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Warranted Desires

Page 8

by Shannon Nemechek

  One of the nurses stopped Raleigh as he started to follow Sam. “Sir, she won’t take too long. Just wait right here, please.” She motioned to the seats in the waiting area.

  Raleigh sat down and leaned back into his seat. He had closed his eyes only for a moment when his phone rang. It was Matty, who quickly told Raleigh he was on his way. He had seen the hotel on the news, and when he saw Raleigh get into the ambulance, he figured one of them was injured. So instead of getting a quick nap, Raleigh was going to have to explain to Matty not only what happened, but also why Samantha was in his room. Eventually, he would have to tell command about their relationship, but for now, he would confide in Matty.

  When Matt Chambers walked into the emergency room, the two friends immediately saw each other and shook hands as Raleigh stood up to greet Matt.

  “So how’s your sergeant doing?” Matty asked.

  “She’s good. Looks like a flesh wound. Nothing to worry about,” Raleigh replied.

  “Good. Now what the fuck happened, dude?”

  “Well, we were in the living room at the table eating some burgers when bullets started flying through the window. Glass and debris was flying everywhere. We hit the floor, low crawled to the wall for cover. I had my weapon in my waistband. I tried to get off a few shots at the chopper, but I couldn’t see shit—the light blinded us. It was over before we even knew what the hell happened,” Raleigh explained as Matt settled down in the seat next to Raleigh.

  “You think this is all connected?” Matt questioned.

  “I’d bet my fucking life on it, man.”

  “Could you see what kind of helicopter it was?”

  “Fuck yeah, I did. It was a Blackhawk.”

  Matt was stunned. “Are you sure?”

  “Damn right I’m sure,” Raleigh replied. “Can’t mistake that engine. I hear it in my dreams.”

  “I hear ya, man. Okay, I am gonna call the airfield and see if any of ours were out on night mission. I’ll be right back. The service sucks in here. Gonna go outside,” Matt said as he got up and walked out the door.

  As Raleigh waited for Matt, he could hear Samantha in the back raising hell, screaming, “Damn it, that hurts!” as the doctor stitched her arm closed. He smiled and thought to himself, That woman is one hell of a handful, and it’s sexy as hell. He felt guilty that she had once again gotten hurt. In a way, he felt like it was his fault and he vowed he would protect her better through anything else that was to come.

  As he turned around to sit back down, he came face to face with Kristen.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see you, darlin’,” Kristen said as she wrapped her arms around Raleigh.

  “Seriously, Kristen, you need to leave,” Raleigh said as he wiggled out of her embrace and turned her toward the ER doors.

  “I don’t wanna leave, baby. I wanna be here with you. When I saw you on the news, I just knew something terrible had happened to you,” she begged.

  “As you can see, I am fine. You need to leave.” As Raleigh was trying to get her out the door, Matt walked up and greeted them.

  “Kristen, how are you?” Matty said as he pulled her in for a hug then wrapped his arm around her and walked her out the door. “Why don’t I drive you home?” Matty said to her as he tossed Raleigh the keys to his truck.

  Raleigh mouthed the words, “Thanks, I owe you one.” Matty nodded his head in agreement as he walked Kristen to her car and drove her home.

  Just as Matty drove away with Kristen, Samantha came through the double doors of the ER. “Who was that I just saw you with?” She seemed to almost interrogate him.

  “That was Matty and Kristen.”

  “Matt brought her here? Why would he do that?”

  “No, he didn’t. She just showed up; the whole thing is all over the news. I guess she saw me get into the ambulance and decided she would check on me.”

  “And she just left without trying to beg you to come back?” She continued to grill him.

  “Oh no, she didn’t get the chance. Matty showed up and pulled her away, offering to drive her home, and threw me his keys. So we have wheels now,” he said, smiling. “You ready to get outta here?” he asked, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her in close.

  “Ya, let’s get outta here.”

  Chapter 11


  When Raleigh’s phone rang, it jarred Samantha awake. Looking over at the clock, she saw it was already eight a.m. She turned over to Raleigh, but all she felt was cold sheets then heard the water running in the bathroom. He must be in the shower. She grabbed his phone and headed to the bathroom, knocked, then walked in. “You got a call,” she said, handing Raleigh the phone.

