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Sexy Lips 66

Page 19

by Dakota Cassidy

  Her nerves disappeared and her hands grew bolder as she grazed the thick shaft, simmering hot and silken to the touch. Brian jerked beneath her touch and Callie’s hands pulled away, fearing she’d done something wrong, but Brian whispered, “Don’t stop, Callie…” She shook as she resumed her exploration, grasping him firmly, stroking him from the base of his cock to the top with long, lingering pulls. As her hands became more familiar with him, Callie realized how little she understood about true intimacy, but inherently she seemed to know what Brian wanted. With each pass she made, he groaned and as a result, she became empowered, shoving his underwear to his feet as he kicked them off.

  Brian’s tongue left her breast to trace a wet pattern of moisture over her ribs and Callie found herself so lost in the burn of his mouth, she didn’t hesitate when he slipped her panties over her hips and tossed them aside. Rolling Callie to her back he sat between her thighs and let his hands explore her, kneading her thighs, caressing the swell of her hip. He murmured something that Callie couldn’t hear for the pounding of her heart. When Brian spread her flesh, dragging his finger over the lips of her pussy, Callie moaned and as Brian leaned forward and took the first swipe of her wet flesh, she stopped breathing altogether, her back arching into the heat of his tongue and her fingers gripping the sheets with frantic, trembling hands.

  Brian slipped his hands beneath her ass and drew her close to his lips, his whiskers rubbed deliciously against her swollen flesh, creating friction that made her hips lift to meet his mouth. He took long, heated swipes at her before settling on her clit, circling it with his tongue, nibbling at her until Callie’s breath came in heaving gasps.

  Her head swam as Brian slipped a thick finger into her, thrusting into the wet passage as he licked her. A moan escaped her lips, low and husky as Callie fought release, wanting to hold onto the fire he evoked. Nothing had ever prepared her for the rush of white-hot heat, the onslaught of scorching electricity that swept over her, and she could no longer fight it. Instead Callie let it scream through her nerve endings, ripping through her with a force she’d never experienced. Frenzied fingers clutched blindly at Brian’s head as Callie’s hips rose and fell against the demands of his mouth. Slick and hot she came in waves of sweet relief, in a torrent of piercing stabs of heat and sharp clarity.

  Her lungs sought air, her chest throbbed with the effort as Brian moved to hover over her, his hands soothing and comforting her as he let her breathing slow. Callie wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face to his neck. Brian’s cock slid between her thighs, hard and demanding, but he hesitated, rubbing against her wet flesh as he kissed her lips.

  Callie wrapped her legs around his waist and slid her hand between their bodies, running her fingers over his cock before positioning him at her entrance, tantalizing, heated, hard. Lifting her hips, Callie thrust upward and when Brian entered her she again found herself without the ability to breathe. She heard his sharp intake of air and the tension as his muscles flexed beneath her fingers.

  Brian stilled, allowing her time to adjust to him. His thick length simmered inside of her, and Callie’s muscles contracted, clenching him as he began a slow thrust. The heat of him, the width of him took a moment for Callie to regain her senses and she clung to Brian for a brief second.

  Her fingers dug into his back, clutching the hard muscle as an inferno, low and throbbing built in her pussy and her hips moved to meet his. Needy, frantic, reaching for something Callie didn’t quite understand, but sought because if she didn’t she might explode.

  Brian’s arm tightened around her, hauling her close, placing his hand down under her ass and pushing her up and flush to his hard body, rolling his hips, penetrating her in deep strokes. The friction of his chest scraped against her nipples, beaded and tight, their bodies glued together with sweat. Callie felt the swell of something powerful, something wicked and wanton, something she’d never be able to relate in words, tug her, drag her toward a vortex of sensations. It rose and fell, each tide washing over her and becoming stronger, making her dizzy.

  Brian’s body tensed and flexed, the muscles in his neck cording, tightening as he groaned, “Christ, Callie. You’re so wet…”

  Callie clenched her eyes shut, her throat tight at his words, carnal, seductive. Each stroke of his cock became a delectable friction of scintillating flesh, a plunge of hard steel and silken depths.

