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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 15

by Paul Green

  "Her black hair sometimes looked blue, did it not?"

  "Indeed it did. Just as her daughter, the Princess Guinevere."

  "I could not see her very well. The Princess always remained hidden behind her father."

  "Well, she was only a little over two years old. A noble gathering can sometimes be overwhelming for a small child."

  "If King Leodegrance and Queen Anice were to come to my Birth Celebration, they could bring the Princess. too."

  Bors raised his eyebrow. "Oh?"

  "I could show her my lizards!"

  Bors chuckled. "Well, as I said, they are far away and Leodegrance travels, often. Surely, young pup, there are others closer nearby who are ... uh ... good? What about the Knights?"

  Arthur shook his head.

  "Not one!?"

  Arthur shook his head.

  "Uh ... Knights in training, perhaps?"

  And then Arthur's eyes brightened. "Accolon! And Sagremor! They are Knights in training!"

  "It shall be some time before they are ready to be Knights."

  "Oh." Arthur replied, looking dejected. "That is too bad."

  "What is too bad, young pup?"

  "It is too bad the Knights cannot be good like Accolon and Sagremor."

  Bors shook his head and sighed. "Well ... perhaps ... Accolon and Sagremor are ... closer to Knighthood, than I had first ... uh ... realized."

  Once more Arthur brightened. "Perhaps someday ALL the Knights can be good!"

  Bors closed his eyes for a moment. "Uther was right." He thought to himself. "This gift is indeed a curse."

  "Are you okay, Bors?" Arthur asked. "You look sickly."

  Chapter 32

  Seven year Birth Celebration

  "Is my Father away, again?"

  "I am afraid so, young pup."

  "That is okay. I am glad you are coming to my Birth Celebration."

  "Thank you, young pup. I would not miss it for anything."

  "After my Birth Celebration, will I begin my Knight Training?"

  "Yes, young pup. All those who wish to become Knights begin their training at seven years of age."

  "Are there many who shall begin training with me?"

  "Oh, yes. Hundreds. Hopefully ... ahem ... thousands. We have, in fact, made an open invitation to all in the kingdom."


  "Which reminds me, young pup. Will you do me a favor?"

  "Of course, Bors! I would do ANYTHING for you! What can I do?"

  "If you would, when you begin your Knight training, speak to me of those whose hearts you see to be good."

  "Okay, Bors. Can I ask you something, Bors?"

  "Certainly, my Prince."

  "Why do we only have two Knights? Did we not once have over three hundred Knights? Now we only have Sir Accolon and Sir Sagremor. What happened to all of the other Knights?"

  Bors sighed. "They ... are holding new positions in the armed forces. That seemed ... a better fit for them."

  "Oh. What about all the servants? Where have they all gone?"

  "They ... have found other places to serve. I am afraid it is now just you and me, young pup."

  "And Father."

  "Of course. And your father. Uh ... actually ... that brings up another good question, young pup. About your father, I mean. Is he ... uh ... how shall I word this ... is he ... good?"

  "Oh, yes! Although ... I do not get to see him very often. I like being around him when he comes to visit us."

  "It does not ... bother you? To be around him?"

  "Oh, no! Well ... he does sometimes get angry. But I can tell it is not with me. And sometimes he cries for no reason. And sometimes I do not understand what he is saying. I think he sometimes gets confused. But ... I like being with my father. When he lets me, that is."

  "He really does love you, Arthur. You need to know that he loves you."

  "I know he does, Bors. I have always known that. Just like I know he loves my mother."

  "Arthur ... you do know..."

  "I know my mother has passed and is no longer with us. But Father says he still loves her. Sometimes I am not sure if Father remembers she has passed. Sometimes I see him speaking with her, when no one is there. Did you know my mother, Bors? Father tells me she is very pretty."

  "I am sorry, young pup. I was never blessed to have known your mother. But yes, your father also tells me how beautiful she was. And, uh ... is ... still."

  "Do you think my mother liked flowers, Bors?"

