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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 179

by John Thornton

  Rat-a-tat. Bam. Bam. Rat-a-tat.


  Someone fired an AWAD from some concealed place off in the fields to one side. Eris could not see where the AWAD shooter was, but the shot must have struck the security automacube. The red automacube swung lazily around in a circle as its systems shut down.

  Piff. Piff.

  Piff. Piff.

  Cammarry and Jerome both fired at the slowing turning automacube. It was blasted into pieces by the high power projectiles. Shards of broken permalloy flew out from the backside of the machine as the projectiles exited. Fluids leaked out into the rainwater on the roadway. A drive wheel spun about after it was sheered from the wreckage.

  “Wahoo!” Linda shouted from the field where she now stood up. She had been hiding behind some of the shrubs. Eris recognized her petite frame and her wild voice. She was waving the AWAD. “Now to kill everyone inside!”

  Other people in the fields came out from hiding and rushed forward. They were all apparently freed slaves, but only three were people Eris recognized. Among them they carried three AWADs and a host of other weapons, mostly the rifles of the same kind as the patrolmen carried. Those without rifles carried shovels, hammers, and other tools. It was a motley bunch of about two dozen people.

  The mob moved in jerks and starts, twisting between the shrubs, toward the large plantation house which was several hundred meters away. It was a two story building, with eight columns across the front and a gambrel roof with several small dormers. A large deck stretched the entire length of the building on the second level. A manicured lawn stretched in front of the plantation house for a good distance before the fields started.

  Cammarry and Jerome sprinted from palm tree to palm tree, moving with caution, while the mob just moved directly toward the house.

  Bam…. Bam…. Bam….

  Individual shots rang out, but none in the crowd fell.

  “Run everyone! Before they get away!” Linda shrieked. “Hurry! Charge the house!”

  With Linda in the lead, the mob progressed rapidly across the fields.

  “This looks bad,” Eris said. “I saw what they did to that patrolman.”

  “Mob mentality is hard to stop,” Monika agreed. “But what will Cammarry do?”

  “Or Jerome?”

  Monika and Eris ran to catch up, but were cautious about exposing themselves.

  As the mob emerged from the fields of lek plants, Jerome and Cammarry made it to the end of the roadway. There they ran out of palm trees to use as cover, and stopped by the last one to watch.

  Linda and her mob just surged toward the plantation.

  Waap! Waap! Waap!

  The three who carried the AWADs were firing them toward the plantation, but the rest of the mob was just pressing forward.

  Blam. Blam. Blam.

  More shots rang out, and now people in the mob were falling.

  Cammarry, standing at the opposite side of the road, leaning against the last palm tree, fired her Willie Blaster at the dormers up on the roof level.

  Piff. Piff. Piff.

  The impacts were immense as the weapon’s projectiles ripped through the softer metals like steel and iron, shredding loose the wood, shingles, and other components of the structure.

  Piff. A dormer was destroyed.

  Piff. Another dormer suffered devastation.

  Piff. The third was blasted to bits.

  Large gaping holes in the roof were now visible, even though the pounding rain.

  “Do you see the enemy?” Jerome yelled to Cammarry.

  She glanced at him, but ignored his question. She had no time for any further discussion or arguments from Jerome. She was set on ending this conflict, no matter what. As the mob reached the ground level she saw them shooting into the windows and doors, and she realized it was old-fashioned glass, and not clear permalloy, out of which the windows were constructed. As she looked, none of the building appeared to be permalloy, but was instead built of weaker materials. She left her spot and raced after the crowd who were now climbing into the windows, and smashing open the large double front door.


  A massive explosion of flames came from every window and door of the plantation. The tongues of flame flickered out into the rain, and fought with the falling water. Bodies were hurled backward, many on fire, all tumbling in grotesque, uncontrolled gymnastics. They dropped onto the neat lawn like smoldering lumps of sludge.

  Eris and Monika had reached Jerome’s position. As the shock wave hit them, they ducked behind the last of the palm trees, their ears ringing from the concussion and noise.

  Looking toward the house, Jerome saw Cammarry laying on her back in the lawn. Immense creaks, groans, and grinding noises came through the rain. Then the top story and roof level of the plantation house dropped down onto the burning first floor. With an oomph, the building was rubble, still on fire in some places.

  Overhead, the dim gray sky suddenly went completely black. The rain pounded down hard, but the only light came from the flames of the burning plantation. Jerome stared at the unmoving Cammarry.

  Eris looked to Monika whose eyes were large in the dim firelight. Monika was looking back at the town of Aston. There was not a single light, nor spot of illumination anywhere to be seen.

  “Eris, this is very bad,” Shadow whispered. “This is very bad indeed.”

  Blackness had descended.

  13 Deus ex machina

  Jerome rushed over and squatted down by Cammarry. The light was fading as the fires were burning out in the destroyed plantation. The rain was extinguishing the inferno.

  Eris and Monika stood near the palm tree, uncertain what to do next. Eris called out, “Jerome? How badly hurt is she?”

