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Share You (Roommate Romance #3)

Page 3

by Rene Folsom

  She looked away before answering my question, which let me know she was beginning to realize how silly it was. “I just had a really bad night at work and insecurity got the best of me. Plus, the fact I haven’t been able to hold a boyfriend for more than a few months.”

  I just nodded in complete understanding of where she was coming from. Sometimes us girls just needed a little pick-me-up.

  “He also said you wanted to kiss me,” Ava blurted as she finally looked back in my direction.

  I swallowed—hard—as I thought of what to say. Before I could open my mouth to start stuttering, Ava inched closer, placing her hands on my thighs beneath the water. Her lips were almost touching mine—so close I could feel the warmth of her breath on my mouth.

  She hesitated, darting her eyes back and forth between mine, as if seeking the answer to her question. With my heart pounding in my ears and all the air sucked from my lungs, I whispered, “Yes.”

  The affirmation was all she needed to close the small gap between us.

  I couldn’t help but moan when she kissed me. Her lips were so soft as she pressed them against mine in a passionate embrace. The contact felt so natural, yet thrilling, all at the same time.

  Instinctively, I brought my arms up and snaked my hands around her waist under water. My boldness was rewarded by her silky tongue meeting mine in a sensual, suggestive motion.

  With our arms and lips intertwined, I rose to my knees to match her position. With my excitement to press our bodies together in a heated passion, I slipped. Yep. Call me Captain Klutz.

  Slipping on the hard surface of the hot tub caused me to fall, barely catching myself before my entire face submerged beneath the water. Sputtering water from my mouth and wiping at my one eye, I looked up and was about to apologize when I saw Ava’s face.

  Her hysterical laughter was contagious as I began my own fit of giggles.

  “You okay?” Ava asked between gasps of air. I’m sure she already knew I was just fine, but I nodded anyway as I caught my breath and made my way over to one of the benches.

  After a few more chuckles and some awkward silence, Ava stood up. The water came up just above her curvy hips, baring her entire upper body as lazy drops of water cascaded down her soft skin.

  Only a few moments had passed before she held her hand out to me. I just looked at her with confusion, wondering what the heck she wanted me to do.

  “Stand up,” she instructed as she wiggled her fingers slightly. I won’t lie. I was scared out of my mind and totally turned on at the same time. Thoughts were racing through my head a mile a minute as I gently slid my hand into hers and allowed her to help me stand on the hard, slippery surface.

  The wet and rather breezy night air immediately caused my nipples to harden, as if my arousal hadn’t already. While holding both my hands, Ava backed away slightly, putting enough distance between us so she could check me out.

  The jitters in my stomach flipped at just the thought of her looking at my naked body. Such an intimate and personal act was usually only reserved for the one person you felt the most comfortable around. For me, that person was Nick. The fact she was naked as well did make things a bit easier to handle, especially considering I was still staring at her bare body.

  “So beautiful,” I heard her whisper.

  Looking up at her face instead of staring at her boobs, I saw she was smiling. As soon as our eyes met, she pulled me in—both with her hands and her gaze. Our wet bodies pressing together felt so natural, like we were puzzle pieces made to fit together.

  Standing in the middle of the hot tub, wrapped in each other’s arms, we both began to speak at the same time—which, of course, caused us to giggle like schoolgirls yet again.

  “You first,” I said to Ava with my lips mere inches from hers.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked as she cupped my cheek in one of her hands and pulled me in for a small, soft kiss.

  I closed my eyes in an attempt to compose myself enough to speak. My grip tightened around her waist as I searched for the words to answer her question.

  “I was afraid,” I finally breathed. When I opened my eyes, I found her staring at me as if she was studying every little detail of my face.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “I was afraid that I would ruin what we have. I haven’t had a friend like you since Nick and I moved here. The last thing I would want to do is ruin our friendship,” I explained in a rush of words. “Your approval means so much to me. I was worried if I told you how I felt, I would scare you away.”

