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Consent to Love

Page 3

by Abby Wood

  After going through all of her sketches, she sank down on the bed. She wouldn’t have thrown it away. She could see the picture in her mind, positive she transferred it to paper months ago. For some reason, she’d remembered the sketch during the busiest time tonight at Chum’s.

  The closet!

  She jumped up and began flinging shoes and purses out of the way. “Ha!”

  Holding up a large folder, she walked back to the bed and spread the sheets on the comforter. The sixth one down stopped her, and she leaned over to study the sketch closer.

  A lone man stood in a field of tall prairie grass with his face raised to the sky, his eyes closed and his arms stretched out to the side, as if paying homage to the land. She cocked her head and studied the picture closer. His long black hair floated in the same direction as the grass, and his face…

  She stumbled backward and covered her mouth. It was Kane. No. Not Kane. Howahkan. Even down to the bare chest, the jeans and the size of his body, he came alive in her drawing. She’d created him months before even meeting him.

  No longer tired after working four days straight, she squealed and ran into the kitchen. She gathered the cordless phone and sat at the small dinette.

  She’d planned to call him tomorrow morning on her day off, but she wanted to tell him about the painting now. It was a sign if ever she needed one.

  The phone rang in her ear. Her legs bounced against the chair. Of all the dumb luck. If she hadn’t been working at a job she hated, she’d never have met Kane.


  She stilled. Her stomach fluttered. “Kane? It’s me, Ana.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She gasped and raised her hand to her forehead. “Oh no, I woke you up. I’m sorry. I just got off work and I wanted to talk with you, but I’ll let you go back to sleep. I-is it okay if I call you in the morning? Not early. Late. Or you could call me. I don’t mind. I can give you my phone number.” She quickly inhaled. “I’m babbling. Sorry.”

  Kane chuckled. “Waste Ana, you may wake me up whenever you want to talk with me.”

  “What does wash-day mean?” She leaned back in the chair. His deep sleep-driven voice covered her like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer.

  “Waste means ‘pretty’ in Lakota.”

  “I like that.” She grinned and glanced at the clock. “I really should let you go back to sleep though. What I wanted to tell you can wait.”

  He chuckled. “I won’t be able to sleep without you telling me why you called.”

  “I will…but now that I’m talking to you, I think I want to tell you in person.” She shivered. “It’s the most amazing thing, Kane. Will you see me again?”

  “You know I will.”

  “Tomorrow?” She smiled. “My car’s fixed. I could meet you somewhere…”

  “Are you okay with coming to my house? To the reservation? I’d meet you at the entrance and bring you inside.”

  She stood up. “What time should I be there?”

  “Is nine too early?”


  “Good. I’m going to take you riding, so wear something that can get dirty.”

  “You don’t play games, do you?” She caught her lip between her teeth before she giggled like an infatuated girl.


  “I’m really glad I called,” she whispered. “I’ve imagined what it would be like the next time I see you.”

  “Me too.”

  She ended the call and set the phone back on the counter. Excited for tomorrow, she returned to the bedroom and stood in front of the drawing. It was the spitting image of him.

  “I wonder…” She held the paper up to the light. A slow smile came. If she painted every night after work, she could probably finish the piece in a couple weeks. And I’ll give it to Kane.

  * * *

  With only three more hours until he had to wake up and do chores, Kane slipped his jeans over his nude body and walked outside barefoot. There’d be no way he could go back to sleep now.

  This would be the first time he brought an outsider to his home, around his people. He swallowed. In the past, he’d clung to the belief he was better off with Lakota women. But that was six years ago. With Heather.

  He stood in front of his house and gazed around him. He sighed. Doubt crept in. Was he making a huge mistake?

  Even when he’d dated Heather, and she was Lakota, he’d caused more damage than he intended, not only to himself but to his people. Was it even wise to bring Ana within the Lakota territory? Was he being played a fool again?

  Ana Reynold. Even her name brought a smile to his face. There was an innocence about her that fascinated him. Not because of her age, but her obvious acceptance that tomorrow would only get better, as if she’d been sheltered from the harsher elements of life.

  The Lakota women had a deep sense of responsibility from early on in their lives. They grew up fast and hard, caring for their siblings, their parents, and held down jobs from the time they hit their teen years. Once they were of marriageable age, the frivolous dreams he saw in Ana’s spirit had long disappeared. They were ready to settle down and raise their children to start the life cycle again with their own family.

  Ana’s spirit carried the hope and inspiration of someone who had a comfortable life, where wishes were still possible to obtain and despite hardships, like her job at Chum’s, she still had room to dream. The positive energy flowed off her to others. He’d recognized it, absorbed it and found himself unable to walk away.

  Ana’s inner beauty along with her physical traits presented a pretty package. His cock hardened thinking about her. He wasn’t blind either.

  Her shoulder-length blond hair framed a heart-shaped face. She appeared shy, yet her light blue eyes reflected emotions as if she was unable to hide her secrets and fought to keep her inner thoughts to herself. He loved that she allowed herself to tentatively touch him to appease her curiosity.

