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Share You (Roommate Romance #3)

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by Rene Folsom

  “Baby, you can do whatever the hell you want. If you don’t want to actually have a fling with Ava, then why don’t you just tell me about it,” he coaxed. “Tell me all the little details,” he continued as he held me tight and kissed my neck.

  Uh huh. Of course, the man wanted to know details—what man wouldn’t? Then I got to thinking that telling him about my thoughts might spice things up a bit. Since it was now close to midnight and Ava was just on the other side of that wall, I felt a little sneaky talking about her.

  Pushing at him, I pried him off my neck and reached for the remote. Deciding I didn’t want Ava to hear our activities, I turned up the volume a few notches, effectively flooding the room with sounds of baseball.

  “Mmm. Sex and baseball. Perfect midnight snack,” Nick mumbled as he practically inhaled one of my breasts, causing me to gasp at the sudden sensation. Still straddling his lap, I pressed myself against him with each sound of the ball clanking against the wooden bat.

  The sounds of the crowds cheering on the television gave me the chance to moan loudly with the feeling of his warm tongue teasing my nipple. I threw my chin up and held onto his head, pressing him against my chest as I continued to dry hump his lap.

  Switching to my other breast and holding the center of my back with his large hands, he coaxed, “C’mon, Kelli. Tell me about Ava.”

  “Ohmygod, Nick. It’s hard to think when you’re driving me crazy,” I quickly said with a breathlessness caused by his amazing mouth on my sensitive buds.

  He pulled away and looked up at me with a smile half cocked on his infuriatingly handsome face. “Want me to stop?”

  “Fuck, no!” I exclaimed, pushing him down and allowing my funbags to hang in his face. He took me seriously and continued to suck on them with determination.

  “I think it would feel so wonderful if both you and Ava were to suck on my tits at the same time,” I finally said with my eyes closed while I enjoyed his continued attention. “She was licking and biting her lip while she was reading yesterday and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like for her mouth to be on me.”

  I heard and felt his masculine moan against my breast. The fact that this turned him on was no surprise, but it also made me feel more confident in sharing my secret desires with him.

  “I’ve also been wondering what her pussy looks like. Does she shave or wax? Does she have a landing strip like I do? Is her hair down there just as blonde as the hair on her head?” My talking was taking away from the wonderful sensations caused by his mouth.

  I was only quiet for what seemed like a few moments when he broke away from my breasts and reached behind me to grab my ass—attempting to lift me up and ultimately putting a stop to my teasing grind. I felt him tug at his boxers enough to pull them down a few inches—just enough to make him spring free from the fabric confines.

  I smiled big as I lifted myself up, pushed my panties to the side, positioned his cock beneath me, and sank down deep.

  “Oh, yeah,” I moaned as I realized I was actually hurting for him—I needed this. And damn, it felt good.

  Nick grabbed my hips and began thrusting into me just hard enough to cause me to cry out in pleasure. To steady myself, I held onto his flexing biceps, causing my breasts to plump together between my arms.

  “Seeing you pleasure her would be downright criminal. But right now, I just want to watch you as I make love to you. God, you’re so beautiful, especially when you’re above me and wrapped so tightly around my cock.”

  After a few more quick thrusts, he turned and pushed me down onto the mattress, causing me to squeal in surprise at the abrupt change of position.

  “Oh, God, yeah,” I said as I saw pure perfection looking back at me. His flawless face had such a determined and forceful expression while he pushed into me again.

  With me on my back and one of my legs up on his shoulder, he was able to pick up the pace and the force, causing my insides to clench and my pulse to quicken.

  “Fuck, Kelli. You’re so wet. Talking about her must really turn you on,” he said with labored breath against my neck. As I tilted my head and gave him full access, he teasingly bit at the tendon along the side of my throat.

  “Ahh…” was all I could manage as a confirmation that, yes, sharing my deepest desires with him really did this to me.

