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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

Page 10

by Pixie Moon



  ~ Kanda ~


  Each second of every day draws me closer to Klimen.

  I can’t escape the magnetic draw I’ve had for him since I first saw him. When he takes my hand in his much larger one, I shiver at the electrical arc that flows through me. I know he feels it too. That makes me happy and a bit horny. This guy keeps me in a constant state of need.

  I brush my hands down the soft dark yellow rose dress I’m wearing. Clothes feel a bit odd now that I’ve gone days in the nude. It’s not a bad feeling just a strange one. I must be a nudist at heart.

  Klimen takes my hand and leads me from our quarters. I can’t believe we are leaving our rooms. My heart is pounding as I hungrily take in all the details of the craft we are using to fly through space. The corridor we are walking down is an interesting mix of silvers and grays. The soft glow of light coming from the orbs in the ceiling keeps the smooth shiny walls from reflecting a blinding amount of light. Flood lights would be a disaster in here.

  The doors along the corridor are the color of a stormy day and the floor reminds me of a deep charcoal gray. The craft is extremely clean. I like that.

  The end of the corridor opens into another one. Klimen leads me left. I look around and all I see is the same color scheme and no other people.

  “How many people are on this craft?” If I hadn’t been so absorbed in him I would have asked that questions days age. Something about him makes me lose my mind.

  “Thirteen in all. Ten dagrinians and three humans. Sometimes we have paying passengers, but we don’t have any at this moment.”

  The thought of paying for a ride on a spacecraft would never have crossed my mind. It makes business sense to let passengers pay for the fuel and depending on the price maybe more than that. Humans are way behind when it comes to universal space knowledge. My heart aches at the thought of Rogan searching futilely for me. I know he’s still looking. I’d do the same for him.

  A spark of anger and frustration heats my blood. The reason humans are so ignorant about the world out here is because kidnapped humans never come back to tell what happened to them. From the stories I’ve heard, some humans must suspect aliens are real though. It’s possible that some people have even seen a loved one taken. The feel of Klimen’s thumb grazing my wrist keeps me from being mad at him. He didn’t take me from Earth.

  Klimen leads me into a large room that is occupied by two people. I blink when I realize that one is a blonde human female. She must be Megan.

  Her pretty face lights up when she sees me. I watch her leap to her feet and bounce a few times. “Look, Hilam. Klimen has brought Kanda out of hiding.” Her short blue dress flares out as she hurries toward me.

  “Hi, I’m Megan. I’m sooo excited to meet you.” She gives Klimen the stink eye and then looks me over. “You’re looking very good. I wanted to check on you the day you arrived but the guys refused to let me see you. I’m still a little mad about that, but now that you’re out and about I’ll get over it.”

  “She’s not out for long, little human. This is just a trial run,” Klimen says in his pointblank way.

  Megan’s face crumbles. “You don’t have to be so mean.” She looks over her shoulder at the handsome mid-toned violet male. “Does he, Hilam?”

  The male sighs as he stands and comes over to us. His gaze is soft but his words are not. “He’s not being mean. Klimen is just stating the facts. His little human is not ready to be parted from him yet.”

  Megan’s dark blonde brows draw together and then she looks up at Klimen. “How much time do I have with her?”

  Hilam answers before Klimen can. “Not long because when I go back to work you are coming with me.”

  Megan puts her fists on her hips. “What? That’s not fair.”

  “It may not be fair, but that is how it is,” Hilam says in a no-nonsense tone.

  “Fine but Kanda has to eat at our table.” The cute blonde looks from male to male just daring them to disagree.

  “Calm down, Megan. I’ll bring Kanda to your table as soon as we get our food.”

  Klimen releases my hand and hugs Megan to him. He sniffs her neck and then releases her. “I’m glad to see that you and Hilam are still getting along. Thank you for the food. It was a nice gesture.”

  I squeak when strong arms circle my waist and I’m pulled against a hard body. A face presses against my neck and the male inhales deeply before letting me go. Shit, these males are bold. I turn and look up into ice blue eyes.

  “You have been well mated, little human,” he says as his eyes sparkle with life.

  My cheeks heat at his words and my core stirs with the beginnings of desire. Their constant talk of sex and Klimen’s delicious scent keep me ready to do the naughty all of the time.

  Klimen wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in next to his firm body. “Kanda, you remember Drandok?”

  “Yes.” I do but it is still strange to be sniffed.

  “I’m glad to see that you and Klimen have bonded so well,” Drandok says.

  His strange wording leaves me speechless. I’m relieved when Klimen leads me into the kitchen area of the open room. He pours us some water and gets some plates and utensils. A second later he plates us some food. It appears to be some sort of casserole, a piece of fruit and something that looks like cake. Megan must have been cooking today. It smells so good that my stomach rumbles.

