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What the Heart Wants: An Opposites Attract Anthology

Page 18

by Jeanne McDonald

  What an amazing first date, though.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Let’s stick with Mom for now.”

  Val nodded. “For now.”

  After dropping Val at her office, the driver turned to Luke.

  “Where to, Mr. Taylor?”

  He glanced down at his phone. It was just after six.

  This would be so much easier if I had her number.

  But then he realized—he did have her number. Not her phone number. But another, very important, number.

  “1450 North Vine.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As they drove, an idea started to take shape in Luke’s mind. Maybe he’d been approaching this completely wrong. If her movies were any indication, Britt was obviously a romantic. The queen of the meet-cute. She was famous for her perfect first meetings between love-struck couples.

  That’s what I need. An epic meet-cute.

  He quickly sent a text to Jon.

  Give me your best meet-cute.


  Because you won’t give me her number.


  I hate you.

  Won’t work anyway.

  Why not?

  You’ve already MET her.

  Luke sighed heavily. Jon was right. He and Britt had experienced the ultimate meet-cute. It would be nearly impossible to top it.

  But he had try to something. The girl was driving him insane.

  Was it the challenge? He couldn’t be sure. It’d been a long time since he’d fought this hard to spend time with a girl. In a world where women practically—and sometimes literally—threw themselves at him, Luke had finally met the one girl who didn’t care that he was famous. She didn’t care that he was handsome and rich. All the Hollywood glitz and glamour didn’t impress her at all. If anything, it turned her off completely.

  Maybe she’s just like you. Maybe she’s looking for something simple. Something sweet. Something real.

  He called to the driver. “Hey, Mitch. Could we stop at a florist?”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Luke smiled and settled back against the seat.

  If sweet and simple was what Britt wanted, then that’s exactly what she was going to get.

  Scene 8

  The Evening

  “My stalker. Hello.”

  Luke grinned and leaned against the door. “But I’m a stalker who brings gifts.”

  He offered her the single red rose. Luke had thought about bringing her a dozen, but one seemed more . . . romantic?

  She laughed lightly. “Thanks. Come on in.”

  They made their way into the living room.

  “Oh,” he said, immediately noticing the gigantic vase of flowers on her coffee table. “I guess the last thing you needed today was another rose.”

  Britt smiled and sat down on the couch. “A girl can never have too many roses. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?”

  Luke sat down next to her. “I’m good, thanks. Those roses . . . they weren’t here last night. I would’ve noticed. Is that two dozen?”



  “You sound surprised.”

  “Not surprised. Jealous.”

  “Of flowers?”

  “No. Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Britt laughed. “No. These are apology flowers from Jon. I guess Hallmark doesn’t make a card that says so sorry I deserted you and your busted zipper at a movie premiere. So he sent this monstrosity of a bouquet. Pretty, but kind of ridiculous.”

  Luke sighed with relief. The last thing he needed was actual competition.

  Britt sniffed the single rose.

  “So . . . jealous, huh?”

  Luke tiredly rubbed his face. “Yeah. I’m stupid.”

  “Not stupid. It’s sweet. Even if you are a stalker. I never should’ve let you bring me home last night.”

  Luke chuckled. “I hate to tell you, but I would’ve found you, anyway. You’re pretty famous. Getting your address probably wouldn’t have posed too much of a problem.”

  “So you are a stalker.”

  “I don’t like that word.”

  “What word would you use instead?”


  Britt smiled. “Smitten is a very old-fashioned word.”

  “Do you like old-fashioned words?”

  “The writer in me loves it.”

  “Good to know,” Luke said, chuckling. “How was your day?”

  “My day was pretty boring, to be honest. Didn’t get much writing done.”

  “How come?”



  “My writing partner who couldn’t stop laughing all day long. What are the odds that my bestie is your hiking buddy?”

  “I don’t know. I think we should discuss it over dinner.”

  Britt grinned. “Wow, you really don’t give up, do you?”



  “Because I have done nothing but think about you all day long.”

  A blush crept across her cheek. “Confession?”


  “I had the same problem.”

  “You shouldn’t have told me that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because now I really want to kiss you.”

  Luke heard her quiet gasp.

  “You okay?”

  Britt nodded. “Just . . . trying to keep my wits about me. You’re saying all the right things and making it very, very difficult.”

  Feeling brave, Luke reached for her hand. To his surprise and delight, she let him hold it.

  “One date, Britt. If it sucks, I’ll never bother you again.”

  “It won’t suck.”

  Luke grinned. “Well, now you definitely have to go out with me.”

  “You’re right.”

  He couldn’t believe his ears. “Really?”

  “Yep. You’re smitten. I’m . . . trying not to be. We’re obviously attracted to one another. We can’t stop thinking about each other. Dreaming about each other—”

  “Dreaming about each other?”

  Britt’s mouth snapped shut.


  With a lazy grin, Luke laced his fingers through hers. “What kind of dreams?”

