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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

Page 11

by Pixie Moon



  ~ Kanda ~


  Excitement plus a bit of nervousness are swimming around in my belly.

  I smooth my hand over the soft sky blue material of my dress. The soft soles of my new sandals don’t make a sound as I follow Klimen out of our quarters. The glittery gunmetal color of them reflects the corridor’s lights. I wiggle my toes to get used to the strap between my first two toes. I like their feminine look.

  Within minutes we are entering the kitchen. Since the room is empty I get to really look at the large space. The five midnight colored metal tables are gleaming and ready for service. Each table has two legs that are firmly attached to the charcoal colored floor. Each table sports six contoured metal stools. Each metal stool has a leg that is also firmly attached to the floor.

  Looking around I note that the ebony cabinets and cooking and cleaning devices have latches to secure them closed when taking off and landing. Living in this moving home is different from anything I’ve ever done.

  We leisurely get some yomine and repon fruit. After just a few bites Megan enters with Hilam. The two appear flushed. Looks like they just finished doing the naughty. I wonder if they can tell that we did the same thing. These dagrinian blokes are too tempting to resist—strong, nice, caring, and fabulous at doing the naughty.

  A wide grin crosses Megan’s face when she sees us. Her blonde hair bounces as she rushes over to me and gives me a big hug. Her grip is tighter than I expect. She could make a good mate.

  Megan plops down on the stool next to mine as Hilam makes two plates of food. And gets two glasses of water. I like that the blokes here don’t expect females to do everything for them.

  Megan’s eyes are gleaming. “Today…no…this active cycle is going to be fun. As soon as we are finished eating I’ll show you around.”

  Her enthusiasm is heightening my own. “I look forward to it.”

  Hilam nods at me as he sets Megan’s food in front of her and takes a stool across from Klimen.

  Megan’s leg bounces as she tells me about the casserole and cookies she wants us to make. Cookies! I haven’t had cookies very often, but I know I like them a lot. Living in the bush was quite challenging and when we traded for things we needed Rogan and I rarely had money left over for sweets. Between bites of food I assure Megan that I like her plan.

  Once we have finished eating and our dishes are in the cleaner, Klimen pulls me into a corner of the room. “Hilam’s little human is very nice and more than a little excited to see you. Her excitement doesn’t mean that you have to hang out with her this cycle if you don’t want to.”

  Aww. He’s watching out for me. My heart becomes gooier for him than it already was. “I’ll be fine. It’ll be good for me to get to know her and the others on this craft.”

  Relief flashes through his eyes. “Good. I want you to get to know your new world. But I won’t force you to learn more about it before you are ready, sweet star.”

  A beep comes from the comm unit on his forearm band. My heart melts when he scowls at the device. “Go on to work. I’ll be fine.”

  He growls softly and then presses his lips to mine. When his tongue tests the seam of my lips. I automatically open and let him in. His hands caress my back as his tongue explores my mouth. I grip his shoulders and press my body to his. Passion builds in my core leaving me breathless. Klimen’s taste and scent have me ready to toss this dress off in no time at all. I press my tongue into his mouth and relish the hardening of his shaft. His muscles ripple under my hands.

  A harsh trill comes from his comm unit. “Rizpa nin! You make me crazy, sweet star. I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.”

  With his promise hanging in the air, I watch his tight ass as he walks out of the room. I look around and see Megan smiling knowingly at me. Hilam is gone. Possibly long gone.

  “Now that the guys are gone, I can show you around.”

  Megan points out devices and opens cabinets that reveal colorful spices and tan ground grains along with creamy colored powdered ingredients that mix well to create all kinds of baked goods. Since she’s around I don’t worry about remembering every little detail.

  Megan bounces on her toes. Her smile is wide. “Let’s go get your laundry. You are going to love the cleaning device. It washes and dries material in a short amount of time.”

  “In the bush washing my clothes always took hours. Living in space has its perks, but I do miss being able to go wherever I want.” A part of me longs for that freedom again. The thought of leaving Klimen hurts worse than the ache to walkabout.

  Megan nods as we walk out of the kitchen. “That is the hardest part of being here. But the perks more than compensate.”

  Yeah, it is nice to have food, protection, and great sex. “I just wish my best mate could be here. Did you leave anyone behind?” She could be hurting as much as me.

  “No, but when I was taken another woman, Hallie Mead, was taken too. I worry about what happened to her. I hope she is doing well and is happy. I was searching for a better place to live when I was taken by some mean lizard looking beings. Are they the ones that took you?”

