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Whispers From the Past

Page 37

by L. S. O'Dea

  Benedictine Remore: A middle aged, male Almighty. He runs the Producer encampment where Trinity lives and the Handler and Tracker camps. He is married to Martha and the father to Jethro and Kim.

  Birchwood: Birdie’s real name. See also Birdie.

  Birdie: A male Avion with brownish-gray feathers. See also Birchwood.

  Blended-Bar: A bar that caters to all classes.

  Blue: A young, adult, female Producer.

  Bo: An adult male Guard. Lead Guard for the Almightys.

  Bob: Hugh’s alias when he pretends to be a Guard.

  Bradley, Ben: A male Almighty. Assisted Gaar and Mirra with serum.

  Bradley, Verly: The Forest Witch. An adult, female Almighty. See also Forest Witch, Verly.

  Brennon: An adult, male Guard. Can pick locks faster than anyone.

  Brianna: An AC Guard. Works with Bo.

  Brick: A Guard in the Protective Services.

  Bruno: An adult, male Guard. Very large. Belongs to Townsend.

  Buddy: An elderly, male Guard. He belongs to Hugh Truent. He has salt and pepper hair, a beard and is about five foot tall. He was bred for protection, not speed and is solid muscle.

  Buster: An old, male Producer who was retired. Taught Millie and Trinity about medicinal herbs.

  Butch: A male Lead Producer. Replaces Bell on duty in the guard shack. Is the assigned mate to Tulip.

  Callie: A young adult, female House Servant with black hair. Friends with Leslie and Miranda. Frequents blended-bars.

  Captain Calvin Folgrant: An adult, male Almighty. A Captain in the Almightys’ armed forces.

  Casper: An elderly, male Guard. Belongs to Benedictine. Works with Jackson.

  Carla: A female Guard. Belongs to Benedictine. Works with Jackson.

  Chapman: Parson’s boss.

  Christian: Brother to Harold, husband to Heather and father to Theresa in the story told by Jethro about the Lake of Sins. Also the name given to the River-Man by Trinity.

  Christopher: Dave Davies cousin.

  Chubs: A Guard. Belongs to Benedictine. Works at the Tracker camp.

  Clacker: An Avion. One of Birdie’s nephews.

  Clarabelle: A female, teenage Producer. Bell’s daughter and Mirabelle’s sister.

  Coakers: The male Almighty who used to supply Hugh with the serum for the Handlers and Trackers.

  Cold Creepers: Reptilian-like creatures, about three feet tall and over six feet long, walk on all fours. They are green, gray or brown in color. They generally hunt in packs.

  Conguise, Peter, alias the professor: A geneticist. Used to be Hugh Truent’s mentor. Daughter was Viola. See also: Professor Peter Conguise.

  Council, the: A group of Almightys appointed to rule by the Supreme Almighty and the public.

  Coxer, Samantha: An overweight middle aged council member.

  Crosnics Manor: An Almighty estate owned by Dresschew.

  Curtis: An adult, male protection Guard.

  Davies, Albert: A male Almighty. Deceased. Had been rich and powerful. Dave Davies’ father.

  Davies, Dave: An adult, male Almighty.

  Dede: An adult, female Servant. Has dark hair. Works as a prostitute at Ray’s.

  Doma: A young, male House Servant and Almighty mix, mother is Libby. Father is Townsend.

  Drakka: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting

  Dresschew: An Almighty. Owns Crosnics Manor.

  Duke: An adult male Guard. Member of the Protective Services. Captain Cal’s Lead Guard.

  Eakers: An Avion

  Eela: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting

  Exhibit: Place where Producers are taken once they are paired to mate, so that they see the dangerous creatures in the forest.

  Emmanuel: A male Handler. Not wild born.

  Ferssia: A House Servant. Matilda’s daughter.

  Forest Witch: An old, female Almighty who lives in the forest and takes in strays.

  Gaar: A male Handler. He is the bonded pair to Mirra. See Handler.

