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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

Page 1

by Phoebe Winters

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Wounded Warriors Retreat

  Disabled American Veterans

  Wait for Me

  A Military Romance

  Phoebe Winters



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  14. Wounded Warriors Retreat

  15. Disabled American Veterans

  Note from the Publisher: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or references to locations, persons, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters, circumstances and events are imaginative and not intended to reflect real events.

  Wait for Me

  A Military Romance

  Copyright 2018 Phoebe Winters

  A Touch of Love Publishing

  All Rights Reserved and Proprietary.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or format, without written permission from Author. Send all requests via email


  This book is dedicated to the men/women who serve in our military and their families. May you find peace in every aspect of your lives.


  So, the rumors were true. Erin Sanders watched with enrapt fascination as Caleb Malone strolled through the door of her three-story nightclub. Erin couldn’t believe her eyes. Images of high school and hot summers at the beach sailed like a movie reel through her mind. Caleb Malone was her high school sweetheart, the love of her life, her one and only. They had plans to graduate and head to college straight after, then get married soon after that. But unbeknownst to Erin, Caleb had other plans. She found out through a newspaper clipping one day on her way home from the bakery.

  Local high school basketball star, Caleb Malone, has decided not to attend the University of Florida in the fall and instead will begin his training at Fort Knox this winter…

  “Six long years…” Erin whispered to herself. It was a long time to go without seeing the only man you ever loved.

  Spoken promises of forever and love everlasting whispered in the soft winds that flew in when he strode through the door. Caleb walked right out of Erin’s life before they had a chance to say I do. And now, he was back, like an apparition in the flesh. And although Erin fought the turbulent emotions inside her, she was still in love with him, as if not a day had passed.

  Standing by the entrance, Caleb spoke through a cell phone that was attached to his ear. Overlooking the sea of people, Erin stood on the balcony of Nocturnal Encounters nightclub, in a section cut off from patrons that were meant for staff only. Behind the bar, Amy Van Winkle tossed a golden curl behind her ear, then shouted in Caleb’s direction as she wiped down the counter.

  Erin wanted to believe her eyes deceived her; that Caleb was not standing in her business, that she’d imagined him. A part of her wanted to close her eyes and count to ten and hope that he’d be gone when she reopened them. But, Erin struggled to pull her eyes away because another part of her wanted this to be true and she feared that he just might disappear again. It was unsettling to her spirit, especially since Erin told herself repeatedly that it was over between them. Instead of following her first instinct, Erin watched Caleb from her spot, taking in his entire persona.

  When Caleb left for basic training, he was a lanky guy, with not much weight on him. Basketball had been the highlight of his high school days, and for good reason. Caleb was easily 6’3, and his moves on the court were unmatched. His blonde hair, at the time, hung below his ears, but all of that now had been removed. The man standing before Erin carried the solid build of a football player. Even in his army fatigue jacket, the defined muscles in his arms could be seen as they waved through the camouflage coat. The blonde hair that once sprouted from his head was now black and cut short to the frame of his face. Erin swept an eye over him. The fluttering in her heart kicked up a notch as her gaze settled on his thick muscular thighs that were covered in denim with just an air of space.


  Pulling her attention over to Amy Van Winkle, the patron sitting in front of Amy waved his empty glass.

  “Do you mind if I have another?” Gregory McCallister asked. It was barely eight p.m., and Gregory had already drunk three shot glasses of brandy on the rocks. Gregory was a regular in Nocturnal Encounters. He’d come by after work, after church, and after hours.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to slow down, Mr. McCallister?” Amy asked.

  Gregory’s nose ruffled as he frowned. “I think I can handle it, little lady. Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Gregory waved his glass again and Amy hesitated a moment before taking it off his hands. Gregory was newly divorced. He and his wife Mattie McCallister were married 40 years before she came home from bingo one night and caught Gregory feeling up their grandson’s babysitter.

  Amy turned her back to refill his drink, but Erin’s periphery followed Caleb as he slapped hands and gave handshakes to former friends whom he appeared to be meeting up with tonight. Erin’s mind continued to reel at the sudden manifestation of him. She’d heard through the grapevine that Caleb had been discharged from the Army. She didn’t have the specifics, but if you lived in Pensacola, Florida long enough, you’d know who’s who. Despite how much the city grew, some news never made it past the locals who’d grown up there.

  Erin pressed a button on her wireless earpiece and spoke through her mic. “Amy, your microphone is still on. If you have a problem with Mr. McCallister, let Dex know and he’ll escort him out.” Erin removed her hand just as Amy responded.

  “I always forget to turn this mic off,” Amy huffed. Erin cracked a smile. “Trust me, if Mr. McCallister gets out of line, I’ll throw him out myself.”

