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Joyce, Rebecca - The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Rebecca Joyce

  “You look good, kid,” Marcus said, smiling.

  “Clean up better than any of us.” Mitchell grinned.

  “Nice monkey suit!” Matthew laughed.

  “Is she pretty?” Mark asked.

  “Good luck, son!” Michael said, patting him on the back. All the brothers were making comments one right after each other as they walked past Henry, not helping ease the boy’s nerves.

  “All of you are just horrible!” Rachael shouted at them as they made their way to the kitchen.

  She winked at Henry and said, “Don’t worry, Henry, they are all going to get a big surprise. Watch this.” She cleared her throat and said loudly, “Don’t get too comfortable at that table, boys, all of you have volunteered to be chaperones at the prom tonight. You will all find your own monkey suits hanging on the wall near the mudroom. So get cleaned up. All of you will be escorting me tonight!” She smiled.

  The brothers all turned around and stopped what they were doing. There against the wall, all lined up one right after the other, were five tuxedos hanging on hooks with each of their names attached to the plastic wrap.

  “She is joking, right?” Mark asked, looking at Michael.

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” he replied.

  “Well, I’m not going,” Matthew said, sitting down.

  “Well if Mattie isn’t going, neither am I,” Mark quickly said. They all just stood there, wondering if she was joking or being serious. Michael, not wanting to push the matter, grabbed his tux and headed up stairs.

  “Wimp!” Matthew yelled.

  Rachael smiled at Michael as he made his way to the bedroom. When she didn’t see any of the others, she walked into the kitchen, looking at them standing around with Matthew sitting at the table. She walked right over to him, leaning down and placing her hands on the table behind him, cornering him so he couldn’t escape.

  Matthew thought he was about to die and go to heaven. She smelled so damn delicious, he wanted to taste every inch of her, and when she leaned closer to him, God forgive him, he couldn’t stop himself. His eyes drifted from her face down to her chest.

  She smiled gently and whispered in his ear, “Get a good look, Matthew, because if you don’t get your ass up, they will be the last breasts your eyes ever see. So, you have exactly five seconds to get your ass motivated before I strip you myself. Is that clear?” she said, whispering into his ear.

  “You wouldn’t dare?” he whispered.

  “Wanna bet on that?” She smiled, looking right at him. Matthew looked into her emerald eyes and saw the flicker of determination.

  Smiling, he scooped her up into his arms, getting up from the chair. “Boys, we have a prom to attend,” he said as Rachael kissed him on the cheek.

  “Awe shit, Mattie! She was just pulling your leg,” Mark said.

  “Too bad. We’re all going. Besides, I call the first dance with this lady,” he said, putting her down and grabbing his tuxedo.

  Within the hour, all the men descended the stairs to find Rachael waiting on them. They all lined up as she inspected them all. She turned to retrieve rosebuds and place a different color rose in each of their lapels, giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

  “My, my…you are all a handsome bunch,” she said, looking at Michael and smiling teasingly. “Maybe I picked the wrong brother. So many to choose from. A girl could get dizzy with all these options.” She laughed. Michael pulled her close to him and kissed her, taking the breath from her lungs. When he let her go, she was tipsy. “Okay, maybe I chose right,” she said, getting her wits about her.

  “Let’s go to the prom, boys!” Michael said, taking Rachael by the arm and leading the way.

  Outside, Rachael turned to Henry, and with a wave of her hand she said, “Okay, Henry, choose?” The boy stopped in his tracks, looking at the cars before him.

  He was speechless.

  “Not the Porsche, not the Porsche,” Mitchell said quietly to Mark.

  “Are you serious, Rachael, really?” Henry turned toward her, smiling.

  “It’s your night, Henry. Pick one. The keys are already in the cars. All you have to do is choose,” she said, smiling.

  Henry turned and walked directly over to the BMW and ran his fingers over the hood of the car. He then turned and ran to Rachael and hugged her.

  “Thank you so much, Mom,” he quietly said, hugging her tightly.