  “Hello, this is Chief Fitzgerald.”

  “Uh huh…okay…What time do you need us there?”

  “Okay. Uh huh. Roger that, sir. Sounds good. See you soon.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “We gotta be in General Andrews’ office at thirteen hundred hours. Apparently, the CIA has caught wind of what’s been goin’ on over here, and it seems that our case and their case are overlapping each other, so we gotta go in and meet with some suit and the general.”

  “So, what’s that mean?” Samantha asked as she sat down on the toilet lid and watched Raleigh as he soaped up.

  “To tell ya the truth, I don’t know. Most likely they will take over the case. I know this, though: we don’t have to be at the general’s office until thirteen hundred hours, and it’s eight-twenty now, so that means we have some free time to play.”

  “Well, ya know you promised me a show awhile back. I think I might collect on that,” she teased.

  Pulling the curtain aside, Raleigh peeked out. “And, my dear, what promise would that be?”

  “The one where you are standing in the shower and…”

  Before she could get the words out, Raleigh had already grasped his cock in his hand and started to soap it up. Samantha moved the shower curtain back a bit further, so she could get a better view of the show. As she watched Raleigh slide his hand up and down his shaft, she noticed he closed his eyes as he moved faster.

  “Oh no, you don’t. Open your eyes so I can look at that sexy hazel color.”

  He didn’t say a word. He just opened his eyes and looked at her.

  “Now isn’t that better, babe?” she said as she leaned back on the tank.

  “Oh yes, much better. Why don’t you come in here and help me out?” Raleigh begged, barely able to get the words out.

  “Nope, this is my show. Why don’t you pretend you are all alone? You can show me how you pleasure yourself when you’re in your bedroom.”

  As the words slipped from her lips, he began to moan, and his movements became quicker. She watched him as he ran one hand over his chest while the other gripped his shaft. With every movement over his tip, his breath became shallower and his moans louder. It was almost too much for Samantha as she slipped off her shirt and placed her hands on her breasts, slightly squeezing them. Raleigh watched as she pinched her nipple. He moaned and called for her.

  “Oh Samantha, baby, please let me suck your tits, please?” he begged her as she slipped a hand inside her panties. She watched him thrust faster and faster; as his grip got tighter, she knew he was getting close.

  Samantha got into the shower with him. “No touching,” she ordered.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, her breasts touching his back. She ran her hands up his chest as he continued to thrust with his hand. When she kissed him on his neck, it was too much for him. When he finally came down from his orgasmic high, he turned around and kissed her.

  “You, my dear, are like no other woman I’ve ever met. You aren’t shy about what you want and how you want it. You’re the most sexually aware and the most confident woman I have ever met. Which makes you not only the sexiest woman but the only woman I will ever want forever,” he said. He kissed her again more deeply, gave her a
dip, then still standing in the shower, he picked her up, walked to the bed, and tossed her onto the big bulky king mattress and stood back.

  “My turn,” he said as he quickly pulled up a chair in front of the bed.

  “Your turn for what, Mr. Fitzgerald?” she replied.

  “My turn to watch you.”

  “Oh no, that wasn’t the deal,” she teased.

  “But…” Before he could get the words out, there was a knock on the door.



  “Damn it,” he said, grabbing a towel and wrapping around his waist. “Who is it?” he asked as he walked to the door. The voice outside answered, “It’s Matt. Open the door, man.”

  Raleigh looked through the peephole and standing outside the door was his friend, Matt Chambers. Samantha got up and ran to the bathroom before Raleigh opened the door.

  “Hey, what’s up? I thought we were gonna meet at General Andrews’ office?” Raleigh asked.

  “Yeah, we were gonna, but I wanted to give you a heads up on Kristen. Oh, and to give you this. It’s the evidence that you had in the hotel room, from the mailbox, I am assuming,” Matt explained.

  Raleigh grabbed the bag and rummaged through it, ensuring it was all there. He turned his attention back to Matt. “Okay, what’s the deal with Kristen? And why is there blood on your face?”

