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Her Mistake

Page 13

by M. J. Perry

  She went to find Jason, and he kissed her before he went to get himself ready. She hadn’t been kidding earlier; if he’d joined her she would have jumped him. Apparently her body went without for so long it was trying to make up for it now. She felt constantly turned on, she just had to think of Jason and she tingled all over.

  “Coffee.” She said out loud trying to shake off her feelings. Coffee was her addiction. She could get through a day without it and she didn’t think she would ever try to either. She remembered the time they’d ran out, and she’d turned into a bitch. Peter and Jason made sure it never happened again.

  She stood at the sink drinking her coffee and waited. Jason was much longer than her ten minutes and she drank two more cups before he came back with wet hair and a smile telling her he knew she wanted him to take her there and then. Gosh, she really was an open book but Jason with wet hair was a sexy sight, more so than normal.

  “Ready?” He interrupted her thoughts, and she nodded.

  Swilling her cup out Grace placed it in the sink and took his out stretched hand grabbing her handbag on the way to the door. She waited for Jason to lock up before he helped her into his car. She was looking forward to going to the office and hopefully she’d finally see what they got up to when they weren’t protecting her or looking for missing girls.


  When they walked through the door of the office she sighed. It was empty! Every desk was empty and there were no mug shots on the walls or pin boards full of clues. Everything was neat and tidy and modern looking. She sighed again in disappointment causing Jason to chuckle at her. When she looked up he grinned. “Not what you were expecting?” He asked.

  “Where are the mug shots and the loud people and the pin boards with clues on?”

  “Baby, what do you think I am? A bounty hunter?” He asked amused.

  She shrugged. “That and other things.”

  Jason laughed again and guided her to his office. When she sat down in the chair she huffed. She was going to be so bored, she’d thought she’d be watching them all do their jobs, and they’d be busy and she would get caught up in the excitement. Maybe a bad guy would jump bail and they’d have to track him or something but nope she just had disappointment.

  “This is for you.” Jason said as he held out a gift wrapped box.

  She tore it open and squealed with delight before she threw her arms around him and planted little kisses all over his face causing him to laugh loudly. “Thank you.”

  She had in her hand a new e-reader and when she looked at the screen, she saw it was already loaded with all her favourite authors.

  “Jill gave me a list.” He explained when she looked at him confused.

  “Thank you.” She repeated. Maybe she wouldn’t be bored after all.

  “Will you give me a kiss before I lose you to your books?” He teased.

  She leant up to meet his lips and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and when he pulled back, she was breathing hard. Grace smiled and moved back to the chair to sit down and take her boots off. Looking through her list, she had so many books to choose from it was almost hard to do, but she settled on one and that was what she did for the rest of the day. Peter dropped in with lunch and they all ate together before he excused himself and left them to it. Jason was busy with paperwork and Grace didn’t want to disturb him so she picked up her e-reader and lost herself in a book.

  Jason touched her shoulder and she jumped. “It’s home time baby.” He said, and she blinked. It was almost dark outside. Packing her things away she let Jason lead her out of his offices and into his car. She’d met a few people throughout the day and she waved goodbye to them on their way out. She was still disappointed they weren’t rushing around catching bad guys but the people she’d met were kind of scary and definitely not people you would mess with so it made her feel a bit better that her expectations weren’t completely wrong.

  Chapter Sixteen

  That was it. Grace had had enough. She’d been going to the office every day with Jason and she was finally going mad! She loved her e-reader, she’d read more in these two weeks than she had in a long time but enough was enough. They didn’t go to the office at the weekends and she loved that because it was just like old times. She hung out with Jason, Jill and Peter and sometimes John which had surprised her at first but it seemed Jason really was ok with him being around. Peter and John had bonded over their concern for her and Jason had started to relax around him. Jason got a bit possessive of her a couple of times but that was between him and her in the bedroom and she loved how he worshipped her body until she screamed his name. She hadn’t had a moment to herself really as one of them had been with her at all times. If Jason needed to go out, then Peter or John would babysit her as she liked to call it. the evenings were fun as they watched films and ate a lot of chocolate which wasn’t good for her as she wasn’t on the go like she usually was, so she’d taken to jogging on the spot for ten minutes just so she could feel like she wasn’t sitting around doing nothing and getting fat. She’d been fine with it all and hadn’t moaned or complained about being cooped up until she realised this morning that she hadn’t actually been out anywhere in the last two weeks except the office and home. It felt like she was a prisoner, a well looked after prisoner but still a prisoner all the same. She knew the guys were being cautious as they’d heard nothing from Adam at all. No cards, no flowers nothing since the incident at the library and they knew he hadn’t given up, so they were all on edge until he made a move or they found him first. She hated waiting, and she wanted to encourage him to make a move somehow maybe use herself as bait and draw him out. When she’d mentioned her plan to Jason, she thought he was going to pass out. He’d paled and wrapped his arms around her making her promise that she wouldn’t do anything to put herself in danger and she’d given him that promise because she didn’t want him to worry about her any more than he already did. Now she was just impatient and pissed off because her life was on hold even though she’d vowed she wouldn’t let Adam do this to her.

