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Wrong Kind of Love

Page 12

by Amanda Heath

  “Okay baby.” She whispers, raising her arms over her head.

  I smile softly at her before reaching down to pop the button on my jeans. I pull the zipper down and free myself through the slit in my boxers. I like that she called me baby. It’s like so overused and silly but coming from her I find I love it.

  I shove my hips in-between her legs, spreading her thighs wide. My hand snakes down to her sex and I spread the wetness around before grabbing my dick and pushing it inside of her. Her hips arch up taking more of me in. I feel my eyes lids droop half way closed. “You’re so fucking tight.” I rasp out.

  Grace is panting, her hips keeping up with my thrusting. “I haven’t had sex in months.” She pants out. Her hands are clasped closed together. I can tell she is straining not to touch me. What surprises me the most in this moment is that I want her to touch me. I have never wanted that before.

  “Touch me, Grace.” I say placing my hands on her hips and sitting back on my calves.

  She rises up until her front is touching my front. Her hand snakes very slowly going into my hair and her lips connect with mine. I thought I would freak out but I don’t. It feels incredible. “Kayla. When we are like this, call me Kayla.” She whispers between kisses.

  “Kayla…” I groan out, as her hips start moving faster against me. It’s heaven and it’s hell. I want it to end but never stop. Sex has never felt more right than it does right now. I know she is with my brother, but maybe, just maybe she never really was. Maybe she has always been mine.

  “Play with your clit.” I order, watching her with hooded eyes. Her eyes are full of lust and they get dark after my command. Her hand smooth’s over my face down my chest and encircles my dick while I’m thrusting into her. “Or do that too.” I groan again. I look down to watch but she doesn’t stay touching me long as her fingers move to her clit and start lightly rubbing.

  “You like that?” she moans out while her other hand pulls at my hair.

  “Fuck yeah, Angel.” I start to thrust faster knowing I won’t be able to hang on much longer. “Come for me, Kayla.” I command rubbing my nose along her jaw, placing kisses along the smooth skin.

  Her slick passage starts to tighten around my dick and I hold on while she comes. I want to blow my load inside of her but I don’t know if she’s on the pill or not. When I know she’s done I pull out and add my come to her stomach which is already covered in colorful paint.

  “That was fucking sexy.” I tell her nibbling on her ear lobe.

  “It’s always sexy with you. I don’t think you know any other way to be.” She laughs standing up and moving away from me.

  “Where are you going?” I pout standing up as well.

  She looks at me over her shoulder and gives me a cheeky grin. “I have to get this off of me.” She points down at her naked body where she is covered in smeared paint. “I thought you might like to join me in the shower.”

  Yeah I don’t think anyone is as perfect for me as Grace is.

  “Why do you have such a thing about being touched during sex?” I ask Caden gently. We got out of the shower about 10 minutes ago. Now we are lying in bed curled around each other. I feel guilty that I’m here and I haven’t broken up with Jaden yet. I feel like Jaden deserves to be told in person and since he’s at a training camp for a week, I have to wait.

  Caden takes a deep breath before speaking. “When I was eleven, I had a football coach that molested me.” His eyes are closed tightly and his entire body is tense. “When I’m having sex it brings back bad memories. I’ve freaked out on girls before because they touched me while we were doing it.” He exhales loudly.

  “Oh Caden.” I say pulling his big body into my arms. I hug him to me as hard as I can. It’s something I used to do for Aiden when Daniel abused him.

  Caden turns his head towards me and places a soft kiss on my cheek. “You’re not freaking out?” he says so softly I almost don’t hear him.

  I shake my head and squeeze him. “Believe it or not I’m used to hearing that kind of thing.” It’s nice to know now what makes Caden Harper tick. It’s almost as if he had a weight lifted off his shoulders. His shoulders are no longer tense and his breathing isn’t erratic anymore.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” he asks with a touch of anger in his voice. His hands rub up and down my arms while they rest around his torso. “Did somebody do something to you?”