  All that liveliness in such a petite package had to explode, and he hoped he was with her when her body gave up the fight and let loose. His heart drummed and a groan slipped past his lips. He could imagine exactly how she’d be in bed.

  Her slim thighs would clamp around his hips as her body quaked, sucking him in and squeezing his soul. He ran his hand over his bare chest, imagining the way her hardened nipples would skim his skin.

  The pressure in his jeans grew, and not wanting to go back inside and waste his pleasure on himself, he headed toward the stables to feed and water the horses. There would be time later to indulge in a little fantasizing. First, he wanted to sample the delights of Ana.

  He’d take her riding and show her a part of his world, and then when they both couldn’t stand it any longer, he’d make her come, again and again. He reached down and adjusted his hardness. Once he had his fill of Ana, he’d send her back to Podunk and focus his energy back on the Lakota community.

  Chapter Four

  Ana had driven by the reservation many times, and each time the gate onto Lakota land had been opened to visitors. She pulled over to the side of the road.

  The heavy steel barrier was more a sign of welcome than a way to keep others out, or in. She peered around searching for Kane before checking her watch. She was early. Kane still had ten minutes before she was to meet him.

  Wind blew through the open window, giving her a brief respite from the sun beating down on the car. She flapped the front of her tank top, letting air tickle her skin. Two more months and cooler weather would return in a rush.

  The papers in the passenger seat rustled, and she picked up the folder she brought with her. She couldn’t wait to show Kane. With her discovery of the drawing, it seemed almost as if fate played a hand in bringing them together.

  She shook her head and
placed the picture on the dashboard. Maybe she should keep the drawing to herself for now. Kane saw her as a person to have sex with, to share a few laughs. Whatever happened between them, she needed to remember this was only for fun. Nothing serious.

  He’d promised her a good time filled with pleasure. She picked up the folder, stretched over the front seat and tossed it in the back of the car. It wasn’t the right time to show him the part of her that believed in fate. She was going to have a hard enough time not letting herself fall for him. Adding fate and the picture into the mix would complicate things.

  He seemed so perfect, but she still felt like her attraction for him was way out of control. Her last boyfriend broke up with her because she dared to assume they were seeing only each other. She swept her bangs off her face. She had believed she was falling in love with Bruce, and it’d hurt to have him laugh in front of his friends and tell her she was only a good fuck, not girlfriend material.

  Last she’d heard, Bruce had married a woman from the next town over and had left his new wife home with a baby to care for while he continued to screw every willing woman along his truck route. She shook her head. Kane seemed different from Bruce, but she had to forget her infatuation and see what they had together through his eyes.

  He was older than she was, lived a different lifestyle and probably had no plans to see her past today. She had no idea what he did for a living, but her title of barmaid wasn’t impressive. Maybe when I advance to cook…

  She groaned. Who was she fooling? Her imagination was already going crazy thinking what it would be like to have a man like him. She sighed deeply. Her momma always said she had a habit of jumping into the deep end of the pool without testing the water.

  She scooted up in the seat and raised her hand to shield the sun’s glare. A horseback rider in the distance grew closer. Anticipation filled her chest and she exited the car. Standing alongside the road, she had no doubt Kane was the man riding toward her.

  His beautiful hair floated behind him and the way his body moved up and down with the gait of the horse spoke volumes of the prowess he had with horses. Her lower stomach spasmed and a delicious chill swept over her breasts. The line between rider and horse faded and the two became one.

  The dust billowed from the hooves stomping the ground. Kane pulled the horse to a stop. By the time Kane was off his mount, she’d reached his side.

  “Hi.” She clasped her hands together in an attempt to keep from reaching out and touching his bare chest.

  “Ana.” He leaned over and searched her eyes. “Please tell me I can kiss you now.”

  Ana threw her arms around his bare waist and pressed her body against him. She closed her eyes and listened to the beat of his heart. He was solid. Real. She hadn’t imagined the connection between them.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” His hand stroked her back. “I hope your coming here means that you want to get to know me better.”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Dizzy with wanting him, she staggered, but he pulled her full against the breadth of his chest, the span of his abdomen and the hardness of his thighs. He was big, hot and all male.

  His lips molded hers, searing her like a branding iron into her soul. She wanted to pull him closer and sink into him. The caress of his lips against hers was undemanding, and yet begged to go further.

  Like a bee on clover, she hovered, fluttered and sought the magical pull, melting as the tip of his tongue swept over her bottom lip. She opened to him. Breathless and vulnerable, she transformed from an insecure young lady to adventurous woman. Wanton and needy. It was simply the best kiss she’d ever experienced.

  Kane broke away first. She dragged in a breath and was amazed to find him breathing as hard as she was. She clenched the waistband of his jeans and swayed. Desire had flooded her body and left her weak and disoriented.

  “Oh.” She shivered despite the warm morning.

