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Joyce, Rebecca - The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 16

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Rachael, honey, I am so sorry,” he gently said. He tried to move toward her, but she put up her hand, stopping him. She slowly looked around her house, not recognizing anything. The couch had been cut and shredded into pieces. Her curtains were torn down. Her end tables were smashed. All of her pictures on the wall were gone, laying on the floor in thousands of little pieces. She made her way toward the kitchen to find it worse off than the living room.

  Michael stood there watching her silently move throughout her home in a fog. He knew this was his father’s handiwork. He had started picking up the mess when he heard the other cars pull up.

  Walking out onto the porch, looking like a ghost, he watched his brothers get out of the vehicles. Matthew and Mason looked over at Michael and instantly grew concerned.

  “Mikie, what’s wrong?” Mason asked, alarmed.

  “The house, he was here,” Michael said.

  His brothers quickly ran past him and into the house and saw what their father left behind. Michael turned and followed them. He found her in the office going through her filing cabinet, grabbing files, pictures, and a photo album.

  “Baby, just leave it, we can take care of this in the morning,” he said, walking over to her. She didn’t say anything. She just handed him the papers and walked over to her desk, pulling out the bottom drawer. She bent down, took out a small metal box, and opened it.

  There sitting in a blanket of velvet was an old Colt 45 with an ivory handle. She grabbed the gun and walked out of the room. Michael followed her to the kitchen, where she found the rest of the brothers waiting.

  She quickly turned to Michael. “Michael, that smell,” she exclaimed.

  “Oh shit!” Mark quickly shouted. “It’s gas!” All of them ran for the front door, stopping near the corral, just as the house blew.

  Michael and his brothers covered Rachael as her house exploded into a million pieces. The eruption startled the horses, setting them running through the corral gate. Matthew turned and started running after them, shouting, “The gates are open…the horses!” Mark and Mitchell ran after Matthew, trying to close the gates before the rest of the horses escaped.

  Rachael turned as the ranch hands started running out of the bunkhouses, each carrying a gun with them. She turned to Michael and whispered, “Michael, the cattle.”

  “Everyone saddle up. Check the herd!” Michael shouted, ordering the men to the stables. He turned to Kenny as the man approached. “You take care of Rachael. I have got to help my brothers.” Michael grabbed a set of keys from his dress pants and threw them to Mason. “My house is up the road on the right. The guns are in basement,” Michael shouted as Mason jumped in the Dodge and headed to the house.

  “Kenny, get Rachael out of here,” Michael shouted, turning to mount Jasper.

  Kenny took Rachael by the arm and walked her toward one of the cars.

  * * * *

  Mason walked into his brother’s house and quickly found the basement door. Walking downstairs with the keys in hand, he unlocked the metal cabinet door and grabbed the six rifles and six gun belts, each engraved with the monogram M into the leather. Mason knelt to open the black box at the bottom of the cabinet. There laid twelve pristine Smith & Wessons. Closing the lid, Mason grabbed the box and headed up to the kitchen. Laying the box on the table, he grabbed his gun belt and fastened it around his waist. Taking two pistols from the box, he twirled the guns in his hands before placing them at his waist in their holsters. He smiled. “God, I love Texas!” Picking up the guns and the box, he headed out to the truck as Kenny and Rachael arrived.

  The look on her face as he left the house made Mason frown. “Don’t worry, darlin’, we got this. Try and get some sleep,” he said, leaning to kiss her cheek. “Don’t wait up,” he yelled before getting in the truck.

  * * * *

  It was an hour later when Henry came running in the house to find Kenny sitting at his kitchen table. “Kenny, Rachael’s house is on fire!”

  “I know, son. Your dad and the rest of your uncles are out at her ranch taking care of everything with the rest of the boys.”

  “I have to go help them,” Henry said, walking toward the stairs.

  “You are staying right here. It’s your turn to look after Rachael. I have to get over there and help,” he ordered.

  “But…” he tried to object, but with the stern look Kenny gave him, he just walked over to the table and sat down.

  It was around five in the morning when Henry walked out to sit on the front porch. He noticed that the fire department was still out at Rachael’s, dousing her house with water. The flames were almost out, and as the sun started to rise over the horizon, he heard them riding up toward the house.

  They all looked exhausted and filthy. Their faces were covered with dirt and soot, and their tuxedos were destroyed. They all climbed off their horses and tied them to the front porch. He watched as they all staggered into the house, heading toward the kitchen. None of them said a word as they each took off their gun belts and placed them on the table. He watched Mark go for the coffee, while the others each grabbed two beers and sat at the table.

  “Where is she?” Michael said, turning to Henry.

  “She is up in your room,” he replied.

  Michael ran upstairs.

  He entered his bedroom to find Rachael sleeping in his bed. Curled up into a ball wearing one of his shirts, she slept. Her hair was all around her, and her eyes were red. She had been crying. Michael felt his heart break in two as he moved closer to her. He pulled the comforter up around her and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

  He emerged from the bathroom to find her still sleeping. He walked over to the bed and climbed in next to her, holding her. She nestled her head against his shoulder and slid her arm around his waist. Michael closed his eyes, trying to push the nightmare of the night out of his mind. He was lying there in silence when he heard the door open.