  I brace myself for what I’m about to tell him. Aiden will probably want to kill me later but I don’t care. I don’t care about hiding any of it from Caden. He let me into his secrets, it’s time I let someone into mine. Truth is I’m so tired of hiding who I am from everyone else. I’m tired of being Grace. Kayla wants out so bad.

  And if I’m being totally honest, I want Caden to fall for Kayla, not Grace.

  I pull my arms away from Caden and move until I’m sitting up at the end of the bed facing him. I look him in the eyes the whole time I tell him everything. “When I was eight my mother divorced my father and married this man named Daniel. Everything was fine at first. Daniel was the doting stepfather in public and at home. Slowly over a couple of months he started changing. At home anyway. He would ignore us or start to yell and get really angry at the stupidest stuff.

  “Well one day things got really bad and they never got better. Aiden and I were playing video games when Daniel came into the room. He slapped me across the face out of nowhere. I was so shocked; I just looked at him with my mouth hanging open. That’s when he grabbed Aiden by the shirt collar and dragged him out of the room. When I regained my wits I followed them. Daniel had taken Aiden into his room and locked the door.” I start to get choked up at this point.

  Caden pulls me into his arms this time. Offering me comfort. “Take your time, Kayla.” He whispers softly in my ear. The words I need to hear.

  After a few minutes I’m able to talk again. “I could hear Aiden screaming and crying from his room. I thought Daniel was murdering him. I didn’t even know what to do. I banged and banged on the door. I don’t remember how long he was in there but it felt like forever.” I swallow hard before going on. The next part is the worst. “When he finally came out he threatened to kill both of us if we ever talked about it. If we ever told anyone. What I found in that room will haunt me forever.” Tears slip freely down my eyes. The memories crash over me, making it hard to breathe. “I’ll never forget the sight of Aiden like that. He is my older brother and he was so strong. It was hard to see him so weak.”

  Caden clears his throat behind me. “What happened to your brother?” he questions gently.

  I smile through my tears. “He is the reason I’m here now. He is two years older then I am. Actually you met him.” I laugh softly because I can imagine the look on his face right now. “He was the gay guy you saw me with. David.”

  “I thought y’all looked alike.” He squeezes me once. “Anyway go on.”

  “That went on for years. I wish I could have been bigger, stronger, I don’t know. I just wish I could have done something. I feel like I let it happen. I’m his sister, I should have protected him better.”

  Caden turns me in his arms until I can see his amazing blue eyes. “Don’t blame yourself for the actions of others. You were a little girl, you couldn’t have done much. Besides tell other adults.” He looks deeply into my eyes while he speaks and I feel lost in them.

  I shake my head before I explain. “Daniel is a senator. My mom knew what was going on and she didn’t do anything about it. No one would have believed either of us. He is a huge supporter against gay rights. Not that it matters now, we are free of him. Finally free.”

  Caden cups my cheeks and places a kiss on my nose. “How did you get away?” he settles me back against his chest. Tingles shoot through my body even though I had him twenty minutes ago.

  I ignore the feelings in my body and finish my story. “Aiden is two years older than me so he had been moved out of the house for a year. When it came out he was gay, Daniel h
ad a shit fit. Aiden decided it was time to leave. We had been planning to run away for a long time, but not before I turned eighteen.” I feel Caden’s arms tighten around me. Maybe I shouldn’t have lied about my age. “The night we left, Daniel had a goon waiting for us at the house. Aiden beat the shit out of him and that’s when we changed our appearances. Aiden had it all planned out and so far we haven’t been discovered.”

  Caden pushes away from me and gets up off the bed. He starts pacing and I grow nervous. I really shouldn’t have lied about my age. That’s something you should share with someone you sleep with. Even if they don’t know anything else about you, your age is important. “So you’re telling me you’re not nineteen?” he glares over at me and I bite my lip.

  I shake my head. “I’m seventeen. I won’t turn eighteen until July.”

  “Is your step-dad really dangerous?” he stops pacing. His eyes demand an answer.

