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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 33

by Morgan Ashbury

  Jonathan would have the opportunity to spend some quality private time with their woman soon. Hopefully after he had the chance to rest up and heal a bit. Note to self: no more getting thrown by bad-tempered stallions. You’re not as young as you used to be.

  He had nearly reached the kitchen door when the sound of gravel crunching under tires made him stop and turn his attention to the front of the house.

  The black and white Sheriff Department’s car came to a stop and the door opened. Jonathan smiled as Sheriff Peter Thompson emerged from the cruiser.

  Pete had been a deputy when Jonathan and James were teenaged hellion-wannabes. He’d caught them drinking underage, and after Pete dealt with them, that had been the last transgression either of them had ever committed.

  “Hey, Pete. How’s it going?”

  “Better for me than for you, apparently. What the hell happened?”

  Jonathan looked down at himself, noting that the dusty, torn clothing provided a clue if one was astute—and Pete sure as hell was that—that something had indeed happened.

  “Just another one of life’s lessons. In the battle of ground versus man, ground wins. You here on business? Man, twice in one week I have a sheriff’s car on the premises. Neighbors are going to talk.”

  “Twice in one week, is it? You had a visit from one of my deputies lately?”

  Something in the man’s tone put Jonathan’s senses on alert. “Yeah. Derek dropped by just the other day.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  Nearing sixty, Peter Thompson might look like the quintessential slightly-overweight, graying jovial grandfather. All of which he was. But he also possessed a mind like a steel trap and an instinct for trouble that was damn near legendary in Humboldt County.

  Jonathan knew him quite a bit better and respected him a whole lot more than he had when he’d been that teenaged asshole looking for trouble.

  “That is a fact. Why don’t you come on in. I could make some coffee.”

  “Coffee sounds good. But how ‘bout I make it while you take a minute and clean yourself up. Might have some damage under those filthy clothes needs tending.”

  “That’s more than a possibility. Come on in, then. You know where to find everything. I won’t be long.”

  Jonathan sighed as the heat of the shower hit his abused body. He’d treat himself to a session in the Jacuzzi later. He had a feeling he was going to need it. For the moment, he was clean. A quick look located a few bruises—the biggest of which was that damn hoof print coming to full Technicolor life on his leg. The skin wasn’t broken, so he guessed that was something.

  Deciding to forgo his usual denim, he pulled on a pair of track pants and a sweat shirt. Groaning, he finally managed to pull a pair of socks on, too.

  He checked his watch. Not too bad. Fifteen minutes from start to finish. The smell of fresh coffee enticed him, and he went to satisfy two cravings: caffeine and curiosity.

  “Now that looks a mite better.”

  “And it feels only a mite better, too.”

  Pete obviously thought that was funny. Jonathan wondered if he was going to have to pat the man on the back to stop him from choking, he laughed so hard.

  He hobbled to the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee. Normally he’d go stand with his back to the counter—the same place he’d been when he’d faced that little pecker-head Ed yesterday. But today he opted to sit at the table.

  It wasn’t like Pete to dance around a topic. That he seemed to do so now puzzled Jonathan.

  “You boys have been friends with Derek since you all were kids together, haven’t you?”

  And because this was Peter Thompson, and there had to be something important behind the question, Jonathan answered him honestly. “We’ve tried to be, yeah. But Derek always seemed to hold himself back. When we were kids, I never thought much about it. But as we got into our teen years, I just figured he was shy. I even could empathize with that to some extent. I’m not the most outgoing guy. James was always more that way than me. Why do you ask?”

  “You never had any run-ins, any set-tos with him? He doesn’t have cause to hold a grudge against either of you boys, does he?”

  “I can think of nothing any Keller has ever done to cause him to hold a grudge.”

  Pete picked up his coffee cup, took a slow sip. Jonathan followed suit and tried not to wince. He’d forgotten the Sheriff liked his coffee extra strong.

  “Maybe just being a Keller is enough.”