  “How do you feel?” Ava asked, ultimately egging me on for more juicy details.

  Deciding I would show her my true feelings, I leaned in and captured her lips with mine. As we touched our tongues together and deepened our kiss, I grabbed one of her hands and guided it down the side of my body until it was fully submerged under water. Before I could chicken out, I swiftly brought her dainty fingers between my legs, spreading ever so slightly, so she could feel the wetness between my folds.

  “Ahh,” I moaned out loud as I broke our kiss to breathe. Just the feel of her fingers on my overly sensitive clit made me want to hump her arm. “I think my feelings are more than obvious, Ava.”

  “Fuck, yeah. You’re very wet. Especially since water usually washes it away,” she said as she began moving her finger in small circles.

  Grabbing her bottom lip with my teeth, I made a hissing noise, effectively letting her know just how much she was making me all hot and bothered.

  Letting go of her lip, I said, “It doesn’t bother you?”

  With that question, she pulled away slightly and stopped her assault on my clit. “What would bother me?”

  “That I want you. That I’ve been fantasizing about you since you moved in,” I explained. I started to get nervous again, worried I had said too much.

  Ava closed her eyes and threw her head back as she whispered, “You want me. God, I love hearing that. So, no, it doesn’t bother me in the least.”

  A light wind blew several raindrops through the screens, causing the candles to flicker and both of us to turn our heads and tremble. Knowing there was a seat right behind me, I slowly guided myself back down into the water until it was up to my neck once more.

  Without needing instruction, Ava followed my lead and sank into the water. The hair on top of her head was still dry, but the long strands below her neck were wet and stringy.

  Deciding to take a different approach, she straddled my lap. Her shoulders fell slightly above the surface once she settled in front of me while bracing her hands along the edge of the tub on either side of my head.

  Starting at her knees below the water, I traced my hands along her legs, over her hips, and up her slender, sexy body. Resting my palms on her back, I pulled her closer.

  Just as she leaned in to kiss me again, the sliding glass door made a distinguishable whooshing noise as it began to open.

  Ava immediately tried to creep off my lap to sit next to me, obviously worried about who would catch us in our intimate embrace. Well, clearly Nick was the only one who would be walking through that door and I was certain he would not care one bit if a girl was on top of me. So, to keep her from withdrawing, I held her in place with her breasts pressed just above mine.

  To hopefully make her feel more at ease, I trailed my fingers up and down her spine.

  Flicking on the dim Jacuzzi light, Nick could clearly see what was doing beneath the surface.

  “Hey, hon. I thought you were sleeping?” I chimed in a much-too-chipper voice, especially considering I left the room fuming less than an hour earlier.

  “Nah. You were kinda pissed at me and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explained. “Now I see that you are doing just fine. I take it you’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “No, I’m not mad. I’m over it now.”

  “I know that every guy should be ecstatic to see his girl with another woman, but I’m actually feeling a little pang of jealous
y,” Nick said as he held his hand over his heart in a mocking gesture.

  “Quit being a whiner and get in,” I instructed before realizing Ava may be a bit uncomfortable with Nick’s involvement. “Wait, is it okay with you?” I asked her.

  Ava looked at me as she answered, “It won’t bother me any.”

  We never took our eyes off each other as Nick began removing his clothes with lightning speed. Soon enough, his body being lowered into the steamy waters made a soft sloshing noise.

  Ava and I watched as he slowly glided his way over and sat next to us.

  “Don’t mind me. Pretend I’m not even here.”

  Hard to do when you’re staring at us, Nicholas.

  Attempting to ignore Nick’s stare and point all my attention back to Ava, I wrapped her hair around my hand and tugged—effectively pulling her head back and exposing her neck to my lips. Grazing my teeth along the soft skin of her neck made a light moan escape her mouth.