  He looked over and saw Mason standing in the doorway.

  “Yes,” Michael asked.

  “There’s a Judge Clark here. He wants to talk to you.”

  “Tell him later. I am going to bed,” Michael said and rolled over, taking Rachael with him. She snuggled closer to him as he moved closer to her. Michael closed his eyes as he heard his bedroom door shut. He finally drifted off to sleep with her in his arms.

  * * * *

  Michael woke the next day to find Rachael gone. Sitting up, he walked to the bathroom and got dressed.

  Mason was the only one sitting at the table when he walked into the kitchen. Looking at his watch, Michael sighed, seeing the time. “Jesus, Mase, haven’t you slept,” he said, yawning.

  “I had my five hours. Why are you up? You should still be in bed sleeping.”

  “Rachael wasn’t in bed. I thought she might be down here,” he said, looking around. “Where is she?”

  “She left about thirty minutes ago. Said she had something to do?”

  “She say where she was going?”


  “Did you ask?”


  “Did she say when she would be back?”


  “And you just let her leave?”


  “Jesus, Mason. You’re just full of information aren’t you?”


  * * * *

  Rachael walked into the dark room, trying not to make too much noise. Softly walking over to the bed, she gently laid her hand on his shoulder, and whispered, “Dad.”

  Her father slowly woke, turning to find his daughter standing next to him.

  “Rachael?” he said sluggishly.

  “Dad, I need your help.”

  * * * *

  It was the day before the cattle drive, and all hands were out covering the range, herding the cattle for tomorrow’s drive. Henry and his father were out on the north ridge, watching Kenny and Mark rustle up a couple of steers toward the group.

sp; “Dad, I am going on the drive with you,” Henry said firmly, looking at his dad. Michael turned to look at his son and sighed, “I know.” And with that said, Michael turned Jasper and headed back to his house to check on Rachael.

  He found her sitting at his kitchen table throwing papers everywhere. He just stood in the doorway and smiled. “Looking for something?”

  “Yes. Where is that order from Crossfire Ranch. It was on my desk. I know I grabbed it before the fire. I need that order to confirm the delivery date,” she said, still looking for the paper. Michael walked up behind her, picked up the phone, and dialed the number he knew by heart. “Hi, Mom, it’s Mike. Is he around?” he said, talking into the receiver.

  Once he heard his mother call for his father, Michael handed her the phone and walked out of the room. Rachael just sat there, and when she heard the man’s voice through the phone, she quickly answered.

  Michael was standing at the counter when he saw Rachael hang up the phone.

  “Have you decided to let Henry go yet?” she questioned.

  “He told me this morning that he is going.”

  “Is that so?” She smiled.

  “Don’t look so pleased. I have a feeling you had something to do with my son’s sudden surge of determination,” he said, taking a drink of his beer.

  “Why, Mr. Armstrong, I don’t rightly know what you’re talkin’ about,” she said in her best Southern drawl and quickly got up from the table, laughing. Michael smiled and quickly grabbed her, but she laughed and ducked away from him, running out the back door. Michael was after her in seconds, and soon he caught her, whirling her around to face him, and he swiftly took her lips.

  The kiss was soft but wild, and as she parted her lips, welcoming him into her warm mouth, Michael felt like something had punched him in his gut. He took her mouth, devouring everything she offered.

  Rachael lifted her hands up around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. He moaned when she sucked on his bottom lip, and then in an instant, Michael grabbed her butt and lifted her, wrapping her legs around him. He took her mouth and slowly made his way down her neck. He was about to take her mouth again, when they both heard the clearing of throats, and together they both turned their heads to find several of the herding crew, with Kenny, Henry, and his brothers staring at them.

  “If you two don’t mind taking that inside, we do have a young impressionable boy here who does not need to be corrupted by the two of you,” Mason said with his eyebrows raised, shaking his head.

  “No problem, Mase,” Michael said, carrying Rachael back into the house, kissing her once again along the way.

  “Those two just need to get it over with,” Kenny said, laughing, turning his horse, and heading back to the barn, with Henry right behind him.

  “Get what over with?” the kid said, trotting after Kenny.

  * * * *

  The alarm went off at three in the morning, and Michael rolled over to stop it from ringing. As he rolled back over under the covers, Rachael snuggled closer to him for a little longer. Her soft, naked body was nestled close to his, and though he tried hard to contain the urge to have one more time, his body was not cooperating.

  “Why Mr. Armstrong, good morning to you, too,” she said, wrapping her hand around the back of his head. She slowly turned to face him as her hand slowly moved down his chest to his waist to the firmness between his legs. As she slowly wrapped her fingers around him, she slowly stroked his ego, and smiled…“You know, we do have a couple of minutes, if you don’t mind,” she asked shyly. Michael laughed and complied instantly.

  Michael left her in the shower later that morning and got dressed and headed downstairs. He started the coffee, put on his boots, and walked out into the early morning, heading over to the bunkhouse to wake the ranch hands.

