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What the Heart Wants: An Opposites Attract Anthology

Page 19

by Jeanne McDonald

  Xtine’s heart sank in her chest. She tried to push back the pain and regret for bestowing this jerk with a piece of her heart. He didn’t deserve anything of hers, especially that.

  She swallowed down the lump in her throat and turned to Travis, with his perfectly coiffed hair and bulked out physique. When they first started dating, she thought Travis was a bad boy with a good soul. Turned out, he was simply a douchebag wrapped inside a hot body.

  Courtney stepped in front of Xtine, her hackles raised, and poked Travis in his chest. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Almost as if the DJ knew drama was in the air, the music disappeared.

  “My boy, Dallas, invited me,” Travis boasted.

  Courtney threw Dallas a horrid glance. Xtine almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

  “Well, it’s my party─”

  “And you’ll cry if you want to,” Travis jested.

  Xtine cringed at the expression on Courtney’s face. Kicking puppies would have been tamer than the look she gave Travis.

  “The only one who’s gonna be crying is you.” She cut her eyes to Travis’ date. “And maybe your man-face bitch.”

  Xtine bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. Travis’ date didn’t actually have a man-face, but Courtney’s words hit their intended target because the girl sniffed back tears.

  “Look…” Travis tried to appear all calm and cool, but Xtine knew him well enough to know the beads of sweat forming on his brow indicated nervousness. “I’m not trying to cause trouble. I only wanted to wish you a happy birthday and maybe say hello to Xtine. I didn’t like how things ended with us.”

  “So you brought your new girl with you?” Xtine bellowed, pointing to his date.

  Travis shrugged and kissed the woman on the temple. “Lydia understands me. She knows how much it hurt me after things ended the way they did.”

  Xtine scratched her head, staring at Travis in disbelief. “Does Lydia know that things ended with us because you were porking some chick in my bed?” She thumbed back toward her bedroom.

  Lydia shifted her weight, her eyes dropping to the floor.

  “No!” Courtney shouted. “It can’t be!”

  “Wha─” Xtine gasped as she realized what Courtney had. Lydia was the other woman. She popped her hand over her mouth, fearing she might be sick. “Get out!” she screamed, flinging her arm toward the front door.

  “Like I haven’t heard that before,” Travis sneered. “All we want to do is apologize. I should’ve broke up with you before I hooked up with Lydia─”

  “In my bed!” Xtine reiterated.

  “Yes, fine. In your bed.” Travis wrapped his arm around Lydia’s shoulders. “But I can’t help what I feel. She gets me. In a way you never did. But I’m not a bad guy, X. I’m not,” Travis rambled.

  “No. You’re right. You’re not a bad guy. You only cheated on me.” Sarcasm dripped from Xtine’s tongue. “And don’t call me X. Only my friends get to call me that, and you are no friend of mine. Now get the hell out!”

  Xtine turned her back on the two people who’d flipped her world upside down.

  “You heard her. Get out,” Courtney spat.

  “Whatever. This is really all your fault. You pushed me away.” Travis threw his arms in the air, then grabbed Lydia by the hand. “You need to get over your warped ideas about love. There’s no such thing as Prince Charming.”

  Xtine fought against the tears that threatened to spring from her eyes. That wasn’t the first time she’d heard those words from a guy, but she knew, deep down, they were all wrong. Her Prince Charming was out there. She simply needed to stop dating jerks. But why did all the jerks have to look and smell so freaking good?

  Instantly the music started back up and the party came back to life. “You okay?” Courtney scream-whispered in her ear. Xtine nodded.

  “I’m gonna kill Dallas.”

  A wave of misery rushed over Xtine as she considered the weight of Travis’ accusations.

  “I didn’t invite him,” Dallas’ voice came from behind them. Dallas was their other roommate, and Courtney’s occasional friend with benefits.

  Courtney and Xtine turned to find Dallas with his hands in his pockets. “Then why did he say that?” Courtney waved her hand toward the door, where Travis disappeared with his date.

  “He caught me in the library this morning and asked what I was doing tonight. I told him we were throwing you a birthday party.” Dallas shrugged his shoulders. “How was I to know he’d take that as an invitation?”