  Erin’s smile held, and she pressed the button again. “I’m sure you would, but you don’t want to break one of those thousand-dollar nails now, do you?” Erin knew that would keep Amy in line. Amy was as tomboyish as tomboyish could be. The two had also gone to school together, and they’d both felt the heartbreak from being left behind by their boyfriends as they enrolled and were shipped off to the Army. But these days, Amy participated in designer nail talent shows. Amy spent up to a thousand dollars having her nails tricked out into a monstrosity that she called artwork. Erin wasn’t one to judge, but, in her opinion, Amy could use that money for something better, like paying off her student loans or putting it into a savings account.

  “Hey, boss lady, did you see Caleb walk through the door?!”

  How could she not? Erin saw everything. But instead of alluding to that, Erin feigned ignorance.

  “Caleb who?” Erin asked.

  Erin watched as Amy’s mouth dropped. “Caleb who?” Amy started. “Hello, army fatigue jacket, ten o’clock,” Amy said glancing up at Erin.

  Amy couldn’t see Erin through the thick tinted window that closed around Erin’s office, but Amy knew she was there; staring out at the club like she always did. Erin continued with her charade.

  “Oh my
gosh, is that who I think it is?”

  Amy sighed, “Girl, you better come get your man before one of these other chicks do.” Amy smirked, and Erin shook her head and turned her attention back to Caleb. He’d shed his jacket and now the bulging biceps in his arms were apparent, garnering attention from every woman in the place.

  “He’s not my man,” Erin said as she watched Caleb tell his friends he’d be back.

  His powerful stride across the room pulled eyes from anyone in the place with a vagina. Once he made it to the bar, Caleb cut through two women to grab Amy’s attention.

  “Caleb!” Amy screeched, “Oh my God, come around the bar so I can get a hug!”

  Caleb strolled to the entrance of the bar and Amy tossed her arms around his neck jumping on the tips of her toes with glee. Caleb’s deep voice laughed.

  “I guess it’s safe to say you missed me.”

  Amy pulled back and settled back on her feet.

  “Of course, I do, it’s only been six years!” Amy screeched.

  “Yeah,” Caleb said, “it’s been a stretch.”

  Something in his voice made Erin wonder what all Caleb had been through. She couldn’t imagine what type of life being a U.S. Army soldier entailed.

  “Luke should be coming right behind you right?” Amy asked hopefully.

  “As far as I know, it’ll be a few weeks before he arrives. I’m sure you’re ready to see him.”

  “Yes,” Amy said frankly. “I am,” she smiled, thrilled with the thought of reuniting with her man again. “Hey, you know there’s a party at the end of the month for you guys.”

  Caleb rubbed a hand along his jaw. “I may have heard something about it,” he said.

  “Yeah,” Amy went on, “the town wanted to wait until you, Luke and Micah were back. Since all three of you are coming within weeks of each other, it only made sense to wait for all of you.”

  “I understand,” Caleb said. “So, Amy, have you heard from Erin?”

  At the mention of her name, Erin stopped breathing. Her name rolled off his tongue with a profound depth that sent warm tingles coaxing through her body.

  “Oh, you didn’t know?” Amy said.

  At Caleb’s puzzled look, Amy continued. “Erin owns this club.”

  Caleb’s brow’s rose. “Nocturnal Encounters?” He asked for clarification.

  “Yep. She took the money you guys saved for the wedding and purchased this place years ago. It started out looking like a hole in the wall, but she got the place in tip-top shape pretty quickly. Now it’s one of the hottest and most frequented clubs in town.”

  Erin watched Caleb closely, and she noticed the shift in his posture when Amy mentioned, “wedding.”

  “Do you think I can talk to her?” Caleb asked.

  Erin exhaled a long breath. For years she’d prayed to God to protect him while he was away and bring him home safe to her. Now, here he was, in her establishment, asking for her no less. A few years ago, Erin would’ve jumped for joy. It would’ve made her the happiest woman alive. But, things changed the day he called to tell her to move on with her life.

  The shock of his words still stung her soul and her heart palpitated just thinking of it. From the moment Caleb left, when they were both eighteen years old, she’d hung on his words and loving promises.

  “I won’t be gone long. Nothing’s going to happen to me, okay?”

  Erin pouted, and tears continued to stain her young face.

  “You can’t be sure! I’ll never be able to forgive your father for this! Please don’t go, there must be a way you can get out of it?”

  Caleb sighed and reached out to caress her face. “Erin, I love you. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.” Erin dropped her head and Caleb lifted her chin. “Baby, wait for me,” he said.

  And Erin did; every second, of every hour, of every minute, of every day; on Sunday’s and in the midnight hour, too. Erin waited for Caleb. Their conversations every two months via Skype were the highlights of her years all the way up until the final call they had three years ago. Caleb kept his message short but not sweet. Something had indeed happened, but Erin never knew what it was because after that haunting phone call, Caleb ceased all contact with her. Erin’s heart broke into a million pieces and it took her friends, family, and sheer determination to keep from sinking into depression.