  Finally, I managed to breathe out what all men want to hear, “Yes, but you… you make me wet, Nick.”

  “Aww, hell yeah, I do,” he growled in confirmation as he persisted to increase his tirade.

  I felt him tremble as he held one of my ass cheeks with one hand while his other held him up above me. I held on for dear life—my arms clinging to his shoulders. Just as I thought he was about to come, he pulled out and tugged at my panties, which were still on and pulled to one side. Within moments, the small, black scrap of fabric was tossed over his shoulder and he gestured for me to turn over.

  Quickly, I did as he directed and got on my hands and knees—effectively propping my ass up in the air.

  My pulse raced with just the thought of him hitting me from behind.

  He held my hips lightly and pushed down on my shoulders, pulling me back and causing me to bend further, just enough to keep his target in place.

  Oh, hell, yeah.

  He didn’t waste any time putting his dick back inside me as he quickly increased his speed. I fisted the sheets with the feeling of his intense invasion—the sounds of his hips slapping against my ass filled the room and made me wish I had turned up the volume louder on the television.

  An abrupt drive from Nick caused me to cry out loudly at the onslaught of pleasure splintering through my insides and making me completely forget about volume control. My hold on the sheets increased along with his movements until I started to hear ripping sounds instigated by my tight grip.

  “Christ, it would be so hot to watch you eat her pussy while I fucked you hard like this. Just the thought of it is making me lose control,” he hissed through his teeth as he kept up with his relentless rhythm—his words rushing between each forceful thrust.

  Tossing my hair out of my face, I glanced up into the mirror on our headboard and smiled at the sight of him pressing into me. My back and hips arched upward toward him—offering myself to him willingly. I could see his taut stomach, arms, and chest muscles undulate as he slammed home. Just the view of him so turned on and animalistic was going to make me come.

  My insides began to quiver and I felt the fire igniting deep inside me.

  “Ahhh, yeah…” I whimpered, drawing out my sounds. His thrusts were so powerful they caused disjointed moans to escape my mouth.

  Out of nowhere, I convulsed around him, embers sizzling through every inch of my body. Still locking my gaze with his, I came loudly with the sounds of my climax echoing off the bedroom walls. My orgasm took me by such surprise that I almost collapsed with my knees shaking like leaves in a windstorm.

  Nick snaked his arm around my waist and held me steady and strong, knowing my legs were about to give under the sheer pleasure that flowed through every fiber of my body.

  He then followed with several sharp, erratic thrusts before he stilled, pouring himself into me as he found his release.

  He wrapped both his arms around me and buried his scruffy face into the center of my back. We both knelt there, panting and gaining our bearings before we had to move.

  “Fuck, Kel,” he rumbled between labored breaths.

  Slowly, he pulled out of me and ambled his way to the bathroom.

  I took a moment to just lie there, my face pressed into the bed, and took several deep breaths. I felt so good—so free. He made me feel this way and I realized just how lucky I was to have a man like him. I knew I would be able to share anything with him and he would support me.

  As I pushed myself up and was still on my hands and knees, he came up behind me and gathered my hair in his hands, pulling my head to the side and tilting it upward slightly so his mouth was against my cheek

  “Your green eyes sparkle so bright after you come. It’s nothing short of breathtaking,” he admired.

  That night, I slept like a well-fucked rock.


  Ava and I were practically inseparable over the next month. Little did she know, Nick and I continued to fantasize about her almost every time we made love—which was often, as per the norm.

  One rainy evening, Nick offered to pick Ava up from work so she didn’t have to come home looking like a drowned cat. I was exhausted from a rather trying day with bitchy customers and couldn’t wait to relax next to Ava so we could both vent.

  As I sat in the living room reading a new book, Ava came home, dripping with fresh rain, and immediately scurried to her room after mumbling some nonsense about being tired. I could tell something was wrong as soon as I spotted my husband’s guilty expression.

