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Her Mistake

Page 14

by M. J. Perry

  “Yes, no, I don’t know. Seeing him has freaked me out.”

  “I know but you’re safe and later I’ll help you forget about him.”

  Grace giggled softly. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “You can baby. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “God, you guys need to get a room.” Peter groaned.

  “We have one which we will make use of later. I’ll advise you now to use your headphones.” Jason teased.

  “Fucking hell.” Peter cursed. “Ring when you have news.”

  “Will do. Bye Gracie.”

  “Bye Jason. Be careful.” She ended the call and placed her phone back in her bag.

  “He makes you happy.” Peter stated.

  “He always has.” Except for the years before they became an item but the good out ways the bad now she thought.

  “I’m glad. I love you.”

  “I love you too Peter.” She patted his leg.

  “Everything will be ok.”

  She hoped it would be but Adam seemed to be getting cockier. She wasn’t sure if it was a good thing because he might make a mistake or a bad thing because he might become more dangerous. He didn’t seem worried at all about getting caught. Being out in broad daylight was a bald move, and she had a feeling it would get worse before it ended.


  Grace ran herself a bath grateful to be away from Peter’s worried gaze. She added her lavender bubble bath hoping it would help her relax and stripped her clothes off. She loved baths, there was nothing like a steam filled room and a hot bath with lots of bubbles to help relax her. Sighing she climbed in and closed her eyes. It was bliss. Her thoughts went to Jason, and she smiled. Love had been something she hadn’t understood until Peter and she became friends and she saw how his parents were with each other. It was obvious with the way they look at each other how much love there is between them and she loved to see how happy they are together. She knew they loved her and she knew Peter loved her but it was a different love than the love she shared with Jason, she’d met her soul mate in him which she’d always known even when he was breaking her heart and the fact he’d forgiven her so fast for her mistake proves how they’re meant to be together.

  She hoped her luck extended to them picking Adam up tonight and locking him up but she wouldn’t hold her breath. He was wily, and it seemed like he knew how to avoid being caught which made her think he might have stalked someone before although she didn’t want to think too much about that as then she’d have to wonder why he transferred his feelings to her. She couldn’t understand how he had the balls to show up at the office, maybe he knew that Peter wouldn’t leave her alone so he could chase him or maybe he just didn’t care but either way it freaked the shit out of her. The bathroom door opened pulling her from her thoughts and she raised her hands to her breasts to cover them. She let them drop when she saw Jason walk in.

  “You didn’t get him?” She asked despite knowing the answer from the scowl on his face.


  She didn’t know why she felt shocked, hadn’t she already thought they probably wouldn’t catch him? She still felt like crying though. Biting her lip to stem her tears she watched Jason take his clothes off with stiff movements. When he was naked, she moved into the middle of the bath to make room for him to climb in and she settled her back against his chest.

  “We’ve set cameras up at your flat and we’ll know if he goes back there.” He told her and she nodded.

  His big body was tense, and she hated it. She knew he felt he’d let her down, and it made her angry because she was so sick of Adam making them all feel like shit. If she told him not to feel that way it wouldn’t make a difference, so she didn’t bother she just turned to face him carefully so the water didn’t slosh everywhere and got on to her knees between his legs. Jason steadied her, and she put her hands on his shoulders. He was staring at her sadly and she smiled at him.

  “Why are you smiling at me when I’ve let you down?”

  She shook her head at his words. “You haven’t let me down Jason, how could you think you have you silly man.”

  “We didn’t catch him.”

  “I’m here with you and I’m not hurt. I’m never alone outside so I’m not in danger, I’m safe.”

  “You can’t go out alone.”

  “I wouldn’t want to, anyway. I like company.”

  “Have you got an answer for everything?”


  He groaned and kissed her neck where her pulse beat strongly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’ve missed you today so kiss me.”

  He smiled. “Where should I kiss you? Here?” He asked as he kissed her neck again.

