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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

Page 2

by Phoebe Winters

  “Are you sure it’s me you’re missing?”

  With that, Caleb frowned, and his lips thinned as his eyes dropped half-mast.

  “Who else would I possibly—”

  “I don’t know,” Erin shrugged. “Just not me.”

  This made Caleb pull back even further, enough to where their chests were no longer pushed against each other and Erin could breathe again on her own.

  “Erin…” His voice thundered with a deep groovy melody. Again, the mention of her name from his lips caused her blood to warm and her nipples to painfully harden. “I know I have some explaining to do.”

  Erin shook her head thoroughly. “Save it,” she said. Her anger was beginning to rise and now was not the time or place.

  Caleb stared at her and Erin was now wishing he would just go away. She couldn’t take his meticulous examination much longer. The door to her office opened and Dex walked inside.

  “Erin, I’m heading down to put Mr. McCallister out.”

  Erin frowned then turned to peer out at the bar. Mr. McCallister was arguing with Amy and like the vibrant tough woman Amy was, she stood defiantly with a hand on her hip, refusing to give Mr. McCallister another drink. Quickly, Erin’s hands went to her earpiece.

  “Amy, what’s going on?” Erin asked.

  “You don’t get to tell me how many drinks to have!” Mr. McCallister was shouting. “I’m a grown damn man woman! This place is for people to come and drink, am I wrong?!”

  “You’re over your limit, Mr. McCallister.” Amy said.

  “Don’t worry I’ve got it,” Amy responded to Erin.

  “I’m on my way down,” Erin added.

  She removed herself from Caleb then strolled to the door seconds behind Dex. She paused then stopped and turned back to Caleb who she assumed was still standing behind, but in reality, was on her heels.

  “I’m coming, too,” Caleb said.

  Erin nodded then turned to walk away when Caleb caught her arm.

  “And for the record, this isn’t over,” he promised.

  For longer than she should’ve, Erin stared at him, allowing her thoughts to tussle around the words he spoke. Shaking out of her reverie, Erin turned around and Caleb released her as they both marched down to the first floor to handle Mr. McCallister.

  “No, no, noooo!” Mr. McCallister yelled. “I will not leave!” He beat his hand down on the counter in a tight fist. “Who’s going to make me, huh?” Mr. McCallister pointed to Amy. “You?” He snickered, “I’d like to see you try that.”

  Dex proceeded to grab Mr. McCallister when Caleb interfered.

  “I got it,” Caleb said. “Mr. McCallister,” his authoritative voice boomed.

  Mr. McCallister turned to Caleb’s voice and his eyes widened. “Heeey, you look familiar. Damn, you either got a twin or you’re Raymond’s boy.” Mr. McCallister peered at Caleb closer, leaning in to get a good look at him through his drunken haze. “Yeaaaah,” Mr. McCallister held out a finger again. “I haven’t seen you since you were yay high.” Mr. McCallister motioned with his hands the height level he’d last seen Caleb. “I’m glad you’re safe, son,” Mr. McCallister slurred. “And sorry about your relationship with Er-Erin,” he slurred more. “The whole town heard about how you guys broke up.” Mr. McCallister hiccupped. “That poor girl wouldn’t come out the house for weeks. Honestly, I thought she’d died inside the house she’d been in there so long.” Mr. McCallister whistled. “Uh, anyway, glad you’re back, son. Come, sit down here and have a drink with me. Amy here’s going to get me another.”

  Mr. McCallister didn’t have a clue that Erin was standing on the other side of him. Even as his wobbly grin spread across his face and he took a glance around the place, still he didn’t pay her any mind.

  “Mr. McCallister, Amy can’t serve you when your drunk.”

  “Who says I’m drunk?”

  Caleb gave Mr. McCallister a knowing look. A wide wonky smile took on a guffaw as Mr. McCallister laughed.

  “Alright, alright, so I’m a little drunk, I’m not hurting anybody.”

  “And we’re grateful for that,” Caleb continued, “but if you want more, you’ll have to sit here and sober up first.”

