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And This Too Shall Pass

Page 33

by E. Lynn Harris

  “Congratulations, Zuri. You said this would all be cleared up. I guess you were right about that faith stuff.”

  “Like MamaCee always says, God is good all the time. I was able to get this mess cleared up without placing my body fluids in a jar,” Zurich joked, even though he had dreaded the thought of having to provide semen to prove his innocence.

  “So what are you going to do to celebrate?” Sean asked.

  “Well, I have some calls to make. My father, Gina, and a couple other people. Plus, I want to take MamaCee out for a nice lunch and maybe buy her a new dress. She’s talking about going back home,” Zurich said.

  “Oh no, when?”

  “She said today, but I’m going to try and talk her into staying at least until this weekend. I’ve kinda got used to having her here,” Zurich said.

  “So I’m one of the first persons you called with the good news?” Sean asked as he smiled to himself. He hoped he would get the answer he dreamed of.

  “Yeah, you’re the first one I called. Had to share my great news with my buddy,” Zurich said. Sean was silent, feeling warm on the inside at the sound of Zurich’s voice and what he had just said. He started to ask him if he had called Basil Henderson, but knew that would be childish and he wanted to enjoy this moment of feeling special.

  “Sean are you still there?”

  “Yeah, Zurich, I’m here. Thanks for calling me with the good news. This will be a great ending for the story. Will I see you today?”

  “You’re coming to practice, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, but I was thinking maybe later we could talk,” Sean said.


  “Yeah, you know about the article,” Sean said.

  “Sure, but I think you already know too much about me, Sean,” Zurich said.

  “Yeah, but I want to know more. Can we talk at our special place?”

  “Our special place?”

  “You know, the stadium,” Sean said.

  “Yeah, sure. But look I’ve got to run. I got those calls to make and I’m going to enjoy this day.”

  “You do that. Tell MamaCee I said hello and I want to make sure I see her before she leaves.”

  “I will. Get your lazy butt up and get to work, Mr. Writer.”

  “Consider it done,” Sean said.

  Late Thursday evening, Mia was lonely. She wanted a drink, but instead she called LaDonna to tell her what had happened with her case. Mia didn’t know how her friend would respond. She feared LaDonna might be upset because she hadn’t come clean sooner. When LaDonna answered the phone, and after a quick hello, Mia told her she had a confession she wanted to make and would understand if LaDonna didn’t want to be her friend afterwards. Mia began to tell her what she had done and ended by asking, “So are you still my friend?”

  “What kind of question is that, Mia?” LaDonna asked.

  “Are you upset with me for not telling you sooner?” Mia repeated.

  “Look, baby. I’m your friend. I was trying to help. I was there in Chicago: I know something terrible happened to you. So it wasn’t this Zurich guy. It was somebody and we just need to find out who,” LaDonna assured her friend. “What did the DA say when you told her?”

  “She was pretty understanding and said they would continue to investigate, but they needed my help.”

  “You’re going to do that, right?”

  “Yes, I’m going to tell them what I remember.”

  “That’s good, Mia. That’s what you have to do,” LaDonna advised.

  “Do you think I should call Zurich and apologize?”

  “I don’t think so,” LaDonna said.

  “Derrick said the same thing.”

  “Now, how did Derrick convince you Zurich didn’t do it? That’s the part I don’t understand.”

  “It was his hair. When Derrick’s hair brushed up against my body, I remembered the person pushing his head into my body and how abrasive it was. I don’t know if I told you but Zurich shaves his head and his face is smooth,” Mia said.

  “Oh, yeah,” LaDonna said as she remembered seeing him interviewed on television after the Chicago game.

  “So it couldn’t have been him.” Mia didn’t tell LaDonna she remembered how Zurich had rejected her advances and how she had left his apartment in a rage.

  “And you don’t have any ideas on who did this?”

  “No,” Mia said.

  “Were you that fucked up?”

  Mia didn’t answer. A weighty silence lingered over the phone lines.

  “Mia. Are you still there? Did you hear me?”

  “Yes, I’m still here.”

  “How much did you drink that night?”