  “No.” She moaned.

  “Here?” He asked as he pressed a kiss to the underside of her jaw.

  “No, you know where.”

  “Here?” He asked, and he kissed her lips softly. Grace moaned and pushed her hands into his hair to hold him closer to her. His hand slipped between her thighs and they both groaned.

  “So wet and ready.” He said as he lifted her by her waist and pushed into her with one thrust. Grace gasped at the feel of him filling her, she tried to get him to move faster but he wouldn’t have any of it. He held her hips steady and thrust up in a slow rhythm that drove her wild. She was so turned on she didn’t know what to do with her hands so she thrust them back into his hair and kissed him until she felt herself tighten and her orgasm hit her. She felt him follow her as she was coming back to herself and she flopped into his body worn out. They stayed like that until they’d both calmed down, then Jason kissed her head and lifted her up and off him so he could slide out of her. He grabbed a cloth and cleaned her up before he stood and got out to get a towel for himself and one for her. Helping her climb out he dried her body before he dried his own. Grace’s stomach rumbled loudly causing her to giggle.

  “Someone needs to eat.” Jason smiled.

  “Yes I wasn’t hungry earlier but I seem to have worked up an appetite.”

  Jason pulled a t-shirt and bottoms on. “What do you feel like eating?”


  “What a surprise.” Jason smiled.

  “Pizza is the best food in the world.” Grace said seriously.

  “Says you.”

  “Says everyone in the world actually.”

  Jason shook his head in amusement. They’d had his conversation so many times before. “The usual topping?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll see if Peter wants some too. Get dressed and come out when you’re ready. Don’t rush though, I’ll get it delivered.” He kissed her on the lips before he left her to it.

  Grace smiled at his retreating back. Making love had perked him up thankfully. She didn’t want him feeling bad at all and if they had to have sex every time he felt like he’d let her down, so be it. She cursed as she pulled her knickers up her legs, they hadn’t used protection again. Oh dear god they were just asking for trouble weren’t they. She shook her head. There was no point reminding Jason she’d just have to wait until her period arrived and then she would go on the pill. Maybe they should stash condoms all-round the house, that way they wouldn’t get caught short. Putting the thought of being pregnant out of her mind because she couldn’t deal with the knowledge yet she finished dressing and went to find the guys. She was starving now, and she wanted a hug again, she felt needy, she’d really missed Jason today.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The morning came too quick for Grace. She felt exhausted and her head was pounding. She didn’t move her body even an inch wanting to relish the warmth she felt. They’d have to get out of bed soon and reality would intrude again but she wanted to hold off for a few minutes longer. Jason’s arm tightened around her middle and she snuggled deeper into his embrace, his head moved, and she felt him press his lips to her neck in a soft kiss.

  “Morning baby.” He whispered into her ear.

/>   “Morning honey.”

  “I have to leave you with Peter today. I need to go to the office and there’s no way I’m taking you with me after yesterday.” He said.

  “Ok. I don’t mind staying here. I’ll bore Peter with chick flicks which should hold off my own boredom for a while.”

  Was it back to being locked away? She wasn’t sure she could cope with it again, especially as she at least got to go to the office before, now she will be trapped here.

  Jason chuckled. “He will love that.”

  “Oh yes, he will. Not.” Grace giggled. Peter would go mad but it was tough, he could suffer alongside her.

  “Why don’t you try to get some more sleep, it’s still early.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no point, I won’t be able to.”

  “Is it because I won’t be here?” He chuckled causing her to roll her eyes.

  “Yes, it’s because I won’t be in your arms.”

  He smirked. “I don’t have time to wear you out I’m afraid.”

  “It’s ok; I don’t suppose it would work, anyway.”

  “I don’t have time to make you eat your words either but tonight I will.” He promised.

  “I look forward to it.”

  “Me too, now kiss me.” He ordered.