  General Hugh Truent Senior: A male Almighty. Deceased. Brilliant military strategist. Raised Little Sarah and Hugh with wife Sarah Truent.

  Glareclow Village: A Servant village near the edge of the forest. Barney and Matilda live there.

  Guards: Belong to the Almightys. They hunt for the Almightys and protect the Almightys. They vary in size and hair color. Their eyes are usually brown. The males generally wear facial hair.

  Great Death: The illness that swept over the earth, killing most humans, all domestic animals and all wild animals larger than a wild turkey.

  Grunts: Are large and strong. They are bigger than Producers. They walk on all fours and do not speak. Their purpose is to haul things for the Almightys.

  Handler: Predators that bond and help to control Trackers. They are between five and six feet tall but are extremely wide and muscular. They have long arms. See Gaar.

  Hap: A male Lead Producer. Hector’s son.

  Harbor Point: - A large rock wall that extends the length of the world of the Lake of Sins

  Harold: Brother to Christian in story told by Jethro about the Lake of Sins.

  Heather: Wife to Christian in story told by Jethro about the Lake of Sins.

  Hector: A Lead Producer. The section of the fence that he watches borders Troy’s section. Hap’s father. Hector is very diligent in his duties.

  Hester: A female Producer.

  Hopper: A Guard in the Protective Services. He works in the medical tent and is friends with Indy and Jethro.

  House Servants: Belong to Almightys. They manage the households and businesses of the Almightys. They are slender in build and short, between four and five feet tall. They have fangs and claws and their eyes are a vibrant hue.

  Howling Hut, The: A Guard’s bar located in the Guards’ section of the city.

  Hugh Truent: A male Almighty. The youngest Almighty to ever be bestowed the title of High. Son of Sarah. Invented the new updated tracking device.

  Indy: A Guard in the Protective Services. Jethro’s friend.

  Jackson: A male Guard. He is the lead Guard to Benedictine. He is also called the hairless Guard because he wears no facial hair. He used to be assigned to protect Benedictine’s daughter Kim.

  Jason Dophilez, the Supreme Almighty: A middle-aged Almighty. Rules their government with the Council. He is fat and likes to drink. See also Supreme Almighty (alphabetized by first name since last name is hardly ever used)

  Jeremiah: A teenage, male Producer at the Finishing Camp.

  Jethro Remore: A teenage, male Almighty. Son of Benedictine and Martha. Brother to Kim. Befriends Trinity at the Lake of Sins.

  Jezzy: A female Producer. Stuart’s mate.

  Jimmy Smedly: A teenage, male Almighty. A friend of Jethro’s.

  Jooneen: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting.

  Jorge: An elderly, male Guard. He belongs to Professor Conguise.

  Kalper, Dr.: An Almighty. He is Sarah Truent’s doctor.

  Kim Remore: An Almighty. Benedictine and Martha’s daughter and Jethro’s sister.

  Kimmy: A female Gaurd

  King, Dr.: An Almighty. He is Hugh Truent’s family doctor.

  Laddie: An older, male Guard. Belongs to Professor Conguise. He is a large protection Guard.

  Lazaretto Falls: A large waterfall in the forest.

  Lead Producers: A title given to a small set of Producers. They are allowed to carry a club and they interact with Benedictine. They also guard the perimeter of the camp from dangers.

  Leelee: A young, female House Servant and Almighty mix, mother is Libby. Father is Townsend.

  Leena: A young, female House Servant. A member of the Allied Classes.

  Leslie: A young adult, female House Servant with long brown hair and green eyes. Friends with Callie and Miranda. Frequents blended-bars.

  Libby: An adult, female House Servant. Townsend is her mate. Mother to Leelee and Doma.

  Little Sarah Norable: A
middle-aged, female Almighty. Daughter of Sarah Truent and sister to Hugh Truent.

  Lola: A female Guard. The madam of a whore house.

  Maple: An elderly, female Producer who was retired. Was kind to Trinity.

  Martha Remore: A middle-aged, female Almighty. Mother to Jethro and Kim. Wife of Benedictine.

