Book Read Free

Family Matters

Page 11

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Already I feel better knowing that you are going to help me!” Nick replied in a relieved voice as he looked back at Jason.

  “I feel positive about it too, Nick. As my friend Chauncey Jackson tells me, good will eventually conquer evil! Count on it! Thank you for being so open and forthcoming. Now I think it’s time to lighten things up. Would you like to play some one-on-one basketball or maybe play some video games?”

  “I don’t get much of a chance to do either, but I think I would like to play some basketball. I hear you are quite a player, Jason. I’m sure you will run rings around me!”

  Jason and Nick played hoops on the driveway until Jason’s mother Edith arrived home from work. They went inside to visit with her, and help her get the dining room table ready for dinner. A little later Jason’s dad Bill came home and talked with Jason and Nick while Edith finished up in the kitchen. Edith prepared a great dinner of spaghetti and meatballs in a light marina sauce with Caesar salad, garlic bread, and spumoni ice cream for dessert. Jason and Nick eagerly cleaned their plates and even had second helpings.

  “You guys were really hungry!” Edith exclaimed.

  “We have had quite a day,” Nick replied, “and this dinner was great, Mrs. Hunter!”

  After dinner Daniel came over, and the three boys tried out video games and joked around with each other in Jason’s room. Eventually it was time for Nick to return home, as his mother had pulled up into the Hunter driveway. As he was leaving, Nick said, “This has been a most incredible day for me. Having a chance to play with your band was a lot of fun, Daniel. I hope we can work together in the future. And Jason, your advice and support is so timely and comforting. Thank you, guys! Spending today with you was really cool!”

  Daniel and Jason walked Nick out to his mother’s car. “You can be sure we will be in touch with you, Nick,” Jason replied. “Take care!”

  Chapter 15

  Swimming Into Troubled Waters


  Around eleven o’clock on Tuesday, Jason headed over to Laura’s house on his bicycle. Days like this were what the summer was all about. Laura would invite Jason and a couple of other friends over for lunch and a swim in her fabulous Olympic sized swimming pool. Among the most regular attendees were Eric Acosta and Rebecca Navarro who were also coming over today. The friends coming over would take turns providing the food for lunch so Laura wasn’t always stuck with the work, expense, and clean up. Jason loved spending as much time as he could with Laura, and their attraction for each other was getting more serious each year.

  Yet there were a few dark clouds on the horizon in their relationship. Jason had many facets to his life that required a lot of attention from time to time — his Whatever Foundation and its mission to help teenaged victims of crime and the cases that he would undertake with Daniel. The detective work of Hunter & Holmes was very time consuming when a case was on. Jason also had a wide circle of friends and was participating in sports at school now. So despite his serious interest in Laura and his love of her company, Jason wasn’t always available to be there with her as much as she would like. Additionally, he was concerned about protecting her from any exposure to the criminal element that he would run into during detective work.

  Today Jason wanted to put all of that aside and just enjoy the afternoon with Laura. As she opened the front door to let him in, it was easy to see some of the things that attracted Jason to her. Physically, Laura was perfection as far as Jason was concerned. Laura had a slim hour glass shaped and tanned body, due to all of the pool time she put in. She had long chestnut brown hair and was wearing a red tank top and bright purple shorts which accented her figure. Jason gave her a hug and an enthusiastic kiss. “Laura, I swear you look prettier every time I see you!” he said in greeting.

  “Are you trying to con me again, Jason Hunter, with your big city ways and evil intentions!” Laura replied with a big smile on her face.

  “Absolutely, Laura, you are a feast for the mind and the body!”

  Laura held his hand and started leading him inside. “I can see that you will need to cool down in the pool right away!”

  “Not right away, Laura! Are Eric and Rebecca here yet?”

  When Laura answered ‘no’, Jason suggested that they go sit on one of the chaise lounges in a shady spot near the pool. They snuggled together and made out for about ten minutes until the doorbell rang. “Now I will need to cool off in the pool,” Jason said with laugh as Laura went to answer the door.

  Soon Eric and Rebecca had come out by the pool. Rebecca had a picnic basket with sandwiches, chips, and fruit, and Eric had a cooler with soft drinks, juices, and bottled water. Jason got up and gave Eric a handshake and a hug and Rebecca a little kiss and hug. Jason and Eric had a special relationship because rescuing Eric from his abusive stepfather was the first successful case of the Whatever Foundation. Once Eric was removed from a dead-end lifestyle of poverty, neglect, and abuse, his true talents and abilities could emerge, and he had blossomed into a productive and happy teenager. Now Eric was the bass player for Daniel’s band and a star swimmer for the Merriam High School water polo and swim teams. Even more touching was how he was totally devoted to Rebecca.

