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Sexy Lips 66

Page 18

by Dakota Cassidy

  At the very least hairy legs wouldn’t be an issue.

  Crap, this was terrifying. Brian had never seen her in her entirety and maybe it wouldn’t be what he’d painted in his mind. Like there was a whole helluva lot she could do about that now. Tugging at her sweater, Callie smoothed it over her thighs.

  Best to hide the thighs, they could feed a small country.

  Just do it, Cal. Go ahead, knock. Look, it goes like this. Make a fist, lift, press firmly against door, knock, because there’s sex beyond them there doors and why the hell you’d want to miss it is beyond me.

  No one said they were having sex.

  No? What was the cyber thing about then?

  We were talking about our fantasies. We didn’t have sex-sex!

  What about on the phone?

  It’s not like the real thing!

  Close enough.

  Bullshit. That was not sex. Not real sex.

  Yeah, okay. Well, this might be, so what’s the hold up?

  Non-possession of the body of a Victoria’s secret swimsuit model was the hold up.

  It’s a little late for that, now isn’t it?

  Yes, it was a little late for that. No Pilates workout in the world was going to help her now.

  So knock, would ya? I need to see him, even if you’re too chicken to.

  The “throw caution to the wind” side of Callie’s brain warred with her as she stood in front of the Motel Six and took deep, cleansing breaths. Okay, so, if Brian didn’t like her, big friggin’ deal. She’d told the truth about what she looked like. She was average. Brian had said there was nothing average about her, but he hadn’t seen her thighs yet.

  God, this was nerve wracking, apoplexy-inducing, EKG warranting.

  Oh, fuck it.

  Callie gulped one last time and rapped on the door. It swung open and there Brian stood with that grin, just like in his picture. Tall and bulky, he filled the doorway in his jeans and black T-shirt. The stubble over his mouth and chin was clipped close to his face and his dark hair was shorter than the picture depicted, and he did indeed have big hands. Big, work-roughened hands…

  Holy freakin’ mercenary…

  Callie couldn’t breathe, and for a moment the sounds from the highway muted, and all she heard was her pulse ripping through her veins at the speed of light.

  “Heyyy,” he drawled, in just the way he had over the phone, long, deliberate and just like Harry Connick Junior.

  Callie smiled because the ripple skittered up her spine exactly like it had when they’d talked for endless hours over the phone. “Hi, Brian,” she said softly with nary a squeak to be had. Katherine would be proud.

  His brown eyes took all of her in with an up and down sweeping motion and then, he held that big hand out to her.

  And Callie took it.

  Shaking and more petrified than she could ever remember being.

  And Brian drew her to him.

  And Callie let him.

  Allowing him to press the first imprint of himself against the trembling of her smaller frame.

  And then, everything was right.

  It was solid, warm, strong, confident, tucking her close to him, fitting her to his length.

  Brian held her for a moment, letting their bodies acclimate.

  Callie stood between his thick thighs and focused on deep breathing.

  Then Brian cupped her chin, tipping her head up and rubbing his thumb over her lips. Callie’s eyes fluttered shut and with the magic of their finally meeting, Brian’s lips found hers, gently, urgently, with a sweetness that mingled with heat and insistency. Callie’s breath suspended as their mouths connected and the fleeting thought that she’d wanted this kiss since the moment she first saw his picture skimmed the outer edges of her now fuzzy thoughts.

  Callie dropped her purse as her arms reached upward to wrap around his neck, instinctively, with the ease of familiarity and the thrill of unknown territory.

  And then, there was silence and nothing but the torrent of fire born of each e-mail, each instant message, each phone call, built in longing as the emotions that drew them to one another found fruition. Tongues tentatively touched, withdrew and touched again with feverishly sweet desperation, gliding in effortless knowledge.

  Brian sipped at her mouth, nipped the softness of her lower lip, traced it as he tightened his grip on her, running his hands over Callie’s back until she nearly moaned from the pressure of his hands that heated each of her limbs, pricking every dormant nerve ending and finding ones that would have been left nonexistent if not for him.