  “Pete, what’s going on?”

  “Over the last few months I’ve been clandestinely investigating my deputy. It started out with a complaint from Rosie Whitman. You may not know who she is—”

  Jonathan had meant to hold back his grin but it flashed before he could. Apparently, the sight of it was enough to stop Pete in his tracks—at least long enough to throw him a disapproving stare.

  “You hear things,” Jonathan said, trying not to laugh. “Seriously. Rotten Rosie is just a name boys learn in these parts.”

  “That’s your story and you’re sticking to it. Anyway,” Pete puffed out a breath, and Jonathan wasn’t certain if the man was annoyed with him or not. “Anyway, Rosie came to me, royally pissed off. It seems that Deputy Hamilton had been cutting himself a deal with a couple of Rosie’s girls in exchange for giving them a pass to conduct business in what we might call mobile parlors. Rosie came to me when one of her girls showed up with bruises. It seems Derek was in a particularly bad mood one day.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Derek Hamilton I grew up with.” Jonathan frowned, pushing his cup aside.

  “There’s more. The State boys busted a ring of electronics thieves involved in identity thefts. One of them claimed to have some information about a deputy sheriff in Humboldt County who would do business in return for any new electronic toy coming down the pipe. Claimed the deputy was a real hard ass, too.”

  “I’m sorry, Pete. I’m at a complete loss. I don’t doubt your information, but all this just doesn’t sound like the tow-headed geeky kid we grew up with.”

  “People change, Jonathan. Now I have to ask you. What did Derek come all the way out here to see you about? I know it wasn’t a personal visit because of what you said when I first got here.”

  “Just to give us a heads-up about the investigation you have going on in this…” Jonathan let his voice trail off as the truth dawned. “You have no investigation going on in this area.”

  “No sir, I don’t. And if I did, I would have called you myself. Your pa and I were damn good buds, back in the day. I got wind of anything happening hereabouts, I’d have called.”

  “Yeah. Okay.” Jonathan ran a hand through his hair. “He said there was suspicious activity, suspected smuggling of drugs, illegals, wild horses. The whole point of his visit was to let us know that if any of us saw him or others on horseback on our land, not to be concerned. Well, son-of-a-bitch!” Jonathan finally realized that entire visit had been an elaborate smoke screen. “That bastard is setting us up, isn’t he? He’s fixing to do something right here on Farenough land.”

  “That’s what I think, too. Now, don’t go getting all pissed. I had to alert the Attorney General’s office to my suspicions, and the State police got involved when they got that tip from one of their perps. They’ve assigned a couple of investigators to the case. My understanding is they have Derek under surveillance, and have had for about a week.”

  “Which is how you knew he’d been here.”

  “There you go.”

  “So now what?”

  “Now we wait for him to tip his hand. You keep what I’ve told you to yourself—well yourself and your brother, of course. I don’t expect you to keep anything from him. Likely, I’ll give you a call in the next few days. The team that’s on him seems to think he’s becoming a bit antsy. They believe something is about to come down, though they don’t know what. When it does, they’ll be on top of it. In the mean time, if you or any of your people do see him s
kulking about, you call. No hero shit. You got that?”

  “Yeah. This comes out, it’s going to really hurt his parents.”

  “Yeah. I feel bad about that. But it happens—good upstanding folk have a kid go bad. Sucks big time. But it does happen.”

  Jonathan walked Pete out to his car—limped was probably a better description. As he watched the sheriff’s progress down the long lane, he thought of the too-shy, too-awkward boy he’d known in his youth.

  And he recalled being pleasantly surprised when Derek had become a deputy, thinking maybe at last the guy had found his niche.

  Just goes to show sometimes you never can tell how people will turn out.

  Jonathan hobbled back toward the house. He hadn’t heard from James yet, so it seemed likely he and Tabitha would be staying in town.

  No need to call his brother to tell him of this latest bit of news. He’d fill him in when he got home. He’d let the two of them just enjoy the time together.

