Book Read Free

Curves for Fighters

Page 10

by Zoey Thames

  Or at least she hoped so.

  The sun was setting over the row of tenement buildings across the street turning her living room a fiery orange-red. She paused at her crossword puzzle and glanced out over the brick buildings. There were planes flying high up in the atmosphere, leaving stitch lines of contrails. She wished she was on one of those planes, headed to a business conference in some big city like Chicago or LA, flying first class and charging everything to the company as she brainstormed corporate strategies. She sighed. Maybe someday.

  It had been a quiet day off. She’d woken up around three in the afternoon and made some food, then dove into her books. It was also easier to forget about those two stunning men by burying her head in her self-imposed studies. Because any time she started to think about that magical time last night, her body started to react, her internal engines started to overheat, and she had to concentrate to keep herself from boiling over.

  Still, she wondered what Brian and Dominic were up to now. Maybe they were at their gym, battling it out and training for their mixed martial arts competitions. She shook her head. And to think, a billionaire like Brian Barrington actually liked climbing into the ring to pummel and get pummeled by other men. She wondered what was wrong with males. Human or werewolf, they all seemed both fascinating and completely incomprehensible. Although she’d been glad enough of his fighting prowess last night when he’d rescued her from that jerk cougar shifter.

  She put her chin on her arm and leaned her head and stared down at the street below, with its traffic and its people hanging out on their front steps, and the limo—

  She sat up straight. She didn’t recognize that limo at all. It was a white Lexus model limo conversion. Absolutely spotless. It even looked like it had rolled straight out of the factory. People were watching it and nudging each other. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She wasn’t supposed to work tonight. But maybe her boss had sent someone over to pick her up…?

  Then the driver side door opened and Brian Barrington stepped out, immediately followed by Dominic Carrara stepping out of the front passenger side. Her heart was now fit to burst out of her chest, she was so excited, so afraid, so stunned. She watched as Brian and Dominic made their way to the apartment complex’s front door with the intercom. She threw off the covers, apologized to Skootz for sending him flying on accident, and bolted to her intercom. She stood there staring at it, waiting for it to buzz, her pulse throbbing in her ears. Thank god she had taken a shower, but what was she wearing? A glance showed her she was still wearing her long nightshirt with a dog in sunglasses and a sombrero catching a Frisbee printed on it. Holy crap. She might die of embarrassment. Maybe if she made a dash for the bedroom—

  The intercom buzzed. Her hand lifted of its own accord and pressed the button. “Yes?” she heard her mouth say.

  “Pizza delivery!” Dominic said. She could hear the grin in his voice, and it made her grin back at the intercom like a god’s honest fool. He cleared his throat dramatically. “One all-meat special, nice and hot.”

  “Don’t be a boorish imbecile,” Brian said, a little off speaker. But then his voice came over the speaker loud and clear. He must have pushed Dominic out of the way. “Hi, Ruth, it’s Brian and his obnoxious pet monkey—I mean Dominic. May we come up?”

  Well, that was the trillion-dollar question, wasn’t it? Ruth had believed she’d seen the last of the two men after last night and her early escape. She figured they would choose another driver the next time they used Mirage Confidential. But here they were. They had somehow found out where she lived…and what the hell were they doing with a limousine?

  But the question remained: did she want to see them? Did she dare? Did she risk her heart?

  “Yes!” she squealed into the intercom. Then she covered her mouth as her eyes widened. She’d probably deafened them both with that wild shriek. She tried again in a more dignified voice. “I mean, yes of course. Please do. Come up, I mean.”

  She buzzed them through the gate and then full-on sprinted for the bedroom. She tossed clothes this way and that until she found some jeans and a blouse that was at least respectable and didn’t make her seem as if she’d been practically lounging around in her underwear all day.

  There was a brisk knock at the door. Her hands were shaking as she crossed the apartment to open it. She had to take several deep breaths just to steady herself. Then she pulled open the door and put on a smile. “I’m really surprised to see you.”