  “Okay, but you’re gonna want to sit down for this one. Where’s, uh, Samantha, isn’t it? She’s gonna want to hear this too,” Matt explained.

  “Uh, she’s uh, not here,” Raleigh answered.

  “Fitz, do I have stupid tattooed on my forehead?” Matt snorted back.

  “Uh, no,” he laughed.

  “Unless you started wearing a thong, I know she’s here. No big deal, brother, your secret is safe with me. Oh, Sam-an-tha…come out, come out, wherever you are.” Matt snickered as Samantha slowly cracked the bathroom door open and peeked out.

  “Come on out, Sammie,” Raleigh said as Samantha walked out in a white robe, tied closed, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Okay, we are all here. What’s going on, Matt?” Raleigh questioned.

  “Well, ya know last night I took your crazy ex-girlfriend back to her place,” Matt explained.

  “Yeah. Okay and…” Raleigh responded.

  “Well, dude. Fitz…man, crazy ain’t the half of it. No bullshit. Okay. This is serious shit. She has photos of you and Samantha plastered all over her apartment. I’m talking some from Chicago, New Orleans, and here. And here’s where it gets really bat-shit crazy. Every photo of Sam has a knife mark, or her face is x’d out, or still has a knife sticking in it. Oh, and she had a mannequin in her living room, okay, and it sat in a chair facing the television, and dude, it had your uniform on. The whole way home she kept talking about how you and her had been planning your wedding and how honored she was that Jared and I were gonna be your groomsmen. Oh, and she said she talked to Jared, and Jared told her that you couldn’t wait to be a daddy and how excited you both were. And here’s where it gets really dark.” Matt stopped for a moment to catch his breath, and Raleigh took the opportunity to interrupt.

  “Okay, it gets worse than that?” Raleigh questioned.

  “Fitz, man yeah. It does. Sam, can I call you Sam? Do you have anything to drink? Beer, whiskey, anything strong?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, you may call me Sam, and I think we have something in the open bar. But don’t you think it’s a little early for that?” she offered.

  “Sam, if you saw what I saw and dealt with all night, you’d need a drink too.” Matt started to go on with his story, but Raleigh stopped him.

  “Wait, Matty, you were at Kristen’s apartment all night?” Raleigh looked puzzled.

  Matt looked at Raleigh. “Dude, the crazy bitch wouldn’t let me leave. I walked her up to her apartment, and she asked me in for a nightcap. Well, you know me, I’m thinking, Hey, I might get lucky.”

  Raleigh shook his head as he listened to Matt. “Dude, I told you she was crazy.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know I should’ve listened, but you know me. I think with my dick first. Let me get to the dark shit,” Matt continued. “So I get into the apartment, sit down, and see the wooden Raleigh, and I’m thinking, Okay, I can ignore the mannequin. I will just sit down and have a drink then I’m outta here. Are you tracking so far?” Matt asked.

  “Tracking,” Samantha and Raleigh replied in unison.

  “Okay so I sit down, and Kristen goes into the kitchen and makes a couple of drinks and then comes in and sits next to me. You know Kristen, she’s a fuckin’ nympho, so she starts rubbing my leg, and I’m like, Okay, maybe I can hit it and then make an excuse to leave. So I guzzle down the rum and coke, and we are kissing, and it’s gettin’ hot and heavy. We end up going in her bedroom, and it’s going great. I am naked on Kristen’s bed, my arms and legs tied to the bed, and she’s riding my cock and she starts screaming your name. ‘Raleigh this and Raleigh that.’ She’s bouncing around on my cock, and I’m freaked the fuck out. I start to look around the room, and the entire wall is covered in your pictures, Raleigh, and in huge letters ‘HE’S MINE.’”

  “But, wait, it gets fuckin’ darker. There in the corner is a huge life-size photo of Samantha with stab holes and throat slashed and the words ‘DIE BITCH DIE’ in what I think may be blood, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. So she’s riding me, and I’m still freaking out. I try to pull some at the ropes, but she’s got them pretty tight. She slaps the shit outta me, grabs a knife and holds it to my throat, and tells me not to fuckin’ move. She tagged me right above my eyebrow in the process. Are you still tracking?” Matt added.