  Now he wanted to speak to her. And although Erin would like to think she was over him, deep down, Erin knew better. Seeing Caleb, even from the quiet chambers of her balcony, threw her slightly off balance.

  “I can buzz her and see if she’s available,” Amy said reaching for her earpiece.

  Caleb pointed to Amy with a smirk, motioning toward the device on her ear. “You joined the Men in Black?” Caleb joked.

  Amy slapped at his arm. “And I see you still think you’re a funny man. News flash, you weren’t in high school, you’re not now.”

  Caleb chuckled, and Amy’s voice came through the buzzer. “Hey Erin, do you have a minute?”

  Erin hesitated then responded. “You know I’ve been listening this whole time, right?”

  Amy snorted. “This time it was on purpose.”

  “I see.”

  “Anyway, you’ll never believe who’s down here?” Amy said as if they hadn’t just had the conversation moments before.

  “Okay, I’ll play along, who’s down there, girl!?” Erin said giving off fake enthusiasm.

  Amy chuckled. “Caleb, and he wants to speak to you.”

  “Caleb, hmmm, Caleb who?” Erin said.


  “Yes, I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

  “Caleb Malone,” Amy said with less gusto.

  Caleb arched a brow and stuffed his hands into his jeans. Erin paused for the longest time; so long, Amy thought she wasn’t on the line.


  “In five minutes have Dex show him up to the station.”

  “Will do.”

  With an extra spring in her step, Erin sauntered into the bathroom and checked her appearance. The light foundation on her face accentuated her flawless features. The rose-colored lipstick sat with a smooth finish on her posh pink lips. Taking a hand to her mouth, she smelled her breath. Satisfied, Erin finger-combed her deep red hair. The thick strands sailed passed her shoulders caressing her back just slightly. She looked fine, maybe not as fine as she wanted to look, but this would have to do.

  When a knock on the door came, Erin’s heartbeat sped up. She stepped out of the bathroom and strolled back to her security monitors.

  “Come in,” she said, nonchalantly, as if her visitor wasn’t someone who threatened her very sanity.

  When the door opened, and Caleb strolled in, Erin realized she underestimated his transformation and like a horny teenager, a sting of heat crawled right down her belly into the seat of her panties.


  Erin’s brows rose in surprise. “Wow,” she said. “It’s been… a long time.”

  Caleb strolled over to her and without words, wrapped his muscular arms around Erin’s waist. His proximity sent a blanket of warmth cruising over her skin and although Erin wanted to push her face into his chest and revel in his embrace, she hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. Her hands were mid-air trying to contemplate returning his warm greeting. Finally, after seconds of prolonged thinking, Erin acquiesced, letting her arms settle around his back.

  They stood there, for what felt like the longest moment of Erin’s life. They held each other with no words between them. The beat of Caleb’s heart thumped in a staccato rhythm, and just as quickly, as if it were meant to, Erin’s matched his. A cologne wafted from him; something spicy but sweet and all enticingly male. Erin closed her eyes and inhaled him, creating images in her mind that didn’t belong there; images of love, and happiness… images of marriage and babies… images of a happily ever after that was cut short too soon for unknown reasons.

  Caleb’s arms tightened around Erin, as if
any looser he’d lose her forever. It was the same way she felt when Erin saw him walk through the door moments before. But their break up was on Caleb, so this sentiment Erin didn’t understand. She needed to break from him. It was polite to at least say ‘hi, I’m glad you’re okay.’ But, Erin was supposed to say that then send him on his way. No prolonged hugs, no plans for a date night, no ‘baby your home’ with a squeal and a shout. Yet, Erin couldn’t force herself to move away from him. Even after all the conversations she had with herself about the way he broke her heart, cut her off from his world, and shut her down as if she meant nothing to him, Erin couldn’t let him go.

  Wasn’t it enough that he’d made plans to enroll in the army without so much as a thoughtful explanation to her? How much could a girl take? Thinking about these things gave Erin just enough strength to pull her arms from his back and brace her hands against the solid wall of his chest for a slight push. It wasn’t much, just an indicator that should’ve informed him that the hug was over, and she wanted to be released. But instead, Caleb pulled back just enough to comb his gray onyx eyes over her features and in return Erin did the same.

  They stared at each other, still wrapped solidly in one another’s arms. Their lips were a mere breath apart when finally, Caleb spoke.

  “I’ve missed you so damn much,” his baritone voice drummed.

  An exhilarating thrill of chills coated Erin’s skin. How was she supposed to respond to that? Her mouth wavered half open and half closed trying to conjure a rebuttal that would be nice enough without making Caleb feel like she’d missed him too. But it was useless. The truth was, Erin did miss him, so bad she couldn’t stand it. But instead of confessing this, she decided to give him a hard time.


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