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Consent to Love

Page 2

by Abby Wood

  Chapter Two

  “Dammit!” She smacked the steering wheel, laid her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. Of all the times for her beater car to act up, why did it have to happen now?

  Ana pulled the hood release, exited the car, and walked around to the front bumper and popped the top up. She took off her shoe and banged it against the big round cylinder on the top of the engine. That’d worked last time the heap of metal refused to start.

  She hammered the top of the battery too, before limping with one sneaker on and one off back to the driver’s seat. “Come on, come on, come on…” She groaned.

  “Everything okay?” Kane leaned through the open door and studied her.

  “My car won’t start.”

  “Let me take a look. Sit there. When I yell, go ahead and try to crank her over.” He disappeared in front of the car.

  She leaned forward, set her chin on the steering wheel and squinted through the tiny slit between the hood and body of the car. He removed the big round part off the top of the engine, stuck his hand down and fiddled around. “Go ahead, turn the key and give her a little gas.”

  A putt-putt-putt came and quickly ended on a cough. She got out of the car.

  Kane closed the hood and brushed off his hands. “I thought priming the carburetor might do the trick, but it sounds as if your alternator is shorting out. It’s an easy fix. A couple six-dollar brushes, springs, and you’ll be good to go.”

  “Oh.” She exhaled and shook her head. At least it wasn’t something major that would cost her a month’s wages. “Okay. Thanks.”

  Not wanting to make Chum drive back and pick her up, she found her cell phone in the car and dialed Daphne’s number. She flashed Kane a small smile while she listened to the ringing in her ear. The call went to voicemail and she hung up.

  “Anything I can help you with?” Kane crossed his arms and leaned against the fender.

  He’d put on a T-shirt sometime between talking to her and now. She tossed the phone back on the seat to distract herself from the way his muscles pulled the sleeves tight across his arms and shoulders.

  “You don’t have anyone to come get you?”

  She shook her head. “It seems I’m a little short on friends today. I was hoping Daphne would be back from her vacation, but no one was home.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about the car. As soon as Darrell’s done, I’ll have him take you home when he drives me back to the reservation. Afterward, you can figure out how to get your car fixed when you’re back in town. You live in Pochuk, right?” He waited for her to move away from the car, and he closed her door.

  “Yeah, good ol’ Podunk—I mean Pochuk. There’s not a cow town around like the one I live in.” She grinned and then became serious. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way or inconvenience Sarah’s husband. I’m sure even one of the guys here could give me a ride home when they leave. If any of them aren’t drinking…”

  “It’s no problem.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, straining the fabric against his muscular thighs. The corner of his mouth lifted. “It’ll give me a chance to talk with you.”

  She curled her fingers. Warmth filled her as he led her back toward Darrell’s house. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s go sit in the shade over there away from the others.” He pointed and matched his stride with hers. “Call me selfish, but I’ve had enough conversations with the other men today. I want to enjoy myself with you.”

  His consideration pleased her, and his excuse to get her alone left her smiling. She’d overheard some of the talks he had with the other men earlier, and she admired how he’d kept his cool. It wasn’t easy being different, especially in Podunk. She sat down on the grass. “Thank you. I’ve known most of the men here all my life… They can be draining, even on a good day. I think most of them still try and outdo each other as if they were on the football team and seventeen years old again. Plus, they’re rather rude when they’re drinking…”

  “I can take care of myself, and I’ll make sure they all know I’m only talking to you and that I’m not bothering you,” he said.

  “I’m sorry.” She pursed her lips. “I was trying to make excuses for their behavior toward you, but there really is no excuse.”

  “Don’t be.” He sent her a wink only she could see. “I know what they’re thinking, and I follow the rules…somewhat. I’ve grown up with their attitude toward my people. I’ll live.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t seem fair though. They accept Sarah—”

  “She’s married to a white man, and they respect Darrell.” He sat down in the grass. “To your people, the man is the head of the household, and because he’s white, they accept his choices. It’s different when they see a white woman become involved with a Native American. Your men think they have to protect their own kind.”

  “I suppose. It all seems very cavemanish, but in Podunk change doesn’t come easily.” She sat down in the grass facing the barn and crossed her legs. “I can’t wait to find out how Sarah reacts when she comes home to find a nice new barn. I know how worried she’s been about her chickens surviving the winter.”

  He chuckled. “She treats her animals as children. I don’t think there has been a time in her life when she wasn’t coddling an animal. She’s got a soft soul.”

  “She’s that way with people too. I have learned so much thanks to her.”

  “You know my sister well?” He sat off to the side, facing her.

  She nodded. “I think so. We’ve only known each other six months or so, but we talk a lot. My friend Daphne introduced us. I wanted to learn how to cook, so she hooked me up with Sarah.”


