Book Read Free

Family Matters

Page 12

by Aiden Vaughan

  “What do you mean, changing?” Daniel asked.

  “As much as I love music and performing it in choirs, I don’t see it as a career goal for me in any way right now. I am discovering that I enjoy working for my mom in her catering and baking business. Already she is providing me with a lot of part time work, and she tells me that her goal for me, if I am interested and willing to put in the work, is to make me a partner in the business and eventually turn it over to me. She is willing to put me through a culinary school so that I can become a certified chef. Right now that whole idea is very appealing to me! I know we had talked about going to college and so on, and I know you have a scholarship to do so from Jason, but my direction has changed.

  “So when you ask me about your band, and having a role in it, it is of course tempting and inviting because we have been so close musically these past few years. But when I look at the big picture for me, I don’t see myself as a professional singer. You, on the other hand, have what it takes to succeed in music. So don’t feel bad about not including me in your band plans.”

  “You don’t see yourself as having any role in performing with us?” Daniel asked a little surprised at her statement.

  “Well, I don’t want to totally exclude myself, because I do enjoy performing with you, Daniel. You are a very talented singer. I was really flattered when you first started singing solos that you felt you needed me as a crutch, and wanted to sing duets with me. I know that even though you are outgoing as a performer you are also basically a shy person. It takes some time and experience to get used to performing in public. You have grown quite a bit in the past year. Now nothing should faze you or get in the way of your success.”

  “Does that mean that you are starting to go your own way in terms of our relationship?” Daniel continued in a worried voice. “I have really grown to depend on you for your advice and companionship.”

  “No, silly,” Diana replied smiling at Daniel. “I totally enjoy being with you and hearing about your music and your adventures with Jason. I must say I do get concerned about some of those cases you have worked on. I know you have gotten into some pretty tight predicaments!”

  “Ever since I have known Jason, my life has gone through some incredible changes, especially in the past year,” Daniel stated emphatically. “Jason is one of the most amazing persons I have ever met!”

  “I don’t fault you for the time you spend with him on his cases and foundation work. I do worry about your safety at times! Please always be careful in what you decide to do.”

  “Where does that leave the two of us, Diana?”

  “I don’t want to be your professional colleague any more, Daniel. I want to be your girl friend!”

  “So you don’t want to be involved in the band or music or worry about my cases with Jason. Is that it?” Daniel said with a concerned look on his face.

  Diana put her index finger on Daniel’s lips. “No more talk, Daniel. I want to be your girl friend! Now kiss me!” With that, Diana put her arms around Daniel and gave him a long passionate kiss. “Don’t you understand, I want to be with you for you, not your resume!”

  Daniel looked into Diana’s eyes. “Wow, that was some kiss! Are you telling me that you love me?”

  Diana kissed him again. “Yes, I love you, Daniel. I have for some time. Do you love me?”

  “Oh, yes, Diana. I love you a lot. I guess teenaged guys aren’t very good at expressing things like that. You have meant so much to me in the past few years, I didn’t want to mess up our friendship, or risk being rejected by throwing romance into it. But yes, as the song goes, ‘you are the apple of my eye’!”

  For the next half hour, Diana and Daniel hugged and kissed, held each other in their arms, and whispered intimate things to each other. They sat and smiled at each other, ran their fingers through each other’s hair, and for the first time truly basked in their love for each other.

  Finally they got up, held each other’s hand, and walked back toward the picnic table to retrieve their backpacks and bicycles.

  “That was the best lunch I ever had,” Daniel said.

  “Yes, the lunch was great, but the dessert was even better!” Diana replied.

  “Boy, you can say that again!” Daniel stopped walking, put his arms around Diana, and gave her another kiss. He then looked into her eyes. “What are you doing tomorrow for lunch?” he asked with a huge smile on his face.