  The rush of release overwhelmed her, screaming through her and Callie thrust back, meeting Brian’s deep strokes with total abandon.

  It tore at Callie and there was no coherent thought, everything came to a screeching halt but the sensation of Brian buried deeply in her and her need to let go.

  Brian let go too, in a rush of expelled air and a last forceful thrust, his semen hot and thick as it shot into her.

  Callie clung to Brian’s big frame, unable to think clearly, unable to comprehend how she’d been married for so long and had never experienced this kind of lovemaking. Brian was her second lover and he made up for all that she’d missed by not sharing in a sexual adventure or two.

  Brian raised himself up on his forearms and bracketed her head. “Look at me, Callie,” his voice was rough, laden with released sexual tension, gruff and hoarse.

  Callie peeked at him out of one eye cautiously as she let her legs fall away from his waist.

  Brian chuckled and said, “Okay, one eye’s better than none. Are you okay?”

  Well, shit yeah. What kind of a question was that to ask when you’d just given a woman the orgasm of the freakin’ century? Actually, it was two, thank you very much. In one session of lovemaking. Who knew? “Hmmm mmm,” was the best she could do at this point. Her jaw was still slack with disbelief.

  He kissed her forehead and smiled at Callie. “You are the most amazing woman, Callie and I think you’re stuck with me.”

  She was amazing? Yeah, she’d been a huge contribution to the account of amazing. “I—I didn’t do…well…” Jesus, she felt like an idiot, scrounging for the appropriate words to tell him she hadn’t done a whole lot but take, rather selfishly too.

  Brian seemed to understand exactly what she was feeling, and as always he picked up the slack for her. “Yes, you did, sweet pea and I can’t believe how lucky I am right now.”

  Callie hugged him close because she was the lucky one. Frank had never treated her with the care, the tenderness Brian displayed, not once in the ten years she was married to him and the thirteen total years she’d known him. She’d never had an orgasm like that with Frank—that was for sure. “It’s not luck, Brian,” she said against his neck. “I’m not that exciting and I’m sorry I—I didn’t…” she heaved a sigh of frustration and Brian acknowledged it.

  “Sorry you didn’t what? You did everything just right. There isn’t anything to be sorry for.”

  “I’ve never experienced anyone like you, Brian. It was never—well, it was never like—like this with—”

  “Frank?” Brian interrupted, tugging her chin upward to meet his lips. “That’s because he was all wrong for you, Ms. Winston and I’m all right.”

  Giggling, Callie ran her hands over the hard planes of his face, softened by his grin which could only be described as devilish. “Yeah, you’re alright,” she teased.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her and said, “Good. I’m glad you think so because we have our first official wet spot as a couple and you’re laying in it.”

  “That’s a fine how-do-you-do, Mr. Benson.”

  Brian mocked a sigh of exasperation. “Well, okay, tell ya what. Next time I’ll make the ultimate sacrifice and you can be on top.”

  There was going to be a next time? No way…you really could do it more than once in a week? Cool gig. Callie blushed at the thought. More of this? Holy sexual enlightenment. “I guess it’s a deal,” Callie said sarcastically, her tone light and teasing.

  Brian kissed her cheek as he moved off of her and went to the adjoining bathroom, calling over his shoulder, “You guess?
I think you better take me up on that Ms. Winston, that’s a pretty big wet spot.”

  Callie laughed again and realized she was buck naked in broad daylight. She sat up and grabbed for her sweater, chilled now that Brian’s warmth was gone, and self-conscious. Brian brought her a towel and tugged her sweater out of her hands. “Nuh-uh. It took me two damn months to see you naked, I like you that way,” he ran a finger down her nose with a smug grin as he stood in front of her, totally at ease with his own nudity and as well he should be. Naked looked just fine on Brian Benson.

  “But I’m freezing,” she protested.

  “Well, go get cleaned up and I’ll fix that,” Brian said as he hopped into the bed and patted the place beside him.

  Ooooh. Well, alrighty then.