  Soon the ranch was bustling with people and horses. Everyone was loading their gear, trucks arrived with more people, wives were saying good-bye to their husbands, and soon Rachael emerged from the house. Wearing jeans, boots, and a red flannel shirt under a calfskin wool jacket, she rang the cowbell hanging on the porch to get everyone’s attention.

  “I want to thank everyone who is going with us on this drive. You have all been a blessing to the R & R ranch. Please remember to keep those cell phones on vibrate. We don’t want to spook the cattle. There will be no drinking on the trail, and please inform your wives, that yes, we will be stopping every now and then, so you guys can get showered and shaved properly. Even though we will be out on the open range, we will still have some of the comforts of home,” she said with a smile as the men started to laugh.

  “For those staying behind, please make sure the ranch is still standing when I get back. I do not want to have rebuild everything, and please, no parties. So saddle up, boys. We leave within the hour,” she continued, with the moans of the young boys staying behind. She soon made her way through the crowd, shaking hands and saying thank you to everyone. Michael had Mystic and Jasper saddled and tied them up on the porch of the house.

  He stepped into the kitchen and found Rachael waiting there for him.

  “Are you ready to do this, Mr. Armstrong?” she said, handing him a cup of hot coffee.

  “Are you going to call me that from now on?” he asked, looking at her.

  “What should I call you?” She smiled.

  “Anything but that,” he said, moving closer to her.

  “But, Mr. Armstrong,” she said, teasing him.

  “Rachael,” Michael said, inches from her lips.

  “Yes, Mr. Armstrong,” she whispered.

  “Please,” he said, brushing his lips softly against hers.

  “Mr. Armstrong,” she moaned.

  “Say my name,” he said softly.

  “Michael,” she said, and then he took her mouth.

  * * * *

  Matthew walked into the kitchen and sighed. “Oh, for heaven’s sake! Do I have to separate you two? It’s time to go,” he said as he left the kitchen, heading back outside.

  Michael broke the kiss and looked into her green eyes and smiled. “Time to go, Mrs. Mason, the boys are getting restless,” he said, grabbing his hat and giving her a swat on her butt before leaving the house.

  All the men were saddled up and waiting as Rachael walked outside. The judge, who showed up more than an hour ago, walked over to her as she made her way down the steps. “Who do want running the ranch while you’re gone?” her father asked.

  “You and only you, Dad. Don’t forget about that matter we discussed the other day,” she simply said and walked over to Mystic and soon mounted up. The judge just stood there watching his daughter. She was so much like him. Very little words were ever spoken between the two, but what was said was enough.

  With a wave of her hand, the drive had begun.

  Chapter 11

  The Drive

  The trail from Cedar Creek, Texas to Silver Lake, Montana was over sixteen hundred miles, through five states and several river crossings. The drive was going to take the better half of four months, with their final destination ending in Silver Lake on December first.

  The drive had been a dream of Robert’s, to once again experience the way things were done before trains, trucks, and electronics. After his death, Rachael was resolved to see his dream lived out.

  The planning of the drive was two years in the making. With close to three hundred thousand head, eighty horses, three wranglers, fifty-two cowboys, five wagons, fifteen oxen, one cook and a woman bound and determined to see this drive completed, everyone knew this was going to be something that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

  The crew was working diligently, keeping the cattle together. The sounds of whistles, horses’ hooves, yeahs, and mews surrounded the air as she made her way through the open range. This was truly a sight to be seen. This was by far one of the largest drives Texas had ever sent off. With such a great feat ahead of her, she raised her shoulders and looked ahead to the future.
br />   The land was a blanket of golden honey wheat, with clear blue skies. Open and vast, the land moved with grace and softness. She listened to the land speak to her as they made their way. A soothing whisper whirled around as she looked around, finding no one near. She closed her eyes and listened. “You can do this, honey. I will always love you.” Rachael smiled and opened her eyes, finally feeling a release.

  * * * *

  Three hours into the drive, Rachael found Henry a quarter mile ahead, looking out onto the herd. She rode up to talk with him.

  “Well, Henry, what do you think?” she asked the awestruck young teenager.

  “This is amazing, Rachael. It’s like right out of the movies. I didn’t think this was still possible anymore. Thank you for letting me come.”

  “It wasn’t my doing. You got yourself here,” she told the boy.

  Together they rode side by side for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon hours, working together and herding the cattle. Rachael was amazed at how the boy took to ranching, and when he herded, he did it as if he had been doing it his whole life. Sitting there, she tried to imagine what it would have been like if her sons had lived. Would they have been enamored with the drive as Henry? Would they have even liked living on the ranch, or would they want another life? That thought had never occurred to her, but watching Henry, she dreamt of a life she was never going to have—sons that would never grow up and get to experience this life that she had worked so hard for, to know what it was like to ride a horse, lasso a steer, kiss a girl for the first time, drive a car, or even know the love of their own mother.

  Sitting there as a shiver ran through her veins, she knew that life was dead and gone. She only had her future. Whatever that might bring, she was ready for it. She welcomed the new friends and the life that awaited her. She was ready to live once again.

  Stopping Mystic, she looked at the whole scene before her. What an amazing sight it was.


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