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Curves for Fighters

Page 11

by Zoey Thames

  One thing was certain, she didn’t know how much more of these two amazing men she could take. She’d run away from them this morning, and yet they had found her brought her here. But she couldn’t deny it. She was falling for them. For both of them. And she was falling hard and she was falling fast.

  Fear coursed through her. Fear that she would finally dare to express her feelings and they wouldn’t share them. That they’d leave her, and all these wonderful memories would be forever tainted. It was the same fear she’d felt before, but she didn’t know how to escape it. Or if it could be escaped. And why had Brian been asking about her studies? Did he not respect her because she’d had to drop out of NYU for the time being? But as that time kept stretching, did Brian—an extremely successful businessman, wealthy beyond all imagining—see her as a failure? And did Dominic? He was a martial artist and they stuck to goals, achieved things. Did he hold it against her that she’d had such a big setback? She’d had to drop out and go to work full time just to keep clutching at her hope that someday she’d make it. That someday she’d be the VP, or heck, even the CEO of some powerful Wall Street firm?

  She closed her eyes and tried to center herself. Again, as her mama had warned her on so many occasions: don’t borrow trouble. She wasn’t so prideful that she would heed sound advice. Trouble was, hearing was one thing. Doing was entirely another. But a look at each of them told her for sure that she was turning one of those molehills into a mountain worthy of the Himalayas. There was no judgment in either Brian or Dominic’s eyes, no conceit in their tone. Only warmth. Only lust. Humor. Love…

  The three of them had a post-dinner drink at the yacht’s bar before heading out on the deck to take in the nighttime sights. Her heart was pounding with excitement as if she’d just run a marathon. She believed her heart hadn’t slowed down since the moment these two men had arrived on her doorstep. The air was cool, and Ruth snuggled against them both as they made their way aft. She loved the feel of their bodies beneath their suits. The muscles. The firmness. The incredible—no, she had to stop before she worked herself into a tizzy. Although she couldn’t help her secret smile.

  They stopped at the railing and stared out at the incredible skyline of New York all lit up and shining like something magical from a fairy tale. The waves rocked the yacht in a gentle up and down motion, soothing and steady. Ruth stood there with two best friends watching one of the best cities in the world as the yacht slowly cruised the harbor, and she was truly, absolutely content.

  After a long moment of simply enjoying each other’s company and the view, Ruth felt the emotion building inside her until she knew she had to say something or burst. So she broke the silence and said, “I don’t want this night to ever end. It’s like a fairy tale.”

  “It doesn’t have to end,” Brian whispered to her, his warm breath sending a delightful shiver through her body.

  Dominic pressed in close from her other side. “And we can keep you warm all night. For as long as you can stand.” His grin turned wicked, and his eyes blazed with heat.

  She had to take a deep breath to keep from melting into a puddle right there. But she knew what they said were just words. The fairy tale evening always ended. Then it was back to the everyday mundane.

  No. She wasn’t going to discourage herself focusing on what was to come. She needed to be in the moment. She owed herself that much. She owed herself the chance to be happy, and she wanted to take the chance to make these two men happy.

  So she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Dominic, pouring all her need and desire into the kiss. He kissed her back, taking control of the kiss, owning her mouth, stirring her lust even higher. Her nipples tightened as he slid his hand along her body, tracing her curves. Her pussy started to get wet as his tongue thrust inside her mouth. The strength of her arousal was heady, almost dizzying.

  Then she broke the kiss and turned to Brian. He claimed her mouth—there was no other way to say it. The alpha in him surged forward, she could see it in the way his eyes flashed amber and his nostrils flared as if he could scent her arousal and it was driving him wild. His kiss left her breathless and her head spinning. When he finally released her to stare into her eyes, she sagged against the ship railing, feeling wonderfully weak.

  “If only we were alone out here,” she whispered to them. “I’d beg you to fuck me right up against this railing. I’d beg you both to take me completely.”