  She shrugged. “If I can learn to prepare every item on Chum’s menu, he agreed to give me a shot in the kitchen, cooking for the lunch crowd instead of working late nights serving drinks. It’d also mean a pay raise.”

  “Sarah’s a wonderful cook, as was our mother and grandmother. She would be the best person to teach someone.” He pulled a piece of grass out of the ground.

  “I’m afraid Sarah’s getting the short end of the stick though. I agreed to paint a picture of her and Darrell.” Ana brushed her knees off. “But I’ve never had lessons, and my supplies are limited. I paint purely for the fun of it.”

  “You’re creative.” He nodded. “Everyone should strive to use the skills they were given. I’m the same way. I train horses and craft leatherwork. It’s what brings me the most enjoyment in my life. Each piece, each horse is different, and I learn more about myself through my work.”

  “Really?” She sat up straighter.

  “Yes. I’m sure it’s the same for you.” He glanced down at her hand. “I see no ring on your finger. Is there a boyfriend in your life?”

  She looked down at her hand. “No…no boyfriend.”


  Unable to stand not seeing what he was thinking, she glanced at Kane. She caught her breath. His gaze undressed her and might as well be stroking her skin, the way her insides heated up.

  “What about you? Anyone special in your life?” Please say no…


  Sitting this close to her, Kane’s dark eyes were direct and unprotected, showing more emotion from him than she’d seen all day. His long hair gave him a wild and yet regal look. She’d never been so fascinated by a man, wanting to know what he was thinking behind his kind words and attention. What made him tick? What did he do late at night when he was alone with his thoughts? Did he dream of sharing himself with a special someone the way she often did?

  She inhaled swiftly when another deep twinge of desire hit her. She glanced away. She’d bet ten dollars she’d orgasm the second he laid a finger on her. She lifted the hair off the back of her neck. She continued to feel
there was something oddly familiar about him beyond his resemblance to Sarah, and yet she’d never met a Lakota man before.

  There was an honesty about him that made him seem more real than men she was used to. He spoke bluntly, as if unafraid of sharing a part of himself. There was no boasting nor insecurities he was trying to hide, and that gave her confidence to continue getting to know him.

  If she had a man like him, who paid attention and had her lusting after him with a mere glance, she’d love him with everything she had, and then some.

  “What are you thinking?”

  She shook her head and laughed. “I’m just wishing on fantasies and letting my imagination run wild.”

  “What’s that mean?” Kane scooted closer. “Your eyes became shaded and you lost your smile. Did I do something to make you sad?”

  “No. Something about you makes me realize…never mind.” She gave her head a small shake and shrugged. “Have you ever thought you wanted something, but in truth, it was more of a dream or fantasy of how you imagined it would be?”


  She laughed. “Then you’re a smarter man than me.”

  “You talk in riddles, Ana Reynold.” He tapped her shoe with his boot. “You’re a very beautiful woman. You should have everything you dream…or fantasize about.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say.” She frowned.

  “Then don’t say anything.” He motioned his head toward the others. “Pay attention to the others if you want, and what you should do in life. It’s the safe thing to do.”


  He nodded. “Your emotions play over the surface of your face. You’re curious about why you’re feeling something for me, and inside you know it’s wrong.”

  “That’s not true!” She frowned.

  “Isn’t it?” He leaned forward, but his lips twitched in amusement and she realized he was teasing her, almost challenging her to prove it.

  She covered her cheeks. He laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with wondering what it would be like to kiss me. It’s just you and me. The others are far enough away, they can’t overhear our conversation.”


  He smiled. “You can deny it all you want, but all day long we’ve both been wondering about each other.”

  “You’ve stared at me! Of course I wondered. Should I have ignored you?”

  “See…you were watching me too.” He cocked his brow.

  “I-I…” She blew out her breath. “Okay, I was. That’s what someone does when another person follows their every move.”

  “And when they wonder what it would be like to kiss…touch that person.” He leaned back on his hands.

  She shook her head and clenched her lips together. She wanted to deny it, but he’d guessed right. “Fine. I was wondering, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything…”

  “Why not? Is it because I’m off limits to you?” His gaze softened. “You’re an adult, right?”

  She scoffed. “Of course. I’m twenty-four.”

  “You’re still a baby in my world, but a beautiful one.” He winked.

  “How old are you?” She tilted her head.

  “Thirty.” He laughed. “Don’t worry, Ana. I’m a patient man with things that are important. When you’re comfortable with the idea, maybe you’ll shed your inhibitions and see what we could find together. So, when you work up the courage to finally kiss me, to satisfy your curiosity, I’ll let you.”

  “You are flirting with me.” She pulled her legs up to her chest and laid her cheek on her knees, studying him. “I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

  “You should never be afraid of voicing your thoughts.” He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. “If it feels like I’m flirting…I am. You feel this connection too, yeah?”

  She hesitated. Was he teasing her?

