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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 16

by Paul Green

  "I have never eaten so well in my entire life." Bors said at Arthur, as they reached his door. "I shall most likely be dreaming of Cook's wondrous meal this night. I have never known better."

  "She made good cake, too." Arthur grinned. "I had five helpings!"

  Bors chuckled. "I may not even require First Meal."

  "I am looking forward to First Meal!"

  "Oh, very well, I confess; so am I, young pup."

  "Did I do okay today, Bors?" Arthur asked seriously. "About how I handled Cook and everything? That was my first royal decision, was it not?"

  Bors looked at Arthur for a long time.

  "What? Did I mess up?"

  Then Bors surprised Arthur with a warm and tender hug. "My only regret, young pup, is that I have not allowed you to spread your wings, sooner. Well done, young prince. Well done, indeed."

  *** *** ***

  Bors lie in his bed that night unable to sleep. He had always thought of himself as Arthur's teacher. But after being so close to Arthur for the past ten years, and seeing how much he himself had changed over the past ten years - and he had changed a lot - Bors had begun to realize that somewhere along the line, Arthur had become the teacher, and Bors had become the student.

  He never admitted it to anyone; other than himself, of course. But after witnessing how the ten year old child had dealt with Demelza the cook, Bors knew in his heart of hearts and deep within his soul, that what Arthur had just done with a simple poor widow woman, Arthur would eventually do with an entire nation.

  Indeed, a star had come down from Heaven.

  Chapter 34

  And so it was, that at only ten years of age, the wisdom of the young prince and his kind and benevolent heart, began to win over those around him in such a way never before seen in the land.

  And his natural leadership skills, as well. For now in his third of Knight training, Arthur was already at the top of his class in the area of warrior skills; but more importantly, he was also at the top of his class in leadership skills; for everyone seemed naturally drawn to Arthur.

  Though he was the High Prince, and one would expect everyone catering to him, in truth it was the other way around. For Arthur could often be found working with others and helping to train others, rather than always focusing on his own skills.

  When Arthur had been seven years old, there had been an open call for anyone and everyone in the kingdom to come and 'try out' for Knight training. Primarily because there were no more Knights; for Bors had 'restructured' the Knight assembly and relocated all of the existing Knights into different positions within the military; making them Captains of platoons or placing them into other areas of leadership. For in truth, they were still very skilled and were more than qualified to lead other men.

  Prior to the restructuring of the Knighthood, the Knights had been the elite fighting force; the best of the best. But Bors had picked up on Arthur's 'idea' that the Knighthood should be something more special. Something unique. Something which was based upon a common code of honor and virtue and trust and mutual respect; both for each other and for their fellow man; even the lowly peasant. Over time, Bors would learn to develop the requirements for the Knights to respect all people, nobles and peasants, equally alike.

  By the time Arthur would eventually become king, Bors would up the ante even further, requiring his Knights to become as 'little kings'; able to settle disputes and dispense justice and to offer help to those in need; as if Arthur himself was present in those situations. For eventually, that's what the Knights were to become; faithful representations of Arthur.

  This, of course, would require far more training than mere field battle training. This was a whole new level of schooling and preparing and enriching, in many new uncharted areas of discipline and instruction and entirely new ways of thinking and philosophy. For by Arthur's example, Bors had begun to see and to know and to understand, that the greatest ruling strength of all ... was through wisdom and caring.

  And so it was, that a new Knighthood was formed, and it was formed from scratch; beginning with Arthur's two closest friends Accolon and Sagremor; who along with Bors, would be the original founding members of what would someday future be called: the Knights of Camelot.

  Accolon was a large man, with long blonde hair he wore in braids, and a short blonde beard. He had blue eyes and 'ruddy' reddish skin; and many women found him to be rather attractive.

  Sagremor was also attractive in his own right, with long brown hair and also blue eyes. He wore no beard, as he was rather fond of the ladies and found they preferred him clean shaven. And Sagremor, especially, certainly never missed an opportunity to dally with the ladies.