  Dominic growled, but it was a sound filled with barely restrained passion. “God, woman, you drive me wild. I’m so damn hard right now. I don’t even care if there are other people around.”

  Brian chuckled, but she could also hear his voice was rough with lust. “She does say the most wonderfully wicked things.” He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. She couldn’t look away. His gaze possessed her completely. “I own part of this ship. There is a master suite, ready for us. We were hoping to convince you to spend the night with us again.”

  “God yes.”

  “Good,” Dominic said, kissing along her neck again in a way that had her knees buckling. “Because I don’t think I could have taken no for an answer.”

  But she didn’t want to wait for the guests to leave or for them to dock again. She wanted them to fuck her. She wanted them inside her now. She wanted to be fucked out here on the water, in the wind, with this incredible sight burned into her memory as these two wonderful men owned her body in every way a man could own a woman.

  “I don’t think I can wait,” she whispered, her voice harsh, quivering with need. “I want you both to take me and fuck me. And I want it now.”

  “Your wish,” Brian began.

  “Is our command,” Dominic ended, his eyes twinkling with amusement and desire.

  They took her the cabin. It was beautiful, with mahogany and wall sconces and luxurious furniture, but she barely noticed. She only had eyes for these two incredible men who had crashed their way into her life.

  Brian kept the lights dimmed. He pointed out the windows were there was a private balcony for the room. “There,” he said, his voice low and sexy. “We must have you there.”

  She could only nod, not trusting herself to speak. They made their way to the door that led to the balcony, kissing, shedding clothes as they went. She was so hot she was nearly on fire. Her pussy was sopping wet, and her panties were soaked with evidence of her scorching desire. Dominic peeled them from her just before they went outside, sliding them down her legs, then lifting them to his nose and inhaling deeply, his eyes half closed in pleasure. He shuddered and his grin was absolutely decadent. “Your scent is more intoxicating than the alcohol.”

  She felt new heat rushing through her. If she didn’t get these two men inside her soon she was going to spontaneously combust with desire. They pushed their way out onto the balcony. The air off the water was cooler, almost cold, now that she was naked, but the heat coming off the two werewolves was more than enough to keep her warm. She loved the smooth touch of their skin. Loved the hard ridges of their abdominal muscles, their thick shoulders, carved biceps, every part of them, but especially those two long cocks jutting out from them, showing her that they were just as highly aroused as she was.

  She moved to the railing. The breeze on her naked skin felt incredible, pebbling her nipples, turning them hard. Brian and Dominic kept them that way, teasing and stroking them, cupping her breasts, running their hands across her body, exploring her everywhere. It felt so incredible to be touched. So incredible to be cherished, to be loved.

  They both took her at once, as they had that night in the penthouse. Brian leaned against the railing and she straddled him, shuddering with pleasure as he slid his cock into her warm, wet pussy. Dominic had lubed his own cock up, and she breathed out a sigh as he worked some more lube into her other hole and then gently eased himself inside. Brian held her aloft easily with his incredible strength.

  They fucked her. She stayed in their arms, held securely between them, her eyes half-lidded as she st
ared out over the water glimmering with the far off city lights, her brain hazed with pleasure. As the cool breeze caressed across her damp skin. As the waves rocked her gently, even as their thrusts rocked her harder. As she came, moaning her ecstasy, and then came again only minutes later, an orgasm that started in her core and seemed powerful enough to shake her apart. Dominic came almost at the same time as she did, then a few moments later Brian hit his own peak, both men filling her front and back with their hot cum.

  They stayed like that for a long moment, coming down from the incredible heights of pleasure, rocking gently as the yacht moved, the three of them locked together under the stars in the most intimate of embraces.