  I shake my head as I lead her down the corridor to our quarters. “No, the aliens that took me were yellow with three red eyes. They also took Niya and a maroon skinned male as well.” I rub my neck as I remember the chain they wrapped around it. “They weren’t nice either. So far the dagrinians seem to be nice. What do you think of them?”

  “I think they are better than most humans I’ve encountered. I would never leave Hilam. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. How is Klimen treating you?”

  My heart races at the thought of him. “Very well. He can be a little pointblank at times but other than that he is growing on me.” What a whopper that was. Klimen is more than growing on me, he’s stealing my heart.

  Megan grips my arm and gives it a squeeze. “I’m glad to hear you say that. It further proves that these guys are worth loving.”

  Her conformation of their goodness and her love for Hilam soothes my soul. I press the panel next to our door and enter as soon as it whooshes open.

  Megan ooos as she drops down on our massive couch. “This is nice. We have a blue loveseat and chair in our quarters.” Her gaze travels around. “I see these quarters are just as silver as ours. This craft is rather bland.”

  “Do you really just see silver?”

  Lines form between Megan’s brows. “Yeah, don’t you?”

  “No, I see shiny new coin silver, gunmetal, charcoal, midnight, and ebony. Plus I love all the hues of the blokes on this craft. Each one I’ve met has a unique shade of skin. From dark plum to medium violet.”

  Humph. “Now, I’m jealous of you. I just see them as purple and this craft as silver and black. Maybe I should take another look at my surroundings.”

  “Since we live here I think that’s a good idea. I’ll be right back.” I hurriedly get our sack of clothes and then follow Megan to the laundry room. The second we leave my corridor two males zero in on us. They grin as they approach.

  “Get ready to be sniffed,” Megan warns.

  Two powerful arms wrap around me. I release a startled yelp when I’m moved back and pressed up against the cool metal wall. A firm body presses against mine. I relax since I know the bloke won’t hurt me and I’m starting to get used to being sniffed. This is a strange world but not a bad one. I inhale the bloke’s scent as he breathes mine in. He smells good. Not delicious the way Klimen smells but still good. Many sheilas would drop their panties for this bloke as well as the others onboard.

  One more sniff and I’m released. “It’s good to know that you and Klimen are taking care of each other. I’m Captain Riflan Braknee and this is Zefrom Ramte.”

  Megan nods toward the blokes and points a slender finger at the captain. “He’s Hilam’s brother and the boss of this craft.” She swings her hand toward the other male. “He’s an intel specialist and buyer of g

  All of the blokes on this craft have important jobs. These two may have the information I need. I look from one to the other. “How is Niya doing? Can I see her?”

  A smirk quickly crosses the captain’s face. “Nice try, little human. Rylem’s human is fine and you can see her when Rylem decides to give her more freedom.”

  Anger and frustration start brewing in my belly. This is not right. “I want to see her now.”

  Megan sucks in a breath and the captain’s eyes narrow. “You don’t get to make demands.” He gestures around the long corridor. “You are no longer on Earth, little human. Get used to it or pay the price.”

  I don’t like his tone at all. As Megan grabs my arm I recognize that the captain is right. I need to get used to my new life. But today I’m having trouble being told my place.

  Megan starts pulling me along the corridor. “She understands. I need to show her some things.”

  The blokes don’t stop us but I can feel their gazes boring into my back.

  The second we enter the laundry room, I ask, “What price will I pay if I can’t follow their rules?” There is a damn good chance I’m not going to be able to. Not all the time anyway.

  “I don’t know.” Megan nibbles on her fingernail for a second and then says, “I don’t think they would do anything bad to us. They seem to love females. Maybe they would just make us stay in our quarters for a few days. That would be bad for me. Since Hilam is a scientist, I’d be bored to death.”

  My stomach drops and then leaps up into my chest. “He’s a scientist? Like the kind the probe people?” I look her over and don’t see any holes in her skin.

  Laughter pours from her. She holds her side with one hand and motions for me to wait with the other. For a moment I fear that Hilam is a mad-scientist and that he’s done something terrible to Megan’s brain.

  This is unacceptable. As much as I like Klimen, I like my brain more. I’m nobody’s project. “I think we need to get off this craft as soon as possible. Do you think we can find a good hiding spot?”