  Eric had met Rebecca on the worst day of his life. He had been kidnapped by his abusive stepfather, told he was worthless, and left strung up in his stepfather’s hidden torture chamber to become his slave. Later, Eric found out that his mother had been accidentally killed in a struggle to prevent his stepfather from finding out that he was staying with his aunt and uncle in Jason’s neighborhood. Luckily, Eric had cleverly left clues for Jason and the police. Using the clues, a SWAT team was able to find where Eric was being held prisoner and take his stepfather out. That evening, back at Eric’s aunt and uncle’s house, a wake was going on. Eric was still in shock from the day’s horrific events. Jason called up Laura and begged her to come over and help lighten things up. She came over with Diana and Rebecca, who had just arrived in town, not knowing anyone. Rebecca was a pert brunette, with freckled face, pretty brown eyes, and a sweet smile.

  Rebecca and Eric made an immediate connection. They held hands, and Rebecca’s soothing talk and concern did wonders for Eric. Ever since that evening, they were inseparable. If there was such a thing as “love at first sight”, this was it! Rebecca was the first real girl friend Eric ever had and her arrival on the scene could not have come at a better time. Her companionship and love for him was the best possible therapy to help Eric recover from the blows that life had dealt him in the past few years.

  Laura, who was still Rebecca’s closest girl friend, would often tell Jason about some of the sweet things that Eric and Rebecca did for each other. Eric had a phobia about wearing flip-flops because his abusive stepfather would never buy him any proper clothing or shoes. All he had to wear were the cheapest flip-flops or thrift store sneakers that hurt his feet and quickly fell apart. Eric was teased about this by some of his uncaring classmates who made fun of his cheap clothing and nicknamed him “Eric Flip-flops.” One of the first things that Jason did for Eric was buy him a completely new wardrobe of quality clothes including a brand new pair of navy blue high top chucks. Eric grew to love those shoes, the first brand new pair of sneakers he had been given to wear in years, and now wouldn’t wear anything else. Whenever Rebecca would see a new shade of blue chucks, she would buy Eric a pair so he would never be without a pair of brand new looking sneakers.

  While Eric was a championship level swimmer, Rebecca had minimal skills in the water when they first met and even had some fear of the water. When Eric found this out, he patiently taught Rebecca basic swimming and flotation skills, until she felt comfortable being in the water and could swim around confidently on her own. These lessons did wonders for Rebecca’s self-esteem and confidence. Now she could keep up with the others in their circle of friends who were all very proficient swimmers. One of their favorite things to do in the pool was what Eric called a dolphin ride. Rebecca would put her a
rms around Eric or hold onto his hand, and he would guide her all around the water.

  Meanwhile, the four friends were sitting around a poolside table and enjoying the food and drinks that Rebecca had laid out for them. “Way to go, Rebecca!” Jason exclaimed as he munched on a tuna salad sandwich. “These sandwiches are great!”

  Rebecca smiled and replied, “I slaved over a hot stove all morning to make them!”

  “Well I did have to go to the store and buy some stuff,” Eric added in a humorous voice.

  “Thank you for treating us this time,” Laura said.

  “Our pleasure after all of the hosting you have done for us,” Rebecca replied.

  “You two are quite a team!” Jason said with enthusiasm. “I know that Eric is involved in rehearsing with Daniel’s band and doing regular swim workouts at school and at the Y. Do you have any special plans for the summer, Rebecca?”

  Instead of smiling and chattering on, Rebecca’s face got very serious. “I’m actually worried about what might happen this summer. My parents are talking about moving again!”

  “You are kidding, I hope,” Laura replied. “You just moved here about a year ago.”

  “My father is up for a big promotion in the bank he works for, and if he gets it, the job is at the bank headquarters back east. He could come home any day now and tell us to pack our things!”

  “No way, you can’t move!” Eric said with some animation in his voice as he held her hand. “I don’t know what I would do without you!”

  “I know I don’t want to move away from all my friends here, and of course Eric, but what can I do?”

  “Have your talked to your parents about any of your concerns?” Jason asked.

  “Not in so many words, because they just told me about it yesterday,” Rebecca continued. “I got somewhat upset, and said ‘What am I supposed to do, just suddenly leave school where I have really worked hard to make new friends, and just leave Eric. In case you haven’t noticed we really care for each other!’ Then my mom said, ‘There is nothing definite yet, but we are a family and need to be with each other! If you can make friends here, you can make them anywhere! Eric is a wonderful boy, but he is not the only boy in the world! You both have never seriously dated anyone else, and you are too young to marry!’”

  “Wherever you go, Rebecca, I will follow you!” Eric said adamantly. “I have money saved up. I will come visit you every weekend if I have to. I don’t understand why your parents want to break up our relationship. I thought that they liked me!”

  “You shouldn’t spend your college money on trips,” Rebecca replied. “You need that for your expenses.”

  “Jason has already given me a four year scholarship in the name of my parents. That will cover all of my room, board, and tuition. How could I possibly be happy without you, Rebecca?”

  “Guys, don’t get too worked up yet,” Laura said. “You have heard nothing definite yet, right? Hopefully things will work out for you two. Let’s not stress about it any more right now. I think we all need a good swim to cool down a little!”

  Soon the four friends had changed into their swim suits and were happily splashing around the pool. They spent about forty-five minutes in the water before getting out to dry in the warm sun. The two couples went to sit in lounges on opposites of the pool so they could be intimate with each other. Eric just wanted to hold on to Rebecca. “I’m never going to let you go!” he told her as they snuggled together.