  Chapter 17

  Jason and the A List Guys, Part II


  Jason was sitting outside of the community center where he and the other A List guys had just completed playing a youth league basketball game. They were having drinks and relaxing after a satisfying victory over a very good opponent. The game was part of an informal youth league series sponsored by the parks and recreation department to give teenagers organized activities to do during the summer. The league scheduled the games and provided referees so that the games would be fair.

  Jason felt really good about having these opportunities to play with Chauncey Jackson and his other friends. Chauncey had been on fire in this game, scoring thirty points from the field and making 90% of his free throws, when he was fouled by the other team. Jason felt that these games really helped him improve his personal skills, and develop better team skills. This summer he had noticed an improvement in his ability to pass the ball accurately and in tight situations. He got a lot of practice in this game, because really all he had to do at times was pass the ball to Chauncey. But once in a while he would get wide open when Chauncey was double-teamed. Chauncey would fake going for a shot, then pass the ball back to Jason, who would usually respond with one of his sky hook shots or a quick lay up from the other side of the basket.

  Reggie Adams was excited about the result of the game. “That was one of our best efforts yet this summer. Nobody could stop you, Chauncey, but boy did they try!”

  “Yeah, my forearms are going to be a little sore from all of the chops on them!” Chauncey replied.

  “Your performance was awesome, Chauncey!” Jason said. “Thanks for throwing a few balls my way. I think I scored a dozen points from your last second passes!”

  “That’s what friends are for, Chuck! I see a real improvement in your passing skills this summer!” Chauncey added with a laugh.

  “I feel privileged to be playing with you guys!” Jason continued. “Your defense was great today. You really kept their outside game in check. And Mariano, those three pointers you kept making in the second quarter really opened the game up.”

  “Sometimes you just get a good thing going, man. And that’s what happened to me today,” Mariano said with some pride.

  “And don’t forget our center!” Jason exclaimed. “Kololo, you were awesome on defense in the key. You must have rejected at least five of their shots today!”

  Kololo Asasopo, who was six feet six inches tall, with a huge muscular build but surprising agility on the basketball court, raised his arms up in a victory V. “No one gets by Kololo when I am on my game! Just call me Mr. Rejection!”

  Everybody had a good laugh at that. In the past year since Jason had given him a college scholarship, Kololo’s whole attitude on life and learning had changed. He used to be a silent giant, afraid to say much because he didn’t want people to make fun of his accent or think that he wasn’t very bright. Now that he was concentrating on his studies, to make the grades for college, he had really worked hard on his communication skills. And it turned out that he had a quirky sense of humor. Out of the blue sometimes, Kololo would come up with an unexpected one liner that cracked everyone up.

  The five friends joked around for a while more, then Reggie asked Jason if he was working on any new detective work. “Sorry to say that I am, although there have not been a lot of developments yet.” Jason then told them how Captain Garcia had consulted with him on the disappearance of Ben Kessler and how he and Daniel were looking after Nick Feraducci. “This kid is the most amazing musician, a wizard
on the piano, yet some predator has had him in his sights a couple of times. I sure hope we can help prevent any future attacks!”

  “Well you know we will be there in a heartbeat for you or Daniel if you need us!” Reggie replied. “I still have my baseball bat by the door ready for action. It would be most satisfying to take down another sick predator who preys on innocent kids!”

  Everyone else enthusiastically agreed. Reggie, Kololo, Chauncey, and Mariano put their fists out in a circle. “Come on, Jason, get your fist out there,” Chauncey ordered. “Team!” they shouted in unison.

  “Thanks, guys. I sleep better at night knowing you are on my side,” Jason said.

  “Remember we would be honored to help you anytime you need us, Jason,” Chauncey asserted. “Don’t hesitate to call day or night if you want our assistance!”

  “Well, that takes care of me,” Jason said, “but what about you guys? Any issues or problems that you are facing?”

  “My girl friend Rosa keeps telling me I don’t spend enough time with her,” Mariano said with a roll of his eyes. “What’s a young guy to do! She would have me domesticated and staying home watching television every night if she had her way!”

