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Warranted Desires

Page 9

by Shannon Nemechek

  “Best work on your aim, little lady,” he teased as she chased him around the couch. Raleigh was just getting ready to pick her up and flip her over his shoulder when Matt emerged from the shower.

  “I wondered what the heck was goin’ on out here. Y’all playing grab ass.” Matt laughed. “Well I tell ya, Samantha, if I were you, I’d be keepin my guard up. Ol’ Fitz can be a handful. He will surprise you. I’m glad y’all are together. I haven’t seen Fitz this happy in a very long time, and it’s because of you. I saw it the first time I met you. I saw it by the way he looked at you. Y’all can’t hide it for much longer. Ya know someone is bound to find out. Better if y’all go to the general yourselves. Ya know?” Matt said as he finished getting his boots on. “I’ll leave y’all to get ready. You got my keys, Fitz?”

  “Yep,” Raleigh replied, tossing him the keys he had scooped up from the table. “Thanks for letting us use it.”

  “No problem, brother. I’m outta here. I will meet you outside the general’s office in a couple of hours. That suit will be there too,” Matt reminded them.

  “Yep, we’ll be there. Thanks, brother,” Raleigh said as Matt walked out.

  As the door shut, Raleigh made chase, and Samantha circled around the couch until Raleigh jumped over, intercepted her, and flung her over his shoulder. Making his way to the bed, he flipped her onto the bed. Then, covering her with his body, he was just inches from her face when he bent down and softly kissed her lips. He looked into her eyes, smiled, and said, “Samantha, baby, you have made me the happiest man in the entire world, and I want to ask you a question.”

  Samantha’s heart started to race, and she started to panic. Her mind was spinning. He can’t be asking me to marry him? Could he? No, he wouldn’t do that, not yet, she prayed.

  “Woo hoo, Samantha, earth to Samantha, it’s Raleigh. Are you gonna let me ask you this or not?” he teased.

  “I’m sorry. Yes, go on,” she replied. She smiled at the thought of becoming his wife. She had thought of it, of course, but she didn’t figure he would ask for quite some time.

  “Samantha, baby.” Raleigh paused. “Will you…will you drive the truck so I can make some calls?” He grinned then laughed, knowing full well what she thought he was going to ask.

  Samantha pouted, her smile faded, then she punched him in the arm. “You’re an ass! Yes, I will drive,” she said, pushing him to the side, but then she couldn’t help but laugh as Raleigh joined in.

  “I’m going to shower now. I won’t be too long.” She dropped pieces of clothing behind her, and by the time she reached the bathroom, she was completely naked. She turned around and said, “Since I am driving, I can’t overexert myself, so you’re gonna have to wait until tonight to get any of this.”

  Raleigh let out a moan of disagreement, but before he could get to her, she had already shut the bathroom door and locked it. All he heard was the sound of the water and the words, “I love you, babe.” Pouting, Raleigh sat down on the couch and turned on the television while he waited for her to finish.

  Chapter 12


  As they got closer to Special Operations Command Headquarters, they passed the Memorial Wall that remembered all the Special Operation soldiers lost in this nation’s wars. As they drove by, Samantha could see Raleigh’s reaction, and it made her choke up some. He didn’t say a word; he just looked as they drove past, and his smile seemed to drop. Once they arrived at SOC HQ, Samantha pulled into a spot closest to Matt’s truck. He was already waiting by his vehicle for the pair to arrive.

  It had been a quiet drive for her, as Raleigh had spent most of the drive on the phone with various individuals. She didn’t ask questions; she had concluded that he would tell her in his own time. When they got out of the truck it was a welcome relief to talk to someone. She had hoped they would discuss what they were going to say to the general, but Raleigh had spent the trip on the phone, so she was just going to go with the flow and hope to God they didn’t end up with Article Fifteens after telling the general of their relationship. She had never been more nervous in her entire life.

  As they greeted Matt, he looked to Samantha and asked, “Are you ready for this?”

  Samantha let out a sigh and replied, “Hell no, I have never been so afraid in my entire life. I feel like I might vomit.”

