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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 32

by Morgan Ashbury

“Take me, darlin’. Impale yourself on my cock.”

  She needed no more encouragement than that. Lifting her hips, she sank onto him, sighing in pleasure as James’s cock filled her. She maneuvered gently, slowly, in order to savor the wonder of his movements. Up then down again, the rhythm steady and strong, she pressed her hips forward, rubbing her clit against the hair surrounding the root of his sex.

  Jonathan stroked her back, caressed her from her head to her ass, peaking her awareness that they were three, together. James let go one nipple with a wet plop and sucked in the other one. When Jonathan tilted her head back once more, she eagerly opened her mouth for him, her tongue swirling and tasting, his flavor totally rich, uniquely his own. Reaching back, she wrapped her left hand around his latex covered cock, squeezed him, pumping slowly.

  Soft and sensuous, long and lush, sexual pleasure wrapped around her, twin ribbons of heart and heat.

  James stroked her clit with the back of his hand and her passion ignited.

  Need arced through her, arrow-sharp, spiking her blood, speeding her heart. Clawing, climbing, she raced for the finish, grateful when James placed his hands around her hips, adding his power to hers, his hunger to hers. When he stretched out flat on the bed, she followed him forward, followed him down, the new angle empowering her even more.

  Tabitha’s climax burst with every color of the rainbow, the cascading fullness of spasms overwhelming her system, capturing her so she bowed back, pressing her pussy closer to James, driving his cock even deeper within her. The spasm of his ejaculation into the sheath protecting them both pulsed against her cervix, and her orgasm spiked anew.

  It shivered and crackled through her even as hands lifted her off James, moved her to a spot on the bed beside him.

  Hot and hard, Jonathan’s cock nudged against the tiny rosebud of her anus and pressed forward with a careful, deliberate push.

  She felt herself opening, the burning pain building, feeding the final tendrils of her orgasm so that she moaned. James put his fingers against her slit, and as he rolled closer to nuzzle her neck, crooned sounds of approval and encouragement.

  “Don’t let me hurt you,” Jonathan whispered, and she knew he spoke through gritted teeth. The hands holding her fast broke into a sweat.

  “Do it. Please. I need to feel your cock in my ass.” Where had this lust been hiding all her life? She didn’t know, she only knew that she needed to feel him deep inside her ass.

  “Tabitha.” Jonathan cursed as he sank all the way into her. “Don’t move, darlin’. Give yourself a moment to stretch.”

  She needed to move. The pressure was enormous, the pain of his anal possession more than she’d anticipated, but it didn’t kill her ardor. Instead, it fed it.

  James began a slow, swirling caress of her pussy, brushing her clit. Crying out, Tabitha pushed her hips back, setting the tip of Jonathan’s cock just a tiny bit deeper, until it caressed something inside her that sparked an inferno.

  “Jonathan. Please…move!” The need to move, to stroke, overcame every other impulse, every other urge, even the instinct to protect herself from pain.

  “Fuck!” Jonathan was moving in her, his first few thrusts slow and measured, but she could have sworn she heard the tether of his control snap, could have sworn the primitive buried deep inside him, as it was inside every male, finally tore free and seized control.

  Jonathan’s thrusts became short and sharp, hard and fast, pushing her face into the mattress with ever increasing speed and force. Her legs let go, spreading wider, that unknown barrier of resistance melting under the heat of the orgasm that rose up, volcanic, from the core of her body, that newly discovered point where all erogenous zones now met and converged.

  With James’s hand on her pussy, Jonathan’s cock in her ass, Tabitha screamed as she came, the pleasure so great she thought it might consume her completely.

  * * * *

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do?” Tabitha asked as James took the exit off Interstate 80 toward US 395/Carson City.

  “First, I’m going to give her enough rope.” James sent a glance her way. Jonathan had opted to stay home today. There were ranch matters demanding his brother’s attention, just as there were casino matters he had to see to. Chief of which, he regretted to admit, was firing his manager.