  Both Brian and Dominic stood in the hallway wearing tuxedos that looked as if they cost as much as a small car. Both men bowed to her. She loved the mischievous, lustful look in Dominic’s eyes, and she loved the kindness and the heat she read in Brian’s eyes.

  “Forgive us for bothering you at home—”

  “And on your day off,” Dominic interrupted.

  “—and on your day off. But we came to ask—”

  “To beg,” Dominic corrected. “We are here, begging our asses off.”

  “—to beg an honor. We would love it if you would come with us on a date tonight. We would be thrilled to drive you through the city to a couple of very special events—”

  “They are surprises,” Dominic said with a knowing nod and a wink. “Very secret, secret.”

  It was her turn to interrupt them before they went any further. “I would love to,” she said solemnly. Then she did a little dance of excitement and ran back toward her bedroom. “But I have to change.” She halted inside her bedroom then leaned back out to meet Brian’s eyes. “Where did you get that limo?”

  Brian shrugged. “Found it abandoned.”

  Dominic punched him on the shoulder. “Don’t be a douche bag. He bought it. We wanted someone to drive you around the city for once.”

  “You bought a limousine? In one day? They don’t just sell these things down at the corner market.”

  “I had it airlifted,” Brian said, as if it were nothing. He was eyeing her business books. He picked a few of them up and paged through them. “You have some good titles here. These are advanced concepts.”

  “Trying to stay caught up,” she said, ducking back into her room and digging through her dresses for something suitable. “So when I go back, I won’t be as far behind.”

  She feared he might make some kind of gently disparaging remark about independent study, but her heart lifted when he simply said, “Good plan.”

  After a few minutes of digging, she settled on the classic little black dress and a small pocketbook, heels that were sexy but not too high. For her hair… She didn’t have time for anything super fancy. Instead, she quickly braided her locks and left it at that. At least having her hair back showed off her high cheekbones and her eyes, what everyone had always told her were her best features. A tiny dab of perfume followed—the best she had, Chanel—but only a little bit, because she was afraid it would be overpowering for the two werewolves and their enhanced sense of smell.

  When she finally thought she was presentable enough, she made her way out of the bedroom to the men in her living room. Brian was standing at the window that looked down on the street. Dominic was lounging on the sofa, his arm thrown over the back of it and his legs crossed, the very picture of ease. Both men turned to her the moment she came out. A thrill raced through her as she watched their reactions.

  Brian tilted his head slightly and his stare was intense, seeming to blaze along her body with barely restrained passion. “And you are even more beautiful tonight, Ruth. You outshine the city lights.”

  While Dominic suddenly sat forward, then clasped his hands together as if he were trying to stop himself from running to her and grabbing her into his arms. “Holy shit,” he murmured. “I think I’m about as hard as a telephone pole.”

  She covered her mouth and laughed, even as a syrup-thick heat of pleasure made its way through her body at both of their reactions—Brian’s words, which had touched her heart, and Dominic’s earthy, very explicit reaction. Both made her feel special, made
her feel beautiful, made her feel powerful.

  “It will be a wonderful night,” Brian promised.

  She smiled. “I’m…I’m really looking forward to it.”

  The two men escorted her down the stairs, each taking one of her arms. She felt completely safe with them. She knew they’d catch her if she misstepped in her heels and they’d stop her from tumbling headlong down the stairwell. At first she’d been terribly embarrassed by how rundown her apartment building was—the slightly mildewy smell, the cracks and chipped paint and water stains on the ceilings and curling linoleum. But neither man seemed to pay it any mind. She was absurdly grateful for that, because this was the best she could afford in New York right now. And she’d be damned if she were going to feel embarrassed about a building she didn’t own. Like her mama said, “Don’t borrow shame and don’t take out a loan on trouble.”