  Xtine patted him on the shoulder. “It’s okay. Really. He’s an idiot.” She knew Dallas would never do anything to hurt her, at least not intentionally. “Look, let’s forget about him and enjoy ourselves, okay?” Travis Hunter wasn’t about to ruin her night.

  “You sure?” Courtney asked, hugging Xtine. Dallas joined the group hug, wrapping both women in his long expanse.

  “Positive!” A tray of shots passed near their heads and Xtine grabbed three before it moved on. “Let’s get smashed and do something stupid. It’s not every day a girl turns twenty-five!”

  Courtney and Dallas each took their shots. “To great friends!” Courtney yelled out, holding her glass out.

  “To great friends!” Dallas and Xtine echoed. They each threw back their drinks. And then another and another. By the time the last guest left, Travis was a distant memory.

  Drunk and wired, Xtine, Dallas, and Courtney fell onto the sofa. “What a night!” Xtine giggled.

  Courtney kicked the sole of her sneakers. “The night’s not over yet.”

  “Maybe not for you two.” Xtine waggled her brows at Courtney and Dallas, her giggling becoming almost uncontrollable.

  Courtney waved her hands in the air and shoved herself away from Dallas who was already nuzzling her neck. “This won’t do. No, this won’t do at all.”

  Xtine and Dallas watched in confusion as Courtney sprung from the sofa and dashed to her room. She returned with her laptop in hand. “I refuse to allow that twatwaffle to win.”

  She wriggled her way back in between Dallas and Xtine.

  “What the heck are you talking about?” Xtine inquired.

  Dallas tilted his head, looking at Xtine. “I think she means Travis.”

  Xtine hurled herself back, resting her hand over her eyes. “Forget about him. He doesn’t deserve a second thought.”

  “You’re right about that,” Courtney agreed, “but you know my motto.”

  Dallas and Xtine recited together, “The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”

  Courtney clapped her hands and cheered. “You both have learned so well.” She cracked her knuckles and began typing. “Now, to put my theory into action.”

  Xtine lifted her head. “What are you doing?”

  A few keystrokes was all it took for Courtney to find what she wanted. “We’re gonna get you a date.”

  Xtine jumped forward and peered at the computer screen while Courtney searched through Craigslist Personals.

  “You can’t be serious?” Xtine wondered.

  “Oh, but she is,” Dallas snorted, rubbing his hand along Courtney’s spine.

  “Hush. It’s the perfect solution.”

  “For what?” Xtine asked.

  “For getting you a date.”

  “No! Absolutely not. I’m not desperate enough to post a love wanted ad on Craigslist.”

  Courtney waved her off. “We’re not posting an ad. We’re answering one.”

  Xtine narrowed her gaze on Courtney. “You act like you’ve done this before.”

  “Of course I have. Many, many times. You meet some interesting people this way.”

  Dallas roared in laughter, grabbing an abandoned beer from the coffee table and taking a swig.

  “You knew she did this?” Xtine demanded, shocked.

  “Who do you think showed her?” Dallas gave her a wink.

  “You two are sick people.” Xtine scooted to the edge of he
r seat, reading over Courtney’s shoulder. “And so are some of these people…Jesus!”

  She covered her mouth and read the open advertisement on Courtney’s computer.

  Seeks Hairy/All Natural Woman!

  Body: athletic

  Height: 6'0" (182cm)

  Status: single

  Age: 30

  Seeking hot, sexy girl who is natural. Not looking for sex! Just want a lady who prefers to be natural. Some might say I’m odd, and I don’t care. I love a woman who wears her bush proudly.

  If you’re interested, message me back. You won’t be disappointed. I'm fit, tall, and attractive. Pic for Pic.

  Xtine nearly choked on her own saliva. “Please tell me that’s a joke.”

  “Nope. He means it.”

  “Not seeking sex, yet he wants a girl with a bush? How…that doesn’t even make sense.”

  “He likes ‘em au naturale,” Dallas snorted.

  Xtine stared at the screen in disbelief. “He’s no good for you anyway,” Courtney stated with an air of nonchalance. “You’re waxed.”