  Megan shakes her head and releases a last giggle. “Oh boy, the look on your face when you heard that Hilam is a scientist was one of pure horror. I kind of feel sorry for him because anybody could get the wrong idea about him. I did the same thing when I got here. You can stop trying to get us to safety. Hilam’s specialty is electronic and many other gadgets that have power sources beyond my comprehension. Have no fear. Hilam is a great guy.”

  My stomach slides back into place and my shoulders relax until another thought comes to me. “Does this craft house any human probing scientists?” My heart beats a little faster. The next words out of her mouth determine my future.

  “No, you are completely safe aboard this craft. I wouldn’t trust any of their passengers but the guys are more than willing to protect us from them if necessary.”

  The surety of her tone makes me wonder if something happened to her. When she turns and points at a large shimming midnight device I let the matter drop. Megan is obviously healthy and well cared for.

  Megan shows me how to run the sonic cleaning device. I love the way it washes and dries the clothes. This place has many perks that’s for sure. After our clothes have begun cleaning Megan leads me back into the kitchen and starts pulling ingredients out.

  As she shows me how to make a casserole we talk about how bad Earth is getting. Looks like the United States truly is in just as bad a state as Australia. We are lucky not to be there anymore. I just wish Rogan could be here with me.

  With the casserole in the otho cooker, Megan starts pulling out different ingredients. A wide smile comes over her face.

  “Let’s try to make some cookies. I believe that these ingredients will create something similar to sugar cookies. Hilam and the guys should love them.”

  As we mix and roll the dough up, I say, “You seem to have a handle on this machine and these ingredients. What do you do all day?” I’m afraid she is going to say slave in the kitchen and that’s not something I want to do every day forever.

  “I cook and take care of Hilam. He gets absorbed in work and forgets to eat and sleep and other things.” She wiggles her brows. “I love taking care of him. Something about him draws me in like no other. I never want to be parted from him. I love him.”

  Klimen has the same effect on me. My thoughts are corralled before they can get too far into Klimen by an excited Megan.

  “Let’s put these on the top rack. This is hopefully the right measure of ingredients. If not we can always try again.” A look of confidence crosses Megan’s face as she flips her hand. “If it turns into a beast, I know how to kill it.”

  “What? This shit comes to life! Is the replicator food safer?” Cooking is not sounding like a good thing to be doing. I shiver at the thought of creating a nasty creature.

  “Yes, the replicator is safe, but so is the otho.” She laughs and nudges me with her elbow. “You have such an expressive face.” Megan motions around the kitchen. “It’s not really that bad. My second try at using the otho created something that seemed to be breathing. Zefrom came in and showed me this gel that neutralizes overly creative cooking.”

  What the fuck! “I may have to stick with the replicator when you aren’t around. I like learning some basics but I don’t see myself even trying to come up with recipes. I think I’m safer plotting missions or following them through on the practice unit.” My heart races at the thought of that device.

  The tinkling of her laugher warms my heart. It feels good to be around a friendly female. Megan flips her hand in the air. “Don’t worry. I’ll work it out and then give you the recipes you and Klimen like the best.” She takes a deep breath and looks around at the devices. “This is my domain. I’d share but it looks like I won’t need to.”

  “Nope you won’t,” I wholeheartedly agree.

  She tilts her head and frowns. “What is a practice…”

  A shrill sound cuts through the room. We both jump at the noise. It is scary and slightly victorious sounding. “What the hell is that?”



  ~ Kanda ~


  “I don’t know. I’ve never heard that sound before. Let’s go see.” Megan moves toward the door and I follow.

  The sharp rhythmic sound comes again. It makes the hairs on my arms stand up. I wish I had a unit to give me information on the situation.

  Just as we reach the door Trilom looms in the doorway.

  “What was the sound?” Megan asks as she tries to look around the large bloke.

  He reaches out and blocks our exit. “Nothing for you two to worry about. Go back to what you were doing,” he orders.

  “You need to move out of the way then because we were checking on that sound,” I tell his gruff ass.

  The glower in his gaze tells me he’s not to be intimidated or disobeyed. He looks into the kitchen and smirks as he looks back at us. “Go back into the kitchen and finish what you were really doing,” he commands. The look in his electric blue eyes says he means business.

  I don’t like it but I decide to bide my time. “Alright. No worries, mate.” I pull Megan back toward the kitchen and then whisper into her ear. “We can find out what happened later. As soon as he’s gone, you know?”

  Her eyes widen showing all of the blue flecks in her brown eyes. “Good thinking.” Her gaze darts to Trilom who is getting some food from the replicator on the other side of the counter.


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