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Lessons of the Past

Page 10

by Chloe Maxx

  “What?” I asked. I didn’t want everyone outside to watch me get fucked.

  “It’s mirrored. You can see them, they can’t see you.”

  “Oh,” I replied as I moved to the window, my jeans around my thighs.

  I looked out the window, seeing other students walking across the lawn and sidewalks, headed to classes, dorms, and other destinations. Some were alone, others were with friends, talking and laughing, oblivious to the fact that I was about to be fucked by one of the math professors.

  Javier’s hands grabbed my hips and his cock began stroking between my ass cheeks. Something inside me flipped and more pressure began to build in my core. He continued stroking, and it felt amazing, but I needed him inside me. “Do you like that?” he whispered in my ear, and a moment later, he was inside me. “Or do you want this?” He nipped my ear and pulled out before slamming back inside me, grinding against my ass.

  I whimpered at the feeling of his big cock stretching me. “Javier,” I breathed.

  “You like that? You like being fucked while watching them? Knowing they have no idea I’m slamming my cock into you?”

  I hated to admit it, but the truth was, I did like it. I liked it a lot. “Yes,” I breathed, then immediately cried out when his finger began stroking my clit.

  “Mmm,” he panted. “You are so beautiful. I love your ass.”

  Javier continued to fuck me with a hard rhythm, nipping at my shoulder and kissing my neck.

  Pinching my clit and slamming into me, I exploded in orgasm, forgetting we were in his office. He placed his hand over my mouth, muffling the sound. I bit down gently and he groaned one last time before coming inside me.

  He placed his head on my back as we both tried to catch our breath. “Fuck, Alexandria. What the hell are you doing to me? We’re in my office.”

  “Don’t blame this on me.”

  He handed me a tissue, placed a kiss on my back, then rose and began putting his clothes back in place. I reached down and pulled my pants up, buttoning and zipping them, before I walked back to my original chair. I sank down, and said, “The quiz. We should discuss it.”

  “Yes. Good idea.” He rummaged through some file folders and pulled one out. “As you know, I don’t normally do this, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

  “Like you do for the girl that just left?” I had no idea where that even came from. I knew he was joking, referring to when he had first helped me, and I trusted him. Well…at least with other students.

  He cocked his head to the side and his lips thinned. “What the hell is this, Alexandria?”

  “What?” I asked. “I’ve seen her in here before. And I saw the huge smile on her face when she left.”

  “You are acting like a child! I’m Mia’s professor, and I have to do my job.” His voice was hard, cold.

  “But you just said you don’t normally do this…and you call her by her first name? Where is the Ms. when referring to her?” I was acting like a child, but hell if I could stop.

  “What? Do you think I’m fucking her?” Javier’s voice radiated anger.

  “No. I trust you.” I concentrated on my thumbnail, not looking at him.

  “Then what are you doing? You know what, forget it, fucking fail the class.”

  “No!” I shouted. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch to you because I don’t like her. And because she’s beautiful and you’re sexy and…I’m just insecure.”

  He sighed. “And you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. You have no competition.”

  I smiled at his words. They touched me in a way he’d never understand. “Thank you. I’m sorry. Now, can we discuss how much I suck at calculus?”

  “Yes,” he replied before going over the module we’d been studying.

  After an hour of listening to Javier explain himself over and over again, I managed to somewhat understand. He was patient with me, but I knew he had to be annoyed by my stupidity.

  “Think you got it?”

  “I think…I’m meeting up with Emily this weekend during her shift. Hopefully, that will help.”

  “This weekend?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Around ten on Saturday morning.”

  He nodded. “Amy and Caroline are going to her parents’ house for the weekend. I was hoping we could spend it together.”

  “That sounds amazing.”

  “They leave Friday. I thought you could spend the weekend with me. Meaning, I want to stay at my house. I want you to see how Amy and I live, how you have nothing to worry about.”

  “O-kay,” I said, thinking it over. “I…yeah, maybe it will help. I don’t know.”

  “I don’t know either. But I thought it might make you feel better.”

  I nodded and hitched my bag over my shoulder. “Are you coming by tonight?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll see what time I get finished with some work I have to do.” He stood and offered his hand.

  I slid my hand into his and got up. “Sure.” I gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning on the beach.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He released my hand and I stepped toward the door. “Oh, before I forget. I have a conference to attend in Dallas the week after finals. I want you to come with me.”

  His eyes were shining with hope and…affection. “I’d love to.”

  “Good,” Javier said, walking toward the chair behind his desk. “I’ll be able to treat you the way you deserve.”

  I smiled and left. It warmed my heart that he was making such an effort to reassure me of his feelings. He wanted me to see the other side of his life. I just wished he didn’t have another life.

  Chapter 15

  I took one bite of my microwave dinner and gagged. It tasted like wet cardboard. After tossing it in the trash and my fork in the sink, I texted Courtney to see if she’d be up for McDonald’s. Of course she texted back immediately with a yes. She was a McDonald’s addict.

  After slipping on a SUBC hoodie and yoga pants, I stood in the lobby of my building to wait for Courtney. She pulled up a few minutes later and I ran to her car as fast as I could since it was raining.