  “Nevermind. Yes, I’ll go out with you. Tomorrow night? Maybe a late dinner?”

  “Sounds great, but I’d love to hear more about these dreams.”

  “Not happening.”

  Suddenly, Britt bolted off the couch and headed for the door. Taking the hint, Luke tried not to laugh as he followed her.

  “Where should we meet?”

  “I’m a gentleman, Britt. I’ll pick you up. How’s nine o’clock?”

  “Great. Text me and let me know where we’re going. I mean, I don’t care where we go. I just want to know how to dress.”

  “Well, if clothes are optional . . .”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You know what I mean.”

  Luke couldn’t hide his smirk. She’s dreaming about him and she couldn’t get him out of her apartment fast enough. Obviously, there’s something there. Why is she fighting this?

  “I can’t text you, Britt. Someone won’t give me her number.

  She frowned. “Oh, yeah.”

  “Just wear something casual. Comfy shoes.”


  “Unless you want to go somewhere fancy?”

  “No, no. Casual’s fine.”

  Luke smiled and stepped out into the hallway.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow night. Nine o’clock.”

  “I’ll be here. Goodnight, Luke.”

  “Sweet dreams, Britt. And I mean that sincerely. I hope you have very sweet, sweet dreams.”

  Britt shot him a glare before slamming the door in his face.

  Luke laughed all the way back to the car.

  Scene 9

  Boy Gets Girl

  “You know, this wasn’t what I w
as expecting. At all.”

  “You won’t regret it, Britt. Just wait.”

  As she struggled to catch her breath, she couldn’t help but think she already regretted it. She wasn’t sure what she’d had in mind for their first date. A candlelight dinner at a casual restaurant. A movie in the park, perhaps. But the very last thing she expected was a sunset hike on a dusty trail in Runyon Canyon.

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve hiked?” she asked.

  “How long?”


  Luke chuckled. “Almost there. You’re doing great.”

  He’d been saying almost there for the past thirty minutes. She was beginning to worry that maybe they were lost. Or that coyotes might emerge from the shadows and rip them to shreds.

  “Have I told you that I’m afraid of the dark?”

  She wasn’t really afraid of the dark. Dark woods, on the other hand . . .

  “It’s not that dark, Britt.”

  “It’s dusk. So, dark’s the natural progression, right?”

  “It won’t be dark where we’re headed.” Luke chuckled and pulled her by the hand. “Don’t worry. I have flashlights in my backpack, I have my cell, and my security team is waiting for us down at the car with instructions to come looking for us if we’re not back in an hour. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Besides, we’re here.”

  Just as she was spiraling into a mental panic attack, they reached the top of the mountain.

  “See? Look at that.”

  Britt couldn’t believe her eyes. It was anything but dark. The city glowed and glimmered along the Los Angeles skyline.

  “Wow,” she said breathlessly.

  “I know.”

  Luke wrapped his arm around her waist as they gazed at the city. Britt relaxed against his chest as they stood there, drowning in the peace and beauty surrounding them.

  “Watch,” Luke whispered against her ear.

  Britt held her breath as the setting sun dipped below the horizon. Gold lights flickered against the moonlit background, casting a glow over the chaotic city they called home.

  “Isn’t it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” she whispered.

  “I thought so. Until I met you.”

  Was it a line?


  Did it work?


  Taking a deep breath, Britt turned around in his arms.

  “You shouldn’t have told me that,” she said softly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because now I really want to kiss you.”

  Luke’s gaze flickered to her lips.

  “So, what’s stopping you?”

  “I don’t usually kiss on the first date.”

  “You’ve got a lot of rules, Britt.”

  “I know. Wanna help me break them?”

  Luke smiled. It was all the invitation he needed.

  Pulling her close, Luke tenderly brushed his lips against hers. It was feather-light and soft, but it was enough to make her groan. Britt wove her fingers into his hair, drawing him closer. Unable to control himself any longer, Luke pulled her tight against him, causing her to whimper as they poured their hearts and souls into their very first kiss.

  When they finally came up for air, and as they smiled into each other’s eyes, they both had the same exact thought running through their minds.

  Best first kiss ever.

  They spent a few more minutes gazing at the amazing view before Luke told her it was probably time to go.

  “Promise we’ll come back,” she said softly.

  With a smile, he gently caressed her cheek.


  Britt and Luke took one last look at their beautiful city before walking hand-in-hand back down the trail. They’d barely walked five minutes before they ran into Maddox and the rest of the security detail, all holding flashlights.

  “We were getting concerned, sir.”

  “Sorry, guys. Just lost track of time.”

  Maddox nodded curtly and led them down the mountain.

  “Ooh, you’re in trouble,” Britt said with a whisper.

  “Nah. Maddox loves our midnight hikes. Don’t you, Mad?”

  The bodyguard muttered something under his breath before looking back at his client.

  “Love it, sir. The howling coyotes in the distance really add to the natural ambience.”