  All the men turned when they heard what Henry said. Henry quickly backed away and apologized, “I am sorry, Rachael. I didn’t mean….” he tried to say, but she interrupted him. She gently placed her finger on his lips, and smiled. “Henry, it’s okay.” She smiled. “Go. Go get Missy. You don’t want to be late for you own prom, do ya? She is waiting,” she said, kissing the boy once more. Henry hugged her again and jumped into the BMW and started the engine. Soon he backed out of the drive and headed toward town.

  “Are you okay?” Michael softly asked, hugging her waist.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It felt good to hear that word again.” She smiled and walked toward the Porsche.

  “Rachael honey, please?” Mitchell begged, leaning against the Porsche, petting the car as if it was a cherished animal.

  “Oh for goodness sakes, take the damn thing!” she said, walking over to the Viper to find Matthew and Marcus already getting comfortable in it. Michael was laughing as he opened the door to the Dodge Ram. “You have to be quicker than that, Rachael. Your chariot awaits, my lady.” She turned, watching all the boys start their engines, and soon they were all off.

  * * * *

  They all pulled into Cedar Creek High School parking lot, and together, they all walked into the gymnasium. Michael on one arm and Marcus on the other, they entered to find the gym covered from head to toe in black and white crepe paper, with black, white, and silver balloons everywhere. The tables were adorned with black tablecloths with vases of white carnations in the middle.

  With the music already blaring loudly, they soon walked toward the refreshments table, where Marcus soon helped himself to a pile of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.

  “Those are for the kids, Marcus!” Mitchell scolded his brother.

  “Shut up. I’m hungry. Besides, whoever baked these cookies, I plan to marry. They are so damn good,” he said, shoving another one into his mouth.

  “Pig,” Mark said, rolling his eyes. Rachael just smiled at the brothers and leaned herself against Michael as he wrapped his arms around her stomach.

  “Hey, Rach, please tell me that you are not going to be the only gal here tonight,” Matthew said, searching the room for any female older than seventeen.

  “I don’t know, Mattie. Just wait and see.” She laughed.

  Marcus looked at her, “I knew I should have stayed home.”

  “You are doing this for Henry, so shut it,” she said and looked toward the door as Carol walked in. Michael leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You look absolutely beautiful tonight, Rachael. How about we sneak out to the parking lot and…” The sharp jab in his ribs cut him off quickly. Rachael just laughed loudly and patted his hand, removing herself from his embrace.

  She walked around the room and met her friend Carol as she entered the gymnasium.

  “Where in the hell is Rachael?” Mark asked Michael. He just smiled and pointed toward the doors. Soon all the brothers looked as Rachael hugged a little bitty thing. Her blonde curls fell to her shoulders. The little black dress she was wearing did the most amazing thing to her breasts.

  Soon they watched as Rachael was greeted by another woman with long, flaming-red hair. Her pale skin shined like porcelain. Her red lips shimmered when she smiled. She was wearing a white gown that hugged her tiny waist and fell to her knees. Her long legs were bare, and when she walked, she flowed.

  “I want to apologize for what is about to happen, Carol and Elizabeth. I will try my best to stop them, but I am only one woman.” She smiled, looking at them.

  “What are you talking about, Rachael?” Eliza
beth asked. Rachael turned and looked toward the refreshment table.

  There, the ladies saw them.

  “Oh my goodness!” Carol exclaimed.

  “Took the words right out of my mouth,” Elizabeth reiterated. Rachael just laughed, and soon the ladies joined her.

  “And here I thought it was going to be another boring night,” Elizabeth said, smiling.

  Michael patted Mark on the shoulder and smiled. He walked over to Rachael. She introduced him to the ladies. They stood there talking for the longest time, turning every now and then, looking back to check on the brothers.

  * * * *

  “Well, you idiots can stand around here and do whatever you want. The party is over there,” Marcus said, leaving his brothers and walking over to Rachael and Michael.

  “Was wondering which one of you would get up the nerve to come over here first,” Michael said, looking at his brother.

