk, knockouts according to Kimmy who had been there to help her.

  The dress was something she had bought for last year’s Christmas party but had been too afraid to actually wear.

  She should have been afraid now too except this was Julian and somehow he made it all right. Just thinking of the steady gaze of his eyes, the way his hands enveloped hers, steadying.

  And the kinkier side too that drew her in like a moth.

  I have an idea, she had told him. She should probably be having her head examined for following through on it. All the more so after Kimmy had heard it and been so enthusiastic.

  “I’ll be right over,” she had said, never mind that it was still working hours. “Ooh, girlfriend, I can’t believe you are getting so gutsy.”

  Julian had loved the idea first and had been the one to offer a car to take her when she was ready.

  The plan was to meet up again at seven. With one final kiss pregnant with all sorts of possibilities he had dropped her off.

  “Until seven, darling.”

  Darling. The word on his lips had kept her floating.

  All the way through her bath, as she had touched herself, imagining and dreaming what might go on.

  Tonight…they would be different people. A fresh start but also a movement into something new.

  A possible relationship.

  The word scared her far more than a spanking. Everything scared her at the moment, exhilarated her too.

  It was all sexual now from the choice of lipstick to the perfume that sprayed her body in tiny droplets.

  Oh, yes, she was ready. She would die if she didn’t go through with it. She could only hope he was as excited and prepared.

  The ball was, after all, in his court.

  * * * * *

  Julian Morrell scanned the bar looking over the patrons. An elderly couple at a corner table, a couple of young men clearly looking for action. Business types up to no good, hoping to procure their action for a few hundred dollars.

  Older women laughing.

  And the blonde. She was by herself.

  Julian’s heart skipped a beat.

  She was the most gorgeous creature he had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was upswept, tresses of gold that matched her green eyes and subtly red lips. The physique was curvaceous but not distracting. The dress was elegant, suggestive but classy. The shoes suggested a wildness and they gave him ideas.

  Did she have a kinky side? Better still, was she ready for another drink?

  He made his way to the bar, not too close but not too far from where she was sitting.

  “I’ll have a scotch,” he said. “And another for the lady.”

  She gave him a glance. “Thank you,” was all she said.

  Hard to get. Good.

  “A toast?” he suggested when the bartender had brought their drinks.

  “To what?” She had already turned toward him, an excellent sign.

  “To the most beautiful woman in this or any bar tonight.”

  She arched a brow as she raised her glass. “You seem mighty sure.”

  “Of what?” he said. “My assertion or myself.”


  “Is there another way to be?” He extended a hand. “My name is Giorgio.”

  She smiled cryptically. “I’m Gina.”

  “I feel I’ve missed out on a joke,” he said.

  “There’s this movie, that’s all.”

  He nodded. “Lust’s Castaways.”

  “You’ve seen it?” Her voice took on a different timber, hope mixed with wariness perhaps.

  “You could say that.”

  This time there was no mistaking her mirth. “Oh I think you’ve more than seen it.”

  His turn to laugh. “Well I didn’t write it or star in it if that’s what you mean.”

  She took a sip of her wine. “Have you lived it though?”

  “You mean kept beautiful women as my slaves?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Slavery is illegal.”

  “Not if it’s consensual. Two people can practice what they like behind closed doors,” she pointed out.

  “And what about you?” he asked. “What do you consent to behind closed doors?”

  Her eyes held back nothing. “I’ve been whipped, used in all sorts of ways.”

  He laughed dryly.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You’ve never been whipped. I would know if you had.”

  “Would you now?”

  “It would show. You’ve been spanked, that is about all.”

  “A man did spank me,” she agreed. “A real jerk actually.”


  “He forced me into it. He made it so I had to do it or risk losing my job. Can you believe that?”

  “Sounds kinky.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You are a pervert.”

  He held up his empty glass. “Ready for another round?”

  “I haven’t finished this one.”

  “Then you’d better hurry up. Bartender, two more please?”

  “You are kind of pushy, Giorgio,” she observed.

  “I thought you liked that, Gina?”

  “I said I was whipped, that’s different.”

  “But you lied about the whipping. The question is why. Are you trying to impress me or egg me on?”

  “You mean would I let you whip me?”

  “Something like that.” Julian narrowed his gaze. “Let me see your wrist.”

  She thought for a moment before extending her hand.

  Her wrist fit easily in his grasp. His eyes never left hers as he gradually increased pressure enough for her to feel real confinement but not pain.