  In an attempt to mask his guilt, he smiled broadly and quickly walked past me on his way to the bedroom. Grabbing his hand and standing to block his way, I searched his eyes, hoping to find a reason as to why my new best friend practically ran from my husband.

  “What did you do?” I whispered.

  “Kel, it’s no big deal,” he responded without lowering his voice from the normal volume of a conversation.

  “What’s not a big deal? What did you say to her?” I prodded. Obviously she was upset about something, so he seriously needed to spill.

  “I didn’t say anything that you shouldn’t have said long ago,” he explained—poorly.

  “Nick, so help me God, if you don’t get to the point, I’m going to get beyond pissed. Why is she upset?”

  Letting go of my hand, he ran his fingers through his hair and looked away before he finally spoke.

  “I told her,” he deadpanned.

  “Told her wha—?” Then, it hit me. “You didn’t?”

  The traitor just crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.

  “Bedroom. Now,” I demanded, worried Ava would be able to hear me chew Nick’s ever-loving ass out.

  “Kelli, you need to chill,” he said in an attempt to mollify me.

  Never a sucker for his boyish charm, I turned on my heel and briskly walked into our room. As soon as I heard the door click shut, I didn’t waste a moment to tear into him with my only demand.

  “Tell me every single word you said to her and what her reaction was,” I ordered with a bit of anger and hurt laced in my voice.

  Once he realized I meant business, he explained to me how Ava was feeling a bit down about herself. Of course, the man didn’t bother to pay attention to specifics and I would need to go to the source if I wanted to find reason behind the madness. Yet, the source was currently boarded up in her room.

  Once Nick realized Ava’s feelings of insecurity were definitely unwarranted, he attempted to make her feel better by telling her how attractive and desirable she was.

  “She didn’t want to hear compliments from me—whether it’s because I’m a man or because I’m her landlord, I don’t know. But I could tell I was making her uncomfortable,” Nick explained. “I thought that by telling her how desirable she is to you, that she’d get it.”

  “No. Oh no, Nick. You didn’t!” I exclaimed as I gripped my head and squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe if I didn’t look at him, it would all go away.

  “What’s the big deal? Now she knows how you feel and you wouldn’t have to hide it from her anymore.”

  “The big deal? The deal is, now she can’t look at me. She walked right past me tonight when she normally has a million things to tell me about her day. I will NOT lose a friend over this!” I explained as tears began to brim my eyelids and I tried with all my might to force them back down. My voice started to shake as I fought the urge to cry.

  “I never planned on acting upon my little fantasies, Nick. You knew that!”

  “Kelli, all I told her was you thought she was sexy and you mentioned wanting to kiss her. That’s it,” he defended in an attempt to make me feel better.

  “Oh, is that all?” I spat, sarcasm oozing from the tone of my voice. “Damn it, Nick. I can’t believe you did that.”

  “Well, get over it, because I think she needs you. She was really upset about something. Maybe my little admission wasn’t the right thing to say, but she needs a friend right now, Kel,” Nick said.

  My little pity party came to a complete halt with the thought that Ava was upset. Here I was thinking all about myself and never once considered how she might have felt or what she was going through.

  “You’re right. I’ll go talk to her. But, you’re still in the doghouse for this shit, Nick. Don’t forget that,” I threatened.


  Without hesitation, I left my room and found myself in front of Ava’s door. My fist hovered mere centimeters from the barrier that separated her from my trembling form. I was a total chickenshit—completely afraid of what she would think of me now and even more scared she might turn me away.

  The thought of her rejecting me made me sick to my stomach. Nausea overtook me as I turned and walked away.

  Still too pissed to even look at Nick, I headed for the kitchen and poured a large glass of wine. Knowing a single glass would not be enough, I decided to grab the entire bottle and fill the ice bucket, preparing it to chill nicely on the back porch.

  Maybe a relaxing soak in the hot tub would calm my nerves.