  "Uh ... well ... I am sure she probably did."

  "I was thinking perhaps we could make a garden with lots of flowers. That way when Mother visits Father, he could take her there, and show her the pretty flowers."

  "Young pup, I think that is a wonderful idea. We should have our servants plant a big and beautiful garden."

  Arthur smiled at Bors. "We do not have servants anymore, remember?"

  "Oh, yes, I keep forgetting." Bors sighed. "We really need to find us a cook."

  "Did you not like the soup I made? I made it with real tree bark and everything!"

  Sigh. "We really need to find us a cook."

  Chapter 33

  Ten year Birth Celebration

  "Bors! I made you some soup!"

  Bors groaned.

  "I made lots!"

  Bors walked into the kitchen, shaking his head. "Young pup, would you mind if we pass on your soup tonight? I ... seem to have misplaced my appetite."

  "It is lizard soup!" Arthur announced, proudly.

  "Excuse me?"

  Arthur laughed. "I am only jesting, Bors. I would NEVER cook my lizards."

  "You have certainly collecting enough lizards to cook them."

  "It is really frog soup."

  "Are you jesting me again, young pup?"

  "Nope. I really did make you frog soup."

  "I ... am not hungry."

  "But you are always complaining about being hungry!"

  "Which is why ... my brother and I have decided to open an eatery; once we find a good location, that is. Since we cannot find a cook..."

  "Oh, I found a cook."


  "Demelza is outside."

  "Outside where!? Who is Demelza!?"

  "She is our new cook! In fact, Demelza said we can call her 'Cook'. She said it is easier for me to remember. I kept saying her name wrong."

  "Where did you find ... a cook?"

  "Do you remember when we went out to chop wood last week?"


  "Do you remember that nice lady I found in the forest?"

  "The forest you were not supposed to go running off into alone like you did? And I nearly turned you over my knee for doing so?"

  "Yes, you were pretty angry with me. But I was only chasing a lizard! And if I had not run off, then I would not have met ... uh ... what was her name, again?"


  "Yes! Plus, I saw that same raven, again. The one I keep telling you about? I think it was leading me into the forest!"

  "I have told you, young pup, there are no ravens in this region. Wait ... are you speaking of that blind woman we came upon!?"

  "Yes. Her husband had died and I had heard her crying."

  "I remember."

  "I felt bad for her. So I went back out there this morning."

  "YOU WHAT!?"

  "I know I am not suppose to leave the castle without your permission, but I got to thinking about ... what was her name again?"

  "Cook. Young pup, did I not warn you that I would turn you over my knee again if you ran off like that, again? You cannot be leaving the castle like that without escort!"

  "She was lonely! And she was really sad!"

  "Arthur..." Bors growled.

  "So I brought her back with me."

  "What!? You brought ... a blind woman back with you?"

  "I asked her if she could cook! She said yes! Then I told her I could cook, too! I asked her if she wanted to try my soup."

  "And ... she sa
id yes?"

  "Uh huh. I think she is really lonely."

  "You said she is outside?"


  "Why is she outside?"

  "She tasted my frog soup. I do not think she liked it."

  "Did you tell her what was in it?"

  "No. I wanted it to be a surprise."

  "Uh huh."

  "I think she got sick. That is why she went outside."

  Bors sighed.

  "Do you think it was my soup?"


  "I did not tell her who I was."

  "Wait, what!?"

  "I did not want her to feel like she had to come. You told me that people always have to do what I say, because I am the High Prince."

  "Uh ... right."

  "I do not like making people do things they do not want to do. So I did not tell her. I just asked if she wanted to try my soup."

  "And so ... she just ... came with you? Just like that?"

  "I gave her a flower. That seemed to make her happy. Then she came."

  "I see."

  Just then, Demelza came in from the back door, feeling her way around with her walking stick. Bors rushed over to move a chair that she was about to fall over. "Pardon me, Ma'am. Allow me to move this out of your way."

  "Who are you?" asked Cook.

  "Uh ... my name is Bors."