  “You’ve been bound,” he said.

  She shuddered.

  He released her. “See how easy it is too know when you’re telling the truth?”

  “Maybe you have spies,” she suggested.

  Julian shrugged. “Would that bother you?”

  “Depends if I could trust the man deep down.”

  “I don’t know if you can trust me but I am honest. I want you, Gina. Now.”

  “I’ve never been fucked in an elevator,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Is that a request?”

  “Would you if I asked?”

  “What I would do is none of your concern.”

  She laughed. “Well I would think it would be.”

  “All I would want would be consent. Then I’d give you a safety word. Lust would do nicely. Say that word and we walk away, no harm no foul.”

  “And if I don’t say the word?”

  Julian covered her hand where it rested on the bar. “I think you know exactly what will happen…Gina.”

  * * * * *

  A half hour after meeting the “stranger” in the bar, Kat Cartwell stood in the middle of his suite blindfolded, hands above her head.

  Her would-be lover Giorgio had just removed her dress and now he was giving her time to think as she stood in her black bra and panties.

bsp; Though it was Julian she was with, everything felt brand new and unpredictable.

  Just what she’d hoped for when she had asked him for a new start. A beginning on her own terms where she could meet him as a sexual equal. Even if the roles they were taking on were anything but equal.

  “You hold your position well,” he whispered in her ear.

  Her breathing quickened as she felt him directly behind her.

  A quick crack of his palm to her silk-clad ass make her squeal.

  “That was a compliment. You may say thank you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “This was what you were waiting for, wasn’t it?”

  The touch on her arm was faint but there was no mistaking the tight braid, the smooth firmness.

  It was a riding crop.

  “You’ve had so much experience.”

  The whip tapped her thigh. He was mocking her. Best to beg mercy ahead of time.

  “I lied, Sir, I’ve never been whipped.”

  “You think?” He chuckled. “Well we’re about to change that aren’t we, young lady?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And we also need to do something about this habit of yours of picking up strange men. This is your second time. Three strikes and you’re out.”

  “Does it count if it’s the same man?”

  She heard a whistling sound in the air. Then the crack of fire.

  “What do you think?”

  Kat whimpered, absorbing the effect of the crop on her ass for the first time.

  “You’ll be reimbursed for these.”

  She heard a fresh sound. The tearing of the silk.

  He was ripping off her panties.

  “Can’t have any obstacles, can we, Gina?”

  “No, Sir.”

  He tapped her bare ass.

  “Bend over. Touch your ankles.”

  Kat whimpered. She still had the shoes on, the ones with the thick ankle straps that looked as if they were perfect for BDSM.

  Even with the heels he towered over her.

  Kat’s hair, long ago loosened from the fancy hairstyle, fell forward, cascading over her feet as she assumed the desired position.

  The blood rushed to her head.

  His hand steadied her back.

  “Such a sweet little slut,” he said as the crop slammed down hard.

  Kat saw stars.

  He massaged the place where he’d struck.

  “So much experience,” he taunted once again.

  She muttered a slave’s apology even as he commanded her to keep count. One, two, three, each blow raising the stakes, one wall of pain collapsing into another.

  But the pain wasn’t pure, wasn’t real pain at all, just the suggestion of more, the feeling of deprivation and burning loss as he managed to caress her pussy in between, making her ache with need for more.

  Any kind of contact at all, so long as she was not alone.

  “You would like something else,” he said.

  She clenched her pussy muscles and with it the tighter ones of her anus.

  Foolishly, downstairs, as Gina the barfly, she had told him of her deeper fantasy.

  “I was only kidding,” she lamented.

  “You picked the wrong person to joke with.” He pushed a finger deep in her pussy, owning it. “Tell me.”

  She knew what he wanted to hear and she could not deny him. “Fuck my ass. I need to be fucked in my ass.”

  “Have you had it before?” he confirmed.

  “No,” she told the truth this time. “Never.”

  He slapped her bottom with his hand. “Down on all fours.”

  She did so, feeling the carpet on her palms and her knees.

  He loomed like a god now as he unzipped his trousers.

  “Earn it,” he said, removing his already hardened shaft.

  Kat raised to her knees and immediately devoured his cock, barely taking the time to kiss the tip and run her tongue up and down the length of the massive steel wrapped in velvet. He touched the top of her head, urging her to take more of him. She did so eagerly and half out of her mind with the wild animal nature of it all, the sexy subservience.