  “I’ve learned to speak my mind. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. You’re a very desirable woman. I can’t help but react.” He smiled and then glanced out at the men. “Tell me more about you. Your family? What do you enjoy doing?”

  Grateful for the change of subject, Ana raised her head. “When I’m not working at Chum’s, I clean houses for a couple of the elderly women who live by me. And I mentioned I also like to paint—”

  “I can see you more as an artist.” He nodded. “That’s one of the reasons I was watching you earlier. You stop and take in the beauty of the land, the people, and what you enjoy seeing is reflected in your smile.”

  “You make being an artist sound romantic, but I don’t feel like I qualify,” she said.

  “You’re a dreamer.” He reached out, held her arm up and tapped a spot between her elbow and wrist. “I also noticed you have a little spot of green paint, right there.”

  She groaned. “Maybe I should add that I’m a messy painter.”

  “What about your family?” He stood up and motioned for her to follow him. “You can tell me while we walk. I don’t know about you, but I think the ground is getting hard.”

  She stood up and walked beside him. Kane strolled toward the backyard slowly. “We won’t go far. The others will hear you if you scream.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I’m not trying to make light of the situation.” He slowed down to match her steps. “Part of me feels like a trespasser here, even though this is my sister’s home. You belong here…”

  Every minute that passed had her more confident Kane was a dream come true. His concern over her comfort impressed her. “It must be wonderful to have Sarah as a sister. I’m an only child, but I always wanted a sibling.”

  “Your parents?”

  “My father passed away last year, and my mom moved to Washington State to be with her younger sister.” She smiled. “She’s happy there. I think she enjoys having someone around all the time. Especially since she’s getting older, and I think she gets lonely at times with my dad gone. My parents had me at a later age.”

  “You had no desire to move with her?” He put his hands in his pockets.

  “No. I decided to stay here. I’d just started working for Chum when Mom sold the house and prepared to move in with Aunt Tess. I thought I’d spread my wings and try living in a cheap apartment in Podunk while I worked.”

  “It’s nice that she has her sister to be her companion. My parents are both gone, as I’m sure Sarah has told you, but I imagine I will always have an open door for Sarah if she needs me.” He pointed to a rope swing in the far corner of the backyard and led her in that direction. “So, tell me, Ana Reynold…if I give you my phone number, and after you sort through these wishes and fantasies of yours, will you call me? Do I stand a chance at seeing you again?”

  She stopped and turned toward him. “You want to…” she whispered. “I don’t know what you’re seeing in me.”

  “You fascinate me.” He rubbed his lips together. “You’re beautiful, easy to talk with, and—” he smiled, “—I have this urge to know you better. When you smile at me, I think I’d jump over any hurdle to keep that happiness directed toward me.”

  With their bodies within inches of touching, he let out a groaning laugh and she bit her lip, wanting more than anything for everything to be real, not a figment of her imagination. “Please don’t break my heart.”



  “Promise.” He leaned down and pulled her into his arms. “What I want to do to you doesn’t involve heartbreak…just pleasure. For both of us.”

  She leaned into his warm embrace. “This seems so unreal. No one has ever… I’m not sure if you’re serious about… I’m almost afraid…”

  His arms convulsed around her. “Of me?”

  “No.” Ana rubbed her cheek against his shirt. “Of how I’m
reacting to you. I’ve never had this instant attraction with anyone…like I want to hold on to you and see if all these feelings explode when we’re together. It’s powerful, and yet—”


  Kane was going to stop her and tell her he was fooling with her. “We could start all over, pretend today never happened. Maybe somewhere else, another time, we’ll see things more clearly,” she suggested quickly.

  “The next time I see you, I can guarantee I’ll want more.” His heart thundered beneath her cheek.

  Her stomach clenched at the differences in their bodies. She lifted her head and gazed up into his face. Her hand traced his full lips, wondering if she would be able to capture the sensual pull of his smile on paper. Her fingers trembled against his skin. “This can’t be real. You do know that, right? This kind of thing doesn’t happen to me. Not this fast.”

  He lowered his head and laughed softly. “Trust me, it’s very real.”

  “Then it will be real on another day.” Kane closed his eyes and she brushed her lips lightly over the corner of his mouth. “You make me feel daring and I want to believe you,” she whispered. “I want to see what would happen between us.”

  He kissed her forehead, sighed and stepped back. “My phone number is five-five-five-three-three-zero-five. You’ll call me?”

  “Yes. I’ll call.”

  “What’s the number?” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

  “Three-three-zero-five.” She laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget it.”

  Chapter Three

  The door slammed behind Ana. She tossed her purse on the couch, hurried into the bedroom, flipped the light on and began to search through the stack of portfolio drawings.

  “Where is it?” She held her thumb on the edge of the papers and fanned through the pages.

  Not finding what she was searching for, she hurried around the bed and quickly scanned the other tablets piled on the nightstand. She pursed her lips. It had to be here.


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