  On the opposite side, Jason and Laura also snuggled together on a large chaise lounge. They kissed and stroked each other’s hair. Jason smiled at Laura and said, “Don’t worry, Laura, I’m not planning to go anywhere! I really like being with you. My love for you continues to grow every day!”

  “That is sweet of you to say, Jason,” Laura replied in a soft voice. “But I worry about losing you too! You are always going on these dangerous adventures with Daniel! Haven’t you had enough of that lately?”

  “Sometimes there are things in life that you have to do! Eric is one of our best friends now. He wouldn’t be here today if Daniel and I hadn’t gone to intervene with him when he was stuck in an abusive life. I can’t imagine a life where I do not have the freedom to help people!

  “But you can help people with your foundation, Jason. You don’t have to personally stick your neck out every time someone needs assistance. Why not let the police do the investigating?”

  “I hear what you are saying, Laura, but sometimes action is called for and the police are powerless to act. If I hadn’t acted on the things that Teresa Barnwell and the kids at Camp Chinquapin told me, Tim and Cody might not have survived! I couldn’t live with the thought of that or the guilt I would have felt knowing that I could act, but didn’t! Sometimes you have to do what must be done, even if it means taking a risk!”

  “Haven’t you had enough horrible things happen to you, Jason?”

  “Oh, yes, Laura, more than I care to admit to! But that’s precisely the point. The predators and evil-doers that Daniel and I have run into must be defeated, so others don’t have to experience what I have been through. I don’t know what else to say to you, Laura. I love you a lot, but I can’t just walk away from what seems to be my destiny!”

  That last remark brought tears to Laura’s eyes. “I love you too, Jason, and I can’t bear the thought of something else happening to you. I am scared that one of these predators you chase after is going to seriously hurt you or even kill you!”

  Jason gently wiped a couple of the tears from her face with his finger. “Don’t you understand, Laura? You are part of the motivation that brings me back safely from these adventures. That’s what keeps me going sometimes, just knowing that I will be able to come back here, be in your arms, and spend time with you!”

  With that remark, Laura put her arms around Jason’s neck and gave him a long passionate kiss. “I have the solution. I’m never going to let you out of my arms!”

  Chapter 16

  Daniel and Diana


  Wednesday turned out to be an important day in Daniel’s life. It didn’t start out that way. It was just supposed to be a fun day with Diana Miglione, but like Jason and Laura, there were issues in their relationship that needed to be dealt with. Ever since Daniel had arrived in the Silicon Valley several years ago, Diana had been Daniel’s constant musical companion at school. They both sang in the school’s advanced choir, and sometimes sang duets together. When Daniel was first learning to sing as a soloist, singing duets with Diana helped him to gain confidence as a performer and develop a solo sound. In the first years of their friendship, they would often spend time at social occasions talking intensely about music. Gradually their friendship had built up to something more. Daniel began to realize that Diana was not only a good musician, but also a great companion. They discovered that they liked to go on bike rides together, go to movies, concerts and shows, and visit with friends or double date with them, especially Jason and Laura.

  When Daniel became serious about forming his own band, he naturally thought that Diana would want to have a role in the band as a singer. But as the formation of the band started to become a reality, Diana seemed to back off from getting involved with it. This summer she was working steadily for her mom’s catering business, and even though Daniel was willing to adjust their rehearsal schedule so that she could participate, Diana still seemed lukewarm to the idea. Now that the band was putting together actual arrangements for performances, it needed to be determined whether Diana was going to participate or not.

  Today’s plan was to bike ride over to a beautiful park near the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains, have a picnic there, and spend a couple of hours enjoying the park. Diana had put together the picnic lunch, and they divided it up between the two of them after they met at her house. After loading up the two halves of the luncheon in their backpacks, they got on their bikes and made the trip, which took them about forty minutes. They biked around the park until the
y found an available picnic table over looking the artificial lake in the middle of the park. They dismounted from their bikes, took off their backpacks, and soon had the table set up for the picnic. Diana’s mother was an incredible baker, so lunch with Diana always included fresh baked goods. Today Diana had packed turkey sandwiches on homemade whole wheat rolls, along with fruit tarts, and cut up carrot and celery sticks. There were also bottled water and juice drinks.

  After they ate their lunch, they walked around a little exploring the park. Soon they came to a shady grove of trees and Daniel suggested that they sit down, enjoy the shade, and talk a little about things. “I am a little concerned that there are issues in our musical and personal relationship that need to be worked out,” Daniel began. “I really would like to clear the air, because I care a lot about you, and I don’t want you to feel hurt or left out of things that you want to be a part of.”

  “That is sweet of you to say, Daniel. I appreciate your concern and consideration for me. I know that from our first year of knowing each other what brought us together was our intense interest in all things musical. Remember how we would huddle together at parties or other gatherings and talk about music for hours? We were both so intense and serious! That was fine for where we were at the time, two kids coming out of middle school and trying to find themselves. But now I find that my interests and focus are changing somewhat.”


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