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Whispers From the Past

Page 36

by L. S. O'Dea

  “I was punished.”

  “You’re saying you’re like him?” Indy turned toward him, eyes twinkling with humor.

  “No.” He ran his hand through his hair, wincing as the drying cuts reopened. “Not exactly, but I was rich and connected and I was punished.”

  “I didn’t mean rich and connected.” Indy took a deep breath. “It’s hard to explain but those like Wickerwood always find a way to avoid punishment. You’ll see.”

  “I’m in charge now. He’ll be punished.” He hesitated. “I wanted to kill him, but I don’t want a government like that. We need laws and rules that are fair. One person can’t decide...shouldn’t decide the fate of others.”

  “Sounds like a good plan. I hope it works.”

  “So do I.”


  WHEN HUGH ARRIVED at the Council Building, he hurried to Trinity’s room, not even bothering to wash the blood from his hands and clothes. He hesitated in the hallway, afraid of what he’d find when he went inside. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Trinity’s golden gaze greeted him and he grabbed the wall to keep from falling as his knees buckled in relief. In the next second, he was at her side, hesitating to touch her in case he was dreaming. “You’re awake.” It was stupid. It was obvious but he couldn’t think of anything else to say. All the other words—the right ones, the important ones—were stuck in his throat.

  “You’re hurt.” She reached for his hand.

  “It’s nothing.” He stepped back. She couldn’t touch him, not when he was dirty and bloody. He walked to the sink and washed the blood off his hands.

  “It is not nothing. What happened?”

  He went back to her side, taking her hand in his. “Meesus.”

  “You were with Meesus?”

  “You have nothing to worry about.” He couldn’t stop smiling. She was awake. She was okay and she was jealous. “I had to honor my debt to her.”

  He explained the deal he’d made with Meesus and Trinity’s expressive face had gone from angry, to sad and back to angry.

  “You have to find her daughter.” She squeezed his hand. “We have to help the girl and the others like her.”

  “I’ll talk to Townsend. It was on his to-do list.” He kissed her wrist. “I also need to send some Guards to search that estate. There are things going on there that I don’t even want to think about. Plus, Wickerwood may have lied. The girl could be there somewhere.”

  Tim entered, carrying a bowl of soup. “Time to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You need to eat,” he said.

  Tim sat on the other side of the bed and held a spoon to her lips. “Open up.”

  “I can feed my—”

  Tim shoved the spoon into her mouth and she sputtered but didn’t spit it out. He scooped up another spoonful, but she grabbed the bowl. Hugh’s hand felt empty and cold without her touch so he rested it on her hip.

  “Move your hand,” growled Tim.

  “No.” He was allowed to touch her. She was going to be his wife.

  “You’re not bonded yet,” said Tim.

  Mirra prowled into the room, stopping their conversation.

  “She’s been splitting her time between your room and Gaar’s,” said Tim.

  The Tracker glided over to the bed and ran her large paw over Trinity’s hair. “Little One scare Mirra. No do again.” She not-too gently cuffed Trinity upside the head.

  “Hey.” Her eyes watered slightly at the blow.

  “Little One need learn. Head hard.” Mirra tapped her claw on Trinity’s forehead. “Little One save Little One no others.” Mirra elbowed Hugh almost knocking him off his chair.

  He shifted away from the Tracker. “I couldn’t agree more.” His eyes met Trinity’s and held her gaze. “Your days of saving everyone else are over.” He kissed her before she could argue. It was faster than he would’ve liked but she was injured and they did have company. “You’re mine now, remember?”

  “You mate?” Mirra stared at him. “You make babies?”

  He glanced at Tim who watched him with narrowed eyes, his fangs peeking from under his lips. “Not exactly...but we are going to get married.” At Mirra’s confused look he added, “Bond. We’re going to bond. Mate.” His face heated a little more under Tim’s glare.

  Mirra snorted. “Little One do better.”

  “She could do worse,” he said, but had to smile at Trinity’s laughter.

  “Put baby here.” Mirra tapped Trinity’s abdomen. “Then, she only save baby.”

  Trinity’s laughter stopped and her face turned bright red.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” He grinned at her as she blushed even more.

  “Enough talk about making babies,” said Tim.

  Mirra bent and started to pick up Trinity.

  “What are you doing?” He grabbed the Tracker’s arm.

  Mirra snarled at him and he dropped his hand. “Mirra protect Little One. Mirra protect Gaar-Mine.”

  Being in the same room with Gaar and Mirra would ensure he had no time alone with her. Not that she was in any condition for amorous activities but he liked being alone with her, talking to her. However, he had a lot of things to straighten out and he couldn’t be with her every minute. Having a Tracker and a Handler as protection was better than anything he could arrange. “Okay, but be careful.”

  Mirra rolled her eyes as she lifted Trinity and carried her out of the room.

  “I’m her father.” Tim elbowed him out of the way and slipped through the door.

  “Trust me. I don’t want to be her father.”

  “Shut up.” Tim followed the Tracker into the other room.

  Mirra placed Trinity on a bed next to Gaar.

  “How’s Sikka?” asked Trinity.