  Millie: A Producer. Trinity’s mother. She is the assigned mate to Remy, but actually breeds with Tim.

  Matilda: House Servant. Works for Conguise. Barney’s mate.

  Michael: An Almighty who owns the pub called Michael’s Pub

  Millie: A Producer. Trinity’s mother. She is the assigned mate to Remy, but actually breeds with Tim.

  Mirabelle: A teenage, female Producer. Was on the Harvest List last year. Daughter of Bell and sister to Clarabelle. She has one leg shorter than the other.

  Meesus: An adult, female House Servant. Manages the prostitutes at Ray’s. Was Ray’s mate. Very pretty, exotic.

  Miranda: A young adult, female House Servant with short, light brown hair. Friends with Leslie and Callie. Frequents blended-bars.

  Mirra: A female Tracker. The bonded pair to Gaar. She is brindle with yellow eyes and large teeth. See Tracker.

  Mo: An adult, male Guard. Member of the AC. Works with Bo.

  National Health Assurance Registry System: DNA database. Was supposed to be used to eliminate deformities and illnesses in offspring of all classes and to create better offspring in all classes except Almightys.

  Nirankan: A male Tracker. Russet colored. Wild born.

  Norable, Sam: A middle-aged, male Almighty. Husband to Little Sarah Truent.

  Noreese: An adult, female Handler. Friends with Tatania.

  Pab: An adult, male Guard of the AC. Works with Bo.

  Parker, Ms.: A middle aged, female Almighty. Nurse by profession. Works for Professor Conguise.

  Parra: A male Tracker. He’s white and brown. Wild born.

  Parson, Steve: An adult, male Almigty. Works in a lab. Used to work for Professor Conguise. Now, goes by Dean Rosenblur.

  Peetie: An adult, male Guard.

  Perchies: An Avion. Birdie’s niece.

  Petarvarius: A male Handler. Wild born.

  Petersen: An Almighty who Servants and Guards were spying for the AC.

  Phelecks: An adult, male House Servant. Libby’s father. Deceased.

  Producers: Large boned and strong. They stand between six and eight feet tall. They usually have dark hair and brown eyes. They work in the fields and produce all the food for the other classes.

  Professor Peter Conguise: A geneticist. Used to be Hugh Truent’s mentor. Daughter was Viola. See also: Conguise.

  Protective Services: The Almightys’ army.

  Randy: A male, teenage Producer. Used to be friends with Trinity but now hangs around Clarabelle.

  Ranger: A male Guard. Member of the Allied Classes.

  Ray: An adult, male House Servant. Has gray hair but is in his prime. Is a childhood friend of Tim’s. Runs the Servant section of the city. Was the mate to Meesus.

  Reese: A young, female Guard. She belongs to Hugh Truent. She has long, brown hair and is short and thin. She is a cross between a hunting Guard and something else.

  Remy: A Producer. Millie’s sanctioned mate. He is gay and is Troy’s partner.

  Rex: An adult, male Guard. Is a member of the Council’s Guards and works at the Council Building.

  Ritco: Adult, male Stocker. Leader of the Stockers in the Stockers’ Village

  River-People/River-Men: Fish-like creatures. Can live in or out of water, but prefer to be in the water. They can breathe both above and below water. They have scales for skin, sharp teeth. Hunt from below the water and drag their prey under to drown it. Also called Fish-Men. See Christian.

  Rocco: One of the Forest Witch’s Guards

  Rocket: A teenage, male Guard. A stray. Brother to Sassy.

  Rosenblur, Dean: The name Steve Parson is now using.

  Sallers, Doug: A councilman

  Sampson: An adult male Guard. Works at the Howling Hut.

  Sarah Truent: An elderly, female Almighty. Mother to Hugh and owner of Tim.

  Sassy: An adult, female Guard. Friend of Trinity’s. Good at escaping. Brother is Rocket.

  Scar: An older, female Guard. Belongs to Professor Conguise. She is a protection Guard.

  Seepie: A Handler.

  Sikka: A female Tracker. She is black and gray. She is wild born.