  Mr. McCallister huffed. “What’s the fun in that?” He mumbled something unintelligible and hopped down off the stool. “I guess I’ll just grab a taxi then. No use getting sober only to turn around and get drunk again. I’ve got a half a gallon of bourbon in the cabinet at home anyway.”

  Mr. McCallister staggered as he tried to gain his balance and Caleb reached out to stop his fall. Mr. McCallister patted Caleb's hands.

  “Thanks for helping an old man out.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “I see you’re still the same old caring young man you’ve always been. Eh, except I’m sure Erin doesn’t feel that way, but still, good boy.” Mr. McCallister patted his hand again.

  Caleb glanced at Erin and her emotionless face told him one of two things. Either she didn’t care about what Mr. McCallister was saying, or she was doing a really good job at masking her emotions. Either way, Caleb would make it his mission to fix the damage he’d done.


  Caleb shut the door on the taxi and waved at Mr. McCallister. The yellow cab pulled away from the curb just as Caleb stepped back. His thoughts swirled as he thought about the way Erin responded to his presence and the things Mr. McCallister said. She’d taken their wedding savings and purchased the club. Caleb felt bothered by it, but what could he expect? He’d shut Erin out, so she had a right to do whatever she pleased.

  “Caleb Malone?”

  Pulled from his reverie, Caleb gave his attention to the person who’d spoken his name.

  “It is you!”

  Jeff Cumberbie sidled up to Caleb and pulled out his hand for a handclap. Caleb smiled, and the men greeted each other and pulled each other in for a strong hug.

  “Oh my God man it’s really you,” Jeff said.

  “In the flesh,” Caleb retorted.

  The men pulled back and Caleb took a posterior step.

  “Look at you all grown up.” Jeff was almost as tall as Caleb with thick shoulders and a stocky build. His hair was still the same dirty blonde it was in high school, but he definitely carried the look of a bouncer at a nightclub. “I bet those dudes from Dooney don’t mess with you now.”

  Dooneyfield High School hadn’t been Jeff’s best years. He was so scrawny that the high school jocks would always pick with him about joining the cheerleading squad instead of the football team, like Jeff had wanted to.

  “They don’t say a word and they do see me around.”

  Caleb chuckled, and they slapped hands again.

  “But never mind how I look, you’ve done a complete three sixty. The army must make you work out on a regular basis.”

  Caleb nodded slowly. “You’ll get your workout there for sure.”

  “I bet. Are you going in to see Erin?”

  “I’ve been in, and I don’t think she was too happy to see me.”

  Jeff could tell by the somberness in Caleb’s voice that it bothered him. He let out a languid sigh.

  “Don’t beat yourself up too bad about it. I’m sure, as we all were, that you had your reasons for disconnecting from her. There were a few occasions I did try talking to her on your behalf.”

  This piqued Caleb’s interest. “Oh yeah, what about?”

  “It wasn’t just her you cut off. It was all of us, even your father. The only person you contacted was your mom, so I tried reassuring her that it wasn’t about something that had to do with her individually, but something must have made you feel the need to disconnect.”

  Caleb rubbed his chin. “I apologize,” he said.

  “Probably should be telling that to Erin,” Jeff said. “Don’t get me wrong, I accept your apology,” Jeff smirked, “but I think it would benefit Erin more.”

  Caleb knew Jeff was right, and he cursed himself for thinking he could just
walk back into Erin’s life as if nothing had changed at all. It wasn’t his intention to overlook how she must’ve felt when he ceased all communications with her. As a matter of fact, it was the only thing Caleb thought about, besides the nightmares that haunted him.

  “You came back just in time, though.”

  Caleb left his musings and arched an eyebrow. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because, Jason Singleton has been after her for a while now.”

  Jason was rivals with Caleb back in high school. They took three classes together and Jason felt the need to try and beat Caleb at every competition, test, or question and answer quiz. There were times when the teacher would point out Caleb to answer a question and after he did, Jason would counter what he said with a summation of his own. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Caleb, but for the most part, he’d shrugged it off and paid Jason no mind. But now he was after Erin; that was personal, and Caleb would let it be known that she was off limits.