  Matt laughed and patted her on the shoulder. “No need. General Andrews is an old friend of ours. He was our commander many years ago when we were young and dumb and full of come. He will help, no worries, okay? If Fitz and I thought any different, we wouldn’t even think to come here to reveal y’all’s relationship. Right, Fitz? Right?”

  “Uh huh, right,” Raleigh mimicked.

  “You all right, man?” Matt asked.

  Samantha stepped back so the men could talk. She sensed in Raleigh the need to discuss what was going on with a fellow Special Ops guy and not a military-police-officer-turned-supply-sergeant. She gave the men room and walked over to a smoking area where a couple of female soldiers stood. Samantha didn’t smoke anymore, but she did like the conversations that happened in the area and figured she could at least meet some fellow soldiers.



  “Okay, spill it, man,” Matt scolded him. “What the hell is going on with you? You should be the one telling Sammie everything is going to be okay. Instead I am telling her. That’s not like you, so I can only assume that something’s up. So, what’s up?”

  Raleigh paused for a moment then blurted it out. “I was on the phone with my old man, and he told me Tommy’s old man is sick and has been callin’ for Tommy. When we are done here, I am gonna have to go back home to Bama and tell his old man before it’s too late. But I am afraid to leave Samantha here alone. Can you keep an eye on her while I’m gone?”

  “Hell yeah, man, but I’m pretty sure she can take care of herself. But of course, I will keep an eye on her,” Matt assured him.

  “I know she can, and she’s stubborn as hell, so you can’t tell her what you’re doing. Otherwise, there will be hell to pay, and she will kick both our asses. I just know with Kristen’s crazy ass running around, and on top of that Jahan Al-Balshera, Samantha isn’t safe by herself. Can you do me another favor?”

  “Yeah, of course, what is it?” Matt asked. “Anything.”

  “Can you take Samantha to stay at your place while I’m gone?” Raleigh appealed.

  “Of course, but do you think she will go?” Matt reasoned.

  “She will. She will argue, but I will convince her.”

  “Okay, whatever you say. I will be there, and I will take care of her. I promise, and I swear on my life,” Matt declared.

  “Thanks, brother. I appreciate it. Now let’s catch up with Samantha before she starts smoking again,” Raleigh laughed.

  “Roger that. We gotta get inside anyway. It’s almost thirteen hundred hours.”

  Raleigh yelled for Samantha, who quickly ran to catch up with the men. The military protocol called for Samantha to walk at their far left since she was the lowest ranking and it was her duty to open the door as they approached. Samantha was nervous as she saluted the men as they walked through the entrance to SOC HQ.

  Her stomach turned like a jar full of butterflies, and she stood over in the corner against the wall as Raleigh and Matt approached her. She was carrying the evidence bag and draped over her shoulder was the laptop that contained all the information from Samantha’s missing equipment, the investigation that started this whole chain of events. As they stood outside the office of the commanding general, Raleigh asked Matt if he could have a minute alone with Samantha.

  “Sure, don’t get too chummy lovey dovey,” Matt teased.

  Matt walked over and stood near a big potted plant while Raleigh and Samantha huddled in the corner of the hallway not far from the general’s office. Raleigh was the first to talk.

  “Sammie, I have to go back home to Alabama. Jared’s daddy is in the hospital. He’s in pretty
bad shape. I need to go there, but I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Anything. I will do anything you need,” Samantha replied.

  “I’m not so sure about that, but I am begging you to please do this,” he pleaded.

  “Okay, what is it? I promise I will do whatever you ask.”

  “I need you to stay with Matty while I am gone. He and the guys from the unit will keep you safe. Promise me?”

  Samantha pouted but relented. “Fine, I will, but I ain’t happy about it.”

  “I didn’t figure you would be, but I will give you a nice going away present, and when I come back, I’ll come back with something real big and hard for ya.” He grinned as he needled her. “Besides, I’d do ya so many ways you’re bound to love one of them. I’ve got something special planned for tonight. But to play, you will have to follow my instructions to the letter. Can you do that?”