  Brian and Dominic escorted her to the limo. Before they reached it, Brian whipped out a chauffeur cap and put it on. He opened the limo door for her, bowing low, a mischievous smile on his face. Dominic held her hand as she scooted inside, something a might bit harder to do gracefully while wearing a dress with a shorter hemline. Dominic climbed in beside her and Brian shut the door, then hurried to climb behind the wheel. When Ruth glanced outside the window, she noticed most of her neighbors and people along the street had stopped and were watching. But instead of feeling uncomfortable under their gazes, she felt a surge of pride and excitement. She hadn’t imagined anything like this happening in her wildest dreams this morning, and now here she was,

  “Where are we going?” she asked, her heart pounding with anticipation.

  The privacy window between the driver and the back section of the limo was down. Brian glanced at her and tipped his chauffer cap. “It’s a surprise, my lady.”

  Dominic laughed. “I still think you should’ve stayed in the car, completely naked except for that hat, and we could’ve surprised her.”

  A laugh burst from Ruth’s lips at the image, as well as a flush of heat and excitement that warmed its way through her body. “That certainly would’ve been a nice surprise.”

  Brian’s grin was wicked. “Next time I’ll do that. Tonight, the place we’re going requires pants.”

  Then he gently guided the limo out into traffic, and her second night with these two incredible males began.


  Brian managed to get the limo all the way to the harbor without crashing into anything. It wasn’t as if he didn’t know how to drive, but there was a trick to guiding a huge vehicle through the crowded New York streets, and he’d had to keep convincing himself that he could easily pay for any incidental damage or havoc he caused by swinging too wide on a turn. But here they finally were. He pulled up right in front of the pier that led to the dock and the large pleasure yacht they’d be sailing on tonight. He jumped out and tossed the keys to the approaching valet, who caught them but hesitated. Brian could smell the uncertainty on him. He knew Brian was a VIP of some sort thanks to his tux, but he hadn’t expected Brian to be driving the limo, and the jaunty cap probably further threw him.

  Laughing, Brian opened the door for Ruth, taking her hand and helping her out. She was very graceful, and moved with a simple, unassuming elegance that he loved. She didn’t move like some females he knew—calculating their moves to attract the male eye. But there was something fresh and real about her that spoke to him.

  Dominic started to climb out after her, and Brian made as if to shut the door on him.

  “Hey, you bastard,” Dominic said. “You make a crappy chauffer. I just want to put that out there.” His eyes narrowed. “Unless you’re thinking of keeping Ruth to yourself…”

  Brian tried to look innocent, but couldn’t keep the act up, his expression changing to a grin. “Never.”

  Dominic climbed out and brushed off his suit. Then he glowered at Brian, although Brian could tell it was all in fun. “Good. Because I’d hate to have to kill you and escape with her to Rio.”

  Ruth linked arms with them both, smiling happily up at them. “Enough of that. I want to have a good time.”

  “Oh you’ll have a good time,” Brian promised, tossing the cap back inside the limo and leaning in to nuzzle her ear.

  “The best time in the world,” Dominic said from her other side, tracing kisses along her neck until she moaned under both of their attentions.

  “But more of that later,” Brian cut in, turning her toward the beautiful yacht taking aboard the night’s guests. “We have a wonderful start ready to go.” He winked at the valet, then led her to the gangway with Dominic on her opposite side.

  The food was fantastic. He had a steak, Kobe beef with asparagus in a red wine sauce. Dominic went for swordfish, grilled, roasted potatoes, and a half tomato covered in parmesan, salt and parsley, while Ruth had Capellini con pollo. The dining area on the yacht was intimate without being claustrophobic—a half dozen tables, dark woods, expensive art, mellow and lush lighting, soft classical music. He loved how Ruth stared around at it wide-eyed, taking it all in like a kid on her first trip to a circus. And then, when she caught him watching her, she blushed prettily, and he took her hand and kissed it.

  “I must be making a fool of myself,” she murmured. “Gaping at everything like a slack-jawed hick.”

  “Not at all,” he said, eager to reassure her. “I think it is wonderfully refreshing. Too many people I know only take everything for granted. It’s good to see someone appreciate it. Really appreciate it.”