  “Hey!” she greeted as I sank down in the seat.

  “Hi. Ugh! I’m soaked.”

  “At least you put your hair up.”

  I patted my messy bun to make sure it was still in place. “Yeah. I would’ve looked like a wet dog if I hadn’t.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think you could ever look like a dog. You’re way too gorgeous.”

  “Whatever,” I disagreed, rolling my eyes.

  She pulled out into traffic. “I’m so glad you texted. I was starving.”

  “I tried to eat a microwave dinner, but it was disgusting.” I pulled my phone out and checked to see if Javier had texted me. He hadn’t.

  I wasn’t a needy girlfriend—a requirement of being the other woman, I guess—but he normally texted me in the evening and he hadn’t. I put my phone away and turned my attention back to Courtney.

  “What was up with the bitchiness today at lunch?”

  She turned the car down a street and narrowed her eyes. “You know why. I just couldn’t help it.”

  I nodded. “I know. If it helps, she sounded kinda ditzy.”

  “You think? He deserves better.” She shook her head and pulled the car into the McDonald’s parking lot. “I have to tell you something after we order. I need food first.”


  We got out of the car and ran inside the building. The rain was pouring down in sheets, and I was grateful for my hoodie. Courtney’s t-shirt was soaked. We ordered our food and slid into a booth. “So, what do you need to tell me?” I asked.

  Courtney popped a fry into her mouth. “I slept with Lane!” she blurted, and covered her mouth.

  My eyes rounded. “What? When? Where?”

  She sighed. “Okay. So, I went home after my last class and tried to forget about him. I knew I had acted like a bitch and it
was wrong, but I want him so bad.”

  “Tell me,” I prompted before taking a huge bite of burger.

  “Okay, okay.” She took a swig of her drink. “So, I was working on homework when I heard a really loud knock on the door. I opened the door and Lane barreled his way into my apartment. He was pissed and ranting and roaring about me needing to know when to shut my…” she trailed off as she focused on something behind me. “Holy shit!”

  “What?” I turned around and almost choked on my fry. Javier was at the counter ordering with a little girl standing next to him. I recognized Caroline immediately from the night I had seen them at dinner, and the multiple pictures he had shown me. He was a very proud dad, which made him even more attractive.

  I checked to see if his wife was with him, but didn’t see her. Taking a deep breath and putting on a neutral face, I turned around to face Courtney. “What?” I asked again.

  “Are you fucking blind? The fucking hottie with the black hair and black t-shirt.”

  “Oh, him?” I took another bite of my burger.

  “Yes him. Fuck!”

  I shrugged. “He’s my calculus professor.” I sipped my drink. “Now, tell me about you and Lane. I have to know how it happened.”

  She pointed toward Javier. “He’s your calculus professor? Fuck. How do you concentrate?”

  “Can you stop saying fuck every two seconds? He has a kid with him and she could hear you.”

  “Oh, right. Well…he’s, shit…he’s hot.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Lane! Tell me about Lane.”

  “Right, sorry.” She shook her head to rid her thoughts of Javier. “Lane. So, he’s yelling and I was just standing there letting him. After he finished, I asked if he wanted a drink. He did, and anyway, we wound up sitting on the couch.”

  She was still speaking, but I couldn’t concentrate. My spine was tingling with awareness of him. If I looked toward where Javier had sat down, I knew he’d be looking at me.

  I nodded at Courtney and turned my head. I had been correct. I was in his direct line of sight as Caroline sat to his left. His blue eyes were sparkling as he stared at me, and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

  “…and the next thing I knew, we were kissing. Are you even listening to me?”

  I snapped my attention back to Courtney. “What? Yes! You started kissing. What happened after that?”

  “I’d be pissed, but that guy is hella good looking, so I’ll let it go.” She tried to look irritated, but her gaze darted in Javier’s direction. I couldn’t blame her for looking—he’s amazing to look at. If only she knew what was under the shirt.

  “He is,” I agreed, peaking at Javier. He had turned his attention away from me and was talking to Caroline. You could see that he loved her with all his heart. And when she gazed at him, it was if she believed he had hung the moon.

  “Okay, so anyway, we started making out, and then the clothes came off, and we wound up having sex on the couch.”

  “Wow. So, what does this mean?” I hoped this meant Lane was going to take a chance on her.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “After he fucked me one more time, he told me he had to go meet Amy.”

  “Excuse me?” I placed my arms on the table and leaned in closer. “I can’t fucking believe him. I’m going to knock the shit out of him.”

  “It’s okay.” She shook her head and a tear slid down her cheek. “I guess I’m only good enough to fuck, not date.”

  I got up and rounded the booth. “That’s not true at all.” I wrapped my arms around her. “I promise. You’re amazing.”


  “I mean it.” I seriously couldn’t believe Lane had done this. It was completely out of character for him. “You know what? You’re way too good for him.” And for the first time, I believed that. Lane had showed a side of himself I didn’t know or like.

  “You’re right. I am too good for him.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Maybe I’ll just go over there and get that hot professor’s number. I bet I could. Show Lane I can get a guy way better looking than him.”