  As if speaking him up, a Ford Tahoe pulled to the curve carrying three occupants.

  “I’ll park,” the driver said as the passenger and back door opened. Jason and his longtime friend, Carl Bradford, stepped out, both shutting the door simultaneously.

  Jason took a hand through his brown hair that stood up in spikes on the top of his head. “Well, well, well,” Jason cruised. “Look what the cat drug in.” Carl snickered, and he and Jason slapped hands like they were still the popular guys in high school. “Someone went to the army and got a makeover.” Jason nodded. “You look alright. I personally liked the blonde hair better.”

  Caleb took a glaring eye over Jason. “It’s too bad I can’t say the same,” his dark voice thundered. “You look like shit. Who told you it was still cool to rock that Elvis Presley get up?” He said grimacing at the bell bottom baby blue pants and short sleeve button down shirt.

  It wasn’t meant to be a joke but that didn’t stop Jeff from howling with laughter beside Caleb.

  “And I’m glad you liked my blonde hair, but it’s a good thing I don’t give a damn about what you think.” Caleb continued. He took a step forward. “This isn’t high school anymore. I suggest you think twice before coming at me or my lady.”

  Caleb’s grill was icy and something about the warning in his voice made Jason unceremoniously take a step backward. Jason was three inches shorter than Caleb, with a medium build and slightly tight biceps. In a boxing ring, Jason would be no match for Caleb and he must’ve noticed because instead of lingering he stepped around Caleb to enter the club; but not before shooting off one last smart comment.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Caleb and Jeff eyed the pair as they disappeared into the club. Letting out a frustrated breath, Caleb took a step forward when Jeff reached out and halted his advance with a slap on the shoulder.

  “Don’t tear the place up man, Jason is no fool. You saw how quick he moved to get out of your way. Besides, I don’t think that’s the best method to win Erin back. If that’s what you’re trying to do.”

  Caleb gave Jeff the same glare he’d given Jason and Jeff held his arms up in surrender.

  “Hey man don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just trying to keep you from giving Erin another reason to be upset with you.”

  “By kicking Jason’s dumbass?”

  “No, by tearing her club up.”

  Caleb gritted his teeth then let out a sharp breath, turning his head to the entrance of Nocturnal Encounters then back to Jeff. “You know what, you’re right. I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  Caleb left the curb and strolled back inside the club and Jeff wondered what Caleb’s best behavior looked like these days. It was better to go in and make sure he didn’t do something he’d regret. So, with little hesitation, Jeff entered seconds behind him. It didn’t take long for him to spot Caleb. As if he was the newest celebrity in town, he’d been swarmed with more hellos and congratulations for making it home safely. But Caleb’s gaze was zeroed in on his target, watching Jason tightly as he ascended the stairs to Erin’s office.


  What are you doing up here?” Erin folded her arms and leaned into her hip as she lifted an inquisitive brow at Jason.

  “Oh, come on don’t be like that,” he said. “I came to see you. Is that such a crime?”

  Erin let out a sigh. She didn’t want to deal with Jason right now. When Jason walked through the door, she’d practically had a heart attack. Caleb had been outside for only a few minutes, so she wasn’t sure if he decided to leave or stick around. But when Caleb entered seconds after Jason, sending missiles with his glare at Jason, Erin knew they had a run in outside and she didn’t want Caleb to think she was interested in Jason. Although, she kept telling herself she didn’t care.

  “Jason, I’m working. I can’t be distracted by you tonight. If you hadn’t noticed, I have a club full of people and its filling pretty quickly. So, if you don’t mind please leave or go down and enjoy yourself.”

  Erin tried not to look over the banister, but her head turned towards the crowd anyway. Caleb was no longer in her eyesight. Maybe he left. It wasn’t something Erin could stop. Her emotions churned thinking about Caleb leaving in a fury because of Jason.

  “Damn Erin, that’s cold. You would just kick me out your club when you don’t need me anymore?”

  Frustration crept over Erin and she pressed her thin lips tight. Ever since she’d asked Jason to help her one night at the club when Dex was out sick, he figured she owed him forever.