  “You’re going to let her go?”

  “I have to. What she intended to do was unconscionable. But I need to find out what Ed might have told her. The last thing we want is her badmouthing you.”

  “I’m a big girl, James. I can take care of myself.”

  James felt his mouth thin in response to that comment. He was quite well aware that Tabitha believed she could take care of herself. He thought so, too. But what the woman didn’t seem to understand was that she didn’t have to take care of herself all the damn time. She wasn’t alone. Not anymore.

  A part of him could understand why she would have that thick wall of protection around herself. Oh, she joyously shared her body with them. James thought she was pretty damn wonderful and so responsive to the two of them, that her reaction to them alone aroused the hell out of him and Jonathan both.

  She could tell them apart. Did she not understand the significance of that?

  But after having been married to a loser like Ed Lambert, he could understand her emotional reticence. That didn’t mean he wasn’t getting damn sick of it.

  Yesterday, when she’d confessed that she preferred country life, he and Jonathan had both hinted that she could choose country life. She could choose to live that life with them.

  But she either couldn’t, or wouldn’t, see that as an option. Their offer had received no response whatsoever. In fact, she’d acted as if they hadn’t said anything at all.

  He could feel waves of growing ire blasting him from the passenger seat of the Porsche. He hadn’t acknowledged her declaration of independence, and she was getting more pissed about that with every mile.

  “Yes, Tabitha, I know you can take care of yourself. But that doesn’t mean I can’t work a little damage control. We won’t have you suffer any bullshit on our behalf.”

  The silence drew out some, and James was trying to figure out what else he could say to convince her that he meant no damage to her feminine ego when she sighed and leaned back in her seat.

  “Okay. Though personally, I doubt very much Ed has contacted her at all. His take would be she gave him bad information, and the fact that he got a black eye is her fault. Likely he’s already checked out of his hotel and is on his way back to DC. By the time he gets home he’ll have it all settled in his head that he’d come here to make amends with me and that bitch seduced him and led him astray. ”

  “Let’s hope so. I wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp yesterday. Fucking moron.” James could feel his temper rising. Tabitha unfastened her seat belt, leaned over and kissed his cheek. The feel of her leaning in to him, the press of her breasts against his arm and her wonderful woman-scent all worked together to stir his cock. He wondered if he could convince her to stay in town tonight. Either at her house, or the Penthouse. He didn’t care which.

  “My hero,” she cooed in a voice was soft and sultry.

  “Smart ass.” He laughed, and blessed her sense of humor for relieving his sexual tension.

  “Yes. Yes, I am. So I’m guessing then that you do not want me to accompany you up to the office and sit in while you verbally flay and render jobless the lovely Ms. Demeter.”

  “You guess correctly. Things might get ugly, and yes, I know you can take care of yourself and blah, blah, blah.”

  “Now who’s being a smart ass?”

  James smiled when she slugged him in the arm. She pulled her punch, which was good for him, since he was driving her car.

  “Seriously, darlin’, I’d just as soon not expose you to what could turn into a very uncomfortable meeting. Is there any place you’d like me to drop you? Or maybe you’re in the mood to try and relieve our casino of a few

  “Actually, it’s such a nice day I thought I’d take in the River Walk, grab a cup of coffee and just sit on a bench. Maybe I’ll be lucky and there’ll be some kayakers on the river. I really enjoy watching them. And since I can just walk across the street from Aces and Jacks to get there, you don’t have to drop me anywhere at all.”

  He could tell just by the way she spoke that this was something she’d discovered and enjoyed since moving to the city.

  “Become a fan of it, have you? Just like a native?”

  “I found it my first day here. It’s a beautiful view—city landscape, mountains in the background. And trees! I was so glad to see the trees. I’m afraid I had some preconceived notions about Nevada. I had it in my head that the entire state was desert. Seeing those trees just loosened the tension inside me. Of course I had to learn the names of them because they weren’t familiar to me. Alders, Freemont Cottonwoods. Leafy and shade bearing, most definitely. But not familiar.”