  “I don’t remember,” Mia said softly. “Look, LaDonna, I’ve got to run.”

  “Mia, wait a minute,” LaDonna said sternly.

  “Uh-huh,” Mia said.

  “Look, Mia, sweetheart. I think you need to take a break from the drinking. You and me both like a cocktail every now and then, but it sounds like you’ve been blacking out.”

  “Don’t worry, I have it under control,” Mia said.

  “I hope so,” LaDonna said. She realized Mia wasn’t ready to deal with her drinking.

  “Look, I’m getting ready for bed, I love you and thanks for being so understanding,” Mia said.

  “I love you too. Take care of yourself.”

  “I will.”

  Zurich ended his day of good news by making a call. He dialed the number Basil Henderson had given him and discovered that it was a beeper number. While he punched in his home number, he wondered why he had given him a beeper instead of a regular phone, especially since his messages gave Zurich the impression he was anxious to talk with him. A few minutes after he beeped Basil, his phone rang. When he picked up his phone he heard Basil say, “Man, I didn’t think you were ever gonna call me.”

  “I’m sorry, but you know how it is when the season is going on,” Zurich said.

  “Yeah, I do, Gee. I’m just glad to hear from you. How’s it going?”

  Zurich told Basil he was doing just fine now, as he gave him an update on his legal problems and the good news he had received earlier in the day.

  “I’m glad you got that shit cleared up, Gee. You know bitches ain’t shit. Always riding a brother’s jock and then the moment they can’t get the dick, they holler rape. Look at what happened to our boys Mike and Tupac,” Basil said.

  “I just think this young lady was confused. I don’t think she was really trying to hurt me,” Zurich said. He realized Mia might have a problem with drinking and self-esteem, and he was relieved she had told the truth when it mattered.

  “Man, you better than me. I’d be talking to my lawyer right now, getting ready to file a lawsuit for defamation of character,” Basil said.

  “I’m just glad it’s over,” Zurich said.

  After about an hour of exchanging general information about each other, and talking football, Basil said something that surprised Zurich.

  “You know I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Even had a few dreams ’bout you,” Basil said. Zurich couldn’t believe that Basil was being so open with him. He had noticed a certain sparkle in his eyes during their brief conversation, but he thought maybe he was reading too much into the intense way Basil looked at him and the way he had looked back. He started to tell Basil that he had dreamed of him, but didn’t.

  “That’s interesting, Gee. I’ve been thinking about you, too, and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back with you. But my grandmother has been here and with everything … you know.”

  “Sure, man, like I said, I knew we’d have the chance to hook up sooner or later. Now when are we going to do it face to face?”

  “Whenever we both have time. I’m game,” Zurich said.

  “So, we’re both adults, we can decide when that happens,” Basil said.

  “Yeah, you’re right! Let’s look at the schedules.”

  “Hey, Gee, it ain’t nothing b
ut a thang. We can do this. You tell me and I’ll be on a plane. You know for dinner and whatever,” Basil said in a tone dripping with sexual overtones. The thought of his dream about Basil coming true made Zurich smile. When his sex began to expand, he no longer felt ashamed of his fantasies.

  “Sounds like a winner to me. I’m game,” Zurich said.

  “Yeah, you’re game. But can you handle it?”

  “Handle what?”

  “Now come on now. You know what time it is? If and when we kick it, can you handle it?”

  Zurich didn’t quite know what Basil was asking him, but he didn’t care, so he said, “I can handle anything you throw my way.”

  “All right now, it’s a lot. Be careful what you pray for. And if you keep talking like that, me and my jimmie will be in Chicago before daybreak.” Zurich didn’t know exactly what a jimmie was but he had an idea. He had become so sexually aroused that he felt a thin film oozing from his sex.

  “I hear ya. Basil, I’ll talk to you and thanks for the picture. I’ll send you one real soon.”

  “Make sure it lets me know what you got. So I’ll know if you can really pass the test.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Zurich said.

  “And you know it. Be cool, Gee,” Basil said as he hung up the phone.