  “Yes he is. He is made of money, old money. It seems like there is a never-ending supply of it. He paid off the courts so my dad couldn’t get custody of us. Then he made it where my dad couldn’t even see us. I’ve seen people come through our house for a meeting and the next day they were pulling their body out of the Hudson.” I shudder. That was not a pleasant thing to see.

  “Your mom and him didn’t report it though. That would have been all over the news if a senator had two missing children.”

  That one baffles me too. “I thought he would report it. That’s why we changed our appearances. I became Grace and Aiden became David.” I scoot to the end of the bed and sit Indian style, the sheets wrapped around me. “Aiden chose here because it was somewhere we wouldn’t go. I’m a pure city girl and so is he. Arkansas is a big difference from New York City. Little did I know that my dad is here. I’m surprised Daniel didn’t look here knowing dad was here. I guess he thinks Aiden is too stupid to figure out where dad lived.”

  Caden starts pacing again. I get distracted from the conversation by his naked ass. He really should put some clothes on or he’s about to get jumped. By me. “Is this why you stayed away from me? You said something about you couldn’t have a future with me because I don’t have a secure future.”

  I shake my head again. “Aiden says I’m all over a bad boy like white on rice. You happen to be the biggest bad boy at this school. No one would look for me with your brother. He’s a goody, goody and someone I would never go for.” I bite my lip again. This is a Kayla trait, not a Grace one. “Okay so maybe what I said had something to do with it also. Aiden said I needed to find someone who I could build a future with and stick with him. Your brother also fit that bill. He is going somewhere, and I was going after him until you stepped into my life.”

  I get up off the bed and cross the room to stop his pacing. The sheet dropped to the floor as I stood up. Caden takes in my naked figure with hungry eyes. We really should learn to wear clothes around each other. “I didn’t want to want you. I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t stay away. It scares the shit out of me. I didn’t know what to do with it. And I thought you saw me as a plaything, a toy. Something you could play with for a while and then throw me away.” My hand comes up to cup his cheek. I press my body flush against him and feel his erection against my stomach. “Then I walked into that gallery today and I knew that I was more. No one would paint me the way you did that didn’t have feelings that could last. They were so beautiful and all I could do was run right to you.”

  Caden’s hands fall to my hips and he pulls me tight against him. He throbs against my stomach and my toes curl. “Angel, make no mistake, the moment I set eyes on you, I knew you were mine. It makes me crazy to see you with my brother. It makes me crazy not being with you. I want you all the time. I want to know everything about you. I feel myself falling in love with you, and I haven’t ever felt that before.”


  “Do you mean that?” I ask, beyond hoping he isn’t messing around with me.

  He chuckles lowering his face until his lips almost touch mine. “Yes, Kayla. I mean that. Fall in love with me?” He whispers the last against my lips, making me tremble.

  “Yes.” I whisper back kissing him with everything in me.

  I don’t know what the future holds and that is really scary. Anything could go wrong or right. If Daniel finds me, I’m as good as dead. And I’m saying this because right here in this moment, in Caden’s arms, none of that shit matters. This house could go up in flames, and I wouldn’t care.

  This is that moment when you jump over the edge with someone.

  That moment when you fall in love.

  The first thing I see when I open my eyes are Kayla’s brown eyes. I have stopped calling her Grace after the night she told me everything. She isn’t Grace anymore, if she ever was. She’s Kayla now and I’m so happy she told me everything. With the past out of the way, we have to deal with Jaden now. He’s getting back from football camp tonight and I’m dreading it.

  We have been staying at her dorm room. When Teagan moved out it was too late in the year to find Kayla a new roommate, so she gets the room to herself. Which is fine by me. We don’t have to worry about anyone walking in on us here. Now the sneaking out is harder, but we have managed to get away with it.

  “What are you looking at?” I grin into her neck taking in the scent of her rose body wash. Her soft skin meets my lips eliciting a moan to come out between her amazing lips.

  “You.” She replies her hands clutching into my hair. It’s so amazing that I can let her touch me while we have sex. I’ve never had that before and it makes what we have right now even more special.

  Her cell phone starts ringing right then and I let out a groan. Guess I’m stuck with my morning wood. “Hey Jaden.” She says into the receiver after reaching over me and answering.