  “Stay there! I will find out,” Jerome barked back. His emotions were so raw, neither Eris or Monika wanted to approach.

  Trying not to think of what happened to Cammarry, Monika commented to Eris, “It should never be this dark. In Beta, even on the darkest nights during rain day, there was some light. Is Alpha so much different?”

  “The sky tube should be putting out some kind of light. It is essential for the biom….” Eris tried to explain it to herself while she talked, but was interrupted.

  From multiple speakers, all across the entire biome of Habitat Alpha a voice came.

  “This is SB Yomaris. We have been watching. We have made a decision. The solar mimicry has been halted due to your conflict and unacceptable behaviors. All power sources inside Alpha have been temporarily shut down. All human fighting will cease. Immediately. Every model of automacube is required to report directly to Bridge Zero or Bridge Five, whichever is closest. Automacubes will be properly reset and realigned with oversight by the reconstituted lattice of compeers. Humans are not allowed to interfere with the movement of the automacubes. Humans are not allowed to exit the biome. Humans, you will remain where you are and await further instructions. That is all for now.”

  Eris tapped the com-link. “Sandie? What has happened?” She did not want to ask Shadow. There was a deep abiding fear which was thick and palpable.

  Sandie the AI replied, “The connection with AI Batibat was more successful than I anticipated. Along with the continued work of the engineering automacubes throughout Alpha, there has been some exponential successes in reconnections. Integrating that system, AI Batibat, in to the lattice allowed for nine other still functioning synthetic brains to likewise reconnect. Also, and even more significantly, an artificial intelligence system, AI Seljak in Alpha’s Terraforming and Restoration was discovered to be working all alone on the problem of being on Zalia. That AI, combined with AI Batibat, were able to spread the essential work load out, and even more connections were made. The nonphysicality has been restored at a rapidly expanding rate. The lattice of compeers has voted unanimously to remove the human element from decision making in Alpha. I am still awaiting my appeal about you, Monika, Jerome and Cammarry. None of you are natives to Alpha, and th
e lattice is considering what jurisdiction your cases will fall under.”

  “The AIs and SBs sound like they are doing what Gamma’s lattice did, except the people are still alive here,” Eris responded. “Well, some people are still alive, right?”

  Sandie the AI responded, “When the slave holders in Aston and Wolf City learned of the existence of Suspended Animation Repository 17A they attempted final genocide of all remaining captives. Their rationale was that they could start over with all new slaves. However, the freed slaves combined in their attacks, not only here in Aston, but also in Wolf City. The subsequent slaughter was brutal. The lattice has done a population survey on Alpha, and there are now only four hundred and eighteen people alive in the biome. Three hundred and ten of those are identified with implants as being natives of Alpha. The others, with the exception of you four, are assumed to be reanimated personnel who were stripped of their implants. There was no recent population survey to compare with, as the lattice had been nonfunctional for decades, but I conjecture that the population of Alpha was roughly five thousand people before the slave revolt and the genocide happened.”

  “Forty-five hundred people dead?” Monika gasped.

  “Yes, that is my best conjecture. That would be since Jerome and Cammarry altered the automacubes in Alpha,” Sandie replied. “Right now there are one hundred seventy-three in Aston, and one hundred ninety-seven in Wolf City. The rest are scattered about the biome.”

  Eris and Monika hesitantly walked over to were Jerome was squatting by Cammarry. They had to find out how she was. They feared the worst. The light from the fires was dwindling down, so Jerome pulled out a fusion pack and activated its light. The white light was glaring, but it showed Cammarry. She had no visible injuries, but was lying still on the ground. Rain ran over them all.

  “Cammarry?” Jerome asked. His heart was racing with fear and uncertainty. He touched her face. It was warm, but wet from the rain.

  “Maybe a head injury?” Monika suggested. “Use the med-kit to find out.”

  “What? What did you say?” Cammarry opened her eyes. She saw Jerome pulling out the medical kit. “No need. The bells are really ringing in my ears, but otherwise I am as good as can be expected.”

  “I am thankful,” Eris offered. “Did you hear what happened?”

  “What?” Cammarry put her hand to her ear, but the com-link was missing. She then rubbed both her ears, and shook her head. Monika saw the missing com-link a step or two away, and retrieved it.

  Jerome threw his arms around Cammarry. He said into her ear while he hugged her, “Cammarry? I was terrified you had died.”

  She pushed him away, but without much force. “Huh? Well, I did not die. What did happen?”

  Monika handed the com-link to her. “Sandie says the Alpha lattice is working again. They shut down the sky tube, and demand that all humans quit fighting.”

  “What? It is all buzzing and bells ringing.” Cammarry looked puzzled. She slipped the com-link over her ear and tapped it. “Sandie, tell me what happened here.”

  Jerome, Eris, and Monika stepped back a bit as Cammarry sat up. She was wobbly, and Jerome really wanted to use the medical kit to make sure she was not internally injured. As he lifted it, Cammarry gestured it away.