  Dominic laughed. “And besides, if they have a problem with you looking around, then screw ’em.” He leaned toward her. “But seriously, I know how you feel. I felt exactly the same for a long time. You just have to realize that at the end of the day, they put on their boxers…” He broke into a wicked grin. “Or their panties, one leg at a time, just like the rest of us.”

  As the meal finished up, Brian asked her about the business books he’d seen in her apartment again. “I don’t mean to be tromping around in your affairs, but if I may ask, how soon until you resume your classes at NYU?”

  She looked away, and he could scent her discomfort. As much as he didn’t want to jeopardize her good time tonight, he really wanted to know more about her. Hell, that wasn’t even completely. He wanted to help her. He just needed a good way to do so without offending her pride or diminishing her sense of self-reliance.

  Dominic clasped her hand and held her gaze. “Not that there’s anything wrong with what you do now, driving a limo. We’re not trying to be jerks or anything. Hell, I don’t have a degree either.”

  “Although he could easily get one if he wanted,” Brian cut in, raising his eyebrow at the other man. Dominic was strange in that way. He was very smart, but he swore up and down that he would never head back to school. He turned his focus back to her. “Forgive me if I’ve made you uncomfortable, Ruth. That was never my goal. I simply want to know more about you. Your likes, your goals, your dreams. That’s all.”

  She smiled at him, and it was a sweet smile so warm it seemed to pour through him like maple syrup, warming him all the way down.

  “No, I shouldn’t have been upset over a harmless question,” she said softly. “I get nervous about it sometimes… But I hope to be back and taking classes next year, even if it’s only at part time credits.”

  He lifted his glass to her in a toast, his thoughts already spinning with possibilities that he wasn’t ready to share just yet. “Here’s wishing you all the success in the world.”

  Dominic raised his glass, and Ruth, blushing, did the same. They gently clinked them together and drank, just as the overhead lights dimmed.

  Then the overhead lights dimmed and the tables all fell silent. On a small stage, a stunningly beautiful woman walked out. Her skin was a midnight blue and dusted with a scattering of softly glowing star shapes that made patterns across her body. Her eyes also shone golden, as if lit from behind. Her dress was a lighter blue, cut in a daring pattern t
hat complimented her tall, thin body. When she began to sing, her voice rang with an otherworldly beauty that evoked shivers of delight from the audience. She sang some songs in English, others in the language of the Fae, and still others in French. As the notes drifted from her mouth with a complexity and smoothness that was unrivaled, lights and shadows seemed to swirl around her, sometimes taking shape into what she was singing of. The first time this had happened, Ruth had gasped with pure delight and clasped her hands together, looking for all the world like a young girl who had just received that fabled pony for Christmas. The sight of her unabashed pleasure made him truly happy all the way through. Yes, he wanted this human woman in all those carnal ways, but she had also opened the door to his heart in another way that only one other person ever had…Dominic. She belonged with them. And when he glanced at Dominic, he could read the same thoughts, the same emotion in his best friend’s eyes.

  When the show ended, Ruth was the first one out of her chair, clapping wildly as she gave her standing ovation. The singer saw her enthusiasm and gave her a truly warm smile, clear that she accepted and appreciated the praise. Brian quickly followed suit, and the yacht rang with their resounding applause.

  Brian had loved the food and the show, but what he’d loved best of all was the look of pleasure on Ruth’s face. Right then he knew he wanted to bring that look to her face again and again, for as long as he could think about it.

  Now all he had to do was convince her of the same.

  * * *

  After the incredible show, Ruth’s head was spinning with all the sights and sounds, even as the beautiful and rousing music still lingered in her mind. She glanced at the two men with her. She wanted to thank them both for bringing her, to tell them how much it meant to her, but she didn’t know how to do it without sounding either foolish or desperate. She didn’t know what to say, so she took her mama’s advice and kept quiet, lest she open her mouth and prove herself a fool beyond all doubt. But the words stayed on the tip of her tongue, aching to be said, even as she felt wild and alive and so incredibly in tune with the world around her that she wasn’t sure her heart could take it.


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