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Tech_Episode One

Page 3

by Merik Martin Pelletier


  Aidan is eating his breakfast while surfing the web, suddenly he falls upon the press release of the revolutionary new code. He can’t believe what he’s reading. He grabs his phone and calls.

  AIDAN: Dad, I think I’m not the only one who’s been played.


  Owen is standing, looking out of the window ...THE MAN AND HIS EMPIRE…

  FRANK OWEN: Aidan, what are you talking about?

  AIDAN: I’m sending you a link ... Oh and you better sit down.

  Frank goes to the desk, puts down his cell and opens his Email, he sees Aidan’s link, clicks on it and BANG! The article about the code!

  FRANK OWEN: (in shock) What in hell!

  He grabs his cell.

  FRANK OWEN: Aidan I need you here. NOW!


  Students are getting out of a class, Mia and her friends are among them. Mia’s cell rings, she grabs and looks at it, it is a news alert, she opens it and sees the press release about the open source code. She’s delighted ... Victory!

  MIA: You’re so dead, woman! So damned out!


  The reception area is drab, very stiff, one big desk with a security guard and a row of surveillance monitors in front of him. Behind him are the doors leading to the facility. There are no signs indicating that it is Alphamind. Dr. Hearl walks in unsure if she’s in the right place. She approaches the guard.

  HEARL: Is this Alphamind?

  GUARD: Yes.

  She looks around bewildered.

  HEARL: I’m Dr. Hearl, and I need to talk with Mr. Kim Lee.

  The guard looks at her with a salacious grin.

  GUARD: Doctor huh...?

  She pulls out her hospital ID and shows it to him, not amused. He loses his smile quickly.

  GUARD: One moment, please.


  Carla is at her desk looking at her computer screens, we don’t know what she’s looking at, but she is not happy. The team walks in. She stands up with a remote in her hand.

  CARLA: This better be good!

  She clicks on the remote and on the video wall screen we see the press release about the open source code, everyone’s jaws drop.



  The Quanta building is slick, elegant and hip. A horde of journalists is lining up at the front doors of the building. Quanta security is doing its best to keep them away, but it’s a frenzy.


  Carla is looking out of the window of her office at the chaos forming bellow. Her team of techs is still in shock over the press release. They are watching live images of the exterior of the building crawling with journalists on the video wall. Harry is freaking out not knowing what to do or say.

  HARRY: I don’t know how to explain this.

  Carla, furious, turns to face him.

  CARLA: Well, you better find an answer but quick! It’s pretty apparent we were set-up, the question is by who and why?!

  HARRY: It’s gotta be Zenotech …

  CARLA: Why?! They have nothing to gain. No one does for that matter. This is a freaking disaster! What I don’t understand is how someone could have open sourced this using our system... plus... that kind of licensing takes weeks! How could we have not noticed?

  HARRY: They had to have left a trace. We were only searching for the code entry, but now we know what to look for.

  Carla’s intrigued by Harry’s revelation.

  CARLA: You’re right. It still won't give us the owner of the code.

  One of the technicians interrupts, showing his Frame Phone.

  TECH: Mystery solved.

  He hands the phone to Carla. On the screen: A press clip from Zennotech accusing Quanta of stealing their property.

  CARLA: Shit!

  Harry grabs the phone and scans the article.

  HARRY: I knew it.

  Carla is irritated by Harry’s lack of logic.

  CARLA: How can you be so brilliant and so stupid at the same time! Frank Owen would never make a move like this. Someone else is using Zenotech to get to me.

  HARRY: Well, once we find out who used our system to obtain the open source license, we will most likely discover who stole the code from Zenotech... and how.

  Harry looks at Carla with the expression, ‘Not so stupid after all.’ Gloria rushes in Carla’s office.

  GLORIA: Unless you want to face the angry mob, I suggest you get out of here quickly.

  Carla looks at Gloria, she makes sense but is that the smart move.


  Owen is surrounded by his team trying to figure out the situation. Barry Hale is among them, he fears for his job.

  FRANK OWEN: How this could have happened?!

  BARRY HALE: We had a breach.

  FRANK OWEN: Yeah... I got that. My question is from where, and who?

  AIDAN: Carla Halison.

  Aidan has just walked into the office.

  FRANK OWEN: She would never do something so stupid.

  AIDAN: Does it matter? It gives us a unique opportunity to trump Quanta. We should contact the authorities without delay.

  Frank looks at his son with pride. This is the type of action he likes. He walks to his desk and grabs the phone.

  FRANK OWEN: Good move, son. I already posted a press release on all the major social and business sites. But you’re right, we need to kick it up a notch. In the meantime find out where the breach came from.

  Aidan makes a sign to the team to follow him, they exit the office.


  Mia is sitting on a beach, she’s waiting for her friends who show up seconds later. Lynn and Greg look agitated.

  MIA: We did it! She’s out of the picture for good!

  GREG: I thought we did this for the greater good not just for you.

  LYNN: Yeah, Mia, I’m starting to question your motives.

  Mia realizes that she’s being too enthusiastic and mellows.