  "Are you the child's father?"

  "Uh ... no. I am his guardian."

  "This child was wandering around alone out in the forest! It is not safe out there; there are wolves and robbers and worse. Someone needs to take a switch to his bottom."

  Bors turned and grinned at Arthur. "I think I like her, already."

  Cook crossed her arms and frowned at Bors. "You like me for what?"


  Then Cook smacked Bors with her walking stick. "Do not think to take advantage of me, just because I am blind and widowed!"


  "Arthur? Are you in here?"

  "I am over here, Cook! Did you like my soup!?"

  Bors looked at Arthur in surprise. "You told her your name!?"

  Arthur shrugged. "There are lots of people named Arthur."

  "Uh ... I am not so sure about that."

  The blind woman then turned towards Arthur. "Arthur, that soup of yours nearly killed me!"

  "WHAT!?" Arthur exclaimed in horror.

  "I just vomited up a week's worth of stew!"


  "Did you even cook the frog, boy!?" the blind woman asked, irritably.

  "Are you supposed to?"

  Bors slapped his hand over his eyes.

  "I cooked the water!" Arthur pleaded.

  The blind women shook her walking stick at him, angrily. "You do not COOK water, boy. You BOIL water."

  "Oh. What's the difference?"

  Then the blind woman turned back towards Bors and struck him again with her stick.


  "You need a cook."

  Bors looked again at Arthur, rubbing his arm. "Are you sure about this?"

  Arthur had a wide grin on his face; obviously enjoying seeing Bors getting smacked by a blind woman.

  Bors growled at Arthur.

  And the blind woman stuck him again with her stick.


  "Then you had better stop growling in my kitchen."

  "WHAT!? YOUR kitchen!?"

  "Watch your manners, young man."


  The woman turned again to Arthur. "When do I start?"

  "How about now?" Arthur grinned.

  Bors' mouth hit the floor.

  "You must first agree to my terms." she replied.

  "WOMAN!" Bors exclaimed. "It is NOT your place to dictate terms!"

  The blind woman gave Bors a smirk. "Who do you think are? The king?"

  Bors raised his eyebrow. "Uh..."

  Arthur chuckled. "I think she is onto us, Bors."

  "WHAT!?" Bors exclaimed.

  "Do you know who I am?" Arthur grinned at the woman.

  "Of course. You are High Prince Arthur Pendragon."

  "WHAT!?" Bors exclaimed, again. "YOU KNEW!?"

  The blind woman snorted. "I may be blind but I am not stupid."

  "How did you figure it out?" Arthur grinned.

  "I know the distance from the forest to the castle. I hear everything and I heard everything along the way. I heard the horses and the guards. This kitchen is far too large to be that of a commoner. And I just barfed in a giant porcelain bird bath the size of a carriage."


  "Would you like me to go on or are you ready to discuss my terms?"

  "Woman, how DARE you address the High Prince in this way! Show some respect!!!"

  "Show some respect to a boy who just tried to feed me a frog?"


  "Bors, can I handle this one?" Arthur chuckled.

  "Uh ... I do not think..."

  The blind woman gave Bors the look. Which was impressive as she was blind. "What was that you just said about respecting the High Prince? Who answers to whom around here?"

  "Uh ... well ... it is true I am in service to the High Prince..."

  "It is okay, Cook." Arthur grinned. "Bors has been my guardian from an infant; I have always deferred to his instruction and guidance."

  "I see." the blind woman replied. "Then ... perhaps I have overstepped my bounds. Forgive me, Bors, if I have misjudged."

  "I ... I ... well ... as I think on it ... perhaps ... hmmm ... perhaps, maybe it is time for the young pup to begin making some of his own decisions. I have tried to guide him as I have thought best; but ... he is now ten years of age. I think perhaps you are right. Perhaps it is indeed time for the nestling to begin spreading his wings."

  The blind woman nodded her head in approval. "I hear the tone in your voice. It is the voice of a caring and nurturing guardian. I see I have misjudged you, indeed. I thought you were a pompous and overbearing, power-hungry manipulator. Again, I apologize, Bors. I believe I have wronged you."