  Raleigh and Samantha sit in silence, their faces showing shock and dismay as they both nodded their heads in unison. Matt continued to tell his story.

  “So, my mind is revving like a thousand miles a minute trying to figure out how the fuck I am gonna get outta this. The only think I can think of is play along. So I start telling her how beautiful and sexy she is and how I can’t wait for the baby to come. So she looks at me and says, ‘Oh Raleigh, I’m so happy. I love you so much.’ She’s laying on top of me and starts kissing me. I’m playing along and convince her to put the knife down that she was still holding. So basically, long story short, she’s so fucked in the head that she decided I was you and eventually she cut the ropes and let me up. She let me leave when I told her I was going to kill Samantha. I ran down the street, called a fuckin’ cab, and had them bring me straight here. Holy fuckin’ hell, dude, seriously the bitch has lost it. I feel fuckin’ nasty. Can I use your shower?” he asked but got no response. Raleigh and Samantha just sat and stared at Matt.

  “Well, will you fuckin’ say something?” Matt pleaded.



  Samantha was the first to speak. “Matt, she held a knife to your throat. Are you sure you are okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Matt spat. “I just didn’t know she was that heavy into the BDSM stuff. I was just giving you a heads up. Besides, I got to fuck her; it was just a bit freaky. I’m good, I promise,” Matt joked.

  Samantha got up without a word and got a wet washcloth and started to wipe Matt’s forehead. Her face was calm but pained. “I am sorry. No one deserves to be treated like that.” She sighed.

  Matt looked up at Samantha and smiled. “Really, I’m fine. No need for that,” he said, grabbing the washcloth from Samantha. “I could really use a shower, though, if you don’t mind,” Matt echoed.

  “Of course, the bathroom is right over there.” Samantha pointed toward the door. “There are fresh towels in there. I can’t help you with a change of clothes. We don’t even have access to ours. We have to go shopping today. Sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Sammie. Thank you,” Matt responded.

  Matt got up and went into the bathroom. When they heard the water, Raleigh broke his silence. “Wow,” he said as Samantha sat down next to him. “Just wow. Never in a million years would
I have imagined that Kristen would run off the rails like this. She has some serious mental issues. I don’t know if we can just ignore this. For sure, Samantha, you need to make sure you have your sidearm with you at all times. I don’t want to lose you, and I don’t trust Kristen at the moment.”

  Samantha put her arm around Raleigh’s neck and pulled him toward her, almost nose to nose. “You aren’t gonna lose me, baby. I promise, and I will have the gun with me at all times.”

  “Maybe I should go talk to her? Maybe she will get help if I ask her?” Raleigh pointed out. “Maybe if I go to her, I can convince her?”

  “Are you crazy, Raleigh? She just held a knife to Matt’s throat. What makes you think she won’t do that to you?” Samantha scolded him. “Why on God’s green earth would you wanna risk it?”



  Raleigh paused for a moment to collect himself. “Because even though she broke me pretty badly, she is pregnant, and that baby did nothing. Maybe if I can get her to listen, she will go to the hospital. Besides, as soon as Matt pretended he was me, Kristen relented and let him go. I don’t think she wants to or will hurt me. Kristen needs help, Sammie. I gotta do something, not for her, not for me, but for that baby she is carrying. Do you understand?”

  “Of course, I know.” Samantha leaned in and kissed him. “Just another of the million and one reasons I fell in love with you. Please be careful when you go.”

  “Well, we got time to do that later. Right now, we gotta get Matt and ourselves together to meet with the general in a couple of hours. Has the hotel delivered our uniforms yet?” Raleigh questioned.

  “Yes, they came earlier. They’re hanging in the closet.”

  “Good. I’ll let you in the shower after Matt gets out. You always take a lot longer than me,” Raleigh laughed.

  Samantha picked up the washcloth that lay next to her and tossed it toward Raleigh, who quickly ducked to avoid her attack.


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