  Callie melted into Brian, felt each plane and ridge of his torso, the firm press of his thighs, tense and unyielding. Her hands skirted over the back of his neck, landing on his broad shoulders, skimming his chest, where they came to rest, clutching at Brian’s T-shirt as she met his lips with equal frenzy.

  “Hey! Isn’t this why you got a room?” someone yelled from somewhere far off and hazy to Callie’s now non-functioning brain cells.

  Go away! Can’t you see I’m having the living shit kissed out of me?

  Brian pulled her into the hotel room and kicked the door firmly shut, as Callie giggled nervously. “My purse,” she reminded him. He set her down gently on the floor and went to get her purse while she stood rooted to the spot.

  Callie’s hand went to her lips. She ran her fingers over the skin under her nose, abraded from Brian’s moustache.

  Shit that felt good…It was tangible, real proof she’d been kissed for the first time in more than two years.

  Had she ever been kissed?

  As Brian dropped her purse on the hotel room bed, Callie’s throat closed.

  He smiled at her, as if he knew exactly how hard it was for her to speak. “C’mere, sweet pea,” he said, husky and resonant to her ears with the melodic southern accent that made Callie melt every time.

  Callie went willingly to the arms that she’d mooned over like a sick high school teenager and he enveloped her in them, thick bands of secure, hard muscled warmth. She stood to just above his chest, her head tucked under his chin.

  Brian sighed as he rested his head on top of hers. “Wow that was some kiss. You weren’t lying when you said you could really plant one on a guy, were ya?”

  Callie remembered the conversation where she’d divulged she loved to kiss and not only did she love to kiss, but she was a good kisser. Lord, if only Brian knew how much she’d lied about this confidence she didn’t possess. “I did give you fair warning.”

  “Umm, hmm. You did. You alright, now?”

  Alright? She had a full body tingle. Head to toe euphoria. Callie nodded her head as she pressed her cheek against his broad chest and clung to him. He felt so right that it hurt her teeth. For now she was going to ignore anything other than the “rightness” of she and Brian stuck together like gum on a bathroom wall.

  Brian’s fingers traced a pattern across her shoulder blades as he cradled her close, gripping the swell of her hip with possessiveness. Callie shivered, focusing on his hands and the thick outline of his cock, straining against his zipper, it pressed against the apex of her thighs.

  Oooh, had she done that? Callie smiled a smug smile, pleased with her newly acquired feminine wiles. “I’m fine. How was the drive here?”

  “Totally worth it now,” he answered.

  Callie grinned into his chest. Not a word about her thighs. Not even a wince of horror on Brian’s part. That made him very cool in her book, because he was either really good at hiding his horror, or her thighs really weren’t a problem.

  Brian pinched her thigh gently. “Quit worrying about your thighs. You’re as awesome, if not more so, than anything I could have created in my mind.”

  And after all of the gray hair she’d accumulated worrying about it… ”I think you’re blinded by lack of sleep, but I’m going to go with it.”

  Brian laughed and pulled her tighter, tipping her chin up to look into his eyes. “Tell me what you’re thinking?”
  Callie swallowed and averted her eyes. God, she sucked at this.

  “Callie? Did I disappoint you?”

  Yeah, right. What was the matter with this man? Body by Bow-Flex—brain by Mattel. Had he disappointed her? What kind of a question was that? The kind she should answer as honestly as Brian had, without her ever asking. And she would, sort of. “Nah. You’ll do,” she teased.

  His lips grazed hers again, whispering with a gentle flutter. “Glad to hear it. You, on the other hand, will more than do and if we don’t stop this soon, lewd and lascivious things will occur.”

  When Brian spoke the words in that southern accent, lewd and lascivious took on a whole new light. “Really?”

  “Really,” he growled in her ear as his tongue skimmed the outer edge.

  Frank had never told her she turned him on. Not the way Brian did, not with the intensity he used in his arsenal of words. Callie was still too stunned to believe he liked what he saw, to say anything.

  He took her lips again to show her just what “really” meant and Callie was grateful because the words were stuck in her throat, clinging to her esophagus like peanut butter. “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he murmured as he cupped her face and explored her mouth.