  A smile stretched across Samantha’s face as she thought about Raleigh’s proposal. “All right, I’ll play.”

  “I’m in charge. Do you understand?” Raleigh continued. “I will text you when the game begins. Okay?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’ll be ready.”

  “Okay, let’s get over to Matt. It’s getting close to thirteen hundred hours. The general’s aide should be coming out anytime to get us,” Raleigh replied.

  Samantha smiled as Raleigh walked over to Matt, who was still standing by the plant watching the women as they passed by.

  “Any word yet?” Raleigh asked as he approached Matt.

  “No nothing yet,” Matt replied. “Everything set?” Matt asked, referring to Raleigh’s conversation with Samantha.

  “Yes, we are good to go. Samantha is going to drop me off at the airport in the morning, then she’ll report to you until I come back from Alabama. By the way, behave yourself with my girl,” Raleigh ordered.

  “Don’t worry, brother. The guys and I will keep her safe. Promise,” Matt tried to reassure Raleigh. “We won’t let anything happen. When we are done here, I will call Jackson, Bryant, Beck, Adams, and Macalister and brief them on what’s going on. I know they are due to deploy in a few days, but you should be back by then.”

  “Sounds like a plan, Matt. I appreciate you doing this. I owe ya one, brother,” Raleigh promised.

  “I got you,” Matt said just as the general’s aide emerged from his office and into the hallway. “Are you Chief Fitzgerald and Major Chambers?” the tall, slender captain asked.



  “Yes, that’s us,” Raleigh replied.

  “Can you follow me, please?” the captain requested.

  “Yes, but I have my assistant here. May she come too?” Raleigh asked.

  “Oh, yes. Sergeant O’Hara, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, sir,” Samantha replied as she got to her feet.

  “Well follow me, please. The general is waiting.” The captain led them inside the huge room just outside the general’s office. Samantha could feel herself getting physically sick, but she choked it back and stood her ground. Raleigh looked over at her, and she knew he could tell how nervous she was. She was sure her skin was almost white compared to the tan she usually had, and her forehead glistened as beads of sweat formed at her hairline.

  Samantha looked up at Raleigh and said, “I don’t know if I can do this. I am so afraid that he will throw the book at us.”

  Raleigh smiled and winked at her. “You have nothing, and I mean nothing, to be scared of. Jasper won’t do anything except maybe congratulate us. He’s a good man and has a good head on his shoulders. I’ve known him for twenty-plus years. I promise he doesn’t bite. Now he may nibble, but he doesn’t bite,” Raleigh attempted to reassure her.

  “Are you sure?” she pressed.

  “Yeah, darlin’, I’m sure.” Then he gave her a quick wink and smiled at her.

  That smile is gonna be my undoing, she thought as she made her way to a chair and sat down. “I’m feeling a little dizzy. I’m just going to sit for a moment until we can go in. Is that okay?” Samantha asked.

  “Are you okay?” Raleigh asked, the concern for her written all over his face.

  Matt stepped in to assist. “Do you need a wet washcloth?” he asked as he smiled down at her.

  “No, sir. I will be fine. Just need to maybe eat something. I left so quickly this morning I didn’t have anything for breakfast.”

  Raleigh sat down in the chair next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He couldn’t hold her like she wanted him to so badly. They were in public, and that was a strict no-no, so Raleigh did the only thing he could.

  “Major Chambers, can you run down to vending and grab an orange juice and a bag of cookies for Sergeant O’Hara?” Raleigh asked Matt.

  “Yeah, of course. Maybe if you eat a little something, it will help,” Matt agreed and ran down the hallway to the vending machine and grabbed the orange juice and chocolate chip cookies. When he arrived back with the juice and cookies, he quickly opened the bottle and handed it to Samantha, who guzzled down half of it, then Matt opened the bag of cookies, stealing a few and stuffing them into his mouth then handing the remainder to Samantha. Samantha laughed as his actions reminded her of a little kid trying to get the last cookie from the cookie jar.

  “Do you think I have time to run to the latrine and freshen up before we go in?” Samantha fretted. “I don’t want to go in the general’s office looking a fright.”