  She leant over and grazed his lips in a teasing kiss. He threaded his hands in her hair and held her steady before crashing his lips on hers in a bruising force making heat shoot through her.

  “Shit.” Jason groaned against her forehead. “We haven’t got time.”

  “You’d better move before I make you finish what you started then.” Grace ordered in a husky voice. One kiss and she was ready to throw him onto the bed and have her wicked way with him.

  “It’s always like this for us and that’s not a complaint believe me. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

  “I wouldn’t either but right at this moment I’m struggling to remember you have to go so move it.” She nudged his shoulders with her hands and he reluctantly moved back. The struggle on his face was evident and when he kissed her again briefly before he got up she couldn’t help but let her lips cling to his. She lay there and watched him as he went to his drawers to pull his underwear out and she couldn’t pull her eyes away from his huge erection.

  “Not helping Grace.” He growled. “If you don’t stop looking at me like that I’m going to climb back into bed and ravage you and I can’t, this meeting I have is really important.”

  Grace sighed loudly and pulled the duvet over her head so she couldn’t see him anymore.

  When she felt a tug on her ankle, she lifted the duvet up off her head and peaked at Jason. Dressed in dark jeans and a long sleeved jumper, he looked incredibly sexy, especially with the stubble on his face. “We’ll order in again later ok? I’ll be home about four.”

  “I can cook.” She said.

  “Nope. No matter what you say you’re exhausted and you’re going to relax tonight.”

  Grace smiled. “Ok. I love you Jason.”

  “I know Gracie and I love you too, always.” He tapped her nose with a finger and walked to the door. “If I kiss you again I’ll never leave, you look too delicious lying there all messy haired and warm eyed.”

  She smiled at him feeling ridiculously sexy. “I’ll see you later.”

  “You will. Have fun with Peter.”

  “I’ll try.” She called as he closed the door and she fell back onto the bed smiling. His scent surrounded her, and she breathed deeply before climbing off the bed and heading for the shower. She was still all hot and bothered and there was no way she was facing Peter feeling like this especially as she was still embarrassed about him hearing her scream. A cold shower would help but she couldn’t manage a cold one, she did have a cooler one than usual, she was too much of a chicken to stand in freezing cold water and she hated being cold. She did feel less horny though, so it did its job.

  She could hear Peter moving about as she got dressed; hopefully he was making coffee because she needed to warm up now. She brushed her wet hair into a ponytail and then pulled a cardigan on over her tank top and leggings before leaving the room.

  “Coffee milady?”

  Grace giggled when he bowed and gave her the mug he was holding. “Thank you.” She took a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “What do you want to do today?”

  “You mean I have a choice?”

  “Of course you do. It’s either watch a movie, read a book or watch crappy daytime TV.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “I thought you meant we could go out.”

  “I’m sorry I was trying to lighten the mood Gracie. We could bake? It always soothes you.”

  “Yes I guess. I don’t know what ingredients I have though.”

  “Have a look and see then silly.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and jumped off the stool. The cupboard was pretty well stocked as she’d had Peter do a shop the other day so she decided on lemon cupcakes. She picked her coffee up and drained it before she put it in the sink.

  “Lemon?” Peter asked as he saw the ingredients Grace had placed on the side. “Are you trying to butter me up?”

  “Not at all, I’m just showing you some love.” She smiled innocently.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” He said sarcastically.

  “Well, maybe there is a new movie out I really want to see and I thought we could watch it.”

  “A chick flick?” He didn’t hide his distaste.

  “You can have all the cupcakes I make today.”

  “All of them? How many is that?”


  “Eleven?” He repeated.

  “Ok twelve. I’ll tell Jason that he’ll have to wait until another day.”

  “No don’t do that I can’t put up with him sulking about missing out until you bake more. I’ll take eleven.”


  “They better taste as good as usual else the deals off.” He warned.

  She put on a hurt voice. “When have I ever given you a bad cupcake?”