  Callie’s heart slammed against her ribs and she didn’t care if what Brian said wasn’t true, it made her feel beautiful, something she’d not felt in a long time, maybe ever. Whether it was an illusion or not, she was going to explore this new feeling, let it sweep her off to wherever it wanted and worry about low tide dragging her back to the beach of reality another day.

  Her nipples beaded sharply against her sweater, pushing against the lace of her bra as her hands roamed the angles of Brian’s back.

  He pulled his lips from hers, letting them hover nearby. “I don’t want to frighten you, Callie. All you have to do is tell me to stop. I know it’s been a long time. It’s been a long time for me too. I didn’t just come here to get you into bed and I mean that. I meant what I said when I told you I just wanted to hold you.”

  Callie couldn’t see clearly for the haze of sexuality Brian stirred in her pot of lust. She didn’t want to stop, because if she never had the opportunity again in this lifetime, she didn’t want to miss a man like Brian. She didn’t want to lose the chance to experience this man who’d touched her on every level and beyond, even if it all blew up later. She wanted him to touch her, the way she’d fantasized night after night since they’d first spoken. Callie wanted to touch him back… ”No, Brian. I don’t want you to stop…”

  Her acquiescence meant she was going to allow someone in, however briefly and share herself in the most intimate of ways and Brian reacted to that. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw your picture Callie, from the moment I sent that first e-mail and you responded, I knew I wanted you, but I want all of you, not just the thighs you obsess over or the body you seemed to think was such a big deal because I hadn’t seen it. You reach me in a way no one else ever has. You make me feel human. You remind me that there are good things in the world that come without a price because you give them freely without even realizing you do. You remind me that a pure heart is a possibility. Hearing your voice over the phone every night brought me a kind of peace I can’t explain, but it’s there nonetheless and I can’t ignore it. It brought me many a sleepless night too, because it makes me crazy, but I don’t want this to just be about nailing you, as you call it, because it isn’t. It’s far more than that.”

  God, he was good at this talking thing. Callie was good at it too, but in words on paper, or over the instant messenger where she thought she’d never have to face the person she was sharing with. She sagged against Brian as words eluded her, remaining thickly on her stagnant tongue. “I—I’m not good—good at—at…” Callie fumbled and finally decided kissing him again would solve everything. So she did, with every last bit of emotion she could summon. She didn’t have the words for how much she wanted this, but she did have the ability to show him.

  Brian tore his lips from hers just long enough to say, “I’m going to take that as a yes.” And then he scooped her from the floor, carrying her to the bed, laying her on it with care as he lay next to her and pulled her into his arms. Callie’s leg immediately straddled Brian’s, muscled and thick.

  Brian groaned as he cupped the back of her head and kissed her again, this time slipping his tongue into her mouth with more force, raking the heat of it over her own. Callie heard nothing but their breathing, strained and heaving. Brian’s hands roamed over every curve, bringing with them small explosions of life, heating her, demanding Callie respond and she did. With a soft sigh as she arched into the caresses he scattered over her restless body. Brian moaned into her mouth, whispering, “Do you feel that?” He pressed against her, holding her lower body flush to his, cupping her ass so that she felt the hard ridge of his cock. Callie nodded in response and he said, “I’ve been hard as a rock since I first laid eyes on your picture, Callie. No one has ever done that to me before.”

  Callie shuddered against him. Brian’s words were like a balm over her chafed heart, soothing her battered ego, but she didn’t know how to respond to them. No one had ever said things like this to her and she thought vaguely that every woman, just once in her life should hear that she was desired in just this way. That she was beautiful and perfect in the eyes of a lover who would make her feel as though no one else in the world could do what she did to him.