  Brian woke first as the dawn sun peeked through the glass doors to the cabin’s balcony. The sunlight fell across him and Dominic where they lay naked on the rumpled sheets of the bed. After the balcony, the three of them had made love again here, between the silk sheets, and both his man and his wolf were satisfied. He reveled in the scent of the three of them that filled the bed and the room. He reached out to touch Ruth…but she was gone.

  He sat up in bed, scanning the room. Dominic was snoring lightly on the other side of the bed, his limbs splayed as if he was a little kid who had collapsed asleep any which way on the bed. But although he could still scent her enticing aroma wrapped around him and in the sheets, Ruth was nowhere to be seen.

  His heart began to beat faster and dread filled his stomach. Not again. She couldn’t have run off again. Not after last night, when it had been so clear that they were meant for one another. His heart sank.

  “She’s gone,” he whispered.

  Dominic stirred beside him. “Wha?”

  “Ruth isn’t here.” His gaze shifted to the balcony. Empty. But the sight of it flooded his mind with red-hot images of their lovemaking out there last night. His cock began to stiffen despite the dread swirling in the pit of his stomach.

  Now it was Dominic’s turn to sit up. “Damn it.” He rolled out of bed naked and stormed out onto the balcony.

  “She’s not out there,” Brian called, wondering if his friend had gone insane but not blaming him in the least. You could see the entire private balcony from inside the cabin and it was clear she was nowhere in sight.

  Dominic came back inside. “I know that. I wanted to see if we were docked.”

  Brian nodded. The yacht had stopped moving, but he knew they had returned to the docks late last night. The captain didn’t have any other orders, and Brian had a vague memory of the yacht pulling into its slip. He’d been busy with other things at the time, like his cock buried in Ruth’s sweet pussy.

  Now he rolled out of bed and began to throw on his wrinkled clothes from last night, his thoughts whirling around in his head. Twice now she’d fled in the morning. He was a smart man. He’d thought the first time had been a misunderstanding. Twice was a message.

  “I thought she understood,” he growled to Dominic. “I thought we made it clear how much she means to us.”

  “We did,” he snapped back.

  “She isn’t here.”

  “I can damn well see that, Brian. I’m not blind.”

  “Our wolves need her.”

  Dominic glared at him. “Our wolves? Hell, we need her.”

  Brian kept his mouth shut, because what could he say in answer? It was true. Brian the man and Brian the wolf—both aspects of him needed her. His lover needed her too. They were meant to be together. Nothing else felt as right.

  “We find her then,” he said, shaking off his stunned hurt, tapping the determination that had led him to become the successful billionaire that he was. “Whatever it takes, we show her how much she means to us.”

  Dominic slapped him on the back, grinning. “That’s the old fire. Come on. She probably took a cab. On the way to her place, we’ll think up some new way to woo her.” He waved a hand around at the expensive cabin with its high-end amenities. “Hell, maybe she doesn’t care about this crap and would be happier on a picnic in Central Park.”

  Brian nodded slowly. “Either way, that’s a great idea.”

  “You’re right. What would you do without me?” Dominic’s grin lit up his eyes in that way Brian had always loved. “Now let’s get moving.”

  They headed toward the stairs leading to the deck. Neither of them said what they’d do if they got to Ruth’s place and she didn’t want to see them.

  The sky was a bright, cloudless blue. The sun turned the water golden, all the way out to the horizon, making even the gray Atlantic look magical. Brian stepped out on deck, turning toward where he knew the gangway would be…

  And there was Ruth, leaning against the deck railing with the sunlight in her hair. Her hands were curled around a steaming mug of coffee. She noticed them both, and her face broke into the sweetest smile he’d ever seen. That look in her eyes, that expression on her face, he realized that he wanted it—he needed it—to be part of his life forever. If he could bring that expression to her face, that joy, that love, just once a day, then he would count the rest of his life as a victory.

  They both ran to her, leaping deck chairs and dodging their way to her. Her eyes widened a little, but she stayed where she was, with the dawn light painting her in new colors.