  All of the newest recruits to become Knights-in-Training had been personally 'hand-picked' by Arthur. Many thousands had responded to the call to begin Knight training, from all across the kingdom. But after three years, less than a hundred had met the 'requirements' and had been now been officially chosen for full training; those requirements being namely, the personal approval of a ten year old boy. The ones whom Arthur had confided in Bors that were 'good' ... were the only ones accepted into the elite corps. And a fresh new Band of Brothers had been born.

  *** *** ***

  Late that same night in which the initial band of young boys had been officially chosen for training, Bors and Arthur and Accolon and Sagremor had gathered in the castle kitchen to celebrate the new and upcoming Knighthood.

  Frederick, who was 17 years of age, was the oldest of those who had been accepted into Knight training. He would have also been joining them that night, except it was the beginning of week's end and he was away in Cameliard visiting a girl he had only recently met.

  Accolon and Sagremor, who were now each 19 years of age, had already previously been 'unofficially' accepted as Knights and had been instrumental in the past three years of training the younger boys. But this was also the day which had marked their 'official' appointment as true Knights of the Realm by their Battlemaster; complete with full Knight's salary and housing and all Knightly allowances and privileges.

  The ale flowed and even ten year old Arthur was given his very first tankard. Accolon and Sagremor chuckled as Arthur gratefully accepted the very large tankard with eyes as wide as saucers.

  "Go easy, little man." Accolon grinned. "It would not speak well of us to be the cause of a young drunken Prince."

  With his eyes still wide, Arthur nodded. "Perhaps I shall only have some now and save the rest for later."

  "You can handle a single tankard, young pup." Bors said, slapping Arthur on the back. "Just take it slow and easy."

  Arthur nodded and took a small sip. And then made a sour face, even as his mouth was covered with foam. "This is awful!!" he complained. "You drink this stuff!? It tastes like mud!"

  The three Knights burst out into laughter.

  "Actually..." Sagremor grinned, "...this brown ale is among our finest. My thanks to our gracious Battlemaster." He said, as they all toasted each other.

  Arthur then took one more sip and then wrinkled his nose, pushing the tankard aside. "Perhaps I shall save ... MOST of it for later."

  The three Knights chuckled as they then drained their tankards and then slammed their empty tankards to the table.

  "MORE!!" Bors grinned.

  Arthur grimaced and rose to his feet. "May I have water, Bors?"

  Bors chuckled and nodded his head, as Arthur disappeared out the back door towards a large barrel of water while grabbing an empty cup from the shelf.

  Accolon shook his head with an admiring smile. "A High Prince who seeks permission to fetch his own water. Not a day goes by where he does not surprise me."

  "Indeed." Sagremor agreed, as he refilled their three tankards from their own nearby barrel of ale. "He shall one day make for a great king. I, for one, look forward to that day." As Sagremor sat back down, once more all three toasted the future king.

  "Forgive me for asking this, Battlemaster." Sagremor asked. "Tell me if
I speak ... inappropriately. But do we know when that day might be?"

  Bors shook his head. "It is a question which is in the mind of many, if not most. You do not speak wrongly. But as the High King breathes, he shall remain the High King. He cannot pass the crown even if he so wishes, while there is still life in his body. Such is the ascension of High Kings."

  Accolon looked at Bors. "I understand from Arthur that the High King has only just returned from further endeavors to locate Gorlois."

  "He has been with us a fortnight." Bors replied.

  "He still goes out alone? He takes no others with him?"

  "He searches alone, just as he has done for years."

  "Does he ... speak to anyone? When he is here?"

  Bors sighed for a time, looking into his tankard. Then he drained his tankard in a single long pull. "Nay. He no longer speaks. When he is here, he remains shut up in his room."

  "Does he ... not longer give audience?"

  Bors shook his head.