  “Look at me, Callie,” Brian murmured, tilting her chin so that Callie had no choice but to look at him. His brown eyes flecked with amber bore into hers and Callie found her own eyes shifting, but Brian wouldn’t let her off the hook. “I want you, Callie and I want you to know that it’s you I want. No one else but you…”

  Tears stung Callie’s eyes for probably the hundredth time since she’d met Brian online. He had this way of sharing his innermost thoughts without qualm and Callie envied his freedom to do so. Brian just said it and Callie was going to have to follow his lead because she couldn’t. “I want you too, Brian…”

  Brian’s lips captured hers again briefly before sweeping over her jaw and tracing a pattern of moist heat along her neck. Callie shivered as Brian’s hands shifted her sweater upward, slipping over her ribcage he trailed a finger along her exposed flesh with agonizingly slow circles. Callie’s breathing was labored as Brian inched toward her bra, lacy and frilly, it felt like a scrap of nothing now, but when Brian grazed a nipple and sharp points of electric heat tore at her, she forgot all about her bra. She craved his next move, squirmed impatiently as she held her breath and Brian lifted her sweater over her head. Callie scrunched her eyes shut so that she couldn’t see how Brian reacted to her as he leaned back and cool air sifted between them. Callie felt his eyes on her, a gaze that was heated and penetrated her skin.

  Brian pulled her close, bending his head to rest on her chest, letting his nose nudge the edge of the top of her bra. Callie’s hands threaded through his hair, clutching it as she rocked against him. Brian licked her flesh, his tongue silken and hot as his greedy mouth roamed over the lace of her bra, wetting the flimsy material as he brushed over her nipple. Callie became anxious to feel his skin against hers and she tugged at his T-shirt mindlessly, pulling it out of his waistband and lifting it over his head. Her hands shook as she ran them over the hard muscle of his belly, scraping her fingers through the crisp hair on his chest.

  “Your hands feel so right on me, Callie. So good…” he groaned as he unsnapped her bra and slipped it over her shoulders. “Your skin…” Brian murmured as his lips tasted every inch of the column of her neck, grazing her shoulders. “It’s so soft. I can’t believe you’re really here, Callie.”

  Callie wrapped her legs around his waist as Brian pulled her tighter into their embrace and their naked flesh met for the first time. Simultaneously, each let a hiss escape their lips on contact and then, they laughed. Brian ran his hand down the side of her face and smiled at her. “I knew it would be like

  Callie wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes, savoring Brian’s words, savoring his scent, the hard flesh that pressed against her softer frame. She’d hoped it would be like this, she’d prayed it would be like this and now that it was here, Callie prayed she’d live up to Brian’s expectations. If this all turned into a puff of smoke in three days then she would have this memory, even if none of it was true. She’d deal with the repercussions later. “I’m glad, Brian. I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you.”

  Brian slipped his tongue between her lips again. “I never thought you would, Callie. Not once,” he reminded her yet again as he cupped her breast, thumbing her nipple until it tightened beneath his touch. His lips skimmed her jaw, nipping at the soft skin of her neck, skirting along her shoulder and trailing downward over the slope of her breast. When he captured a nipple between his lips, Callie clenched his shoulders and bit her lip to keep from screaming. Her hands clutched at his hair as he ran his hot tongue over the pebbled surface. Callie’s hips pressed into his, rubbing against the hard ridge of his cock.

  Brian’s hands found the button on her jeans and popped them open, followed by the sharp hiss of her zipper. He tugged them down over her hips, and pushed them off her calves with his feet. Callie’s hands trembled as she tried to do the same, fumbling with the buttons and struggling to free him. Her hands shook as they encountered the heat of Brian’s skin, the fabric of his underwear.

  Brian’s hands slid over the silk of her panties as he tugged at her nipple, and white-hot electricity shot to her pussy. His teeth grazed her breast and his fingers slid underneath the edge of her panties. Callie’s breathing was short and choppy as he neared her wet folds, taunting the needy flesh, teasing her until she wanted to thrust his fingers inside of her.

  The hard flesh of Brian’s cock begged her hands to touch it and Callie did so with tentative fingers, brushing the length of him through the material of his underwear. He reacted by pulling her to him, gripping the flesh of her hips as he sighed against her breast. Callie hooked her thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and let her hands glide over his flesh, running her nails through the coarse hair at the base of his cock.


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