  Knowing I wanted to taste more of her, I slowly trailed my kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, and down the center of her chest. She could tell where I was headed and sat up on her knees so her breasts were above the surface of the water. The move she made caused her nipples to perk up and push closer to my awaiting mouth.

  Without wasting an eager moment, I closed my lips around one of her nipples and toyed with it until I heard her cries of pleasure. As she continued to fist my hair and hold me close to her breast, she reached over and grabbed Nick’s head, coaxing him down toward her other expecting nipple.

  For some reason, Nick hesitated—his reluctance caused me to pull away and see what was the matter. At the same time I stopped teasing the beautiful Ava, I heard a small whimper come from her.

  “Please, Nick,” Ava begged. “I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to have my nipples sucked at the same time.”

  “Kel—” Nick began to say. My frantic nodding must have answered whatever question he was about to ask because he just smiled and dove in.

  As soon as both of us were paying attention to Ava’s chest, she began letting us know how much she really enjoyed our attentions.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah,” she whispered—putting extra emphasis on the K sound.

  I loved the feel of her big, soft breast cradled in my hand as I rolled my tongue around her sweet bud. Having her nipple between my lips was so intoxicating. Nick was clearly working his magic on her other breast as her disjointed moans continued to permeate the night air.

  “Christ! We need to go inside,” Ava demanded, suddenly pulling away and sinking down into the warm waters.

  “What? Why?” I asked—well, more like stuttered. I couldn’t understand what went wrong or what caused her to abruptly withdraw from us.

  “I’m loud when I start playing around. Right now, I want to enjoy myself without the fear of waking up our neighbors. So, can we go inside?”

  “Of course,” Nick replied as he jumped up and made splashing noises in the process.

  I took a deep, shaky breath in an attempt to compose myself before walking. I hadn’t been this nervous or this turned on in a very long time. Taking my time to climb out of the hot tub would be very wise in my quivering state.

  Just before she rose to get out, Ava turned to me and said, “Kelli, are you okay?”

  I nodded and smiled with the worry my voice would fail me at that moment. Ava climbed out gracefully and my clumsy ass stumbled after her.

  Building the small towel cabinet out on the back porch was the smartest thing Nick had ever thought of in his life. The night air was cold and those towels were like huge fluffs of warmth enveloping our naked bodies before we had to step into the air-conditioned house.


  Giggling like teens, Ava and I ran down the hall, practically shivering the entire way to my bedroom. Making Nick shut everything down outside so I didn’t have to take time doing it seemed easy enough, right?

  Tossing our towels haphazardly on the floor, Ava and I rushed into my bed and quickly got under the covers to stay warm. Honestly, I wasn’t all that cold. The heat from the hot tub still radiated through my skin and continued to warm me. The constant quiver through my bones was probably due to nerves more than an actual chill. However, snuggling up to Ava was a good reason to pull out the I’m cold excuse.

  As soon as we were settled beneath the covers with our legs intertwined together, I felt like I needed to make sure she was game for this. As she extended her neck to meet me for a kiss, I stopped her.

  “Ava, are you sure you want this?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want this, Kel. Trust me,” she promised with a smile. “Why do you ask? Don’t you want this? Don’t you want me?”

  “Hell, yeah, I want you,” I breathed out as I closed my eyes, completely annoyed with myself that I put doubt on her shoulders once again. “I’ve wanted you for a while. I just worry this will change things.”

  “Well, of course it will change things. But, change is good… right?”

  Looking directly into her beautiful blue eyes, I nodded and agreed with her that change was definitely good—especially in our situation.

  “Okay. Now stop blubbering and kiss me, please?” she begged, while grabbing the back of my neck and tugging me to her.

  I could barely manage a yes ma’am before she devoured my mouth in a sensual, passionate kiss as we huddled together under the fluffy covers.


  Not even a minute of our make-out session went by before Nick grabbed the covers and whipped them completely off the bed, revealing two very naked girls. Ava squealed and I giggled at his playful move.