  Skeekie: A young Guard. A member of the Allied Classes.

  Skippy: An adult, male Guard. Friend of Bruno’s. Deceased.

  Smedly, Mrs.: A female Almighty. Jimmy’s mother.

  Speck: A Guard in the Protective Services. He’s very young.

  Stella: Jason’s (the Supreme Almighty) granddaughter

  Stockers: Short and stout, long muscular arms, usually bald and they are mostly blind with a poor sense of smell, but their hearing is excellent. They are ill tempered and violent.

  Stuart: A male Producer. Has been chosen to stay in camp but has not been assigned a mate. Brother to Travis.

  Sue: An older, female Guard. She belongs to Hugh Truent. She has long legs. She is a hunting Guard.

  Sugar: A female Guard with dark, curly hair

  Supreme Almighty: The main ruler of this society along with an appointed Council. Currently, this position is held by Jason Dophilez.

  Tammie: A teenage, female Producer at the Finishing Camp.

  Tatania: An adult, female Handler. She has long, dark hair, offset by a white streak. Friends with Noreese.

  Tee: A young, female House Servant.

  Theresa: Daughter of Christian and Heather in story told by Jethro about the Lake of Sins.

  Timothy (Tim): House Servant. Trinity’s father. Millie, a Producer is his mate. He belongs to Sarah, an Almighty.

  Tina: A female Producer. Troy’s assigned mate.

  Titus: A Lead Producer. The section of the fence that he watches borders Troy’s section on the opposite side as Hector’s. Titus drinks a lot.

  Todd: Adult, male Almighty. Assigned to Midtown Shelter.

  Townsend: An adult, male Almighty. A reporter. Mate is Libby. Children are Doma and Leelee.

  Tracker: A predator. Bonds with a Handler. Stands around ten to twelve-feet tall on its back legs. Can travel on all fours or on two legs. Covered in soft fur which varies in color. Has long sharp claws and teeth. Can find (track) anything. See Mirra.

  Travis: A male, teenage Producer. Was on the Harvest List last year. Trinity’s only friend.

  Trinity: A Producer and a House Servant. Daughter of Millie and Tim.

  Trip: A Guard. Belongs to Benedictine. Lead Producer of the Guards at the Tracker camp.

  Troy: A male Lead Producer. He is Remy’s partner. His assigned mate is Tina.

  Trunk: Large male Producer. Tends to be violent.

  Tulip: A female Producer. Assigned mate is Lead Producer Butch.

  Verly: The Forest Witch

  Victor, The: A large, adult, male Servant. He works for Ray and Meesus. He is a fighter.

  Viola: a female Almighty. Daughter of Professor Peter Conguise and live-in girlfriend of Hugh Truent. She is a scientist and a lifelong friend to Kim Remore.

  Wickerwood, Wilt: A male Almighty. Scientist. One of the five who are aware of Gaar and Mirra’s existence.

  Wilson, Bette: A gray-haired, female council member.

  Author Bio

  L. S. O’Dea grew up the youngest of seven in a family that uses teasing and tricks as an indication of love (or at least that’s what she tells herself). Being five years younger than her closest sibling often made her the unwilling entertainment for her brothers and sisters.

  Before she started kindergarten her brothers taught her how to spell her first and middle name—Linda Sue. She was so proud she ran into the kitchen to tell her mother. She stood tall and recited the letters of her name: L-E-M-O-N H-E-A-D.

  She’s pretty sure she has her siblings to thank for th
e demons that lurk in her mind, whispering dark and demented stories.

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  Also by L. S. O'Dea

  Chimera Chronicles

  Rise of the River Man

  Feeding Fersia

  Breaking the Brush Men

  Rage Of Rattus Norvegicus

  Leaving Level Five

  Lake Of Sins

  Lake of Sins: Secrets in Blood

  Lake of Sins: Hangman's Army

  Lake Of Sins: Betrayed

  Whispers From the Past

  Lake of Sins: Escape


  Lake of Sins Series Box Set Books 1-3

  Chimera Chronicles

  A Demon's Gift




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