  “The doctor is still working on her,” said Gaar. “Glad to see you awake.”

  Hugh pulled a chair over to Trinity’s bed and took her hand. He couldn’t help it. He had to touch her, make sure she was okay.

  “How are you?” She asked Gaar. “What did the doctor say?”

  “He said I’ll be good as new in a month, maybe less. Kalper doesn’t have much experience with Handlers, so he’s not sure how fast we heal.”

  “You better soon,” said Mirra. “Handlers no weak like Almightys. Handlers strong. Heal fast like Tracker.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be better real soon but it might take a little longer than usual.” Gaar’s eyes met Hugh’s. Without the serum Gaar may not heal as quickly.

  Trinity’s gaze followed Gaar’s to him. He squeezed her hand. He’d explain everything later.


  JETHRO SAT IN his cell, his blood raging through his body. He was trapped, captured. He wanted to move, escape, but he breathed deeply, forcing himself to sit still. He’d need his serum soon. He’d have to remind Indy. The Guard would have no trouble getting it to him. Indy had already snuck in some food when he’d brought the news that Trinity was awake. She was going to live. That was all that mattered. Everything else he could handle.

  “Hey, buddy,” said one of the guys in the cell next to him. “You have any more food?”

  He handed him the rest of his sandwich. He’d already eaten the meat and the bread didn’t appeal to him. Plus, Hugh would feed them. The other Almighty was too honorable to mistreat his prisoners.


  “What happened to you?” The guy was elderly and had been worked over by someone. Most of the others had a few cuts or bruises but nothing like this.

  “Hugh Truent, that’s what. He beat me.”

  “What did you do?” It had to be bad. Hugh was too perfect to abuse the elderly.

  “Nothing. Nothing illegal.” The guy looked indignant. “Hugh is just too much like his mother.”

  He forced his hand to unclench. This Almighty had no idea that Hugh’s mother wasn’t Sarah Truent.

  The Almighty stuffed a hunk of the bread in his mouth and continued after he
’d swallowed. “He found out I like females from other classes and I ended up here.”

  Since Hugh was in love with Trinity he was pretty sure that wasn’t the reason for the beating, but honestly, his head ached and he didn’t care what had happened to this guy.

  The man finished the bread and stuck his hand through the bars of the cage. “Thanks. The name’s Wickerwood.”

  He shook the old man’s hand. It was the polite thing to do.

  “I’ll pay you back for the bread.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, really. Once I’m out of here, I can help you. I’m rich and I know people.”

  “Good for you.” He’d lost interest in this conversation. If he’d known sharing his food would gain him a friend he would’ve eaten it himself.

  “You don’t understand. The people I know make things happen. You’re in here so things aren’t going well for you and they probably won’t once you’re out either. So, if you ever need anything, let me know.”

  “Okay. Great. I’ll let you know.” It was going to be a long imprisonment if he had to stay next to this guy.


  HUGH BOLTED UPRIGHT at the first touch on his shoulder.

  “It’s me,” whispered Jackson.

  He motioned to the door and Jackson went back outside. He rubbed his hand down his face. It was late, but he’d just fallen asleep. There’d been so much to do, so much to organize. He stood, wanting to give Trinity a kiss before he left, but unwilling to risk waking her. She had to be exhausted to sleep through Jackson’s voice. He glanced behind him. Mirra’s eyes glowed golden in the darkness and he couldn’t make out anything on Gaar except a deeper blackness in the shadows. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He left the room, glad the two were there to protect her when she was so vulnerable. He’d never have been able to leave her side without them.

  Jackson was pacing.

  “What’d you find?” He’d sent Jackson and a team to search the estate.

  Jackson stopped, turning to face him. He was pale and his eyes were wide. “It was horrible.”

  “Yeah. I know about the organs in the locked cooler. Did you find Meesus’ daughter?”

  “No. We didn’t find anyone fitting her description but we did find others.”

  “Others? You mean the scientists, Guards and Servants.” He prayed that was what his friend meant.

  “No. In the building on the back of the lot. The one you mentioned. It looked like it came directly from the Warehouse District, but inside it was...worse.”

  “How could it be worse?” He really, really didn’t want to know.

  “There were dozens of cages filled with Grunts, Servants, Guards, Producers and even Avions and Stockers. They were paired together and forced to mate.”

  “Like at the encampments. That’s bad, but—”

  “No. They weren’t paired with each other.”

  “Slow down. You’re not making any sense.”

  “I know.” Jackson took a deep breath. “They were paired with members of the other classes. Avions were paired with Servants and Servants with Guards just went on and on.”

  “They were forced to do this?”

  “Yeah. Some of them have been there for years. Captive. Forced to mate.” Jackson shook his head. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” His eyes met Hugh’s. “And that’s not the worst part.”

  His heart thudded against his ribcage as he leaned against the wall.

  “Once they gave birth, the offspring were taken and never seen again.”

  Thanks for reading Lake of Sins: Whispers From the Past. I hope you enjoyed the story.

  If you liked the story, please leave a review on any of the ebook vendors.