  “I guess there’s quite a difference in the flora and the fauna between here and DC.” He maneuvered her car onto the Moana Lane exit. They’d be at the casino in minutes.

  “In some ways it’s like a different planet.”

  “I’ve noticed some “back east” type trees planted in people’s yards, though. So if you had a hankering for a maple or a birch or a poplar, you could order one in and plant it.”

  “I noticed that too. But that’s not fair to the tree, is it? Or the neighbors, for that matter. You’d have to water it so much because of the arid climate. I miss those trees, but I’ll just have to wait till the next time I visit Dad to see them.”

  “So you’re planning on staying? I had the impression you’d only moved here to put space between yourself and your ex. Guess I figured that once you got over being pissed with him you’d head back east.” He pulled the car into one of the two ‘reserved for owner’ spots right at the front of the casino. The doorman on duty—a retired Vegas cop name Barney—tipped his hat to let him know he recognized the boss and would watch over the car.

  “That is why I moved here. Nevada seemed the farthest away from DC I could get. But,” she paused as she got out of the car, stretched, looked around.

  “But?” he prompted.

  She turned to face him then, and he couldn’t help but notice the tinge of pink in her cheeks.

  “But the longer I stay, the more I like it.”

  “Good.” It was the most he could say right then. He tried to remember that he’d only known her—had only had her—for less than a full week. Short, short time. But sometimes you didn’t need a lot of time to know when something was right, when it was meant to be.

  As far as he and his brother were concerned, having Tabitha in their lives was both. Now all they had to do was get the lady in question to see things their way.

  He wasn’t fooling himself. They’d made some strides in that area, but they weren’t there yet. And he couldn’t help but notice that since that fucking ex of hers had showed up, she’d pulled back, emotionally.

  “Good,” he said again. Then he kissed her and headed off to fire his manager.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Since moving to Reno, Tabitha had used this piece of greenery in the middle of the city as a place where she could restore her equilibrium. The Truckee River, though not at all like the rivers she was most used to, had a calming effect on her.

  The failure of her marriage had wounded her. At least, that’s what she’d always told herself. But now she wondered if what hadn’t wounded her more was her own failure in judgment.

  How the hell could I have ever thought I loved that bastard? Standing next to James yesterday in the little room off the kitchen, listening to Ed as he trash talked not only her but all of womankind, she’d felt sick to her stomach and ashamed of herself for having been married to the man.

  How could she have made such an awful mistake? Were her instincts so far off that she couldn’t tell a prince from a prick?

  And if so, where the hell did that leave her now? True, she was only having a flaming hot affair with James and Jonathan Keller. She wasn’t married to either of them.

  But she had fallen in love with both of them. Shit, I am in love with them both!

  Not good. Not good at all.

  “Ms. Lambert?”

  Tabitha looked up into a pair of questioning, brown eyes. It took her a moment to recognize the man standing before her. He was out of uniform.

  “Oh, Deputy Hamilton. Hello.”

  “I thought that was you. Nice day, isn’t it?”

  “It is, yes. I—” she began, but was cut off by the man who seemed a bit ticked.

  “I left you a message on Friday. I expected you to call.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” Tabitha could feel her face heating, because the Deputy continued to give her a hard look. She kicked the feeling of guilt back. She had nothing to feel guilty about. “I did get your message but I was on a day off, and since you hadn’t said the matter was urgent, I had planned to call you tomorrow when I returned to work. Did I misunderstand the situation?”

  He must have picked up on her pique, for he gave her a small smile. “No, you didn’t. The matter isn’t urgent—at least, not at the moment. But when I met you the other day at the Keller ranch, I thought I sensed some vibes there—it seemed to me that one of the brothers was coming on to you—so I thought I should give you a call. A warning, before you got involved with one of them on a personal level. May I?”