  MIA: Of course, it’s for the greater good, Goliath’s like Zenotech and Quanta have to be stopped. Carla’s the first step. Technology for all! Down with the corporation!

  She raises her hand to high five. They hesitate a moment then high five back. At this moment Kyle arrives. Greg and Lynn are not happy to see him.

  GREG: What’s he doing here?

  KYLE: Sorry, I can leave if you want.

  Kyle starts to leave, but Mia grabs him by the arm.

  MIA: No! I asked you here so that we can all come clean. You’re one of us.

  Kyle looks at her suspiciously, not quite sure what she means. The two other react in the same way.


  Lee is in the shower when a woman in a teddy walks into the bathroom holding his phone. She stands by the shower.

  WOMAN 3: Mr. Lee, your phone is ringing. Do you want me to pick up and take a message?

  Kim Lee practically jumps out of the shower to grab the phone.

  KIM: Don’t ever touch my phone!

  She hands him a towel not really sure what she did wrong and leaves the bathroom. He answers.

  KIM: What is it?!

  GUARD: There’s a doctor Hearl here who wants to see you.

  Kim Lee is not happy about this, Dr. Hearl is starting to get on his nerves.

  KIM: Damn it! Tell her... Tell her I’m…


  The guard is waiting for Lee’s answer, Dr. Hearl is irritated and grabs the phone from him.

  HEARL: You see me now, or I come back later with a subpoena, you choose.


  He punches the wall, takes a breath and replies.

  KIM: I’m a very busy man doctor, you could have made an appointment, I’m sure you are familiar with that practice.

hat’s your decision? Now or later?

  KIM: I’ll be in the office in twenty minutes. Can you wait for me?


  Hearl is satisfied, she won.

  HEARL: I can.

  She hands the phone back to the guard.


  Carla, wearing big dark sunglasses, and Gloria exit the elevator. Gloria looks around.

  GLORIA: Okay, the coast is clear, your limo will be here any second. Can I ask where you’re going?

  CARLA: No big mystery, home.

  GLORIA: Are you sure it’s safe?

  CARLA: I’m not a criminal Gloria.

  At this moment Jeff’s sports car pulls up. Jeff rolls down his window.

  JEFF: Get in!

  Carla and Gloria look at him unsure what to do.

  CARLA: What are you doing here?

  JEFF: I came as soon as I heard the news. Get in, not a moment to waste!

  CARLA: I’ve got a ride, thank you.

  JEFF: You think your limo wont get their attention. Don’t be so stubborn and get in!

  She gets in. Leaving Gloria to fend for herself.


  Jeff puts his foot on the accelerator.

  JEFF: Bend down!

  CARLA: What!!!

  JEFF: Just bend down, so they don’t see you!

  She bends down just in time as a crowd of journalists burst in the garage looking for Carla’s limo. They pass Jeff’s car and run for the limo that is now in front of the elevator. Jeff’s car exits the garage, no problem.

  JEFF: Okay, it’s safe now.

  Carla sits up and smooths her hair.

  JEFF: Where are we going?

  CARLA: What do you mean? My house, of course.

  JEFF: That’s real smart Carla. Haven't you ever been chased before? We should find another place and talk to your lawyers.

  CARLA: You and Gloria are really getting on my last nerve! Take me home Jeff.

  JEFF: Fine.

  She realizes that he was only trying to help.

  CARLA: Thanks by the way.

  He smiles.

  JEFF: For a moment you had me convinced you were a cold-hearted bitch.

  CARLA: Don’t push it.


  Brian is looking at the results of the latest dramatic test on his computer screen when his phone rings, it almost gives him a heart attack. He’s a nervous wreck.

  BRIAN: Brian here!

  KIM: We have a little problem.

  Brian turns white.

  BRIAN: What is it?


  Kim Lee is driving like a demon outta hell. He talks to Brian hands-free.

  KIM: The doctor who’s treating that woman…

  BRIAN: Isabelle?

  KIM: What do you think! She’s waiting for me at the office. I have a feeling she’s gonna ask for the grand tour, and I can’t say no. Make sure there’s nothing suspicious. She’s dangerous.


  Brian hangs-up the phone. Where to begin? Suddenly his cell phone rings it’s a text message from Aria: “We need to talk!”. He’s petrified.

  BRIAN: Shit! Not her! I can’t deal with this, not now.

  He rushes out of his office.

  SC53: PARK

  Everybody is waiting for Mia to make her announcement.

  MIA: Kyle, or should I say, Peter.

  Kyle’s in shock, she knows who he is.

  KYLE: Stop Mia! Don’t go there, you have no idea of the repercussions for me!

  MIA: Don’t worry, your safe, you’re one of us.

  LYNN: What are you talking about?! Mia, I don’t like where this is going!

  GREG: I agree, let it go Mia.

  KYLE: Mia, please, stop.

  He grabs Mia by the arm. She squirms out of his grasp and drops the bomb...

  MIA: We’re all hackers dude!

  She hands over her cell phone with the internet news about Quanta.

  MIA: We did that!

  Greg and Lynn are furious.

  GREG: Mia! You have no right to do that! What about my dad?!

  LYNN: We don’t know this guy! For all, we know he could be working for the Feds.