  He had something he had to tell her. It wouldn’t wait. He couldn’t risk losing her. Ever. He would do whatever it took. His life needed Dominic in it, and now it needed Ruth.

  He wouldn’t feel complete until he knew for certain she felt the same.

  * * *

  Ruth had been watching the harbor ships and sipping her coffee, enjoying the incredible peace of the water, when Brian and Dominic came charging out onto the deck as if on the hunt. She felt a flash of guilt—she was as dumb as a rock not to realize they’d think she had taken off again—but the look of relief in their eyes filled her heart so full that she instantly pushed the feeling of guilt away. Her heart started to beat faster, and a wave of pure love so strong that it scared her swept through her at the sight of them both. Her two wonderful wolves. She was the luckiest girl in the world.

  “Out for a morning run?” she asked as they hurried over to her. There was a tease to her voice and a smile on her lips.

  Brian swept her up in his arms an instant before Dominic reached her and wrapped them both up. Ruth giggled.

  “Woke up and you weren’t there,” Dominic said, his voice rough. He nodded at Brian. “The alpha got worried, but I never doubted.”

  “Leave a ship like this?” she said, dialing up the tease in her voice. She was determined to enjoy this for as long as it lasted. “What am I, crazy?” Then she kissed each of them on the lips, slowly, passionately. “It has the best amenities ever.”

  “There’s something we want to ask you,” Brian said, turning her face so he was looking her right in the eyes, demanding her full attention. “I want you to work for me.”

  Her eyes widened and she started to protest, but Brian cut it off with a kiss.

  The kiss left her breathless, and he took full advantage of that when he spoke again. “Listen. I want to offer you a paid apprenticeship with one of my companies—whichever one interests you the most. And you will go to NYU fulltime.”

  “But…I’d hardly be able to work for you…”

  “Not at first, but it would be a very sound investment,” Dominic cut in. “This is actually one of his better ideas.” He took Ruth’s hand and kissed it gently. “But I’ll put it to you bluntly. We need you. We both do. We want you in our lives. This is just icing on the cake.”

  “No,” Brian corrected. “This is pure self-interest. Keeping a beautiful, unique woman in our lives, and I get a bright, inquisitive mind to work for me? That is about as win-win as they come.”

  She started to smile. But before she could reply, Brian held up his hand and cut her off.

  “But wait, there’s more,” he said with a laugh, and at the sound her heart soared. “I want you to finish your business d
egree. That way you can stay in New York. We’ll be staying in the penthouse—”

  “It’s about time we hung around the corporate headquarters more,” Dominic said. “And I have a gym to beat back into shape.”

  “—and you can keep your apartment…for now.”

  Dominic began to kiss her along her neck. “Or until we can convince you otherwise.”

  “Once your degree is done, I can offer you a company to run.”

  The offer staggered her. The gesture was so huge, she wasn’t certain she was ready for it. “An…entire company. But, what if I lose money…?”

  “Believe in yourself,” Dominic said. “Tap that inner wolf of yours. You have the strength.”

  “Because we believe in you,” Brian added. “And if you do fail, you come back next time twice as hard. You always pick yourself up and get back into the fight.”

  He kissed her again. She loved the feel of him, his body, his lips, and she loved the feel of Dominic’s strong arms around her. Everything felt so right.

  Brian continued, holding her gaze, his sexy voice almost mesmerizing. “Because none of that even matters. It’s window dressing. The core thing is that we are a threesome. We belong together. We complete each other. We are strongest when our love is bound to one another. I don’t want to lose that.”

  “I don’t want to lose that either,” she said, and a tear ran down her cheek. For a moment both men looked concerned, but she knew they could scent her incredible happiness and contentment.

  “We took you for granted that first night,” Dominic said. “When you were gone it was a wake-up call. We’re used to getting what we want, but this needs to be your choice. We love you, but we aren’t going to crash into your life and overturn everything and then leave in a month.”


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