  His gaze lowered to her breasts, heaving with each breath. He rubbed his lips together. No, he was talking. She concentrated hard, but the words escaped her understanding. Even the motion of his mouth shaping words had her remembering how his lips fit against hers. Relaxed, plump and yet demanding.

  “Promise me you’ll give me more kisses today.”

  She smiled, and it seemed as if she glowed hotter than the sunshine. “I promise.”

  He combed his hands through his hair and pushed the length behind his shoulders. “I planned to take you riding and give you a tour of my home.” He blew out a breath, smiled and glanced off into the distance. “But I’m having a hard time remembering exactly what I wanted to show you, or how to get my legs to move.”

  “That sounds lovely. I’d like to see where you live. I’ve never been here before, despite living so close.” She reached out and touched his arm. “I know what you’re going through too. This is crazy.”

  “A good crazy.” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Do you want to leave your car out here and ride in with me, or follow me to the house?” He hitched his thumb over his shoulder. “We could ride double, and then if you prefer, I have a horse you can ride at the stables.”

  “I’ll ride with you.” She moved away. “Let me grab my things.”

  After grabbing her satchel and taking out the car keys, she hesitated briefly before reaching back into the vehicle and grabbing the folder. She shoved everything into the bag and ran back to Kane. I’ll tell him it’s no big deal, just a coincidence.

  She stopped in front of him, and lifted her booted foot up off the ground. “I come prepared. I didn’t know if you were planning on saddling up or not.”

  “Can you ride bareback?” He raised his brows in challenge.

  She laughed. “That’s like asking if I can sing in the shower.”

  He tilted his head and paused.

  “Yes! I sing, but I’m terrible. You wouldn’t want to hear me.” She flung the bag over her shoulder, laughing. “Now, throw me up and let’s get going. I’m anxious to go to your house where we can be alone.”

  “Does this have anything to do with having me touch you some more?” His hands spanned her waist.

  One second she was standing beside the big bay, and the next she was straddling the horse. She smiled down at Kane and laughed. “Maybe…”

  He swung up behind her effortlessly, rearranged Ana’s bag, reached around her and grabbed the horse’s mane. “Ah, you give me so much to look forward to today.”

  The landscaped blurred on the ride to Kane’s place. His free hand spanned the flat of Ana’s stomach, and his thighs wrapped around the outside of her legs, pulling her rear tight against the apex of his thighs.

  Awareness of their position pushed all other details out of her mind. His engorged cock pressed against her, and she let her body move naturally with the movements of the horse. Each shift, bounce and rocking motion of the animal rubbed her against Kane’s solid form. No way could she concentrate on anything except the friction between their bodies.

  Her pussy warmed and pulsed, asking for more stimulation. The dazed oh-my-God-this-feels-wonderful sensations spreading through her body had her leaning her head back against his chest, not worrying about a thing, but enjoying the way he made her body sing.

  His hair fell over her bare shoulders, brushing her skin. Cocooned within his embrace, she melted. Most of the air left her lungs, and she couldn’t seem to draw enough in. With every caress of his body, she gasped softly.

  The warm pressure of his lips moved against her cheek. Kane gripped her firmly, yet his touch remained gentle and supportive. She told herself to slow down, to object to how fast things were moving and to pull away…but she’d never experienced such an explosion of feelings. She was too caught up in the explosion of feelings to slow down.

  She concentrated on his hands, the heat, the confidence and
the way he held her within his control while at the same time he showed her how wonderful it was being with him. Maybe it was the way he let her know she was desirable that had her wanting to give him the same attention back.

  He managed to massage her lower stomach through her jeans, not quite caressing the magical spot lower between her thighs that would send her over the edge, but coming close enough to keep her still and build up the heat circulating her body.

  Her nipples hardened into little pebbles pressing against her tank top. She found herself wanting to tear off the material, to expose her breasts and let the breeze tickle her skin. Without hesitation, she raised her arm and curled it around his neck. Afraid if he moved, she’d lose everything.

  Ana stirred uneasily in front of Kane. She’d never let herself become so familiar to a man right off the bat this way, and it shocked her into seeing her surroundings. She swung her hand down and covered the front of her. There were homes scattered around them, and people roaming outside.

  Why was she even contemplating something so wild? Her imagination was creating a daring setting, shocking her with how the thought of being with Kane out in the open turned her on. She never acted this way.

  “K-Kane?” She leaned forward and clutched the horse’s mane. “Maybe I should walk.”

  He chuckled and pulled her back against him. “Relax. No one is paying attention to us. They see people coming and going all the time.”

  “But I was—”

  “Almost ready to come.” His arm tightened. “I know.”

  She sagged against him. A tremor ran through her body. She was in deep trouble if she let herself believe she could keep her distance from Kane.

  Here it was early morning, only her second time in his presence, and she might as well have been having dry sex with the man on his horse. Oh, Lord, help me…

  Chapter Five

  The shade in the stable offered a little respite from the midday sun, but not enough to cool down Ana’s overheated body. Even after convincing Kane it would be wise for her to ride by herself on a different horse while they toured Lakota land, she still found herself experiencing a sexual high.


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