  Just then Arthur returned with his cup of water. "My father does not like being here." Arthur said, simply as he sat down.

  Bors looked at Arthur, curiously. "Has he ... spoken to you of this?"

  Arthur shook his head. "He does not speak to me, either. Except, only briefly when he first arrived. He now only sits upon a chair by the table at his window and looks out. But I can see it in his heart, he does not like to be here. I think that is why he remains away, most of the time."

  "Can you read the minds of others?" Accolon asked.

  Arthur smiled and shook his head. "No. I can see the intents of the heart and I can sometimes feel what others are feeling, if I touch them."

  "Young pup..." Bors asked, "...what does your father ... feel?"

  "Most of the time, nothing. Most of the time, there is nothing there. I no longer see the intents of his heart, for I think his heart no longer has intents."

  "He has no desire to live?" Sagremor asked. "Not even to seek Gorlois?"

  Arthur shook his head. "Honestly? I think my father gave up looking for Gorlois a long time ago. That is no longer why he leaves and remains away."

  "What does he do, then? Where does he go?"

  Arthur sighed and looked into his cup of water. "I do not know. I heard him speaking of fishing while he thought was talking to my mother. He seemed to think my mother had once seen him in a vision as ... the Fisher King. I am not sure what that means. I think the only reason he comes back here at all is out of a sense of responsibility. And maybe even..." Arthur wasn't able to finish as he looked down.

  "Maybe even ... to see you?"

  Arthur nodded, as a tear came to his eye. "I can tell he wishes to see me, but I can also see it hurts him when he does. His mind ... is greatly afflicted. There seems to be a battle in his mind and it worsens with each year. He is not winning the battle."

  The foursome remained quite for a long time as they pondered the fate of their High King. Finally, it was Sagremor who asked the question the three Knights were all thinking. "How can the kingdom be ruled by a man whose mind is afflicted? As tragic as such a thing is ... and Arthur, I do not seek to demean your hurting and your loss, but..."

  "No, I understand, Sagremor. I have known of my father's illness all of my life. You need offer no apology."

  Bors shook his head. "As long as the High King breathes, he is still the High King. That is the way of things."

  "What of you, Battlemaster?" Accolon asked. "Are you not his Second? Have you not been given authority to rule in his stead?"

  "To settle disputes and to make day-to-day decisions, yes. Of which I have delegated most responsibilities to others more qualified; though they still report to me of their decisions. But as for royal decisions, such as laws and decrees and disputes between kings? Nay, those may only be addressed by the High King, himself."

  "It is no secret his Majesty is unpopular with our neighbor kings." said Sagremor, looking again at Arthur. "Again, my Prince, I mean no..."

  "Please." Arthur replied, holding up his hand. "Sagremor, you are one of the few I trust. You have always spoken the truth with me and always from a good heart. There is no honor or value in denying the truth; especially when it is well known."

  "Are you sure you are only ten years of age?" Accolon smiled.

  Arthur grinned and pointed a finger at the pantry. "Behind that door is a portion of cake which bears proof of my age in icing!"

  As Accolon and Sagremor chuckled, Bors coughed. "Uh ... actually..."

  "What!?" Arthur exclaimed. "Bors!? You ate my cake!?"

  Bors looked away guiltily.

  Arthur looked at Accolon and Sagremor, incredulously. "He ate the rest of my cake! Can you believe it!? He ate the rest of my Birth Celebration cake!"

  "That shall teach you, my Prince..." Sagremor grinned. "Next time you should take the cake to your private quarters and keep it safely hidden from our Master Cake Stealer."

  "I am NOT a cake stealer!" Bors protested.

  Arthur crossed his arms and scowled at Bors. "You ate my cake."

  Bors sighed. "Forgive me, young pup, it was too great a temptation. I shall ask Cook to make you another."

  "Forget it! Why should Cook have to pay for your crime!?"

  "My ... crime?"

  "You ate my cake, Bors. That should be punishable by thirty lashes."

