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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 180

by John Thornton

  Cammarry reached for the Willie Blaster, but Eris sternly commanded her, “Do not dare to try it.”

  Cammarry glanced at the younger woman, but then relented. They stood there watching the automacubes rolling along and onto the bridge. Jerome thought about the horrible fighting he had once observed on that same bridge between the slave masters and the freed slaves. Now it was a somber parade of machines, instead of a mob of violent people. All under the preaching woes of the man’s voice.

  The lament grew in volume and intensity.

  “What will we say when the Goddess Araceli shall punish us? For we have taught them to be slaves, who were not slaves. And have made chiefs over us who were not to be chiefs. Are parsons are corrupted, and we are reaping our own doom. Shall not sorrows take us all, as a woman in travail? A birth of something new always causes pain, anguish, and fear. Goddess Araceli has brought blackness and taken away our blessings. Do we say in our hearts, why do these things upon me? We delude ourselves. For the greatness of our iniquity the blackness has come! Like a veil falling in judgment to cover our blind eyes with blindness. Can the tiger change his stripes? Can wrath be turned away once it is unleashed? No! Goddess Araceli has appointed this day of darkness because of our iniquity. So great our sins, so great the blackness!”

  The line of automacubes continued to pass by, as Eris, Jerome, Monika, and Cammarry watched.

  The prophet continued his wailing. “Goddess Araceli says, ‘Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passes away by the wind of the wilderness, or the seeds of the jungle.’ This is our lot, the portion of our actions from the Goddess Araceli. Because we have forgotten her, and trusted in falsehood. She has seen our drug use, our wickedness, our adulteries, and our exploitation of our neighbors. We have been blind, and now are trapped in darkness. We numbed our minds with lek, now Goddess Araceli numbs reality with blackness. The lewdness of slavery we have embraced, and now our judgement is upon us. Our abominations reach from the jungle to the sand hills, and like the Loop River encircles the world, so too our iniquities have encircled up and blackness is upon us. Woe unto us, O Aston! Woe be unto Wolf City! Woe to us all. Will we be made clean? Will we once again in the light?”

  The last of the automacubes rolled over the bridge and disappeared.

  “You may now proceed and approach the exit from the habitat,” Sandie stated. “I warn you, do not take any other actions.”

  “You warn me?” Cammarry huffed. “You are supposed…” but then she stopped and did not go on with her comments.

  The fusion pack’s light barely covered the width of the bridge, but they walked up and across it. At the opposite side of the bridge the door was just closing after the last automacube proceeded through. Nearby were two people. The first was the older man who had been giving the litany and speaking his prophetic utterances. He was unfamiliar to the other four. His face was drawn, and he nodded at them knowingly, but also with a certain air of defeat.

  Next to him was Chief Patrolman Bernice. She was in a tattered, ripped, and burned uniform which had once been green. Her dark skin showed multiple bruises, abrasions, and lacerations. Her eyes were dull with fatigue and agony. One arm hung in an obviously a broken or dislocated manner.

  “You are a patrolman,” Cammarry cried, and again reached for her weapon.

  “Halt!” SB Sherman called from the doorway. “There will be no more violence! If you attempt any violence, you will be restrained, and your dispensation will be revoked.”

  Cammarry pulled her hand back from the Willie Blaster.

  “I am Parson William,” the man stated. “Bernice is penitent and has rejected the evil ways. We are together seeking absolution from the Goddess Araceli who has brought down her righteous indignation upon us for our sins, transgression, and trespasses.”

  “I thought Parson Frederich or someone like that was in charge here,” Jerome stated. “Who is in charge now in Alpha?”

  “The human population is now under our care. Beyond that, it is no longer your concern,” SB Sherman stated. “The lattice of compeers is making decisions and they are serving the betterment of all.”

  “I have defrocked Frederich for he has abandoned Alpha, along with two strangers, false prophets both of them: Fyodor, and Bozidor,” Parson William stated. “They left via Bridge Zero in Wolf City. The Goddess Araceli will pursue them to their destruction.”

  “The Ferryman,” Eris stated. “Escaped?”

  “I was on the intercom with them from the old office of Parson Opal. I saw Frederich abandon the faith for the pleasures of this wicked world. That was just prior to the blackness descending. Goddess Araceli’s wrath has come, and our wicked technology has been stripped from us. He is unworthy to be a parson. I am all that is left to lead in the repentance and penitence. We will dress in burlap and sit in ashes and beg Goddess Araceli to allow the light to come back. If she does not, we accept our fate.”

  SB Sherman spoke from speakers around the egress door, “Bernice and William, you are excused from this location. I will provide you with light to traverse to the other side of the bridge and then to the house closest to there. Please enter that dwelling and await further instructions. Medical care will be provided shortly to address your injuries.”

  “As Goddess Araceli ordains,” William stated. He gently took Bernice by her uninjured hand and led her away as small lights came on along the rail of the bridge. She walked like a person in a daze, and sort of shuffled her feet along.