  Britt bit her lip to keep from laughing as they followed the team down the mountain. Once they reached the car, Maddox held the door open for her. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “Thanks, Maddox.”

  The bodyguard’s lips twitched.

  “For you, Miss Daniels, anytime.”

  Luke rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide his smile as they climbed into the back seat.

  “Flirting with my bodyguard. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll flirt with you, too.” Britt reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks for an amazing first date.”

  “You’re welcome. Does that mean we can have a second one?”

  “Maybe. What did you have in mind?”

  Luke cleared his throat. “So, there’s this event I have to attend. It’ll be pretty crazy. Red carpet. TV cameras. Lots of celebrities. I’ve been asked to present an award. I’d love nothing more than to have you on my arm that night.”

  Britt eyed him suspiciously. “Are you talking about the Academy Awards?”


  She smiled. “Jon and I went two years ago.”

  “And won, if I recall.”

  “We did. It was an amazing night.”


  “So, we’re not nominated this year.”

  “Neither am I. That means we can relax and actually enjoy it.”

  “I don’t know,” she said with a sigh. “I mean, do you even trust me after my wardrobe malfunction? I mean, I flashed you.”

  Luke sighed wistfully. “Best night of my life.”

  Britt playfully punched him in the arm.

  “Besides, you didn’t flash me on the red carpet.”

  “That’s true. I flashed you in the ladies’ room. Stalker.”

  He grinned. “So, you’ll go?”

  “Will I go to the Academy Awards with the hottest actor in Hollywood?” Britt pretended to ponder it. “I suppose. But no zippers.”

  “Deal.” Luke leaned down and kissed her gently. “You know, I was thinking. You should use it in a movie.”

  “Use what?”

  “Use us.”

  “My wardrobe malfunction?”

  “Talk about the best meet-cute ever.”

  Britt tried to look irritated, but it was impossible to stay mad at him.

  Especially when he was right.

  She and Jon had written so many awkward but adorable meet-cutes. Intercepted text messages. Mixed-up cappuccinos at coffee shops. Love at first sights on buses and trains and airplanes. Britt’s words had made actors shine and moviegoers swoon, but life had never imitated art. Britt had never been swept off her feet. Never fell head over heels at first sight.

  Until now.

  “You’re right,” she admitted softly. “Our meet-cute was pretty awesome.”

  “We’re pretty awesome.”

  She smiled into his big blue eyes.

  They weren’t awesome. Not yet.

  But they could be.

  Only time would tell, but Britt knew one thing for sure.

  She couldn’t wait for the next scene in their story.

  WANTED: An athletic, confident, visually stimulating man who will end up being yet another heartbreaking disappointment.

  Xtine McCoy believes in true love. Soul mates. The one. However, the one never seems to be the guy she chooses. Tired of watching Xtine being kicked around by her romantic whims, her friends take matters into their own hands and force her to date outside her comfort zone.

  On paper, Sherman Cam
pbell appears to be everything she’s been looking for. He’s funny, kind, smart, and titillating. The perfect man. That is, until they meet. Caught up by her own preconceived notions of a romantic hero, Xtine struggles to see past the court jester for the knightly prince.

  Can Sherman help Xtine find the true love she seeks or will he prove to her once and for all that all men, no matter the type, are the same?

  #1: Things You Should Never Do When You’re Drunk and have Access to Wi-Fi

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Xtine yelled, her blood pressuring rising to an abnormally high level. There at the door, with his arm draped around some fake-blonde bimbo, stood her ex-boyfriend.

  Courtney glanced in the direction to which Xtine pointed and let out a groan, audible even over the loud, pounding music. “Beats me!” she returned. “I didn’t invite his cheating ass.”

  Xtine gritted her teeth and diverted her eyes from Travis who’d leaned in to kiss his date. She was over him, that much she was certain of, but the wounds were still fresh enough to make the sight of him with another woman, in her home, sting. With her hands pressed against her thighs, she took in several deep, cleansing breaths. It was Courtney’s birthday. There was no way she’d make a scene. Though, she really wanted to punch Travis in that chiseled jaw of his.

  “You know what you need?” Courtney roared.

  “A place where we don’t have to yell at one another?” Xtine mumbled, knowing her friend didn’t hear a single word.

  “You need to get laid.”

  Thus was Courtney’s solution to every break up.

  Xtine rolled her eyes and laughed. In a way, she wished she could be open and free like Courtney, but that had never been her style. Xtine believed in true love. Soul mates. Mr. Right. Even as a child she believed in fairy tales and knew, some way, somehow, her prince charming would one day come for her. She realized he wouldn’t arrive on a white horse, but she knew the one she was meant to be with would one day cross her path, and when he did she’d be ready for him.

  “Shit!” Courtney grabbed Xtine by the arm and attempted to pull her through the crowd, though not quick enough to remain unseen.

  “Xtine!” a voice from her recent past echoed over the noise of the crowd.


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