  “Shut it, Mikie. Introduce me to this delectable lady!” he said, staring at Elizabeth. Rachael saw the look in Marcus’s eyes as she looked from him to Elizabeth. She just smiled. “Marcus, this is Elizabeth Kinkade. She is the owner of the bakery here in town. She made all the treats for the prom. Elizabeth, this is Marcus Armstrong.”

  Marcus took Elizabeth’s hand in his and kissed the top of it. He then escorted her to the dance floor without even asking.

  “That’s one down. Who will have the courage next?” Michael said, looking back at his brothers.

  “Well I don’t know about you, but I know who she will be more compatible with,” Rachael said, grabbing Carol’s hand and walking her over to the brothers.

  Rachael found Matthew sitting at one of the tables, and when he looked up, he quickly got to his feet. “Matthew, this is Carol Potter, the school’s English teacher. Carol, this is Matthew Armstrong,” she said, leaving the two alone. Walking over to Mitchell, Rachael took his hand and led him toward the dance floor.

  Michael sat at a table with Mark, watching Rachael dance with his brother. She was laughing at something he had said as he twirled her around the dance floor.

  He was captivated with her. She was so graceful, so beautiful. He never tired of watching her. It wasn’t long before Mitchell escorted her back to the table. Michael watched as she asked Mark for the next dance.

  “You okay, Mikie?” Mitchell asked, sitting next to his brother.

  “She’s amazing,” he replied, staring at her. Mitchell smiled at his brother and patted him on the back. “Brother, tell me something I don’t know,” he said before getting up from the table and helping himself to more refreshments.

  Michael was soon greeted by Marcus and Elizabeth. They sat at the table and soon started talking among themselves. Mitchell returned with a plate full of goodies, offering Michael a cookie. He took it and threw it in his mouth. He was about to grab another one when Mark returned looking pissed.

  “What happened to you?” Mitchell asked, laughing. Mark just sat and pointed toward the dance floor. Michael, Mitchell, and Marcus all stared.

  There in the middle of the dance floor was the oldest Armstrong brother dancing with Rachael.

  Matthew, holding tight to Carol’s hand, quickly found his brothers, and said, “What the hell is he doing here? I thought he was off fighting in some godforsaken country?”

  “I don’t know?” Mark quickly spoke.

  “I swear, Mattie. I didn’t call him,” Mitchell explained hurriedly.

  “Well someone called him?” Michael said, standing up. “I guess it’s my turn to dance,” he said, walking toward the oldest brother. The rest of the boys just sat down and watched Michael head toward the dance floor.

  “This isn’t going to be pretty,” Marcus quietly spoke.

  “Who is that?” Carol asked, looking at Matthew.

  “Nobody important,” Matthew responded.

  * * * *

  Rachael was dancing with a man who looked exactly like Michael. He held her tightly, moving her gracefully across the dance floor. He was taller than his brothers but not by much. His jet-black hair shined under the lights of the gym. His eyes, like his brothers, were ice-blue, and they sparkled when he smiled.

  “So, you must be the little lady I have been hearing so much about,” Michael heard him ask in that irritating velvet voice of his.

  “I guess that would be me. I’m Rachael Mason,” she responded.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Rachael. Have my brothers been behaving themselves?”

  “They have been perfect gentlemen. I’m sorry, I know you’re an Armstrong, but I didn’t get your first name,” she asked.

  Michael watched as he gently pulled away from her and bowed. “Please excuse me. I am Mason Harold Armstrong, the oldest brother of that rowdy bunch over there,” he said, taking ahold of her once again.

  “Well, Mason. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, smiling up at him.

  Michael was not pleased that Mason had shown up. Out of all the brothers, Mason was the only one who always knew which buttons to push, and he pushed them often. There was never a peaceful moment with Mason around. He took over everything, running it like one of his platoons, ordering his brothers as if they were all one of his soldiers. Michael knew with Mason showing up, the shit was about to hit the fan.

  “Mason,” Michael said, walking up behind his brother.