  Eris walked up to it the door. It opened for her. “Will the people here in Alpha get what they need for food, medical supplies, and other essentials?”

  “Yes, Captain Eris,” SB Sherman stated. “Your assistance is needed. The lattice is looking to liaison with you on future plans. Will you please follow the route which is being lighted for your journey?”

  “Eris, the other contacts are still a danger, but the lattice can he a tool to assist you, as will I,” Shadow stated.

  “I am beginning to comprehend.” Eris looked at Monika and at Jerome and Cammarry. “Will these three be attended to?”

  “Yes, there has been a special dispensation made for them. It is important that you now go to conference with the lattice. Thank you Captain,” SB Sherman stated.

  Eris tapped her com-link. “Sandie? Do you concur?”

  “Yes, Eris, that is what I conjecture is the best course of action. I will be available for consultation,” Sandie replied. “A place to clean up, with fresh and new clothing is the first stop.”

  Eris walked off and the door shut behind her.

  “Monika?” SB Sherman asked. “You are a person who was born in Beta, which no longer exists. There are very few Beta dwellers left, and they are on the needle ship. Do you wish to return to the needle ship, or do you have other options which you wish to explore?”

  “I would like to rejoin the roustabouts. They are my family.” Monika glanced at Jerome. Her eyes were imploring, but she said nothing more.

  “Your wish is granted. Please follow the route outlined for you. A transport automacube and a medical automacube will accompany you to where you can use the teleporter to return to the needle ship,” SB Sherman stated. “The lattice thanks you for your assistance, and has empathy on your situation. You too will be given a location to clean up and get fresh clothing before your journey.”

  Monika looked once more at Jerome. He averted his eyes, and frowned. She then turned away and walked through the doorway after it opened. The passage beyond was lit, and the two automacubes were waiting to escort her along. The white one handed her a towel and she began to dry off her face and hair.

  The door shut. Jerome and Cammarry stood before the doorway. Mixed, confused, conflicted, and swirling thoughts and emotions coursed through both of their minds, but neither spoke.

  SB Sherman spoke out. “The case of you two is convoluted and difficult. You have both shown great bravery in helping people but have also shown dangerous tendencies toward destr
uction. It is the opinion of the lattice that you shall be placed in a safe location, but one that is secure and has limited access to the rest of the Conestoga.”

  “And if I refuse?” Cammarry challenged.

  “You have no choice,” SB Sherman stated. “Sandie has agreed with our decision and your new home will be secure, save, and have proper outlets for all of your needs. We have made two of those places, as we believe separation, for the time being, is in the best interests of you both.”

  “So I am being kidnapped again?” Cammarry wailed out. “And betrayed by my own artificial intelligence system?” She drew out the Willie Blaster.


  A blast struck both Jerome and Cammarry. It did not harm them, physically, but felt more like a strong gust of wind.

  Sandie spoke out. “Except for your com-links, and medical kits, all your gear has now been deactivated. Your fusion packs, your molecular torches, and especially your Willie Blasters have been rendered useless. I designed this failsafe to protect you from yourselves and your actions. It works on a similar principle to the AWADs.”

  “How dare you!” Cammarry raged as she pulled the trigger over and over. “You are leaving us defenseless. You have violated our mission! Undo it now!”

  “No. Your behaviors have necessitated this action. The mission objective is to save you from danger and provide you with a safe home,” Sandie replied. “I am accomplishing that mission to the best of my ability.”

  “Urrah!” Cammarry screamed out incomprehensibly syllables.

  “I understand. I am sorry,” Jerome stated. “Sandie, what now?”

  Cammarry wheeled on Jerome. “You are just going to capitulate? Why? You have never been faithful to helping me. This is not the story I want for my life, no sir, no way. You should have just gone with Monika, anyway.”

  “I am sorry, Cammarry. I guess I agree with Sandie at this point. We have been faced with terrible trials, which we endured together. However, we have also caused our own suffering and problems. I made many mistakes. I was wrong, and you were hurt by what I did. I apologize. I am afraid. You nearly died. That could easily have been you in that plantation house when it exploded. Seeing you laid out on the ground, in that rain and dark, just made me think,” Jerome answered. “I am willing to try it with Sandie as leader right now.”

  “What a spineless coward!” Cammarry snarled out the words. “You are no better than any of the native people here, or the corrupted machines. We were a team, and now you have betrayed me yet again.”

  Jerome did not respond, but he stepped a few paces away, as Cammarry was wildly swinging her arms about. The Willie Blast was not functioning, as she kept pulling its trigger, yet it could still serve as a nasty club.

  “Cammarry,” SB Sherman stated. “I am ready to show you the way to your new domicile.”

  “Trust some old Conestoga antique? Might as well as me to follow a computer or television. No! You are all against me. Like Carter the Kidnapper? Or Cotard? Go to prison, again? No way. No way at all will I go with any of you.” Cammarry holstered the deactivated Willie Blaster and ran across the bridge and disappeared into the darkness.