  Callie grabbed her sweater back from Brian’s hands and threw it over her head, tugging it over her hips. “It’s a deal, but until then, I’m staying warm,” she half joked, because she’d really rather be tarred and feathered than strut naked across a room in front of Brian Benson.

  Only God saw her naked. God and on the rare occasion, Aston.

  Callie went into the bathroom to clean up, as she closed the door behind her, her heart beat hard, thrumming in her chest, and her hands shook. After cleaning up with trembling hands she sat on the top of the toilet seat for a moment, forcing herself to breathe.

  Something of great magnitude had just happened with the ease of a strange familiarity and the heady rush of newness and it scared the shit out of her.

  Brian was far better in person than Callie ever anticipated him being and it hit her in slow increments.

  Callie leaned forward and rested her hands in her face to stop the flow of emotion. She’d expected many things that she’d tried not to admit to herself, even in her wildest fantasies, but this—this she’d never expected.

  This intensity, this depth, this completeness was utterly unexpected and it left her shaking in her boots. She played at lighthearted banter with Brian, but her heart was saying something entirely different and this could be very bad if she wasn’t careful.

  Brian created a myriad of powerful, heady stuff she just wasn’t ready for and it would erupt if she wasn’t cautious.

  I think you just jumped, Callie Winston.

  Oh, fuck.

  Chapter 16

  “We need to eat,” Brian groaned as he kissed Callie one more time before pulling away and looking at the small alarm clock on the nightstand over her shoulder. “It’s almost eight ‘o clock.” They lay naked, tangled together in a mass of limbs and sheet as they had since the early afternoon.

  Who needed food when there was sex? As of this moment in time, Callie decided that food was never going to be as important as sex suddenly had become—not ever again. A Big Mac could never compare and sex didn’t linger on her thighs like super-sizing did… Callie smiled at Brian and nodded her head vaguely.

  Brian nibbled her earlobe and the rush of heat he’d created earlier returned with a vengeance. “You need to eat. I need to eat to keep up with you.”

  Giggling, Callie arched into his words in her ear, “Keep up with me?”

  “You’re insatiable…”

  Well, yeah. That tended to happen when you had a long, dry season, er—seasons—plural on her winter, spring, summer fall. “I am not either…I was not the one who started this.”

  Brian’s tongue stroked her earlobe, “Yes you were. If you weren’t so damn hot, we’d have had dinner by now and you’d be back home with Aston.”

  “Ahhhh, so you were only willing to have sex with me if I was hot? Otherwise I’d have had to wow you with my personality? What happened to, ‘I’m past caring about what you look like, sweet pea’?” Callie joked, mocking his southern accent and his pet name for her.

  Brian chuckled. “Man, you have some memory, huh?”

  “Like an elephant.”

  “I guess it doesn’t matter now, does it? The deed is done.”

  And how… ”Alright,” she sighed teasingly. “If food is a necessity, then c’mon, tell me what you like to eat and we’ll go get food, but then I want to come right back here and lay back down. I can’t remember the last time I spent this much time in bed and I think I like it.” Oh, hell… Callie flushed and hid her face in Brian’s hair. “I mean—well, I mean, I—we never—”

  “Spent all day in bed?” Brian asked.

  “No…we, well—we sort of. Oh, I don’t know. Never mind…” Callie was humiliated that she’d even brought such a thing up. This afterglow shit had a way of making you wish it was your foot in your mouth.

  Brian cupped her chin and looked at her with his amber-brown eyes. “Ya know, this Frank should be shot for ever being able to check off male on his job applications. I don’t want to knock him, Callie because I know you take that as a hit to your own choices, but he was really an ass. How could he not want to spend the day in bed with a beautiful woman like you?”

  Callie closed her eyes. Because she was never enough. Nothing was ever enough for Frank. “I don’t know, he just didn’t and we didn’t and that’s that.”

  Brian pressed his nose to hers and said, “Well, I’ve got news for you. If I never had to leave this bed, I’d stay right here with you and that, sweet pea, has nothing to do with you not being enough. I think you were too much for Frank and he couldn’t handle it.”