  As promised, we sit at Megan’s table. Her friendly smile makes me feel welcome. I realize that cruising through space on a craft could be horrible if the others around you were bitchy and jealous. Yes, I’d much rather have friendly helpful people around me. Even the ones that like to sniff females.

  I settle and then lean in toward Megan. “Thanks for the food you sent. It was very good. Would you show me how to fix several of your recipes?” The more knowledge you have the better off you’ll be. I firmly believe that saying.

  Megan smiles broadly and lightly squeezes my forearm before picking up her eating utensil. “I’d love to. We’ll have to see about getting together tomorrow. I can show you how to do essential things. It’ll be fun.”

  My stomach rumbles again. Since the others are eating, I dig in. As usual the food is great. I hope it won’t be hard to make. Cooking is not one of my top skills. No, I’d rather be plotting the safest way to get what Rogan and I need to survive. My mood sours at the thought of my best mate.

  I startle when my shoulder is touched with a gentle hand. “Why are you frowning? You didn’t get a bad bite of food, did you?” Megan asks in a horrified tone.

  “No, nothing like that. The food is wonderful. I was just thinking of my brother, Rogan. He’s my best mate. I wish we could go back to Earth and get him.” I can’t let it go. Rogan is my best mate. What if something bad happens to him while he’s looking for me or because I’m not there to help him?

  Hilam puts his utensil on his plate and looks at me. “It wouldn’t be logical to go to Earth to search for someone who could be anywhere. He could be dead or like you, he may have been beamed up and taken to another planet.” A flash of sympathy darts through Hilam’s eyes. “Statistically, beings that are beamed up usually die within a short amount of time. Mostly from being eaten or from abuse. Although they can also die when their kidnappers just don’t know how to take care of them. As you can see, it would be pointless to go to Earth.”

  I can’t help myself. I just sit and stare at Hilam. The male stands and starts clearing away his dishes as if he didn’t just basically tell me my brother is probably dead.

  Megan gives me a quick hug. “Don’t mind him. Hilam is socially challenged. He doesn’t mean any harm. I’m sure your brother is fine. How old is he?”

  “Eighteen,” I answer as I watch Megan clear her dishes.

  “He should be okay then. His life will change for sure, but our lives are always changing.” Megan’s gaze moves to Hilam and then comes back to me. “Sometimes those changes are hard at f
irst, but they can be a very good thing. Picture your brother living with a family that loves and needs him. Picture him happy.”

  I know she’s right. Since I can’t go back for Rogan, I have to try and make peace with my new life and his as well. I just don’t seem capable of that at this time.

  Megan pats my shoulder and then looks over at Klimen. “Is it alright for me to show her how to do some basic things tomorrow?”

  I don’t like her having to ask Klimen for such a small thing. This part of my new life sucks. If she can conform and be happy you can too, a soft voice whispers through my heart. I look at Klimen and he smiles at me before nodding at Megan. His smile makes my heart do a little flip. The mate is too handsome to resist.

  Megan’s eyes light up. “Thank you, Klimen.”

  “Let’s go, sweet one,” Hilam says to Megan. She hurries over and puts her dishes in what appears to be a cleaner. That’s cool.

  On her way to the door Megan waves. “See you tomorrow…rrr on the next active cycle, Kanda.”

  She’s out of sight before I can answer. My heart lightens at the thought of getting to talk to her tomorrow—possibly without the blokes.

  Drandok pushes his plate away. From across the table his icy blue eyes look me over. “How are you handling your new life, little human?”

  I force myself to remember that I’m just as much of an alien to him as he is to me. I have to admit that his tone was inquisitive not snide.

  “I’m adjusting okay. I miss my brother though. I know we can’t go look for him.” I’ve heard it enough to know that we aren’t going to Earth. One day it won’t hurt as much. I have to keep telling myself that.

  Drandok reaches across the table and puts his big hand over mine. “I know that makes you sad, but we can’t go all that way to look for a person that may or may not be there. You lost a brother and gained a lover and friend. Life is ever changing.”

  That is true and since the day I completed those missions Klimen has been looking at me with what seems to be respect and love in his eyes. I suddenly realize that he hasn’t called me sesien min since then. Now he calls me by my name or sweet star which is cute since he sees stars when he’s at work and he makes me see stars when we do the naughty. I’m glad I’m with Klimen. He’s a good mate and an excellent lover. Ohh, the things he can do.

  Drandok releases my hand and gives me a gentle pat. As he settles back he grins and looks over at Klimen. “She is cute when she gets all flushed. I wonder what she’s thinking about that is bringing that pink tint to her cheeks.” He brushes his chin with long strong fingers and his eyes shine. “I think she’s recalling mating. Is that it, little human?” His gaze cuts back to mine. “Are you thinking about how good Klimen’s rospet feels when it latches onto your clit? About how wet you get?”