  The blind woman then patted Bors on the arm. "And I wrongly thought you desired to make me your personal Concubine."


  "I am a cook, not a Concubine. Do not think to add me to the king's harem."

  "Woman, the king has no harem!"

  "Surely you jest."

  "There has not been a women to set foot in this castle in years!"

  "Well, that explains the smell."


  "How often do you bathe, Bors?"


  The blind woman turned and faced Arthur. "I wish to add this to my list of terms."

  Arthur laughed. "What, that Bors needs to bathe more often?"

  "You too, Arthur."

  Arthur stopped laughing.

  "Now. About my terms..."

  Arthur looked at Bors, who tossed up his hands. "Go ahead, young pup. Spread your wings. I leave this decision to you."

  "Very well." Arthur grinned at the woman. "I accept your terms. Cook? You are now officially our new Royal Master Cook."

  Bors looked at Arthur incredulously. "You have not even heard her terms!"

  "She can cook, and she has a good heart."

  "How do you know she cook!? She has not cooked anything!"

  "Because she told me she can cook."

  "Young pup, you cannot believe everything people tell you!"

  "She is not lying, Bors. I can see it."

  Bors sighed and finally decided to just stay out of it.

  The blind woman faced Arthur with a surprised expression on her face. "You have the gift of seeing hearts?"


  "I am sorry, Arthur Pendragon. I did not know this. This must be very hard on you."

  Arthur shrugged.

  "I would imagine you must get very lonely, sometimes. Is this why you have no servants?"

  "How did you know we do not have servants?"

nbsp; "I have heard others speak of your lack of servants at the market."

  "You go to the market!? That is a long distance away from the forest!"

  "There is no one to go for me. I am alone. I only go when I must."

  "Not any more, Cook. You are staying here at the castle. Those are my terms."

  Cook remained in quiet surprise for a time. "Excuse me?"

  "I shall provide you with a room ... and board."

  Bors looked at Arthur in shock. "She is but a servant! Servants do not ... live ... in the King's castle!"

  "And..." Arthur continued. "All of your clothing and any and all other needs shall also be paid for. In addition, I shall pay you full salary. You shall never again know hunger nor aloneness nor the numbing coldness of winter. Never again shall you have to gather wood to cook and sleep by the fire to remain warm. You need no longer live in fear of robbers and attackers. You have been attacked before, haven't you? In your own home. This is why you are now blind."

  Now it was the blind woman's turn to 'look' at Arthur in stunned shock. "You ... you can see this!?"

  "I can see all of the things in your heart. I can see the sorrow and the hurt and the pain of your suffering. I can see the great loss of your husband, who was taken by disease. He was the only one who has ever shown you kindness. I offer you a warm home with a warm bed and warm friendship. I see your love of cooking, Demelza. I offer you a warm kitchen as well, stocked with everything you would desire."

  Tears suddenly filled her blind eyes, and Bors found himself having to put his hands around her shoulders to steady her.

  "Why ... why would you do this for me?"

  "Because I can." Arthur smiled at Bors. "Because sometimes ... my curse can be a blessing."

  Bors was marveling at Arthur with newfound amazement and awe and a whole new level of wonder and appreciation.

  With tears now streaming down her face, Demelza bowed before Arthur. "Prince Arthur, you are a star from Heaven. I would serve one such as you willingly and gladly for all the days of my life, without terms of any kind. How may I serve you, M'Lord?"

  Arthur grinned at her. "Tonight is my tenth Birth Celebration. There will only be a few of us. Do you know how to make cake?"

  Demelza smiled at him, and rushed over to embrace him.

  Bors was surprised to discover a tear of his own in his eye and quickly wiped it away before anyone could notice.

  *** *** ***

  Late that night after the Birth Celebration, after Frederick and Accolon and Sagremor had gone home and after Bors and Arthur had seen Cook to her new room, Bors walked Arthur to his own room.


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