  “How are you, Mikie?” his brother asked, continuing to dance with Rachael.

  “I’m good. I believe this is my dance,” Michael said firmly.

  Mason just laughed and continued dancing with Rachael. Knowing this was going to be another pissing contest, Michael sighed. He was used to the pranks between the brothers, but with Mason, it was more than just pranks, it was serious. Mason kept his emotions and face clear of all feelings. None of them really knew what he was thinking or planning until he was already in action. Michael was determined to steer Rachael away from the fallout.

  “Mason,” Michael said a little louder.

  He watched as Rachael jumped, knowing there was going to be trouble. Michael was not happy about his brother’s arrival, and something in his gut told him he might want to get some help. Looking over at the table, he found the boys all watching. With a hard look, the brothers all stood up and headed toward the dance floor.

  “Maybe I should go sit down and leave you two alone,” Rachael offered. Mason just winked at her. “Now, darlin, Mikie is just upset that I have a beautiful woman in my arms and he can’t have her. See, darlin, he knows that I do many, many things better than him.”

  “Come on, Mikie. You know this pretty lady would rather have the better Armstrong,” Mason said smugly as he turned Rachael into a dip.

  The brothers were soon standing behind Michael.

  Watching Mason taunt Michael, Matthew offered his brother a word of advice. “Mase, whatever you’re planning to do, I wouldn’t do it if I were you.”

  Mason winked, and then, as he had Rachael in his arms, he lifted her back up and kissed her.

  Mark, Mitchell, and Marcus quickly grabbed a hold of Michael as he lunged for Mason. Matthew quickly grabbed Rachael, moving her off to the side. Mason walked right up to Michael and smiled. “Why, Mikie, she is absolutely delicious.”

  “You ever touch her again, you won’t ever have to worry about dancing with another woman again, ’cause I will break both of your legs,” Michael said quietly. Mason just laughed and patted him on the chest. Michael watched as Mason walked over to Rachael, taking her by the hand and leading her to him. Michael quickly took a hold of her around the waist.

  “Thank you for the dance, Rachael. You dance wonderfully,” he said, looking at her. Then turning his attention to crowd that had gathered, he bellowed, “Where’s my nephew!” and turned to look for Henry.

  “Well that was interesting,” Rachael said, turning to Michael. The expression on his face was murderous. Michael just stared at his older brother, who was now hugging Henry and patting him on the back.

  “Michael?” Rac
hael said softly. He turned to face her, and when she smiled, he soon forgot about everything. He pulled her close to him, and soon they were dancing.

  Chapter 10

  The house was quiet as he knew it would be. Making his way through her home, the anger he felt flew out of him in a rage. Before he knew it, he was knocking over tables, throwing chairs against the walls, smashing pictures, and ripping curtains off the windows.

  Her office looked like any other room. He made good use of her chair as he tore apart everything in there, from her desk to her filing cabinets. Throwing her papers across the room, he turned and headed back toward the living room.

  He quickly found the baseball bat in the downstairs closet and started hitting everything in his path. Making his way upstairs, he found her bedroom. He knew Michael had been staying over here with her, along with that brat of his. Taking the bat in his hands, he smashed her bedroom to bits. Finishing up in her room, he made his way back downstairs. In the kitchen, he made good use of his time as he swung the bat at the cabinets, breaking everything within them.

  Feeling pretty proud of what he had done, he was about to leave, when he saw the boots lying near the mudroom. Something within him snapped.

  “The bitch will pay, I promise you,” he muttered as he walked over to the stove.

  * * * *

  It was almost two in the morning when Michael and Rachael made it back to her house. They walked in the front door to find the place in total disarray. Her house had been tossed from one side to the other.

  Quietly making their way through the debris, she walked toward the mantel over the fireplace. She gently picked up the photos and placed them back where they belonged. The glass was shattered out of them, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t saying a word. She was numb. She bent down and picked up her wedding photo, to find that the picture had been ripped out of it. Standing there, she held the frame in her hand and turned to look at Michael, who was just staring at her.


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