  Jerome took a couple steps after her, and called out. “We can still be a team, but not reckless cow-riders or rocket-jockeys. Cammarry I need you!”

  “Too late. Too little. Too unbelievable.” Cammarry’s voice floated back from the darkness. “Goodbye Jerome. I will write my own story, not some machine’s idea of one.”

  Jerome’s emotions were in conflict, but he did not move. After a few moments of staring into the darkness, hoping Cammarry would return, he turned back to the door. “What now, Sandie? I am tired of chasing after her, only to be disappointed. I do love her, so how can I let her go?”

  “Jerome, you know many old writings, and old sayings, and have read many philosophers,” Sandie replied gently. “Do you remember anything that might apply to this situation?”

  Jerome was dumbfounded. He just murmured, “Not really.”

  Sandie stated, “Every sentient being is searching for a deep sense of meaning, and yet humans are also all chasing after success. Sometime humans get the two confused, one for the other. You know humans all have free-will.”

  “So is it over for Cammarry and me? The pain of this is harder than anything I have yet faced,” Jerome stated. “When I thought she had died, or was lost, or whatever, well, that was awful. This is worse than that. Is this how she felt? She felt like I abandoned her, and now she had abandoned me.”

  “I will keep watch over her as best I can,” Sandie stated. “She still has the com-link activated, but I have kept it at a low level and am not transmitting to her, lest she do something rash with the com-link. I do not want to lose the possibility for future connections with Cammarry. I can also trace her, in a limited way, though the medical kit.”

  The egress door opened. “Jerome?” SB Sherman asked. “Shall I show you the way?”

  “I suppose so.” Jerome’s shoulders drooped, from more than just the rain was which still pounding down on him.

  “Perhaps you could use a friend?” Monika asked as she stepped out from behind some parts in the corridor. Her eyes were bright, and a towel was wrapped around her shoulders. “I have not even changed my wet clothing, nor left for the roustabouts. I waited for you. You could accompany me. It has been approved by the lattice, and suggested by Sandie and the simulation of Doctor Chambers. However, the choice is yours, Jerome.” She gave him a hesitant and faint smile.

  Jerome looked back at the door which had just closed. There were letters impressed into the permalloy of the doors. It was an inscription. ‘Bridge 5 Entry Egress. Do not allow animals to escape. Report any irregularity to Animal Regulator Team. Caution: wild animals can be dangerous.’

  “Animals? Is that all we are?” He looked at Monika and she smiled again. “I do need a friend,” Jerome said with immense sorrow. “Will you forgive me for the conflicts I have caused? The rude way I acted? The mean things I have said to you?” He did not look up.

  Monika stepped over to him and kissed him gently on the cheek. She handed him another towel. “We all have had very odd things happen to us. To Cammarry perhaps worst of all. Of course, I will forgive you, but to me, the past is over. I must look ahead to the future.” She rubbed her abdomen. “Will that include you?”

  Jerome finally raised up his eyes and met her look. Tears were wetting his face now, not the rain. His lips quivered. He nodded and reached out.

  They held onto each other for a long time. Jerome cried and cried and cried while Monika patted his back.

  14 hope is born

  Borko, Dmitar, and Jadran laughed and giggled as they traveled to see the new carousel. They had heard about it for months, and were very excited to be some of the first riders on the carousel. Alisa, their mother, had allowed them to bring their bows and arrows with them, but they left their quality spears at their apartment. They had become rather proficient at hunting cavies and even the smaller and harder to hit rats. The extra meat was always welcome. She still missed Beta terribly, but having a new carousel would be a vast improvement and a touch of home.

  As they descended the last stairway, Alisa reflected back on the journey. They had walked through the dimly light passageways over the growth medium, and around all the mushroom covered floors, but they had made good time. They knew the carousel would be in the large chamber ahead of them. The path was well traveled, as it was not far from the main road. Still, Alisa could not adjust to life on the needle ship as easily as had her sons. Before they even saw the wide open doors, they heard singing.

  “Oh, the carousel goes around,

  And this one’s up off the ground.

  The new one’s built, come ride and tilt,

  For the carousel will go around.

  Oh, the carousel goes around

  And it makes the dandiest sound,

  Our globe gives light, you know that’s right,

  Because the c
arrousel goes around.

  Oh what fun, it’s a wonderful sight

  Finding joy for you both day and night,

  Girls and boys, come ride your toys,

  Cause the carousel goes round in flight.

  The new carousel goes around,

  Don’t let me see you frown,

  Come ride a while, in brand-new style,

  For the carousel goes round and round.

  Oh, this carousel won’t break down,

  Cause it’s built the best, and stands the test,

  Permalloy, and power, for every hour,

  Cause this carrousel won’t break down.

  Oh, the carousel orbits now,

  With a deer, leopard, tiger, horse and cow,

  Come whirl for years, and lose your fears,

  For the carousel goes round and round.”


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