  “There’s always a first time.” He teased.

  “Never, these will be my best ones yet.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Grace knew he was winding her up but she really would blow his socks off with these, she’d found a new recipe and she knew it would be delicious.


  She had to make him leave the kitchen after he kept trying to steal a taste of the mix every time she turned her back, he’d given in to her orders and disappeared to the office they had at the house so he could ring Jason. As she was icing the cakes, she heard the doorbell. She put the icing bag down and wiped her hands on the tea towel before walking to the door.

  Peter beat her too it and shook his head. “I’ll get it. You stay here.” He ordered. He looked through the peephole and shook his head. Grace watched him unlock and open the door. All she could see were flowers, many different ones. She couldn’t even see the delivery guy because the bunch was so big. Her heart leapt to her throat, no one sent her flowers except Adam. She turned away leaving Peter to deal with them but she looked back quickly when she heard a thump and gasped. Peter was lying on the floor. She screamed when she saw it was Adam holding the flowers and the urge to run was pounding at her but there was no way she was going to leave Peter. She tore her eyes away from Adam for a second to look at him, she couldn’t see any blood so she wasn’t sure how he’d ended up on the floor unconscious but no blood was good wasn’t it? When she looked back at Adam her heart pounded fiercely. He was watching her silently as if he was waiting for her to do something. Would anyone hear her if she screamed again? She had to do something. She opened her mouth but Adam shook his head at her as if he’d read her mind.

  “I wouldn’t do that Grace unless you want me to make him quiet forever.” He warned.

  He was standing close to Peter, and she didn’t doubt he would hurt him.

  “What did you do to h
im?” She whispered.

  “Stun gun. He’ll be out for a while which gives us plenty of time to leave.”

  Grace shook her head to clear away her fear. She needed to stall him and give Peter time to wake up but she didn’t know how long that would take. Her phone was in her back pocket if she could dial Jason maybe he would hear her and Adam talking. She reached into her pocket trying to do everything blind.

  “No Grace, give me your phone.”

  She looked up with startled eyes. How could he know? She wasn’t being obvious; well she didn’t think she was. It should have looked like she was just putting her hands in her pockets.

  He tutted at her. “You forget that I know you so very well. Even now I know you’re planning to try to ring Jason and hope he’ll answer but that’s not going to happen I’m afraid. Give me your phone now.” He put his hand out for her phone.

  She hesitated. She didn’t want to be anywhere near to him and she also didn't want to give her last source of help up. He sighed and pulled a knife out of his pocket which he flicked open with a touch of a button.

  “I warned you Grace.” He said as he leant over Peter with the knife positioned over his heart.

  “No!” Grace screeched as his smile turned sinister.

  “Give me the phone then.” This time she didn’t hesitate to walk straight over to him placing her phone into his out stretched hand.

  “Good girl.” He said in approval and she watched as he dropped the phone to the floor and stomped on it until it was in bits.

  “Let’s go.” He ordered and grabbed her bicep in a tight grip pulling her through the still open door. She looked over at Peter one last time and she was sure she saw him twitch but before she could look again something hit the back of her head and then everything went black.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Grace woke up it was with a splitting headache and a sick feeling. When she tried to lift her hand to rub the sore spot throbbing on her head, she found she couldn’t move at all. Her eyes opened in panic.

  She was lying on a four-poster bed with red curtains pulled back by gold ropes and it looked like something out of a Victorian film. Red ribbon was wrapped around her wrists and then it had been wrapped around the centre of the headboard. She looked down her body and saw she was wearing a red silky nightie and nearly threw up. He must have undressed her and redressed her but he’d left her underwear on. She felt no aches or pains and she was so very grateful because surely she would feel something if he’d touched her while she was knocked out. She wiggled her wrists trying to undo the ribbon but it wouldn’t budge. The room was cold and uncluttered with just a bed, a chest of drawers and a bedside table that she could see.


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