  Xtine smacked her forehead. “That’s what you’re basing our compatibility on?”

  Courtney scooted back, crossed her legs, and balanced her laptop her knees, clicking more hyperlinks. “What about this one?” She pointed to the screen.

  Breast Play…

  Body: average

  Height: 5'10" (177cm)

  Status: single

  Age: 22

  Wanted. Woman who enjoys breast massages. I will suckle and massage your breasts for hours on end. No sex, unless wanted. Only breast play required. If interested, message me to set up a meeting.

  “Never mind.” Courtney shook her head and closed the ad. “Too many mommy issues.”

  “Don’t I get a say in this?” Xtine challenged, though she would’ve turned down Momma’s boy. She rubbed her eyes, fatigue beginning to set in.

  “Nope,” Dallas and Courtney echoed in unison.

  “You’d just say no,” Courtney added.

  Xtine crossed her arms over her chest. “What if I refuse to meet the guy you choose?”

  “You know I won’t let you.”

  That was an understatement. Every stupid thing Xtine had ever done in her life was at the barrel end of Courtney’s proverbial shotgun. In most cases Xtine carried away crazy memories of her antics with Courtney. There were instances where Courtney’s ideas landed Xtine in hot water, but those were few and far between.

  “Okay. Okay. Okay.” Xtine relented. “I’ll go on a date with a guy, but I refuse to have sex with him. Deal?”

  Courtney ignored her. “Check this one out. Oh. Em. Gee! He’s got a great…”

  “Oh my God! What did I just say?” Xtine covered her eyes, blocking out the image on the screen. “Close that!”

  “Prude,” Courtney teased, closing the link and dragging her finger over the next ad. She clicked the link and read silently for a moment. Suddenly, she squealed and clapped her hands together, crying out, “Eureka!”

  “Let me see!” Dallas pushed up beside her. He glanced from the screen to Xtine who was chewing on her thumbnail. “You’re right. This one is good.” He smirked and began to read aloud, “Single male looking for an intelligent woman who can carry a conversation. Must be familiar with Star Trek TNG, Harry Potter, and LotR. I’m your average Sci-Fi geek with a romantic heart. If you’re interested, message me with your favorite quote from any of the aforementioned fandoms as your opening line. That will tell me whether we should proceed or not.”

  Xtine bit her bottom lip. She was knowledgeable in all the fandoms he’d mentioned and a few more, but his description of himself dissuaded her. A geek wasn’t how she pictured her prince charming. “I don’t know,” she hem-hawed. “He refers to himself as a ‘Sci-fi geek’. If you ask me, that seems a bit alarming.”

  “Nonsense. He’s exactly the type you wouldn’t date, which means he’s exactly what you need. Besides, you speak his language. I say…Score!” Courtney clicked the link. “So tell me, what’s a good quote for your intro?”

  Xtine still wasn’t too keen on this idea, but what could it hurt? A date with this guy would shut up Courtney for a little while, and so what if he wasn’t her usual type. It might be fun to date outside the box for once. She rubbed her jaw and thought long and hard. “It has to be something deep in the fandom.”

  “Fine. What, then?”

  Xtine snapped her fingers, her eyes brightening with exhilaration. “Put down: ‘But I must admit that I hoped you would take me for my own sake. A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship. But there, I believe my looks are against me.’”

  Courtney raised a brow and eyed her friend. “That sounds like an insult to me.”

  Xtine beamed. “If he’s a true fan, he’ll understand.”

  Courtney shrugged and began to type as Xtine repeated the quote. Once satisfied with her dictation, Courtney included a little bit of personal information about Xtine in the email and pressed send.

  Hours later, Xtine laid in her bed, caught between the world of sleep and a hangover working its way through her brain. Her cell phone pinged indicating an email. Eyes glazed, she rolled over and found that the Craigslist fellow had responded. Instead of reading the email, her eyes flickered closed as she joined her prince charming on his gallant steed.

  #2: What the Elf?

  At a table centered in the middle of the restaurant, Xtine sat, anxiously waiting for her date to arrive. Over the past week, Xtine had found herself looking forward to her email conversations with Sherman. He was sweet, kind, smart, and funny. Everything she wasn’t expecting from someone she’d found on Craigslist.