  Jonathan grimaced, his battered muscles seeming a little more painful now than they had just a short half hour ago. Just as well they were staying in town. Looked like the only thing on his social calendar was a date with a hot tub and the strongest pain killer he could find.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I’m so glad you came in today,” Phyllis said as she entered his office. She was dressed in what James would call soft clothes. Instead of her usual business suit of skirt, jacket and plain blouse, she had on a more casual sweater and skirt. As he watched her approach, he really looked at her. He’d been aware, in the last couple of weeks at least, that she’d been looking at him not as her boss, but as a man. He’d ignored her, of course, first because it was against the rules as far as he was concerned, to hit on an employee. But added to that, the woman just plain and simply didn’t turn him on.

  Now as she came closer, he became aware of her demeanor. She seemed as if there was something she wanted to speak about, but didn’t know if she should. She was, he realized, trying to affect a shy and demure persona—when he knew her to be anything but.

  “I had a few things I needed to take care of, the sooner the better.”

  “Well I am glad to see you, even though I was hoping to have a bit more time. There’s something I feel I must discuss with you…I was hoping I’d have enough time so that I could find the right words.” Her lip trembled, and she cast her eyes downward, as if searching for the courage to do something unpleasant.

  “Really? I’ve discovered the best way to tackle difficult topics is to just…spit it out.” And that is just what he should do now, James thought. He’d just wait for Phyllis to put her foot in it, just a little. He wasn’t a man to play games, but that wasn’t what this was about. Until she gave some indication that she did, indeed, plan to act in an unconscionable fashion, he really had no reason to fire her.

  “Very well.” She seemed to gather herself. “Before you left yesterday, I happened to look out the front…I was just looking outside the way you do sometimes, and I saw—oh dear, this is harder than I thought—I saw you brother and your girlfriend kissing.”

  James raised one eyebrow. “Kissing is an accepted form of greeting, especially in my family. I would expect Jonathan to kiss Tabitha.”

  “Well, yes, I suppose. But it was more than that kind of kiss. They appeared very intimate. I…I do believe he caressed her breast.” Phyllis took another deep breath. “And this isn’t the first time that it’s come to my attention that your brother has done something that might be construed as an attack against you.”

  “It’s not?”

  “I’ve heard reports from staff…words he’s said, derogatory comments. I’ve wanted to tell you for the longest time, but I haven’t known how. But this latest—this goes beyond the pale. Something needs to be done. James,” she stepped forward, reached out her hand as if in angelic supplication. Then, seeming to think better of it, pulled her hand back. Once more she flicked her glance down in what James perceived as an I’m-not-worthy-but-I’ll-offer-myself-anyway kind of gesture. “James,” she entreated again, apparently somehow having found the strength, “I’m so sorry. But it’s clear to everyone that Jonathan is no friend of yours. I know how much it must hurt, hearing this. I wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain, but it’s time for you to face the truth. I’ve heard it said that sometimes, with womb mates, one is born the good twin, the other the evil one. I know you’re good, down to your soul. But Jonathan—Jonathan is not.”

  Because he felt like laughing, James coughed. He got up from his chair and turned his back to her as if overcome by grief. Looking out the window, he could see Tabitha making her way back toward Aces and Jacks. She was walking slowly as if lost in a world of her own.

  The need to be with her as soon as possible swamped him. Why was he spending time with this witch when his woman needed him? He didn’t know where that certainty had come from, but he could not deny it was there.

  He would deal with this now, and deal with it quickly.

  “There is something you can do to help.” He turned then and faced her. “Have your letter of resignation on my desk within the hour. Security is waiting outside my door and will accompany you from the moment you leave my office until you are off the premises. Pick a hotel, any hotel. We’ll pay for your room for the next two weeks.

  “You’ll be provided with a generous severance, and references. No resignation, no generous severance or anything else for that matter. And I am considering having charges laid.”