  Lust powers through my core. Sex with Klimen is worth repeating as often as possible. I look up at Klimen and see that intense look of what I think is love mixed with hot passion. He is my new best mate. The part of me that longs for a family is thrilled by that look.

  Klimen growls softly as his hand slides up my thigh pushing the yellow material up. His finger dips into my wet slit and caresses my folds. As he explores my flesh the pulse between my legs starts pounding out a carnal beat.

  Drandok grumbles when his comm unit beeps. He stands and I can easily see his cock which is tenting against his pants. “I’d love to watch you claim her openly, but I have to go back to work.” He clears his dishes and I’m vaguely aware of him heading out the door.

  Klimen slides a thick finger inside me and my hips buck against his hand. He slides a second finger in and curls them. I’ll do anything for him. Including have sex in public. He draws me like no other.

  A shiver slides through me when he nuzzles my neck. His free hand cups my breast and rolls my nipple. I moan as my juices coat his fingers. His scent has changed slightly. It’s stronger and more arousing. I glide my hand over his pants and moan when I find his steely length. It’s flexing and ready for action.

  A groan vibrates his chest as I massage his erection. He nips at my neck and then pulls his fingers out of my wet entrance. I watch as he licks my juices off his fingers.

  His eyes glitter and his nostrils flare. “You truly are the sweetest little star. I need you.” He stands, frees his cock, and then helps me to my feet. In seconds he lifts me up and places my arse on the counter. My dress is around my waist and I don’t care at all. All I can care about is getting his pulsing flesh inside my pussy.

  Klimen spreads my legs wide causing a heated thrill to pulse within me. He pulls me to the edge of the counter and then mashes his length into my dripping folds. His lips take mine as he rocks his hips sliding his rock hard flesh up and down my slit. Each up stroke has me shuddering and needing more.

  I reach between us and guide his thick crown into my pussy. His hands grip my butt as he plows into me. My inner muscles flex around his huge erection. I wrap my legs around his hips and welcome him in.

  He grunts as he pushes the last bit in. My flesh is stretched to the max. When his rospet vibrates and latches onto my needy pearl the slight ache goes away and is replaced by pure bliss. I grasp his stout shoulders and writhe wildly when he rocks harder into me.

  “Oh, fuck yes!” The tension in my core bursts and I shudder as ecstasy floods my pussy and radiates through my body.

  Stars shimmer around my head when he growls and starts driving his huge erection in and out of me. My hands fall behind me. I feel icing on my fingertips and know I’m grazing the cake as I steady myself. I can’t care at the moment though. My world is narrowing to Klimen and the way his thrusting shaft is hitting the right spots inside me. He growls viciously and drives his massive length all the way in. His rospet latches on. I cry out and convulse as ecstasy washes over me in great waves. Klimen growls again and his body shudders as he comes inside me.

  After a long moment I start to come down from my blissful cloud. Klimen lifts my right hand and licks the frosting from my fingertips. My core pulses around his shaft. Seeing a dot of frosting on his lower lip, I lean forward and lick it off.

  Movement in the doorway has me looking that way. A male is standing there looking at me with approval shining in his electric blue eyes.

  Klimen smiles as he pulls his length from inside me. Our mixed release eases out of me. The pleasure in Klimen’s eyes as he watches more come out of me stops me from being embarrassed. Klimen tucks his lovely donger back in his pants and sets my feet on the floor. My dress falls back down around my thighs ending the show.

  The bloke in the doorway comes over to us. “I wish I’d gotten here sooner. At least I got to see your little human fly apart in your arms. That was a beautiful sight. One I look forward to seeing again.”

  The look in his eyes says he will. It’s also a reverent look. One that makes me feel good and reminds me that dagrinians consider sex to be a sign of good health.

  “Kanda, this is Trilom Dotlee. He is one of our warriors and he strategizes missions.”

  I feel an instant bond to him. “I love the practice unit,” I blurt before I can stop myself.

  Trilom’s eyes light up. “That is a fun unit. The missions are as close as you can get to the real thing. How many have you completed?”

  Before I can answer Klimen tells Trilom that I’ve completed three missions. The pride in his voice melts something in my heart. A new level of love for him floods my soul.

  The beeping of Klimen’s comm has him blowing out a hash breath. “Looks like I have to go to work while you go on another mission, sweet star.”

  Yes! I hurriedly clear my dishes as Klimen clears his. We tell Trilom bye and head back down the corridor.

  I feel tingly and happy. His seed on my inner thighs reminds me of our hot moment in front of Trilom. I have no remorse. But then these blokes don’t make me feel that way. They make me feel happy and cherished. I’m ecstatic to be here with Klimen Trillobe. From my past I’ve learned to grab all the
happiness I can and that is just what I plan to do.


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