  Peter called her name bringing her back to the present. She sat in a chair by the window and he was sitting behind his desk in the office. She looked at him. “Are you ok?”

  “Yes I was just thinking that’s all.” She said.

  “You must have been thinking hard because I called you twice. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No I need to talk to Jason first but thanks.” She said.

  Grace knew she had to tell Jason how unhappy she was and if she told Peter first and Peter then told him Jason would be upset. She needed to get out doing something even if it was just to go food shopping or a walk to the park. She really felt like she was going crazy.

  “Ok but am I allowed to know afterwards? I don’t like you worrying Gracie.”

  “Yes I’ll tell you later.”

  Peter nodded and a lock of hair fell into his eyes, he brushed it back with a gesture of annoyance making her giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You need a haircut.”

  “I haven't had time.”

  “We could go later.” She said.

  “We?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, I’ll go with you and make sure they don’t mess it up.”

  “Nice try but no, I’ll find the time when you’re not with me.”

  Grace pouted causing him to grin. “Nope, it’s not going to work this time.”

  “It was worth a try.” She looked out of the window and sighed.

  “I know you’re frustrated.”

  “And bored.” She added.

  “And bored but for the moment this is the best thing for keeping you safe.”

  “I know.” It didn’t make her feel any better though she felt like a caged animal. The urge to open the door and run was strong, but she pushed it away. It would be a stupid idea to expose herself to Adam and she had no doubt he was watching somewhere.

  Peter hated seeing Grace look so miserable but
there was nothing he could do about it. John had searched Adam’s house and come across photographs of Grace all over every wall in his loft. There was thousands of her when she was walking in the park, out shopping and ones of her in her bedroom which must have come from the hidden camera. John had been furious when he’d called Peter to tell him the news. Private moments when Grace should have been safe were recorded, and the fucker had printed them off and put them on the wall so he could look at her every day. Jason was at the police station today helping John look through them all and they had their fingers crossed that they’d find something, anything that would help locate where Adam was hiding. It was fucking ridiculous that the little shit had outsmarted them all but that was what he’d done. They had no idea where he was and it made them even more protective of Grace. He didn’t know how Jason was coping with everything, Peter knew he’d thrown himself into work and exhausted himself looking for more leads but when he got home in the evenings, he was always himself and he made sure to keep things as normal as possible for Grace. They needed to find Adam before the police did so they could take it in turns beating the shit out of him.

  He looked over at her and saw the strain she was under and he felt guilty. This situation wasn’t his fault but he was the one along with Jason keeping her a prisoner and he hated that. She hated being cooped up, but they had no other choices. If he kept reminding himself of that maybe the guilt would subside. They were doing what was best for her. Once it was over, they would make it up to her.

  “Coffee?” Grace asked quietly as she stood up stretching her back.

  “Yes please.” He would offer to get it but it was clear she needed something to do, so he kept quiet and watched her walk out of his office and into the small kitchen. Even her walk was sad. He cursed. Picking his phone up he dialled Jason with his fingers crossed. They could really do with some good news.

  “Hey.” Jason answered on the third ring.

  “Hey, any news?”

  “Yes and it proved true.”


  “Yes. You remember we asked the florist to let us know if any flowers were ordered for Grace.”

  “Yes but they didn’t tell us the last time.” Peter said.

  “The ones that came to our house weren’t from there he used another shop for those it seems. Anyway he ordered a bouquet yesterday, and he had them delivered to her flat. The delivery driver said a man answered and signed for them.”

  Peter shot up in his chair at the news. “Did a neighbour sign for them?” He asked as he watched Grace walk towards him with two mugs in her hands.

  “No they were delivered to Grace’s address and on the slip its signed Adam Cross.”

  “Fuck. He’s at her house!” Peter exclaimed. He saw Grace freeze at his words and he grimaced. “Hold on a sec.” He said into the phone then he looked at Grace. “Sit down sweetheart and I’ll explain everything in a minute.” He took in her pale face and watched her nod as she sat down like he’d asked. “Ok. I’m back.”

  “Is she there?”

  “Yes. I’ll explain things after you’ve told me.”

  “Ok. Well we immediately went to her flat but there was no sign of him at all. The whole place was clean. The only thing different was the vase of flowers on her kitchen table. There was no card or nothing to explain who they were off.”

  “That’s disappointing. We have nothing?” His excitement tinkered off, and he slouched in his chair.

  “I wouldn’t say that. We know where he’s hiding out.” Jason informed him.

  “At Grace’s? But you just said there were no signs of him except for the flowers.”

  “I know I did and there was nothing in her flat. Her loft was another thing.”

  “Her loft? How long has he been hiding there?”