  I sucked in a small breath, but smiled. I knew she was only joking and I needed to make her feel better. Glancing in Javier’s direction, I said, “I bet you could.”

  Javier arched an eyebrow at me, and I knew he was wondering what the hell was going on. I shook my head and rounded the booth back to my original seat. “Let’s finish this food, then we’ll go get ice cream.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  We ate our food and chatted about things that didn’t involve Lane. I watched Javier take Caroline into the indoor play area after she had finished her food, and I inwardly smiled. Being a dad looked sexy on him.

  My phone beeped from my purse and I took it out.

  Javier: Is everything okay? You screamed and she cried.

  “Is that the asshole?” Courtney questioned.


  “Lane. If that’s Lane, tell him to go fuck himself.”

  I giggled. “No. It’s not him. It’s a guy from one of my classes.” A lie, but also the truth.

  Me: Everything is fine. I just hate knowing my friend was used by some guy. You men are dickbags.

  “A love interest?” she asked, her eyes large and eyebrows raised. “You spend way too much time by yourself in that apartment. You need to find someone.”

  “Maybe,” I replied, wishing I could tell her about Javier. Not being able to share anything about my boyfriend with my best friend was starting to eat me up on the inside. A girl needs to share the good times and the bad.

  “Yay! What does he look like? I bet he’s yummy.”

  “Oh, he is definitely yummy,” I said, trying not to look at Javier. “He has the best body I’ve ever seen.”

  “Where did you meet? Oh, wait, you already said class.”

  “You ready for some ice cream?” I asked, noticing she was finished with her food and drink.


  We threw our trash away and I took one last look at Javier. He was watching Caroline climb the playset, but turned to give me a smile. He mouthed, “I love you,” and I smiled in return before lifting my hand in a small wave.


  Before Courtney dropped me off an hour and a half later, we both indulged in banana splits from the local ice cream shop. I ate every last bite, and felt a little sick, but it was worth it. She had started to feel better and that’s what mattered.

  I unlocked my apartment door, irritated with Lane, and came to an abrupt halt. Javier was sitting on my couch watching TV. “Hey…” I said, shocked at his presence. I had given him a key a few weeks earlier, but he hardly ever used it.

  “Hi, babe,” he replied. “I hope you don’t mind that I made myself at home.”

  “No. Not at all.” I set my purse and keys on the kitchen counter and a thought bubbled into my head. “Can you do me a favor?”

  He pursed his lips. “Depends on what it is.”

  “I need a ride to my friend’s apartment. I’d drive, but it’s still pouring out and I’m angry.” I gestured to my wet clothes.

  “Didn’t your friend just drop you off?”

  I sighed. “I have more than one friend. Will you take me or not?”

  “Sure,” he agreed. “But you have to tell me what happened at McDonald’s earlier.”

  I dropped onto the cushion beside him and lay my head on his shoulder. “You know my friend Lane?” He nodded. “Well, Courtney likes him. He slept with her today then left her for the girl he’s seeing. She feels very used.”

  I felt Javier tense, then blow out a breath. “Babe…”

  I knew what he was thinking, and I hated that I’d thought the same. “I know we are different.”

  “I’d be with you in a second if I could.” He put his arms around me, holding me close.

  I nodded. “Will it always be like this?”

  He was silent for a moment. “Let’s not
do this. We can’t let other people lead us into doubting each other.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered. I’d be lying if I said his non-answer hadn’t hurt. I knew I deserved better than what he was offering, but I didn’t want to be without him. “Would you still give me that ride?”

  “No. You can talk to him in the morning. Now is my time with you.” He turned and laid me down on the couch, causing me to squeal. “And I want to spend my time kissing you.”

  He lowered his body to mine, bracing himself with one arm. I grabbed his face and brought it to my mine, kissing him fiercely. Javier might not have been completely mine, but I was going to take advantage of the piece that was.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning, I skipped my run and headed to Lane’s apartment before he had a chance to leave for the day. He needed to be told off, and I was the best person for the job. I knew we could say anything we wanted to each other, and we’d still be best friends—a perk of having a guy best friend.

  I rapped on his door and waited. A minute went by before Lane opened the door, zipping up his pants. He was shirtless, and I was positive I’d woke him up. “Morning, sunshine,” I drawled, pushing past him.

  “What are you doing here…” he looked at the clock, “at seven in the morning?”

  I shook the bag of donut holes in my hand. “I come baring treats.”

  He grabbed the bag, pulled one out, and shoved it in his mouth. “Why?” I eyed him. “Oh, shit. She told you?”

  “Lane William Adams! I am so pissed at you right now.”

  “Why?” he asked, sinking down on the couch.

  I sat down in the chair next to him and tossed the bag of donut holes on the table. “Why? Because you slept with our friend and then left her to go see the girl you are fucking…seeing? I don’t know.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know why you come over here acting all high and mighty when you’re sleeping with a married man.”

  I exhaled. Hard. “What?”

  “Next time y’all fuck in an alley, make sure you aren’t followed,” he replied snidely.

  “Lane…” I had no idea what to say.

  “Yeah. Nothing to say now?”


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