  MIA: Oh! But we do know him! He’s Golden Fingers.

  They turn and look at him in shocked and awe.

  LYNN: Golden Fingers! I thought he was in jail?! He doesn’t even look like him!

  MIA: Never heard of hair color and contact lenses!

  Kyle’s beside himself.

  KYLE: Mia, you have no idea what you’ve just done! I’m gonna have to move and start all over. I thought you and I had something, but you’re just a little rich brat. You all are!

  He’s holding the cell-phone up to their faces.

  KYLE: You think this is a joke? You just screwed your life along with anyone you love!

  He gives her back her phone and leaves.


  Aidan is with Barry looking at the system’s diagnostic charts. They don’t know what to make of it.

  BARRY HALE: I don’t understand. To get in our system, you would need your father's codes or mine.

  AIDAN: Someone had access, that’s for sure. Maybe one of your guys noted the formula on paper. Or printed it?

  BARRY HALE: Unthinkable. You know your father, no one leaves this place without a thorough search of their stuff.

  AIDAN: Mister Hale, can I have a look at your computer, laptop and cell logs?

  Barry looks at Aidan perplexed, does he think that he’s the pirate?


  Kim is giving Dr. Hearl a tour of the facility. He tries his charm but she remains cold.

  KIM: Next, I will show you Isabelle’s lab. We kept it intact, well except for the blood on the floor.

  HEARL: So you had a cleaning crew come in? That’s your definition of intact?

  KIM: I was not aware that this was a criminal investigation?

  HEARL: Because it’s not.

  They arrive in front Isabelle’s lab.

  KIM: So what are you looking for?

  HEARL: I don’t know yet. But there are some abnormalities in her condition that beg answers.

  He’s about to open the door.

  KIM: You realize that you have no authority here?

  HEARL: Mister Lee, I am not the enemy. Like I said, we found some strange abnormalities in her MRI, I need to try to figure out what happened and inform her family.

  KIM: You mean her mother?

  HEARL: Never met her, but I did meet her life partner, and if you think I’m a pain, you haven’t met Aria. So the sooner I solve my little mystery, the sooner you and your company will be left in peace.

  KIM: I understand.

  Using his security card and a code, he opens the door. The lab is empty, not even a chair remains.

  HEARL: What was she working on exactly ... air molecules?!



  It’s a large and very stylish room with impressive artwork on the walls. Carla walks in, followed by Jeff. She rushes toward the bar.

  CARLA: I need a drink.

  JEFF: I thought you didn’t drink during the day.

  CARLA: This is no time for your witty repartee.

  She pours herself a drink and takes a big sip.

  CARLA: Who’s behind all of this?!

  Jeff makes himself a drink.

  JEFF: Zennotech!

  CARLA; No. Owen had nothing to gain by this. It’s not his style. The other terrifying aspect is that someone had access to our back-end system.

  JEFF: True.

  CARLA: I know everyone on my staff, from the janitors to my top developers. I hand picked them myself.

  JEFF: Control freak?

  She looks at him exasperated. He gets that his humor is not welcome.

  JEFF: Sorry, just trying to lig
hten the mood.

  CARLA: Well, don’t! I need to concentrate.

  She sits on a chair facing the garden. You can feel the power of the woman.

  CARLA: Whomever they were, they would have to have access to the main server core. The access code is only known to me, Harry and my late husband. I never changed it after his death, I should have, but it was like removing him from his legacy.

  She gets emotional but quickly composes herself, not fast enough so that Jeff noticed it.

  JEFF: You really loved him?

  CARLA: Of course, I did! Are you among those who see me as a gold-digger?

  She’s furious.

  JEFF: Calm down. And by the way, screw people, they can think what they want.

  She stands up, something comes to her mind.

  CARLA: Oh my God! Mia!

  Jeff looks at her, she may be onto something.

  JEFF: You think?

  CARLA: I think what?!

  She gets what he is assuming.

  CARLA: Lord NO! I know she hates me but to that extent. I just thought that you should pick her up from school before the journalists get to her.

  JEFF: But still, it is a possibility. She’s brilliant and could have her father’s access codes.

  Carla looks at him for a moment, then…

  CARLA: No, that’s ridiculous! Go get her... please.

  JEFF: On my way.

  He runs out.


  It’s a modest little place but crowded. Brian walks in looking for Aria. She’s sitting at a booth with a coffee waiting for him. She’s a nervous wreck and hasn’t slept. Brian goes to her and sits.

  BRIAN: I came as soon as I could.

  ARIA: What did they do to her!?

  She grabs his hands.

  BRIAN: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  ARIA: Cut the crap Brian, she’s between life and death! I know that you know what really happened. Talk to me!

  Brian is very uncomfortable. He can’t say and knows that she is in danger.

  BRIAN: Aria, please calm down. What happened to Isabelle has nothing to do with the company.

  She stands up, furious.

  ARIA: You’re a coward! I thought you were our friend. I need to know what really happened to her, it may be her only chance to survive!

  He’s sweating, torn between his friendship and his business responsibilities.

  BRIAN: I know nothing more than, we found her on the floor in a pool of blood.


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