  “I…I don’t understand.”

  “Ed Lambert came out to the ranch yesterday. He left in considerable pain. After telling us the entire plan, of course. Your plan to cause trouble between Jonathan and myself, and then insinuate yourself into my life. Phyllis, that’s not ever going to happen.”

  James was amazed. She made quite the metamorphosis, from concerned loving friend to vengeful bitch in five seconds flat.

  “That fucking little prick! I never should have trusted that bastard.”

  “He expressed similar sentiments about you. You know, I think the two of you may be supremely suited to one another.”

  “Fuck you. And fuck this place.” The smile she took on then gave James shivers. “You may think this was all a scheme, and maybe it was. But I didn’t make up that bit about seeing your bimbo and your brother getting it in on together outside. Why, she’s probably with him right now giving him the ride of his life. He’s such a cowboy it’s probably the best lay he’ll ever have.”

  James took one step forward, his fury so sharp he wondered if, for the first time in his life, he would actually strike a woman.

  “One more word and you will lose every bit of good will I am extending to you. Letter on my desk in one hour.”

  “Fine. I’ll take your ‘good will.’”

  When she flung open the door, James caught sight of the two security people—one male, one female—who awaited her. He nodded to them, knowing they’d stay with Phyllis until she was off his property.

  James took another look out his window. Beyond, the park shimmered in the midday sun, and people seemed to be out and about, enjoying the day. Glancing down, he didn’t see Tabitha. She was likely already waiting at the car.

  He would put the unpleasantness of the last few minutes behind him, and see if he could coax the Tabby-cat upstairs. He found, quite suddenly, that he needed to feel her arms around him, and his around her.

  * * * *

  She should probably have her head examined.

  Tabitha let the heat of the shower pummel her, hoping it would banish the stress that had settled into the base of her spine.

  James had come out the front door of the casino, his expression so troubled that when he’d asked her to come upstairs, to stay with him, she’d caved.

  “I have to go to work tomorrow. That means I’ll need my car.” It was the only reasonable argument against staying she could come up with. As the minutes had passed, her belief in her lover
s—or rather, in her own ability to judge her lovers—wavered. She wanted him. But she wanted distance, too. She wanted to run away and hide, afraid she’d made another blunder.

  “It’s all right. We have a vehicle garaged here—one that we sometimes loan out to special guests of the casino. Being the boss, I can use it whenever I want.”

  Warnings and misgivings aside, she did want to spend another night with him. Her only regret was that Jonathan wasn’t there, too. What did that say about her, she wondered.

  The sound of the glass door opening alerted her just moments before a hot, hard male body pressed against her back. Hands slid around her waist to cup her breasts. Tabitha sighed, and relaxed into his strength, trusting him to hold her.

  Trusting him.

  Yes, she did trust James and Jonathan both when it came to her body, her safety. The deputy’s sly innuendo about these men being dangerous was way off base.

  And the rest?

  She would tuck that worry away for the morning, and steal this night for herself.

  “Feeling better?”

  He’d known something was bothering her. But he hadn’t pressed her for details. Reaching up behind her, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The action lifted her breasts and James took advantage of the new position, using his fingers to squeeze and pull her nipples.

  “Yes, I’m feeling much better.”

  “Mmm. Let me just make sure.” His right hand left her breast and smoothed down her body. Masculine fingers splayed over her shaved mound. In one smooth move they kept on going until he speared up and into her vaginal opening.

  “Oh, God, yes. Much, much better.”

  James reached up and adjusted the water. The spray became a fine mist, more steam than shower. His hand came back to her body, bearing a floral scented gel.

  “Jasmine,” he whispered in her ear, “did you know the flowers are gathered at night? Apparently that’s the optimum time to harvest them.”

  “Are you messing with me?”

  “Physically, you bet. But about the harvesting of Jasmine? No. Anyway, in aroma therapy Jasmine is used for relaxation…and arousal.”


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