  Zurich lay back in his bed with a smile on his face and his full sex in his hands. There was something in him aching to be released. With the image of the nude Basil in his dreams and with a few quick and smooth movements of his large hand, Zurich shuddered as his body produced a glue he knew would hold him till he could see Basil.



  To celebrate the news from the DA’s office and MamaCee’s returning home, Gina decided to give a small dinner party Friday night. With MamaCee and Zurich as guests of honor, Gina also invited Tamela, who invited Desiree and Caliph, Warner, Tim, and Sean.

  MamaCee and Zurich arrived first so Gina gave them a tour of her spacious three-bedroom condo, with a formal dining room, a large kitchen, and an enclosed terrace with a great view of the city and Lake Michigan.

  “Ooh, Gina, this is a nice place. I shoulda stayed over here with you,” MamaCee said.

  “You still can. You’re sure you don’t want to stay until Sunday so you can see Zurich play?” Gina said as she smiled at Zurich, who was waving his hands in the air behind MamaCee, grinning and mouthing, “no.”

  “That’s awfully sweet of you, Gina, but I need to get back home and check up on my garden and my peoples at the hospice. But I’m gonna come back soon. What you cooking in there? Sho smells good. Now you sure I can’t help out? It won’t take me no time to cook up some stuff,” MamaCee said.

  “No, MamaCee, this is your night. All we want you to do is relax and enjoy yourself,” Gina said.

  “I guess I can try and do that,” MamaCee said.

  The doorbell rang and Gina asked Zurich to answer the door. He opened it and was greeted by Tamela and another young lady. He gave Tamela a big hug and announced, “Here she is, the best lawyer in Chicago.”

  “Hey, Zurich. How ya doing?” Tamela asked.

  “I’m doing great, thanks to you,” Zurich said.

  Tamela smiled and said, “Zurich, this is my best friend, Desiree Brown.” She grabbed Desiree and pulled her close to her and Zurich. Desiree had a huge smile on her face. This was a moment she had been waiting for a long time.

  “Nice meeting you, Desiree. I’m Zurich Robinson.”

  “Oh, I know who you are. It’s a pleasure meeting you. Did Tamela tell you I was your biggest fan?” Tamela was looking at Desiree with a comical cross-eyed look.

  “No, she didn’t, and thanks a lot. Y’all come in; Gina and MamaCee are in the kitchen I think,” Zurich said as he shut the door.

  “Wait a minute, Zurich. I saw Warner coming up on the elevator. He was right behind us,” Tamela said. Desiree whispered to Tamela, “This is the kind of man that makes me want to give up my no-new-dicks policy.”

  Moments later the doorbell rang and Zurich welcomed Warner, who was alone and carrying a bottle of wine.

  “Warner, thanks for coming,” Zurich said.

  “Thank you for inviting me and congratulations. Looks like you won’t be needing my services,” he said.

  “Thanks, I’m real happy about that. And you’ll have to thank Gina for the invitation,” Zurich said as he motioned toward the light and voices that were coming from the kitchen.

  “So where is everybody? I thought I saw Tamela come in,” Warner said.

  “Oh yeah, she’s here. Come on, let’s go in the kitchen,” Zurich said.

  They walked into the kitchen and were greeted by a spicy aroma. Everybody introduced themselves to one another, and Warner gave Gina the bottle of wine.

  “Thank you, Warner. You didn’t have to do this,” Gina said.

  “I hope you like it,” he said.

  Zurich walked over to Warner and told him he wanted to introduce him to his grandmother. MamaCee had found a chair in the kitchen and was talking with Tamela and Desiree as she drank some tea Gina had given her.

  “MamaCee, this is Warner. He’s a lawyer with the same firm Tamela works for,” Zurich said.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Robinson. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Warner said.

  “All good I hope,” MamaCee said as her large frame shook ever so slightly as she laughed to herself.

  “Of course, it was all great. I understand you’re leaving our city,” he said.

  “Now, young man, your name is Warner?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Robinson.”