  I tense under her. She looks back at me with questioning eyes. I shrug my shoulders. Technically he is still her boyfriend since she refused to break up with him over the phone. I just hate she answers every time he calls. “Yeah I need to talk to you. Can I come to your apartment?” she says to him while her hand lazily moves over my stomach. “Okay, I’ll be there shortly.” She hangs up after that and turns towards me.

  “I just get jealous when you answer his calls. It’s a guy thing, Angel.” I kiss her shoulder and gently move her off of me. “Lets get this done. I want to get out in public with you. I want to tell my mom about you.” I give her a cheeky grin when her mouth opens wide in shock.

  She clears her throat before getting off the bed. She is naked, which is how I make her sleep with me. Easy access and all that. “We really should get over there. He has class in an hour.” She places a kiss on my lips before walking to her closet.

  Twenty minutes later we are climbing the stairs to my brother’s apartment. I haven’t seen or talked to him in weeks. I don’t think the way he treated Declan was right and I don’t want anything to do with him until he apologizes. Not that it matters right now. He’s about to hate me anyway.

  Kayla knocks on the door, her hands shaking slightly. We wait for what seems like forever before he answers the door. Jaden isn’t wearing a shirt and his sweats hang low on his hips. Anger comes off him in waves at seeing us holding hands. “Why am I not surprised?” he mutters opening the door to let us in.

  Kayla drops my hand before hurrying inside. Yeah the whole hand holding thing was a bit much. Not like I care. Kayla is mine and I’m here to lay my claim in front of Jaden. He’s not going to get his way on this. Not anymore. I’m tired of being the worthless brother. The one who no one thinks will do anything. The one my dad can’t meet in the eyes.

  “Look Jaden, I know you wanted us to work but I’m sorry. I just can’t be with you anymore. Not when my heart belongs to Caden. And your heart belongs to Ava. I know she doesn’t remember you, I know she probably never will, but you need to stop hanging on to me. I’m not right for you anyway. I’m not the person you think I am.” She stands about a foot away from him, twisting he
r hands in front of her torso.

  Jaden’s face gets angrier by the second. I don’t know what he’s so pissed about. Oh no I do. I’m stealing his toy, just like I did when we were kids. Everyone thinks Jaden is good-natured, calm and collected. While he is all of those things, he’s also spoiled. He couldn’t stand for me to touch something of his. I thought he had grown out of it, but now that doesn’t seem to be the case. “Caden what the fuck? You’re supposed to be my brother!” His dark blue eyes meet mine and I’m not paying attention. His fist comes out and slams into my stomach.

  I let out a gush of air and clutch my stomach. Kayla seemed to be ready for it. I catch out of the corner of my eye her rear back and punch him right in the left eye. “Don’t you hit him!” she screams backing away and coming over to me.

  “He’s my fucking brother, I’ll do whatever I want to him!” he comes at me again but this time I’m ready. I dodge around him and stick out my foot tripping him to the floor. He lands hard and I feel a pang of guilt. I never wanted to fight my twin over a girl, over anything really. It’s just part of life at this point. I don’t really even know who Jaden is anymore. Ever since Ava had her accident, he shut himself off from everyone. Seems I’m the only one who noticed.

  “Jaden calm down. Lets talk about this like the adults our parents want us to be.” I say reaching down to help him off the floor. Surprisingly he takes my hand and pulls himself up. He lets go quickly and glares at me. “Sit down. Talk about it. You don’t have to use your fist to get your point out anymore.” I tell him taking a seat at the couch.

  Jaden plops his ass down on the chair opposite me. Kayla sits down next to me and places her tiny hand on my knee. Jaden glares at the touch, but I ignore him. He is going to do that the whole time we sit here and talk. “We didn’t mean to hurt you. We didn’t mean to have these feelings for each other. I can promise you that. We fought them tooth and nail but in the end it was too much to fight. Grace and I belong together.” I say to him. Kayla squeezes my knee when I call her Grace. She doesn’t like that anymore then I do.


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