  At last he tapped her shoulder. “Enough. Crawl onto the bed. Face the wall on all fours.”

  She released his cock. A line of saliva trailed from the tip. It was a reluctant surrendering. For all her excitement about anal sex, she had wanted this too, greedy little creature that she was.

  Blame it on Gina and Lust’s Castaways.

  She could feel his gaze searing the skin on her ass as she moved. So intently aware of the way her bottom shook and the invitation she was giving him.

  Was he following her? She couldn’t tell.

  At last, after what felt like a thousand years crossing the floor, she reached her destination, the massive bed looming in front of her.

  She crawled up onto it. Taking her position.

  He made her wait again, her mind filling with anticipation.

  Was he undressing? Or was he preparing some new props?

  At last he came to her. He kissed her back, bending over her.

  She felt his nude chest. She tensed and relaxed at the same time.

  He rubbed her bottom. She felt something cold. It was a lubricant. He inserted his finger, wet and moist and slick with the gel into her.

  Julian was widening the pathway.

  At last he climbed onto the bed behind her.

  “You’ll enjoy this,” he said.

  She gripped the bedspread. She was not at all sure what she’d gotten herself into. But she did trust him.

  He pushed his cock against the entrance to her anal sphincter. In an effort to relax her further he touched her pussy as well. Soon pleasure melded with the pressure and he was inside her, one inch, maybe too.

  He went in a little farther then pulled out again, almost to the tip. He grabbed hold of her waist and began to rock, thrusting in and out.

  Kat moaned arching her neck.

  His lips found her earlobe, he nibbled and suckled. One hand reached for her breast.

  She felt the blood throbbing, the pleasure surging.

  “Come,” she screamed. “Come inside Gina, your slave girl.”

  He needed no invitation for his pent-up release. With a growl more worthy of a jungle beast he let go of all inhibition pushing and pumping until his cock was a fury of expelled cum, white hot streams of it filling her body.

  At last, exhausted, he collapsed on top of her.

  They fell asleep like this.

  He woke her up hours later in the middle of the night.

  Sleepy, dreamy and delightfully sated, she felt him pick her up in his arms and carry her to the Jacuzzi.

  Settling in together they cleaned each other off and began to make their plans for a third crazy date. It would be tough to top the first two they realized but they figured on having a lifetime together to work on it.

  The End

  About the Author

  Reese Gabriel is a born romantic with a taste for the edgier side of love. Having traveled the world and sampled many of the finer things, Reese now enjoys the greater simplicities—barefoot walks by the ocean, kisses under moonlight and whispers of passion in the darkness with that one special person.

  Preferring to remain behind the scenes, cherished by a precious few, Reese hopes to awaken in the lives of many the possibilities of true love through stories of far off places and enchanted lives.

  For the sake of love and hope and imagination, these stories are told. May they be enjoyed as much in the reading as in the writing.

  Reese welcomes comments from readers. You can find Reese’s website and email address on the author bio page at

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  Also by Reese Gabriel

  A Centaur for Libby

  A Filly for Doug

ioning Charity

  Chaining His Heart

  Chance’s Rules

  Come and Get Me

  Commanding Kat

  Dance of Submission

  Exposing Victoria

  His Sahvria

  His Submissive

  Ian’s Way

  Kimberlee’s Keeper

  Laila’s Bargain

  More Than Male 1: Nyssa’s Guardian

  More Than Male 2: Seria’s Star Warrior

  More Than Male 3: Azar’s Prize

  More Than Male 4: Jaxey’s Master

  More Than Male 5: A Dominant for Desela

  More Than Male 6: Vandar’s War

  More Than Male 7: An Obedient for Samharin

  My Carina

  Prisoner of Shera-Sa

  Reflecting Jesyca

  Roping His Filly

  Scorching Sammie

  Soul Master

  Submissive with Benefits

  Tall, Dark and Dominant 1: Managing Macy

  Tall, Dark and Dominant 2: Taking on Tabytha

  Taming Delaney

  Temporary Slave

  Tie Me, Tease Me

  Tying Tempest

  Print books by Reese Gabriel

  Exposing Command

  Holiday Reflections anthology

  More Than Male 1: Nyssa’s Guardian

  More Than Male 2 & 3: Primale Possession

  More Than Male 4 & 5: Primale Pleasures

  More Than Male 6: Vandar’s War

  More Than Male 7: An Obedient for Samharin

  Prisoner of Shera-Sa

  Roping Their Fillies

  Temporary Slave

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.




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