  “Your other choice is to take her out to an expensive restaurant or night club every evening. There goes your money!” Kololo replied with a laugh. “You should do what I do. Tell her you are in training and have to get your rest.”

  “All that would do is make Rosa mad!” Mariano replied. “ ‘Who are you sleeping with?’ she would demand to know. So I would get in even more trouble!”

  “Sounds like you can’t win for losing!” Reggie added with a laugh.

  “What about you, Chauncey?” Jason asked. “You have been strangely silent about things.”

  “Jason, my problem isn’t too little company but too much. Already recruiters and agents are starting to descend on me, and the school year hasn’t even started yet! I’m afraid I might say or do the wrong thing, and everything will be messed up for me.”

  “You do have a lot of decisions to make, Chauncey. What sport are you going to specialize in at the college level? Then when you decide that, what school has the best athletic program for you to develop your talents? How big can you think without everything going to your head, and what are reasonable expectations for your talents and skill level?”

  “When it comes time to make that decision,” Chauncey answered, “you can be sure I will run it by you, Jason. I think you are pretty good at assessing things!”

  “If I can be of help, Chauncey, don’t hesitate to ask. That’s what friends are for. I don’t think I can advise you from a sports standpoint, but I can tell you if I think you are getting a fair deal or not. If there are any legal issues, our foundation has a really good attorney on retainer.”

  “Jason, you always make me feel better!” Chauncey said putting out his knuckles to Jason. “To quote someone I know, I’m really glad you are on my side!”

  Jason continued his advice. “What you don’t want to do, Chauncey, is become stressed out about everything. You need to keep things in perspective. If an offer sounds too good to be true, you can be sure that it is. Be realistic about things, and don’t let the jockeying for colleges get in the way of you enjoying the remainder of high school.”

  “I remember you giving this advice before, Jason. I know that it is how you want to live your life. So why is your life so complicated?”

  Jason laughed. “You got me, Chauncey! I know I try to keep my life uncomplicated but all these things keep happening to me! I’m sure you are in the same situation with all of the activities you participate in. Maybe the advice should be, ‘think simple but go with the action when you have to’!”

  “Now you are talking, my friend.” Chauncey gave Jason a high five. “Sage advice indeed!”

  Chapter 18

  A Visit to the Silicon Valley

  (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)

  Joe Connor was really looking forward to the weekend. For the first time ever, his grandchildren were coming to visit him and stay at his place for a long weekend. It had been many years since anyone from his immediate family had come to visit Joe in the Silicon Valley. He had spent the week cleaning up his condo, getting the guest room ready, and going out and renting a trundle bed so that Desiree could be comfortable staying in his combination office and storage room. He was putting the two boys in the guest bedroom.

  He had stocked up the refrigerator with milk, juice, and soft drinks. He had purchased breakfast cereal, popcorn and other snacks that his grandchildren would like. He had been on the telephone to Jason and Daniel to get ideas for activities that his grandchildren would enjoy doing. Now he was driving to the airport to pick them up.

  Their flight to the San Jose airport was on time. Joe was waiting for them at the prearranged place just past the security checkpoint. About ten minutes after the plane pulled up to the gate, Paul, Desiree, and Steven came through the checkpoint. Joe waved at them and they came right over to him and gave him hugs. They were all dressed very casually in tee shirts, shorts, and flip-flops and were wearing backpacks with their belongings.

  “I am so glad to see you!” Joe said as he looked them over. “Welcome to the Silicon Valley!”

  “Don’t mind the way we are dressed, Grandfather,” Desiree said. “We didn’t bring any sneakers because we are all looking forward to getting our new pairs of Chuck Taylor shoes from you!”

  “Well I have plenty of pairs for you to choose from. I’m sure you will all get properly fit. Now follow me to the car.”

  When they arrived at Joe’s condo, he helped them get settled in, showed them their rooms, and where things were in the kitchen and bathroom.