  “A few days at the most. He wasn’t here when Grace was living here. That was my first thought too, and I nearly threw up, it took John to point out the photos of her on the walls of the loft only started when she came to the office every day with us.”

  Peter relaxed at that. “So he’s still following her?”

  “Yes but he’s having to zoom in on his camera to take the photo’s so he’s not close. The picture quality is grainy.”

  “That doesn’t make it any better.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” Jason snapped and Peter hung his head.

  “I’m sorry I’m not trying to be a dick I’m just frustrated.”

  “We all are. Its ok I’m no better but John just tells me to fuck off.”

  “I bet he does. At least you’re getting along. What’s the next step?”

  Jason sighed. “We’re hoping he doesn’t know we’ve discovered his photos and he’ll go back there. He’s been near the offices to take the photos of Grace so hopefully he’ll be there when you leave and we can catch the bastard when he goes back to her house to process and print them off.”

  “It sounds like a plan but it’s too easy.”

  “Yeah, I know but it’s all we’ve got at the moment.”

  “Yes, I agree just be careful.”

  “I will, look after my girl for me.”

  “I will but that’s because she’s my girl too.”

  “Yes but I plan to marry her which will make her my girl officially." Jason said.

  Peter looked at Grace who was watching him with intense eyes. “Does she know this?”

  “Oh she’ll know soon, you can count on that.”

  Peter chuckled. He didn’t doubt Jason’s word. “Keep me up to date.”

  “Will do, bye.”

  “Bye.” Peter said as he ended the call. He looked at Grace’s worried face and explained everything to her and it pleased him to see her relax. Yes things were still tense but somehow knowing where Adam is hiding made things easier to handle.

  “It’s a good job I have no plans to move back because this would definitely stop me doing that now especially as I have no idea what he’s been doing in there.” She grimaced. “I need to burn my bed.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Your home is with Jason now.”

  “And you.”

  “Yeah, for now.” He’d thought of moving out before but now he was giving it some serious thought because when they got married they’d need their own space and he did not want to listen to Grace screaming Jason's name again. He’d give anything to burn the memory from his brain.

  “You’re moving out?” Grace asked shocked.

  “Not yet, but one day.” Grace frowned but didn’t say anything else to which he was grateful.

  “He’ll be watching us when we leave won’t he?”

  “Yes and we need to act like we don’t know it. We don’t want him knowing we’re aware he's watching us. He can’t know that John and Jason have found his hideout.”

  “I don’t understand why he sent flowers to my house. Why do you think he did it?”

  “If I had to guess it was probably to let you know he’d been there.”

  Grace nodded. “He was reminding me of him. I’ll try not to look around for him when we leave so I don’t tip him off but the thought of him being out there gives me the creeps. I don’t want to see him ever again.”

  “We’d all be happier if you never had to see him again too. Drink your coffee before it gets any cold.” He picked his up and took a sip of his lukewarm coffee. Grace made good coffee on account of her being an addict.

  Grace drank her coffee and tried to relax but it was so hard. Knowing that as soon as she stepped outside Adam would be somewhere taking photos of her wasn’t something she could forget or get used to, and it would to be difficult not to look round for him but she’d do it.

  When he’d finished his work Peter took her hand and walked her out the office doors and she struggled to keep up with his long strides, it seemed she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable being out in the open. She tried to keep her face blank and not show the emotions bubbling under the surface. Peter opened the car door and helped her
in before he walked to the driver’s side. Grace watched him and then did a double take as her eyes caught the sight of a familiar male. He was standing on the path just a couple of car lengths away from them wearing a zip up jacket with the hood pulled up and dark jeans. She swallowed her scream when she realised who it was.


  She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him and she shuddered at the smirk on his face. The tinted window stopped him from seeing her but from the way he was looking at her it was as if he could. She kept her eyes on him even when Peter got in the car.

  “Grace, are you ok?” He asked concerned when he saw her pale frightened face.

  “He’s outside watching us.” She said through stiff lips.

  Peter followed her eyes through the passenger door window. “He can’t see you Honey.” He reassured her as he turned the key to start the car. “Ring Jason and tell him Adam is here now.”

  When she didn’t move he sharpened is voice. “Grace, do it now.” He ordered. “I have to drive off because I can’t go after him and leave you vulnerable.”

  Grace pulled her phone out of her bag and dialled Jason. She put him on speaker as soon as he answered and Peter spoke. “The bastard is here standing in plain sight outside our office.”

  “What? Did he come near Grace? Is she ok?”

  Peter looked at Grace before he answered, he took in her pale face and clenched fists with what could have been pride. “She’s fine she’s just as shocked as we are that he had the balls to do it. I want to go back there and rip the fuckers head off.”

  “You did the right thing not approaching him.”

  “I did, but it doesn’t make me feel any better at the fact I was that close and couldn’t do fuck all.”

  “We’ll get him.”

  “Yes I know.”

  “Grace?” Jason called.

  “Yes?” She whispered.

  “Are you ok?”


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