  Though they hadn’t actually spoken to each other aside from email, nor had they shared any kind of photographs, Xtine felt as if she’d known Sherman all her life. Their conversations flowed with ease. No topic was left unexplored. Well, except sex. But neither seemed interested in broaching that subject, which was fine for Xtine. She liked that Sherman wasn’t pushing her in that direction. To her, it proved he was a true gentleman. A rarity, in her experience. Every morning, she opened her eyes, excited to see her phone indicate she had a new message from him. They exchanged emails throughout the day and sometimes long into the night. When the message came through that Sherman wished to meet her, Xtine couldn’t get her thumbs to move fast enough to respond. She’d suggested they meet Saturday night at her favorite restaurant. He would recognize her by the copy of Lord of the Rings she would bring. Their first conversation had been spent discussing the intricacies of the novels and how they both loved the movies, but thought the movies could never compare to the books. After a longer than normal pause between messages, Sherman agreed.

  Xtine meticulously planned everything down to her dress and which table they’d share. She wanted the center table so she’d have a clear view of him when he entered. He told her he would be wearing a black suit with a LotR tie bearing the map of Middle Earth. She found it odd that he’d own such a thing, but then again, he had professed to being a geek. Though, through all their conversations, Xtine failed to recognize that side of him.

  Nervous energy pulsed through Xtine. Sherman was set to arrive at any moment. Over and over in her mind, she envisioned how this first meeting would take place. In her heart, she knew Sherman would be as handsome as his emails. Their eyes would meet and it would be love at first sight. Sherman would be the prince she’d always longed for.

  She adjusted the book on the table and watched the door. A handsome man in a black suit entered the restaurant. Xtine began to wave him over, but quickly noticed he wasn’t wearing a tie. That couldn’t be Sherman. Worried he might’ve gotten lost or delayed, she reached for her cell phone to send him a text. From her peripheral vision, she caught sight of the door opening again. She glanced at the person walking in and she nearly burst into laughter. A tall man, wearing what appeared to be an elf costume and thick, black rimmed glasses, entered the building

  Xtine bit her lip, feeling a little embarrassed for the poor elf. The poor guy. He must be lost.

  She stared at the man for another moment, the urge to hide him from his humiliation pulsed through her. It appeared she wasn’t the only person who noticed this man. His costume was rather well made, Xtine observed. If she were to take a guess as to who the man was supposed to be, she would’ve said he was the spitting image of Legolas, complete with bow and dagger─minus the glasses, of course.

  While watching the man talk to the hostess, she began to feel another sort of unease. One that indicated she might’ve been stood up. Sherman was late. Really late. But she’d give him a few moments more before she became that girl who blew up a guys phone over a few tardy minutes.

  Or maybe not.

  Xtine dropped her gaze back down to the phone, ready to send a message, but found she had one instead from Sherman letting her know he was running late and he’d be there shortly. She must have missed the indicator while watching the elf-capades. She placed her phone back on the table just in time to see the hostess point in her direction. The elf nodded and proceeded toward Xtine.

  No! It couldn’t be.

  “Xtine?” the elf called out to her.

  Xtine attempted to pinch herself. This had to be a nightmare. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at them. She slinked down in her seat only for the elf to stop right in front of her. Now, she could hear all the giggles coming in her direction. How humiliating. This had to be some sort of a joke.

  “Xtine McCoy?” he asked again, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I am saying your name correctly, am I not? Ex-teen,” he enunciated.

  She gave him a slight nod, and he released a sigh of relief. “Okay, great. I’m Dr. Sherman Campbell.”

  Bile rose in her throat as she mechanically lifted from her seat to greet him in the world’s most awkward hug. “It’s nice to meet you,” she squeaked.

  “You, too. I’m so sorry I’m late.”

  Xtine returned to her seat, heat burning through her skin. “It’s okay.”

  Sherman sat opposite of her, tossing his long, blonde hair over his shoulder. It made Xtine wonder if it was really his or just a great wig. “No. It’s not. I didn’t mean─”


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