  “This is great, Grandfather.” Steven exclaimed. “This is a nice set up. And we can all stay together!”

  “You bet. Steven. I am really happy that you can spend some time with me. Now let’s see about getting you guys some shoes to wear!”

  Joe had his supply of chucks stored in a closet at the back of his office room where Desiree was staying. “Tell me what colors and styles you would like, and I will see what I have. Do you know your shoe sizes or should I measure your feet for you?”

  “Mom told us that we are all growing, so you should measure us!” Desiree answered. “I think I would like to get a pair of those bright white low cut chucks but I am also considering navy blue.”

  “I want black high tops!” Steven said. “I think those shoes are so cool.”

  “And what would you like, Paul?” Joe asked.

  “I think I would like a pair of black low cuts,” he answered.

  Joe measured their feet with his sizing device, gave Paul and Desiree each a three pack of no show socks and Steven a pack of quarter high socks, and soon had all three of them outfitted in the models they requested. When they were all laced up in their new pairs of chucks, Joe smiled at them and said, “You kids look great! I never thought I would see this day!” He got out his camera and said, “I would like a picture of you wearing your new pairs of chucks.” He had them try out different poses showing off their new shoes, and took several pictures of each.

  “Now I think we need to go for a walk to break in your new shoes! Follow me.” Joe led them outside and they went for a walk around the neighborhood and through a nearby park. Once they got to the park, Joe asked, “Would you like to play in the park for a while? Why don’t you throw this around?” He handed Paul a small Frisbee that he had brought with him in his backpack. Joe then sat on a bench and watched the three of them toss the Frisbee to each other and run after it. He had a big smile on his face. It was fun to watch his grandchildren having a good time.

  After they returned back to Joe’s place, he had them relax for a while, sip on some drinks, and get their belongings squared away. Joe had told them to bring their swimming suits, and they went down to the recreation center in Joe’s condo complex and spent an hour in the swimming pool. Later they went out for dinner at a ne
arby Italian restaurant and to the Cineplex theater where they saw one of the latest summer action-adventure movies. By the time they got back it was after nine thirty. “That was a lot of fun, Grandfather!” Steven said. Exhausted from their trip and the day’s activities, Steven, Paul, and Desiree were soon fast asleep in their beds.

  The next morning the kids were up around eight thirty, had a leisurely breakfast of cereal and fruit. Steven watched some cartoon shows on Joe’s television set. Paul asked Joe, “What are we going to do today?”

  Joe answered, “I’ve invited Jason and Daniel over with some of their friends. They have activities planned for you all day! Then I am having a casual dinner here for everyone.”

  “That sounds great, Grandfather,” Paul replied. “I’m really looking forward to seeing Jason and Daniel again!”

  About eleven o’clock the doorbell rang. It was Jason and he had brought along Daniel, Laura, and Diana. They all said their hellos and Jason introduced Laura and Diana to Paul, Desiree, and Steven. “We have some fun things for you guys to do today,” Jason said with enthusiasm. “Joe, were you able to get the bicycles?”

  “I sure did. They are in my garage.”

  “All right! Here is the plan. Paul and Steven, you are coming on a bike ride with Daniel and myself. First we are going to bike over to the house of a young friend of ours, Justin Thorne. He is your age, Steven, and he and some of his friends love to play baseball. They will take you over to a park where you guys can play ball and catch for as long as you want, then you will have lunch and hang out at Justin’s house until we pick up you up.”

  “That sounds great!” Steven exclaimed. “I’m glad I brought my mitt along!”

  “Laura and Diana are going to take Desiree over to the Westfield Mall to go shopping and check out the stores. Then they are going to come back here and do a makeover for you, Desiree.”

  “It will be a lot of fun!” Laura said. “Diana and I love to go shopping at this mall, try things out, and explore the stores!” Desiree was enthusiastic about the idea also.


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