  He’d pointed to the space of bench beside her. Seeing no reason to refuse him, she moved over to make room for him to sit beside her.

  “What I am about to tell you is to be held in the strictest confidence, as it’s an ongoing investigation. If you weren’t a federal employee, and new to the area, I wouldn’t even consider telling you this. But since you are both, and may be called upon to advise in an official capacity, I thought I should give you a warning.”

  Tabitha experienced a sinking sensation in the pit of her belly. The Deputy’s expression lacked any warmth at all now.

  “A warning about what?”

  “The Kellers have been under investigation by the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department, in conjunction with the DEA and FBI. Certain allegations have been made with regard to activities witnessed and reported in and around the Farenough Ranch over the last couple of years.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Tabitha felt everything inside her turn to stone. “You’re trying to tell me that the Kellers are suspected of illegal activity?”

  “Oh, I am very serious. Now, so far, there has been no hard evidence that they have committed any crime. But we feel that it’s really just a matter of time before that evidence appears and this case breaks wide open.”

  “What—” she had to swallow before she could continue. “What crime, exactly, are the Kellers suspected of committing?”

  “There have been rumors of a drug ring operating in the County, and that the area serves as part of a pipeline moving illegal aliens up from the California-Mexico border. Additionally, it’s been rumored they’ve been catching wild horses and selling them to buyers overseas—for meat.”

  Just the thought of one of those beautiful animals being captured and slaughtered made her blood run cold. It was a vile suspicion. Still, a voice inside her insisted on asking questions.

  “Then why did you warn the Kellers of that kind of activity if you suspect them of it?”

  “So they wouldn’t be alarmed if they saw investigators on their land. They think they’re better than everyone else, that they’re above the law. They also believe they have my confidence.”

  It seemed to Tabitha that the deputy sounded bitter. As she watched, he seemed to get his emotions back under control.

  “Anyway, I wanted you to know. We don’t think they’re dangerous, although you never can tell. Some people are very good at hiding their true selves, so I wouldn’t take any chances if I were you.”

  He g
ot to his feet and scanned the area. “I’ve got your number, I’ll let you know when we get a break in the case.”

  “Yes. Please call when you do.”

  For a long moment after the deputy left, Tabitha sat perfectly still, the sordid allegations he’d shared swirling through her mind, causing her heart to pound and her palms to sweat.

  One voice inside her head shouted denials. She hadn’t known these men long, but she knew them well enough—and they had a solid reputation in the community—that just imagining them guilty of such illegal behavior was ludicrous.

  It was the other voice that churned her guts. The one that congratulated her for exercising crappy judgment yet again.

  She didn’t completely believe the deputy. Perhaps the Kellers were a part of whatever investigation was going on. But she couldn’t believe they were criminals. As to her safety, she had no concerns there, despite the fear the deputy had tried to instill in her.

  Rubbing her arms, fighting off a sudden chill, she tried to return to the peaceful mood she’d found before Deputy Hamilton had stopped by, but it wouldn’t come.

  Still, she couldn’t deny that an additional thread of unease twined around her previous whisper thin doubts. She would be going back to work tomorrow, getting her life back on track after this mini-vacation and paying up on her wanton wager. So until she had some indication that the deputy’s suspicions were true, she’d keep what he’d said to herself and just wait and see.

  * * * *

  Jonathan hobbled his way from the paddock, his left hand massaging his left thigh which was likely sporting a horseshoe-sized bruise. It had been a while since he’d been thrown and then kicked by a horse.

  Son-of-a-bitch, it hurts worse than it had ten years ago.

  He imagined that when James and Tabitha got home he’d get a ribbing from the one and maybe some TLC from the other.

  As much as he looked forward to the latter, he hoped now that James would be able to talk Tabitha into staying in town for a little one-on-one time with him.


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