  Raleigh agreed she had time, and Samantha ran down to the bathroom to freshen up. A few minutes passed, and Raleigh started to get concerned when she still hadn’t come out of the bathroom. He looked over at Matt, who had already sat down and was beginning to doze off.

  “I’m gonna run down to the latrine and check on Sammie. Be back in a few.”


  As Samantha stood in front of the mirror in the latrine, she splashed another handful of water on her face and smoothed her hair down. The nausea was starting to subside, and the cool water was starting to bring her out of the dizziness. She stared at her reflection, she was tired, and her feet hurt along with the stitches in her arm. She jumped when she heard Raleigh outside the female bathroom calling her name.

  “Sergeant O’Hara, are you okay in there?” Raleigh shouted—a low tone echoing shout.

  “Yes, sir, I’m okay. I will be right out,” Samantha answered and then gave her hair one more smooth over with her hands. She walked out to meet up with Raleigh, who had waited just outside the door.

  Samantha could see the love and concern he had written all over his face. His eyes almost seemed to well up as she approached him.

  “Are you sure you okay, baby?” he asked softly, so that only she could hear him.

  “Yes, I’m fine. It’s probably just residual dizziness from the head bashing I got in Chicago. It’s almost healed, but it itches like the dickens,” she explained.

  “Like the dickens, huh?” he teased.

  “Yeah, like the dickens.” She smiled and started to giggle at him as they walked back to the waiting area of the general’s office. As they walked through the door, the general’s aide walked out and said the general was ready to see them.

  Raleigh looked at Samantha and mouthed the words, “Everything is fine, I’m right here.” Then they walked in through the huge walnut door and into the biggest office she had ever seen. The three of them stopped a few paces in front of the general’s desk and reported in. Major Chambers being the senior officer spoke first. “Sir, Major Chambers, Chief Fitzgerald, and Sergeant O’Hara, reporting as ordered, sir.” The three rendered salutes, and the general reciprocated, ordering the three soldiers to stand “at ease.”

  The general sprung from his chair without saying a word. Samantha jumped, and fear spread throughout her body; she couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak. As he walked toward them, Samantha thought she would faint, but the general instead focused on the men and held his hand out to Raleigh.

  “How the hell are ya, Fitz? I
haven’t seen you in a coon’s age. Where the hell ya been keepin’ yourself?”

  “I’ve been staying low and outta trouble, but mostly I’ve been working with Scotty over in Alabama.”

  “Scott Winfield?” the general repeated.

  “That’s him,” Raleigh replied.

  “Ah, yes. I know General Winfield. Good man. Great soldier. Why the hell are you over there doing administrative stuff when you should be over here kickin’ ass and takin’ names?”

  “Well, I’m sure you heard what happened after I got back from Afghanistan. I just needed to get away, recuperate, and deal with the aftermath,” Raleigh explained.

  “That’s sure as hell one good reason. I was sorry to hear that she had done you that way. So when ya coming back? I’ve been waiting for an answer. It’s been a couple days since I called ya,” the general pressed.

  “Sir, I promise I will give you an answer soon. I just need to talk to someone first,” Raleigh replied.

  “All right Fitz, I hear ya. I got no problem waitin’. You’re one of the best. I just miss having ya around, old buddy. I know ole Scotty is gonna be pissed when I poach ya back over here, but he will understand.” He laughed then got down to business. “Okay, so let’s get down to brass tacks here. What in the holy hell is happening on my post?”

  Raleigh paused and turned to Samantha. “Sergeant O’Hara, would you go over to the conference table over there and set out the stuff so I can go over it with the general?”

  “Yes, sir.” Samantha turned around and made her way to the conference table, laying the evidence out from the mailbox as well as what they’d collected from their investigation so far. She still felt sick to her stomach, but she was beginning to feel a little better seeing Raleigh interact with the general the way he did. Maybe things would be all right, but she was still nervous about making their relationship public by telling command. She would be happy once it was all out; things would be a lot easier and no more sneaking around.


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