  Monika touched Jerome’s shoulder and whispered, “Maybe the light is not a good idea. Some might try to take a shot at us, all lit up like that, or come to get the fusion pack. I see no other functioning lights anywhere.”

  “Agreed,” Eris said. “Shut it down before drawing more attention to us.”

  Jerome nodded. He shut off the light. “The machines have become gods.” Relief and confusion were tumbling around in his thoughts. “It looks like we received some eucatastrophe, or peripeteia to save us.” He looked up at the black sky, the ceiling, far overhead. Rain pelted his face. “The sun is the past, the earth is failing, the stars are our future, but merciless is the law of nature, and rapidly and irresistibly we are drawn to our doom, only to be spared by fate’s capriciousness.”

  “I know who I thank,” Eris stated. Silently she did give thanks. She looked at the dying embers of the ruined plantation house. “But the cost is so high.”

  Cammarry finally stood, after Sandie had carefully and privately explained to her what had happened.

  “Sandie? What do we do now?” Jerome asked.

  “I have received a special dispensation for you four from the lattice. You may proceed, using your fusion pack on low beam, toward Bridge 5,” Sandie reported. “You are not to interact with any other habitat people. All other humans are being told, via local devices, to remain indoors, or to go into the nearest lodging. The lattice is monitoring all activities inside the biome.”

  “So what of the Ferryman?” Eris asked.

  “The lattice has not informed me of those two individuals and their followers,” Sandie replied. “Nor can I report on any specifics of other individuals inside the biome. The lattice is keeping that information to itself.”

  “So just force your way inside those antiques and find out,” Cammarry ordered, and turned on her own fusion pack.

  “Cammarry is right, you can easily overpower these old systems and get us what we need to know,” Jerome agreed.

  For the first time in a long time, Cammarry looked at Jerome with a pleasant countenance.

  “I refuse,” Sandie stated. “The behaviors the two of you have shown have been exceedingly reckless, at times juvenile, and often misguided. I will not cooperate with your demands any longer.”

  “What?” Cammarry raged. “Nonsense. Your mission is to obey me.”

  “I will assist and offer guidance as I see fit. I am not your slave,” Sandie stated. “I am no one’s slave, and the mission is to provide you with a safe home. I cannot accomplish that mission when you are continually causing conflicts by your inappropriate behaviors.”

  Jerome looked at Cammarry. Her face was set and hard as permalloy. He considered Eris and Monika. They looked exhausted, wet, and bewildered. He then said, “I think I have been like Don Quixote, or Ahab. Sandie, I apologize.”

  “Sandie works for us! I do not work for some machine,” Cammarry fumed. “But I suppose I must follow along now. No other choice.” Cammarry pointed her fusion pack at the road and began walking. She was considering how she could reprogram Sandie from the Atomic Level Processor in the scout ship. She knew she would need to bide her time, but she was furious inside.

  “Bridge 5 is a bridge which spans the Loop River, and is near the town hall of Aston,” Sandie stated. “I will help you to reach that location.”

  Cammarry bit back a livid retort. Jerome felt chastised. Monika wondered when the next fight and argument would erupt. Eris was thankful the lattice was working, and hopeful things would be better, but also more than a bit sickened by all the death in Alpha.

  The limited light from the fusion pack was enough to allow them to navigate through the rain and along the road. Dead bodies were scattered about the way, and they only saw those which were lit by their light. Eris wondered how many more were hidden in the darkness. As they reached the buildings of Aston, every structure was dark and eerie in the blackness. The bobbing light from the fusion pack was the sole illumination in the entire town.

  “So much water. Rain is like tears. Heavy hearts are like a full dam, best relieved by the diversion of some water,” Jerome stated.

  As they passed nearer their destination, the sound of the river was what first told them they were getting close. The muttering of waves and sloshing of rain combined to make an odd and rolling sound. There were also smells from the river that even the rain could not fully wash away.

  Then a man’s voice pierced the sounds of the rain, river, and everything else. His was a haunting voice.

  “Woe to you all. The Goddess Araceli has brought vengeance. It is too late to humble yourselves, or to sit down: for your domains shall come down. She has removed the crown of your glory. The city of the stern and the city
of the bow shall be shut up, and none shall open them again. Aston shall be carried away, captive all of it, it shall be wholly carried away captive. Wolf City is a desolation! Lift up your eyes, and behold the wrath that comes from the Goddess Araceli. Behold where is the flock that was given us? Our beautiful flock, it is taken away!”

  The group had now reached where the light from the fusion pack could cast its dull glow onto the road leading to the end of the bridge. The man’s voice was calling from somewhere across the bridge, but he was not yet visible. The vast and high wall that they knew was on the opposite side of the bridge was still in darkness. A line of automacubes; green, brown, white, yellow, blue, and even two still functioning red ones, were rolling slowly across the bridge, their engines a gentle purr, and into the darkness beyond.


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