  Also, check out my other books. An excerpt from Chimera Chronicles: Rise of the River Man is next followed by the Characters section where I list all the characters from the series.

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  Rise of the River Man


  MUTTER WAS IN TROUBLE. No one wanted a Guard like him. He was too big, too strong and too ugly. He stretched out on the concrete floor and winced. His ribs were definitely broken, but he’d fought and won with broken bones in the past. He started coughing. It was this sickness that had cost him the match. He sat up; the coughing subsided. He’d pleaded with Vickers, his Almighty master, not to make him fight but the money had already switched hands. He leaned his head against the bars of the cage. He’d lost the fight and now he’d lose his life.

  The door opened and a male Almighty around thirty years old with blond hair entered the room followed by Satcha, the House Servant who ran this establishment. The Guards’ Shelter didn’t allow visiting at this hour but Almightys did whatever they wanted. Mutter didn’t bother to stand up. He’d learned his lesson. Right after he’d arrived, he’d trimmed his beard and had tried to look pleasant, but it had done no good. Every time that he’d run to the front of the cage and had smiled at the Almightys, he’d smelled the fear on them. Most had tried not to look at him, but he was big and scarred and hard to ignore.

  They stopped in front of his cage.

  “Ableson, this is the one I told you about,” said Satcha. “Looks like he was a fighter. So, he should be used to obeying. I thought he might work for you, but he does have a bad cough.”

  “Just a little tickle in my throat from this damp, rotten place.” He hated Servants. They didn’t know when to keep their big mouths shut.

  The Almighty remained quiet, his blue eyes never leaving Mutter.

  “Come here,” said Satcha.

  Mutter wanted to stay where he was to annoy the Servant but Guards like him didn’t get many chances for a home. He stood slowly, letting the Almighty get used to his size and appearance.

  “How old are you?” asked Ableson.

  “Not sure. Been around for a while but not too old.” That was the safe answer. He had counted nineteen winters but that might be too old or too young. He never could tell what an Almighty wanted.

  “By his teeth and body we estimate around twenty-five to thirty years,” said Satcha.

  Ableson twirled his finger. Mutter understood that signal. Before the fights had started, when the betting happened, he was often sized up by the gamblers. He turned in a circle, giving the Almighty time to study him.

  “I’m strong and healthy.” That was a lie but he would be healthy again. He just needed a little time and some food.

  “I need an obedient Guard.” The Almighty’s eyes roamed up and down his frame.

  “Won’t find one more obedient than me.”

  “Let’s see if that’s true.” Ableson walked down the aisle. “Is there another Guard who he’s close to?”

  “Him?” Satcha laughed, following the Almighty. “He’s so big and ugly even the other Guards stay away from him.”

  Ableson stopped in the hallway. “Take this one out.”

  The Servant opened the cage and slipped a rope over a young Guard’s neck. Mutter’s chest pinched. Typical. The Almighty’s always chose the young ones. His only chance was gone. They would walk out and soon he’d be executed. He started to sit back down, when the three of them stopped in front of his cage.

  “Put her in with him,” said Ableson.

  “Ah, we keep the younger ones separated from the older ones, especially the older males,” said Satcha.

  The Almighty didn’t say a word, but his look was enough. The Servant muttered an apology and opened the door, shoving the young Guard into Mutter’s cage.

  He glanced at the little Guard who stood as far away from him as poss
ible. She couldn’t have been older than nine. She had russet hair and large, frightened, brown eyes.

  “Hit her,” said Ableson, his tone conversational.

  “Wait,” said Satcha. “That one’s young and attractive. I can find a home for her. Let me get—”

  “I’ll pay for both.” The Almighty’s eyes never left Mutter.

  Mutter kept his face a mask but his stomach clenched. He didn’t want to do this. He’d fought females before but they’d all been experienced fighters.

  “I need an obedient Guard,” repeated Ableson.

  The girl trembled in the corner, tears running down her soft, round cheeks. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

  Pleading never changed anyone’s mind. He knew the game and it would be her or him. He stared into the girl’s scared brown eyes. “Bruised, broken or dead?”

  Find out what happens next.

  ALL Characters From the Series

  Ableson: An Almighty who used to work with Hugh and Parson at Conguise’s lab.

  AC: stands for Allied Classes. It is the name used for the rebels. See also: Allied Classes.

  Adam: A young, male Producer. Trinity’s younger brother who was taken when he was three for a “Special List”

  Afar: A middle-aged, male House Servant. Is owned by Professor Conguise and works as a butler.

  Alice: An Almighty female Hugh once dated.

  Allied Classes: Name of the rebels. See also AC

  Almightys: The ruling class. They are between five and six feet tall. Generally, have dark hair and white skin.

  Arthur: very young, male Producer, House Servant and Almighty. Son to Tim and Millie. Brother to Trinity.

  Avions: Small, winged creatures about the size of a loaf of bread. They have feathers and beak but can speak. They are typically very gossipy.

  Barney: An elderly, male House Servant. He works for Professor Conguise

  Bell: A Lead Producer. He is Benedictine’s favorite and therefore holds much authority in camp. He is the father of Clarabelle and Mirabelle.


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