  Too much… ”He wasn’t always like that. In the beginning things were much different, I guess, but as we grew older, he never grew up, I suppose. It’s kind of the same old story all marriages that break up have.” Look at you defend the freak. You should be commended, Callie Winston. I mean, really, how very magnanimous of you to defend the man who dragged you through divorce court then tarred and feathered you. Shut up, she told herself. Callie only looked more stupid if Frank didn’t have at least one redeeming quality.

  “If you had been my wife—that never would have happened. That much I can promise you,” Brian assured her.

  Callie smiled. “You don’t know that, mercenary man. I’m sort of boring and thirteen years just might have done you in,” she joked, though truthfully, admitting that wasn’t easy. Sometimes she wondered vaguely if it wasn’t her safeguard so when she failed to prove exciting, she had something to fall back on. I told you so…

  “Bullshit and that’s all I’m going to say for now because my stomach can’t wait anymore. So let’s get dressed and go eat something—anything.”

  Callie laughed and said, “Okay, but I don’t think there’s any gumbo around here.”

  “Good, cuz I was really looking forward to tofu.”

  She giggled and slid out of the bed to locate her clothes that had been strewn across the floor, completely naked and totally unaware of it.

  As Brian dressed, Callie watched him from beneath hooded lashes.


  Mentally calling the Lord’s name in vain was all Callie could manage at this point. Brian did things to her that had no definition—no rhyme or reason. He was so much more than she’d expected that it kept catching her unaware.

  You’ve jumped. Quit yanking the chute already.

  If she could just manage to keep this on a solely pleasurable level it would be okay.

  But it was gonna be a close call…

  * * * *

  When they returned from dinner, Callie was exhausted. The excitement of meeting, mixed with the apprehension and then sexual divinity—her entire body needed respite. She was pleasurably sore in places she’d forgotten about and she was full from dinner.

  Their conversation over dinner never faltered. Brian could talk about anything and everything. He asked her opinion. He listened and responded to her. He held her hand and behaved as if she were the only woman in the restaurant, his eyes never leaving her.

  The things he whipped her into a frenzy over left her on sensory overload. Brian treated Callie as if she was the only woman in the world and Callie was feeling very smug at the moment. It would pass; she knew that as sure as she k
new her insecurities were going to rear their ugly heads and whale her one, but for now she would revel in it.

  Every woman—just once in her life should be made to feel the way Brian Benson made Callie feel. Treasured, desired, important above all distraction. Maybe this was how it was for her married friends all of the time? It was heady indeed and now Callie fully understood the impact it could have on your self-esteem. She also understood why her friends would never understand why she had such trouble moving from the spot she’d been in for so damn long.

  For all of their savvy—for all of their “living” before her friends were married—they hadn’t survived what Callie had with Frank. The control he’d kept so close to his chest—the control she’d let him have. To be with someone like Brian, with no past between them—no ugly affairs—was empowering and freeing. Callie wasn’t thinking about the women he’d been with in the past—she was in ignorant bliss and sometimes bliss beat the shit out of aware. For so long she’d known she wasn’t the only woman Frank wanted and to enjoy this kind of intimacy, minus the third party in the back of your mind was exhilarating. So screw you, Frank.

  What a fucking waste of air.

  “Hey, whatcha thinkin’?” Brian asked as he pulled her back to his chest and rested his head on top of hers, caressing her arms with his hands.

  “I was thinking that I’m exhausted and you’re to blame,” she joked.

  His chuckle reverberated against her back, sending a wave of chills along her spine. “Go take a shower and you’ll feel better.”

  “I need to get my things from the car.”

  “Oh, yeah. Did you bring your pillow?”

  “Yep. Did you bring the poncho liner?”

  “You bet. Go get a shower and I’ll get your stuff.”

  God he was so fricken’ sweet she was going to get a cavity from him if he kept it up. Jeez, he’s just getting your stuff from the car—not giving you the gift of life. Somehow, the gesture was important on a level Callie didn’t quite understand.


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