  “Damn. Seeing you two wrapped around each other is so hot.”

  Glaring at us like he was a hungry bear, he crawled onto the bed until he was hovering over us and said, “Okay, who’s first?”

  Boldly, I replied with exactly what I wanted. “I want to watch Ava suck you, Nick.”

  Ava’s smile broadened as she pushed at Nick’s chest and said, “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Forcing him to sit up, Ava and Nick traded places so now he was lying alongside me with his head slightly propped against the pillows. I watched her trail her fingernails down his quivering stomach muscles until she reached his length—which was already hard and ready for her.

  Hungrily, Ava licked her lips before parting them and inserting my husband’s dick into her warm mouth.

  I don’t know why, but just the sight of another woman pleasing Nick made my insides clench and my clit throb. I was aching to be touched—but the tease of watching was such a forbidden desire of mine, I couldn’t pass it up.

  Focusing solely on Nick, Ava began moving her lips and tongue up and down his shaft. Her saliva created a slick sheen as she fisted the base of his cock and moved in rhythm with her mouth. A hint of a smile barely crossed her lips when she looked up at me and noticed I was watching.

  A masculine groan brought me out of my trance. Nick was propped up on his elbows and watching Ava as she swirled her tongue around the head of his dick.

  “Ahh, fuck,” he growled, throwing his head back and fisting the sheets. Snaking my hand behind his head, I scooted a little closer to him and rubbed my fingers through his hair—letting him know I was enjoying his pleasure too.

  Nick turned his head toward me and immediately inhaled my breast while Ava continued to ravish his dick. The sudden sensation of his firm tongue flicking over my sensitive nipple made me gasp and quiver with need.

  I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was so wound up that I could feel my pussy juice dripping down onto the bed. My hips began thrusting on their own accord and I just had to relieve the relentless ache in my clit.

  While Ava picked up the pace, causing Nick’s breathing to quicken as he continued to suck my tit, I began sliding my hand down my body. With shaky fingers, I came in contact with my throbbing clit and thought the room was spinning with all the tension built between my legs.

  The moment I tou
ched myself, a sharp moan escaped my lips. Nick and Ava both pulled away, leaving me lying in the center of the bed as they looked down upon me. Before I could manage to sit up, they lowered themselves on either side of me so I was surrounded by their soft, sweaty skin.

  Nick kissed me first as he ran his hand up and down my body. Within moments, Ava leaned in for a kiss of her own.

  The difference between a man’s forceful, passionate kiss and a woman’s soft, tender kiss was beyond words. They both made my head spin and my desire spiral out of control.

  As Ava continued to kiss me and toy with one of my tits, Nick lowered his head and wrapped his lips around my other nipple. Her kiss swallowed my excessive moans as they both continued to toy with my breasts and make my pussy weep for their touch.

  Before I knew it, Nick pulled away completely and began to get up off the bed. Both Ava and I looked at him curiously, wondering what the heck caused him to withdraw.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said as he quickly made his way to our closet. Ava just shrugged as she brought her hand up to my forehead and swept a few strands of auburn hair from my face.

  My hair was beginning to dry and I’m sure it looked absolutely stunning—not. Ava’s straight, blonde hair looked wonderful, which was typical, as the damp strands cascaded around her naked shoulders.

  She smiled down at me before pecking me on the lips. Continuing to trail little kisses down my neck, she made her way to my chest. It was like pure heaven to feel her lips close around my nipple. The other breast was still slick with Nick’s saliva and felt cool with the fan lightly blowing over my sensitive skin.

  Ava’s hand began gliding down the center of my body, over my belly, and down to my pussy. I had my legs squeezed together so tight because I was seriously hurting with the need to be touched.

  My body responded to her silent request immediately. Spreading my legs for her, I could feel every nerve-ending tingle with the anticipation of her touch. Her fingers were less than an inch away from my clit when Nick came back and grabbed her wrist to stop her.


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