  “That’s a nice name. Yeah, Warner, MamaCee got to get back home,” MamaCee said.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you,” Warner said. The kitchen was well lit with bright fluorescent lights and had a huge butcher block workstation in the middle of it over which Gina seemed to have hung every kind of pot and cooking utensil imaginable. Gina was at her restaurant-size stove managing four different pots and pans. In one, she was sautéing mushrooms and shrimp in garlic butter, cooking pasta noodles in another, frying vegetables and sausage in a third pan, and boiling corn in a fourth. Over the chatter in the kitchen, Zurich heard the doorbell again.

  “Gina, I think I heard the door,” he said.

  “Would you be a doll and get it?” Gina asked.

  “Sure,” Zurich said as he walked from the kitchen.

  Warner made eye contact with Tamela and Desiree. He asked MamaCee to excuse him and he walked over to Tamela and Desiree, who had moved over to the corner of the kitchen. Before Warner reached them, Desiree whispered to Tamela, “Warner is fine. And speaking of fine, where is your man? I thought he was going to be here?”

  “I wouldn’t say he’s my man, but if you’re talking about Caliph, he said he would be here, but you know men,” Tamela whispered.

  “Tamela, great seeing you,” Warner said as he walked up and extended his hand to her.

  “Warner, I saw you when I came in. I’m glad you could make it. Warner, let me introduce you to my best friend, Desiree Brown,”

  Tamela said. She was thinking, Where is your man, or have you kicked him to the curb.

  “Nice meeting you, Warner,” Desiree said as she placed her hand in Warner’s.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he smiled.

  “Same here,” Desiree said.

  Just as Tamela was getting ready to ask Warner where Tim was, Zurich walked in with Sean. She decided not to be a Defective Diva after all.

  “There’s my baby,” MamaCee said when she saw Sean.

  He walked over to her and gave her a big hug and a kiss on her forehead, just like Zurich always did, and then turned around and said, “Hey, everybody. I’m Sean Elliott.”

  “Hey, Sean,” Gina said as she placed a top on one of her pots. Wiping her hands on her apron, Gina walked over and gave Sean a kiss and introduced him to Tamela, Desiree, and Warner.

  Desiree whispered to Tamela,
“Oh, he’s cute, too. Honey, I know I need to cool my pussy down. You didn’t tell me there were going to be so many fine men here,” she laughed.

  “Calm yourself down,” Tamela said as she looked at her watch. She was wondering where Caliph was and why he was late.

  “You’re not getting worried, are you?” Desiree asked when she saw Tamela looking at her watch.

  “No, I’m fine. If he comes, that’s great, and if he doesn’t, that’s great too,” Tamela said.

  “Yeah, right. You talking to Desiree, your triple G.”

  “Like I said. I’m fine. I’m going over there and talk with Miss Cora. What are you going to do?”

  “I’ll be over there in a few minutes. I’m going to mingle,” Desiree said.

  Gina made sure that everybody had something to drink and pulled down some plates from her cabinet. About every ten minutes, MamaCee would ask Gina if she needed some help and where was her husband? Gina told MamaCee that Clarence was out of town on a business trip and that Rosa, her part-time maid, would be back soon, having gone to pick up dessert.

  Sean had a glass of wine in his hand and Zurich was drinking a Diet Pepsi as the two of them walked through the living room and out to the terrace.

  “So how you feeling?” Sean asked.

  “I’m feeling pretty good. Seems like everything is falling into place with the exception of my job,” Zurich said.

  “How so?”

  “Craig has really been looking great in practice this week. I mean there has been a zip to his arm that I think has even surprised some of the coaches,” Zurich said.

  “You’re not afraid of the competition, are you?”

  “Naw, it’s not that. You know it’s pretty hard to compete when you can’t show what you can do. Besides, some might say I’ve had my chance. But let’s not talk about me. How are you doing? How long are you staying in Chicago?”

  “Hold up. One question at a time. Man, you’re going to make a great reporter one day with the way you ask questions,” Sean said.

  “Aw, I’m sorry. I’m just glad to see you,” Zurich smiled. His smile and words made Sean’s palms begin to sweat, despite the coolness of the terrace.


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