  “Are you going to bring that up whenever you think it’ll suit you? Because I remember specifically making a one time deal. So that won’t work in your favor.”

  Jason swiped his teeth with his tongue and stepped closer to Erin. “You’re right. You agreed to let me take you out on a date.”

  “A single date,” Erin reiterated.”

  Jason nodded with a smirk. “One that we have yet to go on.”

  Erin tried hard not to roll her eyes. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Jason; he was alright, but he was sneaky, in her opinion, and she regretted making that deal.

  “I’ve been busy, Jason.”

  “I understand, but you never answered my question.”

  Annoyed, Erin shut her jaw tight and spoke through gritted teeth. “What question would that be, Jason?”

  “You know I like it when you say my name all rough like that.”


  “I asked you to be my date to the Centennial Ball, but you never gave me an answer.”

  “Maybe that was your answer,” a dark ominous voice growled from the doorway.

  Both Erin and Jason turned toward Caleb who strode purposefully through the room. He stepped in front of Erin cutting Jason off as he stared into Erin’s gray eyes. Erin wondered how much of the conversation Caleb heard.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t greet you properly before,” he said. With one hand, Caleb grabbed Erin’s chin and pulled her face to his as his other arm snaked around her waist drawing her so close their heartbeats matched. He claimed her lips in a mouthwatering kiss that poured heat over her skin. A shiver slipped down her body. Erin’s eyes closed, and a moan escaped her throat.

  It was like she’d left this plane, on a riveting ride to another galaxy with the only man in the world who mattered. Erin couldn’t stop him or herself as Caleb’s tongue prodded against her mouth in a desperate plea to get inside. She opened to him, tasting the spiciness of his tongue that was coated in a cinnamon tinge that rocked her core and sent her nerves into a frenzy. Jesus.

  “Oh shit.”

  The sound of Amy Van Winkle’s voice brought Erin back to the here and now. With a snap, Erin pulled her head back, severing the connection they shared. Erin stared at Caleb seeing the longing in his gaze, coupled with a smoldering sulfuric heat. His stare penetrated her, making her haphazardly slip a hand down the one-piece knee-length babydoll dress she wore in a fidget. When her hands stilled, Erin’s fingers reached for her lips and she tou
ched them gently as her mind reeled from what had just happened.

  This was her opportunity to show Caleb that she was over him and he had no right to kiss her like that. In return Caleb also waited, to see if Erin would slap him and turn him away. His heart thundered as he held on to hope while watching different emotions run across her beautiful face. Surprise, yearning, confusion… love? Was he so desperate for her that he’d imagined it? He wasn’t sure, so he waited for her reproach.

  The rebuke was on her tongue, but Erin swallowed it back and took her eyes across the room to Amy.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was interrupting?” Amy said questionably with Dex on her heels. Amy was having a hard time trying to figure out why her friend would be kissing Caleb with Jason in the room. Jason had been working overtime to get Erin’s attention, and the scene before Amy was just plain ole weird.

  “Um…” Erin finally pushed out of Caleb’s tightknit embrace. Her thoughts tossed. “I need everyone to leave the room, please.” She sounded unsure and in need of deliberation.

  “Okay folks, you heard the boss,” Dex said.

  Jason and Carl moved slowly across the room with Jason holding a glare of his own on an unbothered Caleb.

  “I’ll call you later,” Jason said.

  That comment pulled Caleb’s attention away from Erin to Jason. Caleb felt homicidal. It made him wonder if he’d surreptitiously always wanted to punch Jason’s lights out but just never got that far in high school. However, deep down, Caleb knew the killer instinct came from the thought of his Erin being with someone else, anyone else, but especially Jason Singleton.

  With a smug smirk on his face, Jason exited the room and Caleb turned his madness onto Erin.

  “Please tell me you’re not seriously entertaining that asshole?”

  His voice was deep and grim.

  Erin folded her arms. “Okay, I won’t.”

  Caleb felt a stab of pain ricochet through his chest.

  “You’re seeing him,” he said feeling betrayed.

  “It’s none of your business who I’m seeing, Caleb.”


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