  "Is that a fact?"

  Arthur ignored Accolon and Sagremor who were struggling with keeping straight faces. "Okay. Perhaps that is a little severe. I shall have to determine some other form of suitable punishment."

  "Oh? And who would seek to enforce this ... punishment, little Prince?"

  "Why ... Accolon and Sagremor, of course."

  "WHAT!?" they both objected.

  "And myself, of course. Being the High Prince, you must do whatever I say."

  Bors raised his eyebrow.

  "And I think I know exactly what the punishment should be."

  "Young pup, if it involves preventing me from Cook's ... cooking, then do not think I shall go down without a fight."

  Arthur grinned. "I was thinking something more ... entertaining."

  Now Bors' eyes both widened in surprised. "What ... exactly ... do you mean by ... entertaining?"

  "I was thinking your punishment should involve, oh ... something along the lines of ... entertaining a woman for a meal."


  Now the eyes of both Accolon and Sagremor joined with Bors in surprise.

  Arthur grinned mischievously at Bors. "I know you want to entertain a woman, Bors. Every time we walk by any of the Noble's Concubines, I can see the intents of your heart."


  Accolon and Sagremor burst out laughing.

  "Therefore, Bors, as your punishment, I shall choose a woman for you. Someone whom I think would be adequate for the intents of your heart."


  "You must only entertain the woman once. Perhaps we could have her over for a meal here or something. That ... is your punishment."


  Arthur crossed his arms and gave Bors a scowl. "You ate my cake."

  Accolon grinned at Bors. "You ate the Royal Birth Celebration cake of the Royal High Prince. That cannot go without severe punishment."


  Accolon and Sagremor began snickering.

  Bors then turned and looked at Arthur incredulously. "Do you mean to tell me, that you can also see such 'intents'? I mean ... THESE kind of intents!?"

  Arthur grinned. "You have these intents, often."

  Bors turned red and slapped his hand over his eyes.

  "I think you need a wife, Bors. Or ... something."


  Arthur shrugged. "For your punishment, you must only entertain the woman once. I shall choose someone and we shall have her over for a meal."


  Arthur looked over at the other two Knights. "Are
you wishing for me to answer you? In front of them?"


  "Because you are lonely, Bors."


  "You know..." chuckled Sagremor, "...this brings up an interesting question. I can ... almost ... understand why the High King has chosen not to take another wife. And I can even understand why he does not have Companions, as he clearly has no desire to carry friendships or conversation. But why does he not at the very least have Concubines? I have never heard of a king or a Noble who does not have Concubines."

  "King Leodegrance does not have Companions and Concubines." countered Arthur.

  Sagremor looked at Arthur in surprise. "He does not!?"

  "Have you seen his wife?" Accolon winked.

  "I ... have heard of her, but I have not seen her."

  "She is very pretty." Arthur grinned.

  Bors turned and gave Arthur a sly grin. "I have heard rumors that her daughter, Guinevere, is turning out to be just as pretty."

  Arthur held up a finger. "Do not try to change the subject, Bors. You ate my cake."

  "I assure you ... my Prince ... that I have NO intention of..."

  "Yes, you will. Because as your High Prince, I command it."

  "What!? You are commanding me? To go on a ... date!?"

  "You ate my cake."

  Bors groaned.

  "How old are you, again?" Accolon chuckled.

  "Hold on a moment and I shall tell you." Arthur replied, as he walked over to the panty and opened the door. "Oh. Would you look at that? I cannot tell you how old I am, because ... SOMEBODY ATE MY CAKE!" Arthur then turned around and pointed his royal finger at Bors. "You ... are going on a date."

  And Bors sighed.

  Accolon grinned at Sagremor. "I had thought only royals and nobles went on 'dates', in order for the man to interview their potentials for the joining of houses. Does our Sir Bors look like a royal or noble to you?"

  "Nay." Sagremor replied. "I have always thought he looked more like a lumbering ox."


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