  The chilly, damp night air caused my skin to crawl with goose bumps. Hurriedly, I set my wine and ice bucket down on the deck around the tub, lit a few candles, removed my tank first, then my shorts, and finally my panties before quickly climbing into the steamy waters. The fiery temperature immediately warmed me as I sank into the blissful waters of my hot tub. This was definitely one of the biggest perks my house offered.

  The flickering of the candles and the faint moonlight in combination with the luxurious feeling of the warm water—all were necessities to calm my nerves. The light pitter-patter of post-rainfall relaxed my senses and helped to clear my mind.

  Since I lacked a hair band, I used the length of my thick hair to tie it up in a knot. After finishing off my first glass of wine, I filled it once more and allowed the water to creep up past my ears as I descended further onto the slippery surface of the tub.

  Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I could hear the sounds of each inhale as the oxygen filled my lungs. The exaggerated vibrations as I exhaled sounded shaky, like I was still trembling even though my body was enveloped in warmth.

  Realizing my impromptu hair-knot was coming apart, I submerged my face completely beneath the water’s surface and slowly came back up—allowing my hair to fall naturally behind me.

  Never opening my eyes, I floated on top of the water and tried to relax. Quiet and still, I relished the feel of warmth as my arms and boobs floated just below the surface.

  Without warning, I heard the distinct thump of the sliding glass door closing to my left. Mechanically, my eyes popped open to search the dark porch for anyone who may have just entered my sanctuary.

  There she stood, wearing a small, somewhat see-through tee and a tight pair of jeans.

  Surprisingly, I didn’t feel exposed around her. She made me feel comfortable and nervous all at the same time.

  Without saying a word, she began to remove her clothing. Her long fingers wrapped around the hem of her shirt and began inching the fabric up her belly, past her ribs, and even further to expose her bare breasts before finally clearing her head and allowing her beautiful blonde hair to cascade over her right shoulder.

  Looking me straight in the eye, she began unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them over her hips, allowing them to fall to the ground along with her panties—either that or she wasn’t wearing any panties at all.

  In several small steps, Ava made her way out of her clothing and slowly climbed into the hot tub. I watched as she sank into the warm waters—starting with her dainty feet, then over her long legs, curvy hips, taut stomach, and perky tits—unt
il she was finally settled in front of me.

  First, she leaned over me, grabbed my drink, and downed the entire glass of wine in just a few small gulps. Instead of sitting on one of the other hot tub benches, she chose to kneel on the deepest part of the floor in front of me—so close, we were nearly touching.

  This was the first time Ava and I had skinny dipped in the hot tub. Of course, we had enjoyed these warm, relaxing waters many times since she moved in, but we had never bared all—until now.

  Kneeling before me was one of the most beautiful women I had ever known, and I was completely tongue-tied.

  “Did you mean it?” Ava asked in a quiet tone, breaking the silence and ultimately confusing the heck out of me.

  “Mean what?” I asked. My voice was nearly a whisper as I tried to regain my composure after seeing her completely naked.

  “What you told Nick about thinking I’m beautiful. Did you really tell him that or was he just trying to make me feel better?”

  I was completely at a loss for words. Not because I was embarrassed or didn’t want to admit my attraction to her, but because she was seriously doubting her beauty. It wasn’t just physical beauty—this woman was radiant, both inside and out.

  Feeling the need to show her just how serious my words would be, I sat up slightly and faced her straight on. Cupping her face and looking into her eyes, I searched her soul.

  “You really have no idea, do you?” I whispered, completely shocked she knew nothing of how stunning she really was.

  Blinking like a scared kitten, she continued to stare at me. I realized then I might actually be frightening her with my near intimacy. So, I let go of her face but still sat directly in front of her kneeling form.

  “Yes, I told Nick I thought you were beautiful. I only said it because it’s true. When I first met you, I couldn’t get over how pretty you were. Then, you opened your mouth and every word you spoke made you that much more lovely in my eyes. What brought this on, anyway?”


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